HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 276
oct. 6, IQ'.
Canton City Connnil hold a regular meeting on Oct. 6, 19611, :L-I City Cu,Iicll
:.aynr Cod: called the meeting to order at ON P. 14 Present for roll
calls Al6or�af�n Scbree, Howard, Wright, Dunca."_, 1.hitehoad, Lon a, Ahbott,
Hortc7l Jen: Inrc, nonder, and Geor,. Aj-.,sent: Il --Ia lkini , r.
.L _cl(ln -_i, S1.
Pled Le of !7 ngiance was f ollowod by 7-a,
- � -I � " -1 C'
Recd, Executive Suuw- Z7, of the Canto! naifber of Ca�,��n_
o activities for the dedicatiui of,.' ionos Par'.: iiiprovemenLs C.
Notting to 7.,'c(,k", Oct, 12 tnry 18, 7no nort, and sou.0 on"s of the
s s co-i�ply
k_T'_Ta�'�o '- -o �'u 11:0K open f or 0af f ic vnd too -to dealoro have nrar. - -
with kooqing a fire la open or th, cast ard Y00 ";11'c7os of sqiaa-�-c.
-!§Qy t179c �usinows establishments plan to participate in this project. Hr. Recc,
asnd the .u.. ;C'' City Co7ocii for a donati-o--..
)0,00 to NY dofra,,, Une
Alterman %rard moves and AlAornan Long neconds a --.-o-1:1on tna-'�, t."io
Conucil donate this ammint. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mr. Joics Elam, F71ton County Shoriff3 r-osent& a for;If ica0c K An—cKtat"On to
.!a Qvil Defense Director and the 01mil Defense CO�Aittoo- Salos, Civil
Defense Dircct=3 ucce7t,-d _Ulls Cortificahc and told about saic of the unr!,:
fnr. the Civil Defense workers.
notiticA fro r Glen Conrad roquostinE waiving of inforent on snocial assossnoV on
navin-, lot To. 225, !&iZhtIs Addition, frai the maturity date of the last install-
<vnt, AlKernon 7riFht novos and der: Toward seconds a motln.,,, to ,-,rant t' *,.s i_,o-
qacV. Roll call voLe. AYE: Unanimous.
AlOornin LonC novas and Aldenmn Horton seconds notion to acnoot minutes of the orc-
vious mooting as presentod and riaco on file. Roll -all vntc.
7ilic "or the month of Sevtomber road. Algol nan 7ender moves and Aldenian JcnniAgs
seconds a motion that a7l bills '.e allowod for payment. Roll
ra-1.1 vote. A7E- Un _-ILiolls-
nonorts of officers read. AVerman 7onfor moves and Alderman Lo seconds a notion
accent 7ame and -Tacc on f1lo. Alderman jannings impairad abont stroDt oponina.s.
Roll call vote. KE: Unanimous.
7ayor Cook call-! for -C-Mls Of stall, ina caw-v. ...3.
7,cr-de2 rerorted that over two hundred tons of fish had VuQn removal from
La .o 7anton aN K-K 23 to 051 of thr-n yoro at •1 fi'�. ::o i,,ars
l 1hthe cj' per oovclI and ll uasiders who y2d in Vis proical a"? requsclOd Lhe
mass to q0o notire of VJ_s fact. •1'r• Ken 7=01 r000Ttwl to AlOnnaan lender
ttat the project was a caurloto ki?T.
NF-U-IM-r- 7-n-st injnircd what pow1grom proErosc had boon =0 an 0n 70st nwnic
and Avon-9 D of corner.
on t1--o 0-
Alder,,ian : o,,Ta-,,d ro-orted on a moot"ma held roconIT,
-T. Jar es Halo, s7 yak er. Aldor7an -onard roqaootod that a nint!Ay Ic
Nth thn 7ark VLA SPOV 70wro, -wlParo nortors and City Council to ascorlak__
n advisable for the Canton area to undertahn, TVs rro,XaI�I
.a-t -,T3_-_lc! 1), 2,"�
is o7onsored by the Covornient payin,-- 90,',' a-,al 0 -)a-,- � and is
for the benof-1-t Of ,V only. Hr, TO> ir avullahin for N-Vor Anfnrma-
"lion on Oct. 10. Lidenuan YAWS, d 00 tin 7antnn Trinnis"IP TostsNal
co�00,u c ld n= mich 101- to 300", --)0r-:1O._--" :_"t'
AVorian Hurs! re nor tad on the con:wit5on hold in Chicago on mycraflininZ o. records
7nns)rcd by the state a-0 .i , -0 , c1 tvo clork 7anc furVer investigation. J
Cnnh calIQ for ronorty Of S-Icial culnit"03-
72yor Cook ra2lad for ca7,nnic�ki �w to Qu Cnrnc*? .
ten slanation of Andrew Railer, uater riant G-Pratnr read- Aldor,an 7v7dor nivoz and
onconds iintinn tn anno-t resQnatlon. Roll call v ) 0. AT T: Pnan!naas.
