HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 241 May 5, 1964 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on May 5, 1964 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting; to order at 7:04 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. Absent: Alddrman Duncan. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Claims against the City. Alderman George moves and Alderman Bender seconds the motion that the claim of Mr. Maurice Preece for damage to a car from hitting an obstruction in the City streets be allowed. Roll call vote. A'TE:- Unanimous. Alderman Jennings moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion that a bill in the amount of X134.22 for work caused by a plugged sewer at the home of 11r. Daily be allowed. Alderman George reported tkat it was not the fault of rV the City that his sewer line was plugged with tree roots and- tlat the City had removed the tree for hire. Alderman Skinoer withdrew his second and Alder- man Jennings his motion. Alderman TTright moves and Alderman Jennings seconds ` a motion that this matter be referred to the Claims and Water and Sewer Com- mittee for further study and recommmendations. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Bills for the month of April were read. Alderman Bender moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Alderman Jennings reported that a "hold" had been placed on the Baen-rald bill for further investigation. Alder- man Hurst inquired what the Taylor bill was for work done to the "scale .house" and asked where the firemen had authority to keep the scale money. If that money was not available for upkeep on the scales, then the fire department should not be used as a garage for employees. Alderman Long seconds the motion to allow the bills properly approed. -Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees. Alderman George made a request for the City to set up a "clean-up" campaign the last two weeks in May and recommended that the Street and Alley Committee make the arrangements. Mayor Cook reported that Mr. F. Stewart- Reed was work- ing on some details that world provide a schedule to work oil to set up this project. Alderman Jennings recommended that stop signs for East °Jalnut Street and Sixth Avenue, also Ash Street and Thompson Court be referred to the Traffic Committee for study and recommendations. Mayor Cook called for. reports of special committees. Mayor Cook called for communications to the Council. Letter from the Sanitary later Board stating that the proposed improver,ients for water and sewer extension are in conformance to Public Health Requirements and Stream Pollution Control_ Policies and that action will be taken to issue a formal Sanitary Water Board Permit for the project upon receipt of final plans and specifications prepared in accordance with-the Boards Rules and Regulations Governing the Submission of Plan Documents and the Design of Sewage Works. Letter from Crawford, ilurphy and Tilly regarding the seal coating on West Maple Street and recommending crack filling with hot bituminous material such as is used in concrete pavements. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman George seconds a Lotion to bring the Resolution read -at the last meeti.ng back to the floor for consideration. Alderman Hurst stated that the wortc under Piotor Fuel Tax funds for "sealing" only and no tarring, which fund should come from the Street and Alley Funds. Roll call to renew the Resolution. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Jennings, Horton, Gibbons, Abbott, Long, Skinner, llright, Howard, and Sebree. MAY: Aldermen Whitehead and Hurst. (11 AY,S and 2 DIAYS Alderman Hurst moves that the Resolution be ado ted using $Motion carried. and $594.00 for patching. p � g vp5406.00 for Sealing p ng. His motion was declared out of order. Alderman v°fri ght moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Skinner, Long, Abbott, Gibbons, Hovt6ni Jennings, Bender, and George. i\1AY: Aldermen Hurst and Whitehead. (11 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. This being Resolution No. 382. 242 May 5, 1964 Letter from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly to the Department of Public Health stating that plans and specifications for proposed water main-improvements were being sent (this also included plans and specifications for proposed water treatment plant improvements for proposed 1,500,000 gallon standpipe with auxiliary pumping facilities) . Letter from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly to the Sanitary Water Board reporting submission of Application for PHS Form 2651 , Resolution authorizing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City and copies of the Planning Agency approval form. Alderman Bender recommended that when the appropriation Ordinance was prepared that approximately $700.00 be allowed for tarring the cracks in the concrete streets in the it3_ty. Alderman Howard inquired if the Water and Sewer Committee were authorized to advertise for bids for the proposed water and sewer project without further meetings of the entire Council. Alderman T4-Tright reported that an Ordinance was being considered whereby there would be more meeting dates each month until this project was in progress. Alderman Hurst inquired what progress was being made regarding sidewalks on North Main Street. General discussion. Mayor Cook called for old business. Second reading of the Street Ordnance. Alderman Hurst inquired if a traffic count had been made. Alderman Sebree stated that trucks going to the City scales use First Avenue and the Fire Department needed to use First Avenue for their north run. Alderman Sebree moves to table the Ordinance until further study, especially First Avenue had been made. Alderman Wright stated that the Council should go along with the street program as outlined a couple of years ago and give it a try towards improvements and if it doesntt work, it can be changed. Alderman Howard seconds the motion of Alderman Sebree. Chief of Police Lindzey was again asked for his opinion and he stated that, in his opinion, the City still was not ready for one-way streets on Avenue A and First Avenue. Alderman hTright said that the Chief of Police nor the Fire Chief had any objections at the time of planning the entire program. Alderman Howard withdrew his second and Alderman Sebree his motion. