HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-13-1964 Council Meeting Minutes ---------—--—
Canton City Council held a regular r-nZng on ccl Oct. 13, 1964
- 13, tlle City Coluncil
Chamber. Nyor Conk called the mnctin7 to ordor at 7:07 Present for Rail
Call : Aldermen Sobroej� floward, Dunca7, T',..Ir,'-t, I'D-litchrad, Skinner., Long,
Abbott, Hor&2, Kn7ings, 7ender, and George, Alsont: Kane.
Pledge of AlleFla-nce -Lra-s followed by P-u-� �-- I)y AT_,,7nrra-,� 'Toward.
Petition reqvosthng a nortin-
designated as a dead and stree 1000 000 an Snatb Qin Street (west) to be
t. moves a, Skinner
seconds a motion to rcfor to On Snuer al-,d 400 to erect barricades at
the south end of the stront designating same a7 a "dead nrd" re�)al_r -b"io ,iort�i
nortion of the street for convenience of antcring Go ceactory, Rol' call vote.
AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Long novos and 116arman Korton sic, "a a motior, t,,,.c �Iinutcs of
the Previous mcfltiqS ard lace on file, ROIT call vote.
I>yor Cook called for reports of standi, cammittees.
Alderman llri-
on t.110 rwq-10 roccivod from the KII-rois Department of
C71 Awiculture racan�cndinE trees for varlms area needs. N stated t4at a cop
14 s"ould be made for each alderman
cc: I the "T AttOrnnY an& any intcroond citizen.
C14 Discussion regardQ7 plantinT of tro-s o, t"o tarrac,,.
Alderman Jonnin-s Trqvir-d abniU dirt left h,h
The Superintendent or Ole job a3kod to emllaln TrIJ On ,,-atr,r a 0 cDwer project.
t"y pvrrone nf leavOg QLorsections
open and statn" tyat- ?7urSh'nE should be completed ulthlunov,er two
Lor.,�- Jvon pox"issj ,, to be Wcused at 035 F.
Mayor Ciok cal NK for ro-orts cf
Nyor Cook callod for correspondence to twCaInyl.
mr NO cal ind for unfirlsbad busircn
Wnr Cook nallod for now Nrynns7.
imp Alderman OnOr inquired ahoyl. of 1_�IWN7 % s-wer THP along bvj-_
s' qsi
(�es of Old
, Stront road, 2at' -r tnan tPr-ol i-:. Alden:an, icnnlnE,,_�
70vos and 1102ran Ccorge seconds a P tn,
-c 7eport to
Water Connittea tO nQ70 recd n7ordatin to -lace thn rattOr ul* On Sonar LN,
Hurd cited a r1 ace or Ave, G ard Now, --otinn., AlOrman
Sixth and Severt4 Avj7ra, Ty!" 'T a 71"M 0 - Kolly Street bOtIT001
Alderl,,an 0',ingasted t!�LL nach Allaniaq c4ce" L-1
his and to sci if th-ro a-c any necdo for uLLar -r sownr 71n on n�f to
Alderman Render inInViatell, ATHaroar. that the engAnelry had
stated that every -nro?-�e2�,u
rrojuct, , '71"1 AL'Its mould be �..uded in jjo�;
Sewer KnJttoc, lob was in 05.0all doc.al
arad o�t uf *rjcr.
Inocutive socretar-.
Fe _S of the TanbOn AhaOwr of 'nL �rwc rovort&
021 the 'Getty to o1qu yu," On Satnr&Y and one an San-
incl�&.:�,- the ully Offlel,lo, Do-art: "an, Folice ano Piro Npart1pnts
=Oct at 44 Anarican Leginn
c:. 10:7 7 Ya requosID0 tvat t�, ,.th
island be designated as "InQr Llazaj pQ."
equirm2nt in Oat area; , A,Jor� al- 1' . U.-L havl-
M . T 0 1 r an iOz K"s zvcs and Allenvan Skinner so-conos Vie
ON- "0 -Ian! 00 request. Roll call vote. A77: ura�h, nuc.
b. ANarman Kndcr Oxch pvrOssion to �c cmcpsod. at 7:56 P, A.
First reading of an Ord'Parce _. stop signs, SaPc to he corrected aid lay over.
A2der2an and Al-Korvan jorton to adjrurr, Voice vote.