Letter from the Sanitary 7ator loard approv",,u'�,
.Pat4sn and cp-rat4n , c_
ca7itarl sewer omtensions Ln tin woot part of imitan with out! ,L Lo .1u 1 _ . cOw-
-0 1- ,- " rant-lit Q�V. L100-
bined ownr near !>?horry Pace aN Ave-= D, th3nc- uu — �
tar 7qndor moves and Aiden.an Jenni2as seconds a no-Lion 0 a-00-5 M-0 On& -Iacn
nn f"Is. 70-ce A7E: Un-- 'l-'mous•
Oct. 6, Cort, (2)
Sewer and '.rater
Estimato No. 3, Divi2lur 2 for johnston, Constructinn Cn., 203,554.9i read.
:',stiy^atc ::. l J Dix! -" -n 5 f r j a I anziruction Co., V VFW? road.
ZatTrate No. 2, DiV' Slo- 1, fnr 0, I>-r Sc s, 112,4qn,on -mad, Alderman Bonder
rarorted that baUi caanamies have >;o- doing '.-Lat 'lic
amounts of the throe asti.matos be allouqd for ravcK. Aidonian QoorZ- seconds
this motion. Roll ca7i voto. All: Unanknous.
Cook ca?-!,:,,d for W0102d W,sincyc.
roqacstnd tArt a lnranr 03 be placed at cornor of Elm and
Wn Streets. A ro7ort t4at a sign was 0 he -ainted there soon.
Traffic OrdInance or fnr of Alderzar UrOwht Aovos thaL same
be accepted as read for socond tUe ard 4acid wi tablo for oar sago, and that same
be printed in Kn0TH fori Nr 0" W de_ icn, ),line, county ifficials 100 books
to coot a-nrov%at;oly 3190,00, AlOorAaa Conz, seconds this
G, Pay SAN stated thaL the ord'aanco should W cuA-InWd iq its rcadjn7. Alder-
a-, CCOI-Lc Wit
uh0row �4 S second li-is Co:'-ice '_uWon of
road-_-1 7 W or.dAnanco. Wor:.cn. 0 do_, a-,.d ie_nni=,s e d frcii Council
-,r at 8:35, roturnlrZ at 8:421 hl? Kr ht omcusud at 040, returnAnZ W.
7• ::. AI(Ier odor novQs uzd 002nan 7 seconds a notion to spond the
1"Ies. E071 C. "I vote. AYE: Unan%mis• WernaA _,,iovos aiid. Danca-n
seconds a motW7 to riace the orri�y.un.—,-2 o' Its raccage. call -voto. 11,7E:
Una.-il-n.,ous. This bolnE OrdinaEce Kn, 117.
Alder2an HursL re-nrWK that Clork ca _not alizdnato the tan levy on sewer
Wds that have been cancollud �A417 a tax ahato ont ordloance or rosclution has
been filed with Vin. We tn 'cc tzlzo[_ ca-2'v of soon.
"a-,or C
ook callod for now bus,nose.
hl .an LonE movos anA 06ornan Ccor,q ooc�ndc a mcthon to open bids for track-
4-y� ',
� -c tra c,.or for sanitaiT UN f 7!, 7oice vote, k7E: UnznKovs. Aido read:
McElroy-Roland Co, 126,01ap for TDIA Catorhillar Tractor Co. D6C
$35,248.50; NZ, 226,416-50; NcZlrc` . -1 lW- nn q, `,o. 150 InternatIonal-
Crawlar $19,250-00. LIdernan 7rinht moves ayA Aljor�ar Norge seconds a motion to
refer the Wo to 0; Barbage Dis; osal Coziittoc for rtuQ and report to 0o
Council meetinZ an Oct. 203 1264. noll ca�.', U_,-iani�,)I_',s.
3onds with the 72aqsapurica Insyranan Co. in the aia:nl of 11.000 each, properly
anprovod tI 11yr/ no Finance 7. TriviRley, Auriliary Police
Offiner and jacob S. 7arnold, School Cross:. Ward. Aldorna7 701-Sht moves and
Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept name and "lace on file. Rof call vote.
Al(-orr,.an '..right kovns arO, Al,�)cr-,ian :,on&er seconds a notion to adjourn. Voice vote.
A77: Unanknous. Cyitc. C1--ty a loo r-a at 9:5 T. N.
-c nr r�,-77
APtur adjoqrn-nnt, the repropentativc frai tho ZWroy-Rnlaqd Zzabinory Co.
showed films dmionstratinn thc7v Krac.. tractors fnr sanitary land fill.