HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 248
June 2, 1964
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on June 2, 1961 in the City
Council Chamber. In the absence of the Mayor, the City Clerk called the
meeting to order at 7:05 P. M. and asked for nomination for Mayor Pro Tem.
Alderman 1Tright moves and Alderman Bender seconds the motion that Alderman
_ Howard, Finance Chairman, act as Mayor pro tem. Voice vote. AYE. Unani-
mous. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan,
Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, Bender,
and George. Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long.
Petition requesting street dances for the Canton Junior High School students,
(163 signatures) on Saturday evanings during t', e summer months. Alderman
Bender moves and Alderman Jennings seconds a motion to permit these dances
and that the Canton City Council allow $80.00 for befreshments for the first
evening. Alderman Wright asked that a copy of the Petition be referred to
the Canton Chamber of Commerce and that. any club or or�anizati.on interested
be invited to assist in this project. Voice vote on the motion. AYE:
Petition from Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. Ogden for naming of street just west of
the 1300 block on North Main Street. Alderman Wright asked that the request
be delayed until other property owners involved in this area meet and decide
on a suitable name and recommended that same be referred to the Street and
Alley Coipmittee for study. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman George seconds
a motion that this matter be referred to the Aldermen of that ward for recom-
mendations to the Council. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion that the minutes of
the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Voice vote.
AYE: Unanimous.
Bills for the month of May were read. Alderman Jennings moves and Alderman
Long seconds a moti..on that the John E. Baerwald bill be included and allowed.
Voice vote, AYE. Unanimous. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Horton
seconds a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment.
Roll. call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Reports of all officers read. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds
a motion to accept the reports and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor pro tem Howard called for reports of standing committees.
Alderman Bender reported that Mr. Ken Russell made an inspection of Lake
Canton on May 26 and will have a report ready sometime this month.
Mayor pro tem Howard called for reports of special committees.
Mayor pro tem Howard called for correspondence to the Council.
Report of the meeting of Central Illinois Municipal League, Canton, June 10.
Letter from College of Agriculture, Urbana, Ill. regarding Mentor Barberry
(one of the types of shrubbery planted in Jones Park) . The letter stated
that Mentor Barberry is not dangerous to other plants or harmful to humans
the only annoying factor to humans might be the thorns which are prom inent
and would certainly discourage any close contact.
Mayor pro tem called for unfinished business.
Dog Ordinance up for second reading. Alderman Wright stated that as the
proposed Ordinance was written, it was not legal under the Illinois Statues
and recommended an amendment. General Discussion. Alderman Wright made
known he was in favor of the Ordinance and wished to see that same is en-
forced and then moves to amend Paragraph 3, Section 1, line 6, : delete "to
destroy and insert to hold in accordance with and deal with according to
Section 1 of Article 2 of Chapter V111 of the Revised Ordinances of the City
of Canton, passed and approved Tdovember 17, 1959". Alderman Hurst recommended
an entirely new Ordinance be prepared. Alderman Duncan seconds
the motion of
Alderman Wright. Roll call vote on the amendment: AYE: Aldermen Howard,
Z^Tright, Duncan, Whitehead, Long, Horton, and George. NAY: Aldermen Sebree,
June 2, 196 ., (Cont.)
Burst, Skinner, Abbott, Gibbons, Jennings, and Bender. (7 AYES and 7 NAYS).
Motion defeated. Alderman Wright moves to place the ordinance, as presented
at the May 19, 1964 Council meeting on its passage. Alderman George seconds
this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Horton, Long, Whitehead,
Duncan, Wright, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Bender, Jennings, Gibbons, Abbott,
Skinner, Hurst, and Sebree. (7 AYES and 7 MAYS) . Motion lost. Alderman
Wright stated that when he was called about dogs running loose, he would
have to inform the citizens, there was no Council to back up the Ordinance.
Mayor pro tem Howard called for New business.
Motor Fuel Tax Audit received and ready to file. Alderman Bender moves and
Alderman Long seconds a motion to accept the audit and place same on fib.
Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mr. Richard Birkey was given permission to speak to the Council -- he re-
viewed the contract with the C.I.P.S.Co. and City of Canton for Mercury street
lights-- 113 additional lights remain to be changred over within the nextyear
or so. Discussion. Lights Committee advised to meet with Mr. Birkey.
Discussion regarding.location of the Guy Williams popcorn stand, after cam-
plaints had been received about the present location blocking the view of
store owners. Mr. Wm. I4al.mgren, Atty. appeared before the Council_ on behalf
of Mr. Williams and asked permission for the present location to be used for
the remainder of the season. It was decided there was really not much use for
discussion, since the entire Council was in agree;ilent with the original grant
for use of the space. Mrs. Maxine Payne, daughter of Guy Williams, was in-
vited to speak to the Council and she told the group how grateful she was for
the wonderful feeling the Council held for her father.
Alderman Skinner given permission to be excused from Council Chamber at 8:50 P.M.
Alderman Jennings asked to speak as Alderman from Sixth Hard, rather than as
Chairman of the Traffic Committee, and moves that an Ordinance be prepared for
60 degree parking on the East and ,Jest sides of Jones Park. Alderman Sebree
seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Meeting of Traffic Com-
mittee called for Thursday, June 4.
Warranty Deed and Resolution for purchase of land (Lowe and Perkins property),
20 acres for $16,000.00 read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Duncan seconds
a motion to adopt the Resolution and contract. Mr. Senift, City Attorney,
stated that a voice agreement had been madd with the T. P. L. R. R. for right-
of-way along their track to reach this parcel of land but a rental fee would
be expected. Alderman Hurst stated that this property was about $6,000.00 too
high and asked in condemnation suit could be started but was informed this might
delay any action (by months) to build the oxidation lagoon. Roll call vote on
the motion. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 384.
Bonds, with the TransAmerica Ins. Co., properly approved by the Finance Com-
mittee, Harold E. White, Plumbing Inspector $2,000.00 and for Eugene Lawver,
Treasurer of the Fire Department in the amount of $1.9000.00. Alderman Long
moves and Alderman George seconds the motion to accept bonds and place on file.
Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
First reading of an Ordinance for annexation of property in the Rihard Addition,
the Mr. and Firs. Homer McLouth property. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman
Duncan seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to 82.spax4-4-place
the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried.
This being Ordinance No. 109.
Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:15 P. M.
City Clerk
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