HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-21-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 261 July 21, 1964 Canton 06ty Council held a regular meeting on July 21, 1964 in the City Council hamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Present for Roll Call: Alderman Sebree, Howard, Duncan, Hurst , Whitehead, Skinner, Abbott , Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. Alderman Wright arriving at 7:17 P.M. Alderman Long, absent. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Horton moves that the minutes of the previous meeting stand as apnroved. Alderman Bender seconds the motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees. Mayor Cook called for reports of special committees. Alderman Bender reported that the secondary digester is completely cleaned, gas line welded and is back in operation. C Alderman Bender reported that the construction on the water and sewerage improvements will be started Thursday, July 23 , 1964. He stated the eg7aipmient was moved in Monday, July 20, 1964 and they are to start laying sewer pipes Wednesday, =: July 21, 1964. Alderman Jennings stated that the street superintendent and the city engineer were to report to the council about "rounding" the corner of West Maple Street and Avenue D. He stated teat they are not present. Alderman Jennings requested that Mayor Cook have Chief Lindzey contact them and have them come to the Council Meeting. Mayor Cook asked Chief Lindzey to contact f'hp street superintendent and the city engineer. Chief Lindzey informed the Mayor that he could not contact et,ther individual and had sent a policeman to find them. Alderman ShAnner reported that the Water and Sewer Committee, the Mayor and the City Attorney ha,d not met to work out a resolution regarding the water main on Bast Linn Street because of vacations. A meeting will be held in the near future. Mayor Cook called for communications to the Council. Copy of letter from Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm to C. Iber & Sons, Inc., Peoria, Illinois advisibit C. Iber & Sons, Inc. that they are to have the contract signed for their company; tok complete the bond form and submit all five conies to the City for their execution. Letter from Dwayne N. Bishop stated that due to circumstances beyond his control, he would like to cancel his contract with the City of Canton for puling the city dump as of August 18, 1964. Alderman Bender stated Mr. Bishop entered into a contract for a year. Alderman Hurst stated the contract was for a year with the provision that the City Council or Mr. Bishop could cancel the contract by giving a 30 day notice. Alderman Hurst requested permission for the Garbage Committee to have dump pushed for 30 days. Letter from Governor Otto Kerner inviting Mayor Cook to a regional conference on equal employment opportunity. Alderman Bender moves that the Mayor and any alderman that can should attend. ti-is conference; that expenses in the amount of $30.00 be allowed. Alderman Skinner seconds motion. Roll Call Vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Wright arriv;.n,7 in the Council Chamber, 7:17P.M. Alderman Hurst and Jennings stated that they could attend. Alderman Bender ch-anged motion to allow the City Attorney, Mayor and any alderman that can should attend this conference. Alderman. Howard stated he thin? *hoe i c a, very important conference. Alderman Skinner seconds motion. Roll call vote . AYE: Unanimous. 262 July 21, 1964 continued Alderman Jennings requested that the Street and Alley Committee and the Finance Committee be authorized to set up an oiling and chipping program. Complaints to the aldermen about the dirt streets being diisty. Alderman Gibbons suggested that the street superintendent make a survey of the streets that needAd to be oilod and chipped. Alderman Howrard suggested that the street superintendent be instructed to report which streets need oiling and chipping; not to have it done on a ward basis. Alderman Skinner stated he thought the oiling and chipping should be done on a percentage basis. Mayor Cook called for new business. Bids for track type enloader up for opening. Alderman Wright moved and Alderman Hurst seconded a motion that the deputy City Clerk be instructed to open these bids. Voice vote . AYE: Unanimous. Bids read: McElroy-Roland, $28,183.00; Peoria Tractor & Equipment Co. , $30,325.00. Alderman Jennings wanted to know what this piece of equiument is equivalent to in their older models. Alderman Hurst stated each salesman is to granted 15 minutes to present a sales talk. There is to be a question and answer period. Tom Clerk, Peoria. Tractor & Equipment Company, presented his sales talk. Ray Wright, McElroy-Roland Machinery Company, presented his sales talk. Discussion. Alderman Wri-ht moves these bids be referred to the Garbage and Finance Committees and they are to report at the next council meeting. Alderman Jennings seconds motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Weeds on private property. Mr. Edw4rd Ashton was given perrission to sperm to the Council. He stated that there were high weeds on railroad property across from his home on South 4th Avenue. He also stated that there u;as pip^ on this property that belonged to Barney Gavenda. Alderman render recommended that the city attorney be instructed to write the CB&,q Railroad at Galesburg, Illinois a'?out having the weeds cut. Mr. Senift stated that this same problem came up last year and that he did not think it could be classified as?a nuisance or health hazard. Alderman Jennings stated th'7!t he - thought a new ordinance should be drawn that the property owners be required to pay a price that the City Council sets, plus a fine, subject to a lien on the property if set price is not paid. Alderman George stated we have a. good ordinance if it would ba processed as it reads. (page 203, section 29). Chief Lindzey was asked why ordinance has not been enforced. He stated that the police department has called on property adner-� seven'- tines and instructed *rem to have weeds mown. He stated that an effort had been made to find a private individual to do this mowing but could not find anyone. He doesn't feel arrests trill ease the situation . Discussion. Alderman Hurst moved and Alderman Bender seconded a motion to adjourn. Voice Vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:19 P.M. Deputy- City Clerk