HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 373
Nov. 2, 1965, Cont. (2)
Mayor Woods called for reports of special committees.
Mayor Woods called -for communications to the Council.
°Thank you note for flowers sent at time of Mrs. Louisa Kerry's death.
Letter from Eduard Sale, Civil Defense Director, inviting the members of the
City Council to attend the November meeting of the Citizens Advisory Council
-- at that time he will discuss the school's responsibility to Civil Defense.
Letters ordered to be placed on file.
lotMayor Woods called for unfinished business,
Mayor Woods called for new business.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to City of Canton designating the
Community Bank & Trust Company for deposit of a portion of the City's funds.
Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Farr seconds motion to suspend the rules.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Danner, George, Yerbic, Kroell, Skinner, Jacobs,
Whitehead, Farr, Duncan, Rusnak, and Howard. HAY: Alderman Ellis. (11 AYES and
. 1 NAY) . Motion carried. Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Danner seconds motion
C� to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. A E: Unanimous. This
being Ordinance No. 159.
Agreement with the C.T.P.S.Co. for extension of gas to the Sewerage Treatment
plant City to pay
,y $126.50 addition fund which will be returned if one other gas
extension is made in that area within the neat ten years. Alderman Farr moves
and Alderman Rusnak seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed
to enter into this agreement. Roll call vote. AjE: Unanimous. (Agreement 105)).
Alderman George stated that duck hunters have always used the area north of the
beach on Lake Canton, have used shot guns, season is only forty days, and since
many of these hunters do not use the lake for fishing or boating, they should have
some privileges; he further stated that the State prohibits the use of rifles and
he had never heard of any accident around the lake due to hunting. Alderman George
moves that the Lake Development Committee study this matter and make a recommen-
dation at the next Council meeting. Alderman Duncan seconds this motion. Voice
how vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Next item on the agenda: 'aids for snowplow. Alderman George moves and Alderman
Yerbic seconds motion that the City Clerk be instructed to open the bids. Bids
read: Truck Equipment Co., net price "1620.00 and Moline .Body Co., net bid price,
$1669.40. Alderman Danner moves and Alderman Parr seconds motion to refer these
bids to the Street and Alley Committee for report to next Council mating. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Estimate Mo. 6, Division 3, Acton Construction Co., Standpipe Foundation and
Pumping Station, $11,119.23 approved by the Vrawford, hArphy A Tilly Engineering
Firm for payment, but to withhold ,ip1,000.00 until all debts incurred to date in
connection with the work have been paid. Alderman Kroell moves that the City
pay �y10�119.23 to the Acton Construction Co., under the supervision of the City
Attorney to see that all bills have been paid by that firm.. Alderman Yerbic
seconded this motion. Roll call vote. 0E: Unanimous.
Alderman Duncan movesond Alderman Rusnak seconds motion to adjourn. Oral Vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 6:10 P. M.
City Clerk
3 74
Nov. 2, 1965
Canton City Council held a regular meeting Nov. 2, 1965 in the City Council_
Chamber. Ma�,or Cdoods called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. M. Present for
roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Duncan, Farr, j^Thitehead, Jacobs, Skinner,
Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, George, and Danner. Absent: Aldermen Long and Spencer.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed Yry Prayer by Alderman Danner.
Petition with twenty-six signatures protesting stop sign removal at Sixth
Avenue and Pine Street, read. Alderman ?IoiTrrd moves and Alderman George
seconds motion to refer this Petition to the Traffic Committee, Voice vote:
A : Unanimous. Petition no. 109
Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept the minutes
of -the previous meeting as presented. Voice vote. A-TE: Unanimous.
Bills for the month of October were read. Alderman Farr requested that the
bill for S. Harris Co., $198.00 be 1�rithheld since no authorization had been
made to purchase Auxiliary Police jackets. Alderman Kroell moves and Alderman
Yerbic seconds motion that all bills properly approvdd by allowed for payment.
Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Reports of all officers were read. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Jacobs
seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unan mows.
Alderman ?Toward requested that a report of income from the Sanitary Landfill
be included in the monthly reports.
Mayo T^foods called for reports of standing; cominittees.
LLlderman Kroell reported that the Crawford, TTUrphy Zc Tilly Engineering Firm
estimated that 'q1800.00 would cover the cost of engineering services for the
preliminary work on sewer extension in vicinity of Graham Hospital -- this
amount to be paid before the preparation of same is made. Alderman Kroell
moves that the Council authorize entering into an agreement with the Crawford,
I4urphy (9k Tilly Engineering Firm for this service. Alderman Ellis seconds this
motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
The Fulton County Safety Committee report of accident sign, complete
l- o--tdated,
has been placed on the grounds of the City Buiilding. Alderman Rusnak stated
that this sign is an eyesore and should be placed elsewhere. Alderman Howard
moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds motion that the Building and Grounds Committee
find a more- suitable location for- this sign. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Police and Legal Committee held a meeting on October 27. Alderman Farr reported
that the radar system had now been repaired and that the Police Department was
planning to enforce speeding in the Cit- and to eliminate traffic congestion in
the vicinity of the 1�. IT. C The Police Department will have two, new white
police cars this week.
Alderman 7-fhitehead reported that the -shelter building had b een erected at the
Sanitar r Landf-1-11 and inquired if- the Canton Fire Department would be available
for service in case of fires in that area; i'Iayor Woods stating that since the
Landfill is tinder City of Canton superv.i.s7_on, it should be serviced by the City.
Alderman U'hitehead called for an informal Council meeting to be held Tuesday,
T'Tov. 9, x%:30 ?. 14., proceeding regular Council meeting.
Ma;-or Woods re,.,orted the Municipal I ssociat.i.on of Central Illinois meeting; to
be held Dec. 1, 1965 -- a dinner meeting, 41.50 per person. Iie also invited
the press and radio reQorters as guests of the City.
Mayor Woods reported on a meeting held Oct. 26 in Peoria with the Illinois
Division of IIig _Ways; no money at present :nor the Last Chestnut and 'Host Vine
Street projects, but Canton is now in eighth place on the list for assistance
and., after some further evaluation by that department, Canton may receive a
higher priority rating. On October 27, he attended a meeting in Havana on
"Economic Opportunity" plan for this district (four counties: Fulton, Mason,
Cass and Menard) . Named to act on the evaluation committee from Fulton County
was Arthur Gurley, Assistant to the Fulton County School Superintendent and
Iflrs. Lala Robinson from the Illinois Public Aid Commission. On October 30,
he attended a meeting in Springfield -- "Keep
-Illinois ': eautiful�' under the
support of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and -the State of Illinois. Mayor
Woods stated that Canton should be kept beauti_fu.l by tree planting ,irogram,
repair of broken curbs, and removal of weeds.