HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 253
June 16, 1964
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on June 16, 7.964 in the City Council
Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting; to order at 7:12 P. M. Present for
Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Wright, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Abbott,
Gibbons, Horton, bender, and George. Absent: Aldermen Howard, Duncan, and
Pledge of Allegiance was f ollowed by Prayer by Alderman Long.
Alderman Long moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept the minutes
of the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE:
A Petition requesting the naming of a street near the 1300 block on North Main
Street, signed by majoritir of property owners, requesting same to be called
"Sun Set Lane". Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Fender seconds a motion to
accept the Petition and place same on file and asked that an Ordinance be
drafted naming the street "Sun Set Lane". Alderman Whitehead inquired about
the committee that the Mayor was to appoint regarding the naming of one of the
,- West Maple Streets in the City. Action to be taken on that matter soon. Roll
I-A�y call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman. Hurst moves that the
Ordinance Committee draft an Ordinance renaming the portion of I^pest Maple St.
on Quality Hill to "Kennedy Drive" as requested. Alderman Skinner seconds this
= motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mr. Murphy, from the Crawford, Murphy Tilly Engineering Firm, reported on the
review of bids for Water and Sewer Improvements and found that the Johnstone
Construction Co., Bloomington, Ill. to be the lowest bidder and also stated that
an investigation revealed that firm's work was satisfactory and recommended
awarding the contract to that firm. He said that the Department of Health had
not reviewed the reports but as soon as their report was received approving
same, that the Chairman of the Water and Seiner Committee be authorized to adver-
tize for bids on the next section of the work. Alderman Bender moves to accept
the Johnstone Construction Co. ,Bid and that the Mayor and City Clerk enter into
a contract with that firm. Alderman Sebree seconds this motion. Roll call vote.
AYE; Unanimous.
Mr. Ronald McKean was given permission to speak to the Council. He requested
permission to use and dock canoes near the Youth Acres location -- same to
be used under the proper supervision. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Horton
seconds the motion to grant this request. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook introduced Mrs. Esther Fairburn, the new Deputy City Clerk.
Mayor Cook called for reports of special committees.
Alderman Wright gave a report on the meeting held with any interested "outside
contractors" -- pros and cons discussed, but the Ordinance Committee reported
the Ordinance should remain in effect.
Alderman Hurst inquired about the grade in the street of the south side of
Mulberry Placed paving. Mr. Howard Gibbons, City Engineer, to investigate
Mayor Cook called for communications to the Council.
Mayor Cook called for unfinished business.
Mayor Cook called for reports of standing cor :ittees.
Alderman Bender reported that the secondary digester was in process of being
Mayor Cook called for new business.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to permanent street improvement on
Edmar Drive. Alderman Sebree moves to suspend the rules, Alderman Skinner
seconds the motion. Alderman Hurst stated that the Council should wait until
the money from the property owners had been given to the City Treasurer to
place in escrow. Roll call on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long
moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to place the Ordinance on its
passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 110.
June 16, 1964, Cont. (2)
Mr. Senift, City Attorney called to answer telephone at 8:16 P. M., returning
to Council Chamber at 8:17 P. NI.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to 60 degree parking around Jones
Park. Alderman Gibbons moves to suspend rules, seconded by Alderman 'Skinner.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen I-hitehead, Skinner, Long, Abbott, Gibbons,
Horton, and George. T,IAY: Aldermen Wright, Hurst, and Bender. (8 AYES and
3 NAYS). Alderman Hurst moves to amend the Ordinance, adding that cross walks
be built across the park, from the east side of the square to the west side of
the square, seconded by Alderman Bender. Discussion regarding the loss of
parking spaces by this construction. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George,
Bender, Horton, Skinner, and Hurst. NAY: Aldermen Gibbons, Abbott, Long,
Whitehead, Wright, and Sebree. (5 AYES and 6 NAYS) . Motion to amend, lost.
Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Sebree seconds a motion to place the Ordi-
nance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, -Whitehead, Skinner,
Long, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, and George. NAY: Aldermen Wright, Hurst, and
Berg. (8 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 111.
Alderman Bender asked if some protection could be made for youngsters riding
bicycles -- opposite direction on one-way streets, turning around in the mid-
dle of streets and improper signalling. Mayor Cook asked Chief of Police Lindzey
to publish a warning to children who are in violation of traffic laws that they
were subject to arrest. Mr. Lindzey reported that the Fulton County Safety
Council is working our a program that will soon be in effect.
Mr. Senift given permission to be excused from Council Chamber at 8:42 P.M.
Discussion regarding collection of garbage--same to be placed in containers
with tight closing lids.
Mr. Senift rePorted an injunction had been served on owner of property-So.A,Beech.
Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Long seconds a motion that the City Engineer
secure easement for drainage of street (Tamarack and Avenue B). After dis-
cussion, the second and motion were withdrawn. Alderman Skinner moves that
this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Motion seconded by
Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Bond with the A. D. Painter Agency in the amount of $34000.00 for Esther
Fairburn, Deputy City Clerk, approved by one member of Finance Comr,2ittee
(other members on vacation). Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Bender
seconds the motion that, when bond is approved, same be accepted and placed
on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Skinner reported that several of the City employees are holding
more than one position. Chief of Police Lindzey stated that he wanted to
go on record as objecting to any employee working two jobs and that the
Fire and Police Commission should back him in this cause. Alderman Skinner
moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to refer the matter to the Ordin-
ance Committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman George moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to adjourn. - Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:37 P. M.
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