ATZ: Unanimcus, Cantmi Cit�. ajcnr.n a, 1-70
O,t• 201 104,
!�64 In '-he C
C Vie' Cmn,11 hold a regular mKIPE
or Cook nallod the Meting to ordor at 7:05 7- Z.
1 Sebroo, HojmrO, �rljhtj DMcan, Knost,
Presmt 7--,, roll call: AMOM01 T__ 2"Pinf, m d co -rE3. Absent:
Abbott, Horton, on.
-r bj L!02�an Lona.
pj,, Of AlloCiazGe rao f0llunwa by Tray
Ljourymn Jennings sect n?w a "Ot"n bo accoPt tho
of U10 7roV_*'_0us mouting and -!Lee Roll call vote. ATO Wan-
G.1 C1 jZ; ]r CoV callY for rc:0200 of standina ow—KOW-
I -- I "__ sanitary land f KV 1,
!4ractor to be r72MU, UU
TUPTC, Von b � -
IOWA Oat M mild �00 >q�717; Onn a.
n7rclLm an ond1 OadM3 bulldozer or Othg,_ir mols Of of
Q_ort umld be Civen at �00 na,A QoW 1 A-
to ,y, a E57dj uf the copy provided
LcrWituro, as%3d the Menic
ny,L, at a igto2 Wo an ON! �"anca coold bo yruX20,1-
,, ,,, U), St, j,,,,h 701itory Board objoctod to maki7S
AY=Aan MW= Hat 0
111, SIrcoo (W pap!) "MarF0 -f
block of SWU 11
"dead.ond" stroot in M 1000 DO-cussion. A.-
a bUtiencoLi Cal sed when Ujaro is a fumral in that c0met"!,
derman Sebren recomendej that too Chief of Mice, Moat
,,d StrooL Smorintandort make a stnoy anO report tho"r findingL at nc. 4 C -nnci'
MO •M2.
of LaLm P2700 f" "Surhoo"
y _ and askod that
purnosc and 71an 7or thO
::aym be nazod as Chaivmn of Wo cim it""
:Knord, VACTnan A,,, Off,t fro, Kjo M, Win! OHM , 7urnld SwartzbarQ
the Sonorintendmt of WW,0_js and Eotrrt Ems 00 SuporintenCojA Of 1ho Caninn Park
System, Aidmder doci h ajuintnn , u after
" - 1 th,& he 0MY serve an "he
y o, noInC area at We CO-c-
a I - 11t seconds a notion that the
I " erkan
11i CL Loi-�E; i.Ovc's A-,. 3onder,
,p7o5nUpents be accented. Roll call V050* A—
voting "20s". t,,,t, that >am had onvor 100 co170"-
A"Vernan OWN statoC that SOM I - I- -
T zan-117)
lovc: nnt bam robanlaa Q NOW 19ve" " also "u
Charlus hit r
poor, Mcuss"- copy of L40 TOW'"2
a 1 Mly Enzlym�Yma 2ina ca, hcd tho clork tv
Mlslnno 3-nilruct7 oz on. "A
nostcm., Y SWOQ' Dn Cc, Uao C. VerY TDOr cjDLn.u_- LnQ said -'--tat
,bhrav� t1_ '7C he tnnAwat2s. AINnZA A-
--I oj�e of UwmL Lonnn", 10;0 (02"
"_at a ounar !MW he laid a so.
OZ aN ad7jo that Lho Kh:.stn.W 2,00 r
nr ap-r�WnaWIW 1450 �Lt -a
AnIa 60 LS
bu actcd tc S-0 if MY vould "Aar to act LQ so
if on, to jlvo ,UU
I,jd, :1, Ritcti-e HOW, �.,.jjy ,,orl, jas ROA03 Per
tic a is _4c of n,Awa, ,, ki �ornn, Kpmrd
Mt ShDr !a mcolvwo Q-n the 12W'
secTIO, tho KoVon, QU call vote.
jorAjnZo inquired -,;hat yrogqilos vas b0i09 na" on tho East Chns"!
riscumidn rogardlnE casc_P" and win roSSIMM" of cvu"L I lza
007or -1 Vow
the route of the nroposed So w7mnd
Lon 3 10 cast 00C of
to ctucV on cost , t. s
railrna� �7 a 7r f 1 CUM
U rr
on that -ortim 0 Wo 21;ht-of-uay.
-40wd 0,20 OV021 stop D-000M,
shonid t0c ' tu "Ple .......
n"i --al jtO at t1--o W-M!
)ns "c
for unfinShud MOM=