HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-1966 Council Meeting Minutes r 432 Sept.- 27, 1966 Canton City Council. held a regular meeting on Sept. 27, 1966 in the City Council Chamber. Tlayor Woods called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen I oTiard, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, ,dhitehead, Jacobs, Long, Kroell, Ellis,- Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absent: Alderman Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was follaved by prayer by Alderman. Danner. Alderman Kroell moves to dispense with reading of minutes of the previous meeting, accept same and place on file. Alderman Jacobs seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Kayor Woods called for reports of standing cormnittees. Alderman Long, reporting on bids for fire truck and equipment moved that the H. E. Miller Autobody truck,-$7,281.00., American LaFrance fire apparatus and pumper $143770.00 and Glazebrook Fire Equipment Co equipment 45,014.00 (the three low bids) be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a purchase agreement. Alderman Farr seconds this motion. Roll call vote. A7,7: Unanimous. s. Paul Sheridan and !-Ir. Joseph Nichols from the H U D explained once inore the pun-)ose of that agency and how it assist cities to enforce laws on the books without undue hardship; a map of the proposed area that would be eligible to come under the program. 1,1r.-Nichols also e.�,)!ained the 25% cost to the City when participation in the program was made -- either in cash or in hind (by rebuilding of city facilities) . Resolutions were left for`study by the City Attorney and report. Alderman Howard reported that a meeting of the Finance, Water and Sewer Committee and Traffic Committee with the City Treasurer and that purchase of the fire truck, the proposed sewer improvement and li_ hting program could be worked out. Mayor Woods called for reports of special co=nittees. Petition requesting, the Flowers Trucking Company to discontinue use of their present location, signed by twelve property- otimers read. Alderman George moves and Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to refer this petition to the Police and Legal Committee and the City? Attorney. Voice vote. AIL'E: Unanimous. 1,Ij Mayor Woods called for correspondence to the City Council. ' Letter of thanks from Mrs. Ralph Sedgwick for the mowing of weeds in the vicinity of Sycamore Drive. Temporary appointment of William Bourke to the Police Department (for not more than sixty days) by the Board of Fire and Police Corunissioners read. Same to be filed. Request from Phillips and Associates for use of ?•Test °ianle Street to park heavy equipment used in the Oraham 'Hospital Expansion program read. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to refer this matter to the Chief of Police, Police and Legal, Traffic, and Street and Alley Connt:ittee for study. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Announcement of the quarterly meeting of the Central Illinois Municipal Association meeting, Oct. 12, 1966, Scripps Park, Rushv-3_11e. Hr. Eubanks to be speaker. The Mayor asked for as many officials to attend as possible. Letter from Senator Paul H. Douglas reporting that the application for matching funds grant with the Housing and Urban Development �Tas in order and that sane will soon be processed. Mayor Woods called for old business. TI ror Woods called for new business. Bond with the Transamerica Durance Co., $1,000.00 for Audrey Hurst, School Crossing Guard, approved by the Finance Corszittee presented. Alderman Long 1 433 Sept. 27, 1966, Cont. (2) Agreement for hauling Hydrated Lime from Quin-T, Ill. to the water plant, , $8.00 per ton, payable monthly, with Jack F'LUsse_l.l presented. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Kroell. seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this agreement. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Planning, Commission recommending rezoning the area occupied and to be occupied respectively by the Subur-Ij;n Supper Club and the Hilltop Motor Inn from an R-2 (one-family) to a B-2 (General business) zone. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Ellis seconds motion to accept report of Planning Com- mission and authorize an ordinance to be drafted. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Planning Commission recommending rezoning of Lot No. 25, Fisher's Addition from an R-2 (one-family) to a B-2 (General business) zone. Alderman Jacobus moves, Alderman Ellis seconds motion to accept this report and that an Ordinance be drafted. Roll call vote. I. YE: Unanimous. Petition for rezoning Lot No. 25, Fisher's Addition (as above) signed by Edwin W. and Kathryn Daily. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AY3: Unanimous. Petition Pdo.130. .� First reading of an Ordinance rezoning Lot No. 25, Fisher's Addition from an R-2 (one-family residential) to B-2 (general business district) . Alderman Long moves, Alderman George seconds motion to suspend the rules. . Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Danner, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Knoell, Long, Jacobs, Whitehead, Farr, Svob, Rusnak, aiid Klm%lard. NAY: Alderman Ellis. (12 AYES and 1 NAY). Yotion carried. Alderman Long moves, Alderman George, seconds motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. No. 187. Lease for rental of lots 5 and 63 Homewood Additions, $25.00 per year with Carl Jacobs presented. Alderman Long moves, Alderman George seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk enter into this lease agreement. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.i0- First reading of an Ordinance agreement with the Central Illinois Public Service Co. for lighting services for ten years -- total cost $230,329.20, $1919.41 per month -- 711 lamps. Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous, Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Danner seconds motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll_ call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance 1,9o. 188. Resolution for Traffic Engineering Services with the Crawford, Bunte, Roden., Inc. read. Alderman .Ellis moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No.432. Ordinance pertaining to closing of an alley running east and west from Eighth and Ninth Avenue between. East Ash and Spruce Streets. Alderman George moves, Alderman Rusnak seconds motion to lay this Ord..na.nce over until. next Council meeting. Voice vote. Ai'F: Unanimous. Alderman Whitehead -requested permission to be cxcused from the Council Chamber. Permission granted at 8:24 P. 11. Alderman Jacobs stated t',,.at he had received many protests regarding the curbing and terrace removal on nro�erty in -the 200 block ;east Chestnut St. (now under construction), and recommended that the Street and Alley Committee meet and make recommendat11_ons for action on this matter -- he also asked permission to attend this committee meeting. Alderman Long moves and Alderman George sec- onds motion for a five-minute recess. Granted at 8:27 P. 14. Mayor Woods called the Council to order again at 8:42 P. M. Alderman George stated that the Street and Alley Committee r ecomunended angle parking at this location and moves that angle parking be allowed, cement sidewalk and blacktop to be installed -- all under the supervision of the Street Superintendent. Alderman Yerbic seconds this motion. Alderman Jacobs wished to go on record as stating that if permission is granted in this case, other residents will_ request removal of terrace to pro- vide angle parking. Alderman Howard moves to table this matter until ne >t Coun- cil meeting. Alderman Ellis seconds motion. Discussion. Rol]_ call vote. A'UE: Aldermen Ellis, Jacobs, Rusnak, and Howard. HAY: Alderman Danner, George, Spen- cer, Yerbic, Kroell, Long, Farr, and Svob. (4 A ES and 8 NAYS). Motion lost. p s' Sept. 27, 1966, Cont. (3) Roll call vote on the original motion. AYE: Aldermen Svob, Farr, Long, Yroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. ?dAY: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Jacobs, and Ellis. (8 AYES and 4 NAYS). Vloti.on carried. Permission granted. Mayor Woods made the appointment of Thomas Gibbons, assistant City Engineer. Alderman: I o-oTard moves, Alderman George seconds motion to confirm this aprointraent. Roll call vote. A'!TE: Unanimous. :ay or Woods, as Chairman of the Board of Local Improvements, stated that paving in the East Chestnut Street area would be possible in the near future. Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Danner seconds motion that the East Chestnut Street and any connecting- streets be considered for paving. Roll call vote. AYE:Unanimous. Alderman Long reported on the condition of the commanuter at the sewerage plant and moves that Seiner plant Operator Chester 11iller be authorized to have this commnnuter repaired -- same to cost between $2200.00 and $2700.00. Alderman Danner seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Ellis :moves, Alderman Kroell seconds motion that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for traffic light, Ash aid 1lain Street, bids to be re- ceived by 5:00 P. 1i. Oct. 18, and on_ erred at the Council meeting on that date. ��.oice- vote. AT_" : Unanimous. Reverend Carner, representing the Seventh Tray Adventist Church, explained the purpose of holding a "tag-day" for that organization and thanked the Council for their consideration. 1-Ir. Ace Rosier, from the retail trades division of the Association of Commerce and Industry introduced 114r. Ed Fitzgibbon who presented. mans suggesting ways to increase car parking spaced by diagonal parking instead of parallel. Alden,pan Farr moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the Mayor, Council_, Street Super- intendent, City Engineer, Chief of Police, City Attorney and the 'Traffic engineer meet to study these plans. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Cantor_ City Council adjour_ o at 9:27 P. 1. City C