HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 301
Jana 19, 1965
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Jan. 19, 1965, in the City
Council Chamber, Mayor Cook called the meeting -to order at 7:05 P. M..
Present for Roll call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan, Hurst,
Whitehead, Skinner, Long; Ellis, Kroell, Bender, and George. Alderman Jen-
ni gs arriving at 7:10 P. M. Absent: Alderman Horton.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long,
Alderman George moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion that the minutes of
the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Roll call
vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees.
Alderman Bender reported that the Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm
had completed the plans for the properties to be condemned. Alderman Bender
moves and Alderman Howard seconds a motiom that the City Attorney be instructed
to proceed with condemnation and, if he-needs additional help, same should be
provided. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
CIA Alderman Sebree reported that about one-half of the new street lights have been
L. delivered to Canton and that the work should begin about the first of February.
C7.0 Alderman Jennings arriving for the meeting at 7:10 P. M.
Alderman Hurst presented the articles of agreement with the United Electric Coal
Companies and the City of Canton for 135 acres of land to be used as sanitary
land fill, for a term of twenty years on a lease basis of $1.00 per year, City
of Canton to provide fence around the premises if the mine request same, pro-
vide ample insurance,mintain good housekeeping and comply with statutes, ordi-
nances and regulations of the City., Township, County and State of Illinois in
the conduct of a sanitary land fill. The mine agrees to provide a roadway to
this site. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Duncan seconds the motion to
adopt this agreement. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Hurst recommends that when the tractor to be used for the sanitary
land fill is delivered that it be made to the garage so that the operators
may become more familiar with the usage of same. He also recommended that the
Finance Committee meet and make a report to the next Council meeting as to
what arrangements can be made toward the purchase of this tractor.
Alderman George moves that the City Attorney be instructed to write to the
C. B. & Q. R.R. requesting repair of the track on East Locust Street and Fourth
Avenue. Alderman Bender seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of special committees.
Mayor Cook called for communications to the Council.
Mayor Cook called for unfinished business.
Mayor Cook called for new business.
First reading of an ordinance pertaining to the closing hours for taverns in
the City. Alderman Sebree moves to amend the ordinance to a 12:00 midnight
closing on Saturday. Alderman Bender seconds this motion. Alderman Wright
ex?)l.ained the purpose of the proposed ordinance and this was followed by a
general discussions by members of the Council. Ordinance to lay over.
First reading of an ordinance pertaining to age limit for persons under age
twenty-one being served alcoholic beverages in taverns. Alderman George moves
and Alderman Long seconds a motion to suspend the rules. General Discussion.
Alderman Hurst stated that there is a need for a place for entertainment for
young people between ages 17 and 21 and that this project should be given some
consideration. Roll call vote on suspension of rules: AYE: Aldermen Sebree.,
Howard, Wright, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Kroell, Jennings, and
George. NAY: Aldermen Ellis and Bender. (11 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried.
Alderman George moves and Alderman Hurst seconds motion to place the ordinance on
its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Jennings, Kroell, Ellis,
Long, Whitehead, Hurst, Duncan, Wright, Howard, and Sebree. NAY: Aldermen Bende r
and Skinner. (11 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 123.
Jan. 19, 1965, Cont. (2)
Resolution pertaining to rezoning a portion of East Locust Street, Fifth
Avenue, and Grant Place read. Alderman Wright stated that the purpose of
this Resolution was to agree upon setting a date for a public hearing for
the owners of property in this territory and moves to adopt the Resolution,
and set Feb. 8, 1965, _7:00 P. M., City Council Chamber for said hearing.
Alderman Duncan seconds this motion. General discussion. Roll call vote„
on holding a hearing. AYR: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan, Hurst,
Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Jennings, and George. NAY: Alder-
man Bender. (12 AYES and 1 NAY) . Motion carried. This being Resolution No.
Alderman Jennings reported a duplex house on East Maple Street, a fire trap,
very unsightly and rundown. The City Attorney advised that the property was in
an estate and was for sale. The City Health Officer to contact Mr. Senift,
City Attorney and see what can be done and report to the next Council meeting.
First reading of a Traffic ordinance. Alderman George moves and Alderman
seconds a motion to suspend the rule. After discussion regarding the fact
that the ordinance was not delivered to the Aldermon twenty-four hours prior
to the Council meeting, Alderman Hurst withdrew his second and Alderman George
withdrew his motion. Ordinance to lay over.
Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous.. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:50 P. M.
City C er