HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 369 Oct. 12, 1965 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Oct. 12, 1955 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 7:01 P. E. Present for Roll_ Call: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Duncan, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Kroell, Lll.is, Yerbic, Spencer, Georg e, and Danner. Absents Alderman Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Frayer by Alderman Danner. Alderman Kroell moves to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place same on file. Al_den.ian Rusnak seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Woods called for reports of sta.nd:inS committees. Mayor Woods recommended that the Garbage Disr)osal. Committee see that the Sari- tar'y Landfill Ordinance pertaining; to charges for outsiders be enf orced. Alderman Ellis reported that an Ordinance had been prepared eliminating; traffic on both sides of West Locust Street between Plain Street and Avenue B and that the Division of Hirhways may make a study for the need of a traffic light at the corner of Avenue A and Locust Street. Mayor Woods called for reports of special_ corrL ittees. Mayor Woods called for communications to the Council. Approval of change order on Division 8, Pumn:i.ng- Station, Force Main Oxidation fond, Canton Contractors, recommended by the Crawford, Murphy 8c Tilly Engineering Firm. Same to be filed. Copy of letter from the Crawford, Murphy 2c Tilly Engineering Firm to the Associated Engineers, Peoria, T:11. regarding the proposed sewer work in the vicinity of the Graham Hospital. Water and Sewer Committee to meet with the engineer and make a report at the next Council meeting. Mayor Woods called for new business. Resolution designating Mal;ror W. Paul Woods as the representative of the City of Canton regarding arlr fut-are matters pertaining; to the Federal Grant for the sewer work in Canton. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Spencer seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolu- tion No. 113. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to no parking on West Locust Street between Main Street and Avenue B. Alderman Ellis recommends that the Ordinance lay over and take the normal procedure for Ordinances. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to the sale of house on the property (607 E. Looust Street). Alderman Rusnak moves and Alderman Spencer seconds motion to suspend the rules. Alderman Ellis stated that rules should not be suspended without a stated reason for doing so. Roll_ call vote on suspension: AYE: Alderman Howard, Rusnak, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. NAY: Alderman Duncan and Ellis. Motion carried. Alderman Jacobs moves to amend the Ordinance to add: No. 5 -- "to clean the lot and .remove the debris", Alderman Farr seconds motion. Roll call vote on the amendment. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman George seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage, as amended. Roll call vote. AYFs: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 155. Alderman Howard moves that Street Superintendent Eldon 1,:�rers be authorized to notify the Sanitary Landfill Operator not to permit any outsiders to use the landfill without the proper ticket for such use. Alderman George seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AY? : Unanimous. First reading of an Ordinance authorizing advertising for bids for repairs on the old water tank. Alderman on m s that, since there is a time element in the Ordinance, that rulesBe � is � nassage; Alderman Howard seconds motion to suspend -the rules. Roll call vote. A7E: Unanimous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Farr seconds motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance 'No. 156. 370 Oct. 121 1.965, Cont. (2) First reading of an' Ordinanceipertainirg to stop signs and yield right-of-tray sign s . Alderman Ellis moves that siiRce this Ordinance had been modified from a recently read. Ordinance that the rules be suspended. Alderman Farr seconds this motion. Alderman George again stating he was not in favor of such an Ordinance. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Duncan, Farr, Jacobs, Long, Kroell, Ellis, and Danner. DtAY: Aldermen Rusnak, Whitehead, Yerbic, Spencer, and George. (8 AYES and 5 TIAYS) . Motion lost. Alderman Duncan stated that the sidewalk on I-Test Elm Street and the curb on the southwest corner of the square sho-LJ.d be repaired at once and recommended that the high step at the alleyw�Ly on West ELm Street be corrected. Alderman Duncan moves that the proper authorities take whatever steps are necessary to have this sidewalk repaired and the bill_ be presented to the property owneri Alderman Farr seconds th:i.s motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman George seconds the motion that the City Attorney notify the C. B. Pf Q. RR and the T. P. Vic. W. RRto repair their sings in the City of Canton. Voice vote. A L: Unanimous. Report from the Street and Alley Committee by Alderman George who stated that a meeting had been held regarding sidewalks on North Main Street and that same will soon be accomplished. Alderman Duncan moves and Alderman Kroell seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 7.46 P. M- City C