HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 377
Nov. 16, 1965
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Nov. 16, 1965 in the City
Council Chamber, Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. M.
Present for roll calla Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Duncan, Farr, Whitehead,
Jacobs, Long$ Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, and Danner. Alderman Ellis arriving
at 7:13 P. M. Absent: Aldermen Skinner and George.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Danner,
Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Jacobs' seconds motion that minutes of the
previous meeting be -accepted. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Woods called for reports of standing committees.
Alderman Danner reporting for the Traffic Ccmmittee'stated that a meetAhad been
held with the committee, 'Mayor and the Chief police; Discussion about the no
parking, stop signs, etc. and the possibility of employing a qualified traffic
engineer to make a survey•of the traffic conditions and make recommendations
for corrections necessary.
Alderman Long, Water and Sewer Cammittee Chairman,, reported that since it was
so late in -the season it would be wise to postpone
� p p painting the old water
G tower but the cathodic protection needs repair -- which can be :done for
r d approximately $248.00. Alderman Long moves and•Alderman Kroell seconds motion
that the cathodic protection system be replaced. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous,
Mayor Woods -called -for reports of special carmittees.
Inquiry by Mayor Woods regarding the noise caused by engines on the C.B.& Q RR
tracks. Alderman Farr moves and Alderman Rusnak seconds motion that t he City
Attorney be given authority to take the necessary steps to relieve this con-
dition. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Woods reported that the sidewalk on North Main Street in the vicinity of
the High School would be completed before the next meeting.
Mayor Woods called for communications to the Council.
Resignation of David Grant from the sewerage treatment plant read. To be filed.
Mayor Woods reported that Mr. James Sturgeon was employed to fill that vacancy
on a probation period.
Alderman Ellis arriving in the Council Chamber at 7:13 P. M.
Request for temporary fireman to replace Rodney Beadles who will be incapacitated
for approximately four months because of an injury to his back. Police and Fire
Commission to take care of this matter.
Letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the acceptance of
the Plat- (to be known as Northview Manor Subdivision) . Alderman Long moves and
Alderman Spencer seconds motion to accept this plat. Mayor Woods declared a
three-minute recess for the Council's inspection of a plat provided by Mr.
Richard Miller the owner. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Alder-
man Long reported that when this subdivision was annexed to the City, provisions
would be made to install water to that area.
Mayor Woods called for unfinished business.
Alderman Howard inquired what information the City Attorney had received from
the owner of the Pfister building in regard to repairs. City Attorney MrMunn
reported he had written to the owner but had received no reply.
Alderman Long moves that the City Attorney be given the power to take whatever
steps are necessary to secure the remaining easement for the construction of
the 600 sewer line on the west side of the city. Alderman Howard seconds this
motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Nov. 162 1965, Cont. (2)
Mayor. Woods called for new business. -
Alderman Danner reported that the area between Eleventh and Fourteenth Avenue
from Chestnut to Ash Streets, surrounded by the city, should be annexed to
the City. Alderman Danner moves that th6 City Attorney and City Engineer be
empowered to proceed with plans for annexation of this property. Alderman
Ellis seconds this motion. City Attorney McMunn stated that he could not repre-
sent'j5he property owners because he was already representing the City. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous with exception of one i'NAY" vote.
Alderman Spencer moves that the ca mittee be authorized to secure the cost of
drawing plans for construction of a new fire station and the landscaping of
said lot. Alderman Yerbic seconds this motion. Alderman Farr moves to amen&
the motion to include plans for a police station with the proposed fire station.
Alderman Spencer seconds this'motion. Roll call vote on'the amendment: AYE:
Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Farr, Whitehead, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, and Danner.
NAY: Aldermen Duncan, Jacobs, Long, and Ellis. (8 AYES and 4 NAYS). Motion
carried. Alderman Ellis inquired about Federal Funds for this project. Roll
call vote on the motion, as`amended. AYE Aldermen Danner, Spencer, Yerbic,
Ellis, Kroe11, Long, Jacobs, Whitehead, Farr, Rusnak, and Howard. NAY: Alder-
man Duncan. (11 AYES and-1 NAY). Motion carried.
Resolution.abating the annual'tax'1 y on General Obligation Bonds (Ordinance
No." 134 ( Aug. 73 1951)3 $2502000.00, Or"dinance No; 405 (Sept. 15, 1959),
$230,000,00 and Ordinance No. 4o6 (Sept. 15, 1959), $170,000.00. Alderman
Long moves and Alderman Duncan seconds motion toadopt this Resolution. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 414. (See page 379) •
First reading of an Ordinance requesting an increase in the Garbage Disposal
Tax Levy, increasing same.04%. Alderman Howard moves to suspend the rules,
Alderman Long seconds the motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman
Danner moves and Alderman Kroell seconds motion to place this Ordinance on its
passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 161.
Mayor Woods announced the quarterly meeting of the Municipal Association of
Central Illinois to be held Dec. 12 1965 in Macomb and urged Councilmen to
attends Mr. Hanson, coach from Western College and Mr. Steve Sargent to be
speakers for the evening.
Alderman Howard called the Alderments attention'to the offices now held with
the Illinois 'Municipal League by Mayor Woods -- one of the Vice Presidents
and Sergeant-at-arms.
Announcement. of an informal meeting of the Council with the School Board
immediately following the Council meeting.
Alderman Long moves and Alderman Whitehead seconds motion to adjourn. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:47 P. M.