HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 327
May 4, 1965
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on May 4, 1965 in the City Council
Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order'at 7:03 P. M. Present for
roll call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long,
Ellis, Kroe11, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long,
Alderman Bender moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept the minutes
of the previous meeting and place same on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Bills for the month of April were read. Alderman Bender moves that all bills
properly approved be allowed for payment. Alderman Horton seconds this motion.
Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Monthly reports of all officers were read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman
Horton seconds motion that same be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote.
AYE: Unanimous.
Annual reports of all officers read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Horton
seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees.
Alderman Bender reported that the Water' and Sewer committee had a number of meetings
during the past year and that the program was going along in good shape for the
Water and Sewer Improvements. He thanked all the employees who had worked with him
and stated that it was a pleadure to work with the Council.
Alderman Hurst stated that the sanitary land fill was being opened, but not in
full use as yet and that the covering of the old dump was in progress.
Mayor Cook complimented both the above committees for the fine work accaaaplished.
Mayor Cook called for reports of special committees.
Estimate No. 9, Division 2, Johnstone Construction Co, approved by the Crawford,
Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm was read (amount of $4,905.99). After some dis-
cussion regarding the outstanding bills of the contractor, Alderman Bender moves
and Alderman Jennings seconds a motion that the Estimate be allowed. Roll call
vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Letters from Crawford., Murphy & Tilly -- one to the Johnstone Construction Co.
confirming the deletion of 1900 feet of sewer lateral at the north part of Canton
as approved by the City Council at the April 21, 1965 meeting; letter to Wiegand
& Storrer adding 1900 feet of sewer lateral to their present contract at the unit
prices listed in the contract for Division 7.
Letter from Crawford, Murphy & Tilly to the C. I. P. S. Co. reporting the Council's
action to install a three-phase service for the pumping station near Bradley
corners (Division 8).
Letter from Scott and Sebo concerning non-payment of the'Johnstone Construction
Co.. of a portion of the Midwestern Construction Co. bill. General discussion.
Mr. G. Ray Senift, City Attorney suggest that, in the future, checks should be
held up until bills are adjusted.
Letter of thanks from the Evangelical Free Church thanking the City Council for
use of the City Building for a place to hold Sunday School. Alderman Bender
moves and Alderman George seconds motion to accept letter and place on file.
Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Resignation of Rev. Howard H. Griffin from the Fire and Police Commission,
effective May 4, 1965, Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Jennings seconds
motion to accept this resignation. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Resolution for permit from the Division of Highways to install a sewer within
the State Right-of-Way on the west side of Route 78 near the north City limits.
Alderman Jennings moves'and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to adopt this reso-
lution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 402.
May 4, 1965, Cont. (2)
Resolution by the City Council, signed by Mayor pro tern Everett Howard, com-
plimenting Mayor Cook for the fine work and cooperation he had given during
his four-year term as Mayor of the City of Canton. Alderman Howard stated
that the City has made many' improvements this past four years and that the
City is in as good shape financially as it has ever been which is very am-
mendable, Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Long seconds motion to adopt
this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 403.
"Resolution for payment of $800.00 for-easement for Water and Sewer Improvement
program to Harold H. and Ella E. Reed. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman
Jennings seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unani-
inoua. This being Resolution No. 4040
City Attorney Senift expressed his appreciation of the cooperation of all the
City employees, especially the Street'and Garbage Department employees, the
Police Department, Elected Officials, appointed personnel and the Council members.
Mayor Cook read a note of thanks to the Council and City personnel for all the
cooperation'given during his term of office and wished the new Council a pros.
perous year.
Alderman Bender moves'and Alderman Howard seconds that the City Council adjourn
sine die. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous, Canton City Council adjourns sine the
at 8:17 P. M.
Gi£r er
May 4, 1965
The new City Council held a regular meeting in the City Council Chamber on May 4,
1965. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 8:30 P. M. Present for roll
call: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Duncan, Farr, Whitehead, Jam, Long, Skinner,
Kroell, Ellis, Jennings, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absents None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Rev. Wellbaum.
Mayor Woods made the following committee appointments:
FINANCE: Aldermen Howard, Spencer, Jacobs, Duncan, Ellis, and George.
POLICE & LEGA1: Aldermen Farr, Whitehead, Jennings, Ellis, George, and Spencer.
WATER & SEWER: Aldermen Long, Kroell) Spencer,- Whitehead, Farr, and Howard.
STREET & ALLEY: Aldermen George, Spencer, Kroell, Long, and Howard.
PRINTING: Aldermen Jacobs; Howard, and Jennings.
ORDINANCE: Aldermen Kroell, Danner, Whitehead.
BUILDING & GROUNDS: Aldermen Rusnak, Jennings, Long, George, and Kroell.
LICENSES: Aldermen Jennings, Long, and Kroell.
GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Aldermen Whitehead, Rusnak,- Howard, and Duncan.
LIGHTS: Aldermen Spencer, Jennings, Rusnak, Skinner, and Farr.
CLAIMS: Aldermen Danner, Skinner, and Duncan.
TRAFFIC: Aldermen Jennings & Ellis, Chm. Skinner, Danner, Jacobs, Farr,
and Duncan.
NEW INDUSTRIES: Aldermen Duncan, Howard, Jennings, Danner, Jacobs, Skinner, Ellis,
Farr, Rusnak, Spencer., Whiehead, Kroe11, Long, and George.
CIVIL DEFENSE: Aldermen Skinner, Rusnak, George, and Danner.
