HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 74 Sept. 15, 1964 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Sent. 15, 1.964 in the Council Chamber, Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:07 P. T_. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead,, Long, Abbott, Tlorton, Jennings, mender, and George. Absent: Alderman Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Lone. Alderman Sender moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. �%yor Cook called for reports of standing committees. "Ir. F. Stets-^t Reed, T_xecutivc Secretary of the Canton Chamber of Commerce, requested permission to close the square on Sunday, October 181 1961 and that same be used for the Canton Automobile Dealers to demonstrate new cars, the International Harvester Co. to show products they manufacture, alid-at 1:00 P. M. and at 3 :00 P. bi. a dedication of Jones Park. The m.ercrants plan to hold a week-long sale in connection with this celebration. Al rlernian Duncan moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion that the riayor and City Council- ~rant this request. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Jennings moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion that the Building and grounds Cor>rittee advertise for bids for repair and painting the Band Stand in Jones Park and that they be authorized with power to riroceed VTith the work in order that same may be completed before Oct. 18, 1961 . Voice vote. AY! : Unanimous with exception of Alderman Hurst voting !'TAY. Alderman B,iider moves and Alderman Howard seconds a motion to authorize 'lie 'scliirrer Asphalt and Coal Co. to furnish o-11 ar(' C, -s for the Lake Cant-, t , on 00 -- a nor Lion road up to the last nel"T road, appro�_ .ate cosy o c_e 4 y�_;.. of this expense to be paid from the ,later a.-id Sewer Fund aYid the balance from LbLe Lot L,,ase Fund. Roll call vote. AT;: Una:lmou-s. 1.1de rnian aright inquired about the luncheon held annually iconorin1r; the queen candidates for t'rie Canton Friendship Festi,,ral. Diiscuss ion. Alderman ITr1;ht then moves that the Mayor appoint councilmen to arran_e, for a 1:0`) P. T"l. lunchecr on Satxrday, Sept. 19, 19611. Alden--an. Iiorton seconds this motion. Voice vote. A,TF: Unar moos wi_th exception of Alderman Di.ncan ii'r voted "NA`i". i=a�ror Cook appointed Aldermen Duncan, Ho;rra- d, and Sebree to serve on this comrlittee. Mayor Cook called for communi.cati_ons to tl.e Council.. Letter of thanks from the ?and ari:ley 'arni:y :nor flot�ers sent froi,: the Council at the time of 11r. T arkley's death. Request for leave-of-absence for Charles Ot:in�;s, Water Plant Operator, read. Discussion. Aldenr,,an George moves and Alderman Je_�i-)ings seconds a motion. to -rant a lea;,e-nf-absence to Hr. Cowin °s. (Len th of time not stated) . Roll call vote. A'rL: Unanimous. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Geor,i,e seconds a motion t)iat the matter he referred to the ,hater a�_id Sewer Comittee. Voice vote. AlT: Unanimous. Alderman Howard reenrn--and.ed some tyi)e of record to be used for apr)licants applying for wort; f or the City of Canton. .ayor Cook called for unfinished business. I•r. Leonard Crawford., Crawford, 1lurrnhy Tilly En€ri neeri_n�; Firm, read the recommendations of that firr'. for t>later and Sewer Tmprovemcnts, Division TIo. 3, -- he Acton Construction Co., St. Pav_l, I inn., bid price of V8,408.00. Alder- 4 "ender roves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to accept the Acton Ccn- struction Co. bid. Roll call vote. AY`'.: Unanimous. ;r. r'rawfo-C rep--,,orted the recommendation of the Pittsburg-Le-lioinos "tee! Co. or construct'._o-i-i of Standpipe (Division No. 4) . Mr. Smith frolic the Chicago, ?r .de and. Iron Co. talked to the City Counc .1 about the type of standpipe his firm col.-,Id provide. Alderman Bender roves and Al_r.erman I`ow�rd seconds a mcti on "�_-1-s-h rg-DesI�IoinE;s Co. base bid, $130,300.00 be accent-od. Roll Call Vote. A? Alclerr en Sebree, .Toward, 1,,Tright, 1%1-ii.tehead, Long, Je: ni n, s, "ender, a id George. NA Aldermen Duncan, Hurst, Abbo:,t, and Horton. (° A!7,,S and 4 °,° -.1 �"oti on carried. ,vr ) . 275 Sept. 15, 3.961 , Cont. (2) Mr. Crawford rec.:rrriended the low bidder, Joh is-t-one Construction Cc., Bloom- i.ngtot, Illinois for the construction of ,dater and Sewer Improvement, Division No. 5. Alderi:aan gender moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to a war the bid to the John�stciie Construction Co. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous"7�'S;'.2jZo> Alderman T-Jright moves and Alrlerrian Jennings seconds a motion that condemnation proceedi,n"s be started on the Anthony Potesanos property (M.-L . Potesanos, who believed the City �w=ld purchase leis lot, had refused to sign easement for the water and serer construction pro-ram). Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. .14avor Cook called for new business. Alderman Duncan inquired hG;-T many of the Aldermen and their wives would be attending, the annual luncheon to be hold on Sept. 3_91 1964. Discussion re- gardin,; who would Ix invited to attend t},is affair. Aldermen Sender and I-Lhitehead excised froth the Council Chamher at 8:40 P. ??. Alderman ,1hitehead returned to the chamber at 8:43 P. H., 11-derman Bender returning at 8:44 P. (19 C^ First readin=g of an Ordinance p:-rtaining to Reg,. lating Traffic in the City of -� Canton, Illinois. Alderman ri.Cht, maces and Alderman i>ender seconds a motion - to lay same over until next meeti_rg. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous, Alderman Bender roves at,.d Alderman Jennin seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton Ci.t� Counc-1-1 adjourns at 9:10 P. M. Cizy Gler