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Long seconds the motion to hold this Ordinance over until the Traffic Committee meets with the Truck Route Committee for further study and recommendations. Roll call. vote. AYE: Unanimous. Second reading of the Condemnation Ordinance. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Bender seconds the motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll. call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 106. p p Bond with the Trans-American Insurance Go. roperly approved by tYfe Fina.n `e Committee, in the amount of x$1,000.00 read. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to, accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook read his Committee appointments for the coming year: BOARD OF HEALTH: Claude Seaton -- 1 year -- 1965 P. D. Reinertsen, M. D. -- 1 year -- 1965 Sarg. Paul Nebergall -- 1 year -- 1965 FI1 ANCE E. Howard, P. Gibbons, C. Duncan LEGAL ATM POLICE G. Abbott, R. Jennings, L. Tffiitehead ZTATE,R A11D S{, TER C. Bender, E. Howard, R. Jennings STREET AM ALLEY R. George, G. Skinner, R. Jennings PRINTIIuG: L. Whitehead, L. Horton, H. Sebree ORDINANCE C. Wright, C. Duncan., R. George BUILDING AdD GROUMS H. Long, L. Horton, G. Skinner LICENSES L. Horton, P. Hurst, C. hTright GARBAGE DISPOSAL P. Hurst, G. Abbott, L. Horton LIGHTS H. Sebree, L. Whitehead, E. Howard CLAIMS C. Duncan, P. Gibbons, II. Sebree TRAMS R. Jennings, E. Howard, C. Wright, L. lgh.itehead, P. Gibbons, H. Long, R. George NEW I,TDUSTRT_ES C. Duncan, E. Howard, H. Sebree, P. Hurst, L. l°Thitehead, P. Gibbons, G. Abbott, Ii. Long, G. Skinner, R. Jennings, L. Horton, R. George, C. Bender,. C. ?Tight. CIVIL DEFENSE ENSE P. Gibbons, H. Long, L. Horton. 243 I`Iay 5, 1964, Cont. (3) APPOINTI,IENTS OF PERSONT,,TEL FOR CITY OI' CA-,,- City Attorney G. Ray Senift City Engineer Howard Gibbons Sec. to Mayor Betty Tandy Supt. of Streets Eldon 1�trers Plumbing Inspector Harold White Water Works Supt. Orval Kuhn 4 Water works Opr. Charles Owings Willis lialraven Andrew RLuunlcr John Bushong Sewerage Disposal Supt. Chester Hiller 2 Operators Damrin Hostetter George Coykendall Meter Readers Eugene Jenkins Quincy Howarter Clerk, I-later Dept. Cat`ierine Emans Cemetery Supt. Russell Cardosi Public Comfort Sta. fittd. Elva Rumler Bldg. & Grounds Custodian Frank Irrulac C Garbage Disposal Dept. Harold Wade �3 Russell Thrasher Lyle Hedge �. Police Dept. File Clerk Hazel Toncray Radio Operator Claude Grose Radio Operator Ira Johns Traffic Policeman James Grove Meter Maid Ann Moore School Patrol George Shawgo Bob Cook Henry Anderson Guy Wright Ora Johnson illai- ldade Auxiliary Police Sam Lingenfelter Wrri. Z. Ayers Delbert Brush iA. Postin Leslie Bennie Raymond I'lefenstette Liquor Commission B. E. Cook Thomas Kirkpatrick Fire L Police Commission Howard Griffin -- 3 years - 1967 Zoning Enforcing Officer Charles D. I'Jeed Planning Commission F. Stewart Reed -- 5 years -- 1969 Eli Byrum -- f year -- 1965 Appeals Board Rev. James IJ. Hancock - - 1 year -- 1965 John Barclay -- 2 years -- 1966 Delegate and Alternate to Citizens Advisory Counci} : Delegate Charles D. Wright Alternate Harry Sebree Parlin Library Board W. P. Ingersoll- -- 3 years -- 1967 John Windsor -- 3 years -- 1967 Freeman Swearingen -- 3 years -- 1967 Everett Ilotirard -- 1 year -- 1965 Police Pension Board Willard Fisher -- 1 year -- 1965 Mark Bybee -- 1 year -- 1965 Alderman 1111right moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to accept the above listed appointments. Roll call vote. l_`,r : Unanimous. �r Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman mender seconds a motion that the City employ the George Hocker firm to audit the municipal books for the fiscal year. Roll call vote. A_YE: UTkk,nimous. First reading of the Payroll Ordinance. General discussion regarding plans to meet such additional expense. Alderman Sebree moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: 244 r1ay 53 1964, Cont. (4) Unanimous. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. General discussion as to the increase in salary of the street workers and to water and sewer workers to meet the pro- posed salary of the Garbage Disposal Department. Alderman Skinner ill i o amend the Ordinance that the Street employees and two men in the Water and Sewer Department salaries be made to the sane level as those of the Garbage Disposal Department. Alderman Hurst moves to amend the amendment that Depart- ment heads receive the sane percentage of increase in salary in agreement with other raises. No second to this motion. Roll call vote on the amendment. A 9i,: Aldermen Ilozrar.d, Wright, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Abbott, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and GeorLc. ''1A7: Aldermen Sebree and Gibbons. (11 AY-o S and 2 HAYS) . Hotion carried. Alderman Z'Iright moves to table the Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Bender, Gibbons, Long, Hurst, Hri.gh t, Toward, wrid Sebree. HAY: Aldermen George, Jennings, Abbott, Skinner, and Whitehead. (7 AYES and 6 NsYS) . T'lotion carried. Alderman Bender requested a ten-minute recess. Granted at 10:00 P. 1 . Alderman Hm,Tard and the City Attorney given permission to be e.:cused from the Council_ Chamber at 10:00 P. 11. 1-1a,-,or Cook called the Council to order at 10:12 P. M. Resolution aut':orizing the City Treasurer to invest funds from the Bond Issue until sa=ne are needed. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to adopt this resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution i1 383. Alderman Wright reported that an Ordinance was being prepared for fimt reading at the next Council regarding dogs running loose, etc. Proclamation by Hayor Cook, designating 1,1ay 10, 1964 as Armed Forces Day read. Alderman Burst moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to adopt this Proclam- ation. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Jennings moves and A1der:ian Bender seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AT,',',: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 10:23 P. H- G City 01erk.