CANTON PROMOTION PROGRAM: Aldermen Howard and Kroell
Alderman George moves and Aldermen Whitehead and Long seconds the motion to accept
these appointments. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous,
Mayor Woods stated that a telegram would be sent to the Johnstone Construction Co.
to meet with the- Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm and the Council members
on Saturday, May 8, 1965,- 9:00 A. M. for discussion and inspection of the water
and-sewer improvement-program. Telegram to be signed by Mayor Woods, Aldermen Long
Request from the Association of Commerce and Industries for use of the City parking
lot and also the north island on the square for use of Wilson shows for the week
beginning May 10,1965 -- Market Court to be kept free as a fire lane wapfy- and
any damages to city property to be repaid. Alderman Jennings moves and Alderman
Skinner seconds motion to grant this request. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Howard inquired if the notes of the Council meetings would be mailed to
each Alderman as in the- past and was informed that this practice would continue.
Mayor Woods announced that the Municipal Association of Central Region regular
meeting would be held June'9 in the Canton and appointed a committee to arrange
for-same: Aldermen George, Rusnak, Ellis, City Treasurer Hill and-City-Clerk
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to salary increase of $2.00 per week for
all-appointed city personnel. Alderman George moves and Alderman Long seconds a
motion to suspend the rules. Roll- call vote. AYE: Aldermen Danner, George,
Spencer, Jennings, Kroell, Skinner, Long, Jacobs; Whitehead, Farr, Duncan, Rusnak,
and-Howard. NAY: Alderman Ellis. (13 AYES and-1 NAY). Motion carried. Alder-
man. Long moves and Alderman Skinner seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its
passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 1.35.
Bonds for Mayor Woods, City Treasurer Carl Hill and Cathering Emans, Clerk in
Water Department, properly approved by the Finance Committee read. Alderman Howard
moves and Alderman Kroell seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Woods made his Department Chairmen appointments:
Deputy Clerk Esther Fairburn
City Attorney Lawrence B. HMu.nn
City Engineer Howard Gibbons
Secretary to Mayor Charlotte Phillips
Supt, of Streets Eldon Myers
P1w*ing Inspector Harold White
Water Wks. Supt. Orval Kuhn
Operators Willis Walraven, Charles Owings, John Bushong, Rodney
May 4, 1965, Cont. (2)
Mayor's appointments, Cont.:
Sewerage Disposal Supit Chester Miller
Meter Readers Eugene Jenkins
David Grant
Clerk, Water Dept. Catherine Emans
Cemetery Superintendent Russell CarAwi
Public Comfort Station
Attendant Elva Rumler
Custodian, Bldg. & Grounds Frank Krulac
Civil Defense Co-Ordinator Edward Sales
Police Department
File Clerk Hazel Toncray
Radio Operator Claude Grose
Radio Operator Ira Johns
Traffic Policeman James (3vm
Meter Maid Ann Moore
School Patrol
Jacob Varnold George S'hawgo
J. 'Henry Anderson
Sherman Wells
B. E. Cook
Ora Johnson
Auxiliary Police
X William Postin, Jr.
Archie Wilkinson
Paul Myers
Dave Utt
Delbert Brush
R. E. Wefenstette
Thomas Brinkley
Liquor Commission Boyd Pickett and Ghlee Watson
Fire & Police Commission John Fisher, Three years
Zoning Enforcing Officer Charles D. Weed 5
Planning Commission Donald Schmidt, 3 year
John Kareken, � 3 year
Stanley Kroell., 3 year
Appeals Board Leo Berry, 3 year
Rev. James Hancock, 1 year
Delegate, Citizens Advisory
Council Robert George
Alternate George Rusnak
Parlin Library Board Russell Reeder, 3 year
C.R."Darmy" Moore 3 year
Albert Millington 3 year
(Council member) Everett Howard 1 year
Police Pension Board Willard Fisher 1 year
Mark Bybee 1 year
Board of Health Claude Seaton 1 year
P.D.Reinertsen,M.D. 1 year
Paul Nebergall 1 year
Alderman George inquired about the appointments of Auxiliary Police. Alderman
Kroell moves and Alderman Rusnak seconds motion to accept these appointments.
Roll call vote. AYE:- Aldermen Howard Ru.snak, Duncan, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs,
Long, Skinner, Kroell, Ellis; Jennings, Spencer, and Danner. NAY: Alderman
George. (13 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried.
Mayor Woods appointed Mr. Verlyn Vaughn to complete the unexpired term of Rev.
Howard H. Griffin on the Fire and Police Commission. Alderman Skinner moves
and Alderman Howard seconds motion to accept this appointment. Roll call vote.
AYE: Unanimous.
Petition with approximately 500 signatures requesting that Lake Canton be re-
tained for boating as in the past. Alderman George moves and Alderman Howard,
seconds a motion t6 refer this Petition to the Water & Sewer C oinnittee for study
and recommendation. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition No. 102.
May 4, 1965, Cont (3)
Mayor Woods announced that in the near future he could try to secure Federal
Funds for street improvement, storm sewers, air port and try to work to get
an exchange route through the City of Canton -- that he would investigate to
see what type of funds are available for these projects; other projec is in
mind was further extension of light systems in key locations in the city, a
fire station and fire truck located on the east side of the C. B. & Q. RR tracks;
improvements of storm sewers, spraying alleys for mosquitoes; he also stated tpat
he wished to see the Auxiliary Police and Parking Meter Department under the con-
trol of the Police Department,
Mayor Woods announced that a request had been granted to the Junior girls of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars to hold a tag day on May 8, 1965.
Regarding the annual audit that is done at the end of each fiscal years Alderman
Howard moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds a motion that the Finance Committee be
authorized to employ an auditor. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:58 P. M.
City Clerk