HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 221
Jan. 7, 1964
Carton City Council held a regular meeting on Jail. 7, 1964 in the City Council
Cha.ber. Mayor Cool: called the meeting to order`at 7:15 P. 7. Present for
Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree,, Howard, '; r i.;ht, Duncan, Durst, _
Th tehead, pp
Long;, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, and George. Absent: Alderman 3ender.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer by Alderman Long.
Alderman Howard moves and Alderman 'Lorton seconds a motion that the minutes be
accepted as presented and placed on file. _poll call. vote.- A' Unanimous.
IMF Bills for the month of December were read. Request to hold the E-2 Plmibiing bill
for , 17.73 (Garbage Disposal Dent.), the C.I.P.S.Co. bill for $18.82 (Building and
Obands Dept.), the Kamlager bill for QV0.00 (Building and Grounds) -- these
bills to be held for further study. Alderman Jennings moves that the City Attorney
and the Claims Cortiraittee make a study of tine Eldon Cook account in the amount of
$600.00. This motion was seconded by Alderman Horton. Roll "call vote. AYE:
Unanimous. Alderman ti°fright moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion that all
bills properly approved by the various committees be allowed for payment. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman 11r:ight requested that the Police and Legal
Committee inquire into rental of Police cars -- to see if a better deal could be
44 Monthly reports of all officers were read. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman
S Jennings seconds a motion to accept these reports and place on file. Roll call
�= vote. AYE: Unanimous,
Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees.
Alderman Hurst, reporting; for the Garbage Disposal Committee moves that the
Council accept the bid of Livio PoZgioli for pushing; city damn (;;272.:)0 per
month) . Alderman Jennings seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
George, Jennings, Horton, Gibbons, Abbott, Long, Skinner, �Ihitehead, Hurst,
,Tri�;ht, Howard, and Sebree. NAY: Alden;= Duncan. (12 AYES and l_ T,IAY). 1lotion
carried. Alderman Hurst then moves and Alderman Horton seconds the motion to
lotrefer to the Ordinance Committee -to revise the present Ord _nance to include all
traders and trucks for brush charges. Voice vote. AY! Unanimous.
Hayor Cook called_ for reports of Special committees.
Mayor Cook called for co.;riunications to the Council.
Letter from the Crawford, Llurphy 'illy Engineering 2ir,1 regarding the results
of a meeting held with the Mayor, lrfater :;_ Sower Committee, City Attorney and the
City Engineer on Dec. 26. A committee to acquire easements and Right-of-trays
composed of T-1r! Inman 3lackaby, the Mayor, City Attorney, and the City Engineer
has been appointed.,
Letter from 1,L r. Glen_ bawls inquiri-_aC about the charges to be made to the c:i_ty
departments due to -the increase in rental of the storage garage. It was agreed
that each department should pad- one-third of t}ie $100.00 monthly rental..
ilairor Coon announced the Keetinr of t'no iun1_cipal_ Association of the Central
Region to be held on Jan. 8, 1264 at the Wallace Par:, with Canton as the hose
City; he urged all Aldermen and their wives and Department Toads and their gives
to attend. Se:iator Robert Welch to be guest speaker.
Letter from Phillips and Associates regarding d:i_ng th.e purchase of a large map of
the City for 550.06 with provisions to add to sam as new sub-divisions are
added. Alderma.:.i Jennings moves and Alderman ?1h.itehead seconds a motion to pur-
chase this map if it is approved by the City Engineer as being useful to tYie
City. Roll call vote. A.T E: Aldermen Sebree;, Orig;ht, Duncan, Hurs t, �Thi_tehead,
Skinner, Lonn, Abbott, Gibbons, 7irtoin, Jennings, and George. 'HAY: Alderman
Duncan. (12 AYES and I ,:,AY) . Tlot-i_on carried.
Hayor Cook called for unfinished business.
Mayor Cook called for now business.
Resolutions for request for Hotor Fuel Tax funds for Public Benefit Assessments
for Sections 36,37,39,0,42,43, and 44 CS (Total amount due 40,291.99, and Section
47CS (total amount due $21,964.26; Section KCS (total_ amount due "'$13,781.76;
Jan. 7, 1961 , Cont.
51CS total amount due 421,667.45: 52CS total amount due $4,360.47; Section
53CS total amount due $1,286.74. Alder un Howard moves and Alderman Jennings
seconds a motion toadopt these Resolutions. loll call vote. A Unanimous.
Discussion regarding parking motors near the Eational Bank -- An Ordinance
must be -:resented to change this routine. Alderman Jennings moves that an
Ordinance be prepared to revoke the original Ordnance, seconded by Alderman
7o orge. Voice vote., A: E: Unanimous'.
First reading of an Ordinance regarding skating on Lake Canton. CaMerman
,right Moves and i�lder%lap Je:'n_1_n`;s seconds a motion to sus��end the rules.
Alderman Sobree e; c;a.sed at' 0:40. P4 Roll call vote. A-7E: Unanimous.
Alderman '1r_ ;ht moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion to place- tn'_s
J d na ce on its passage. Rol_ call vote. ' A;'i�:
r ;� ��� • �'- <r �. Unanimous. This be i ng
Ordinance No. 93.
Resolution Eranting powers to the Water and Sewer Committee regarding ease-
ments, right-of-ways or „rants pertain i_n to the proposed sewerage program.
Alderman Lon;; :doves and Alderman Berton seconds a motion to adopt th _s Reso-
lution. Alderman George stated that this Resolution should include the City
Attorpsy. Alderman r i_ 'ht staled. that Section One should designate the number
of persons to be employed on this project; and that Section four should state
the Council and Mayor should refer cases to Circuit Court. Alderman Hurst
moves to amend Section One: "granted permission to employ one person as may
be necessary" and Section four to "include Council a rid ayor" . Aldermanr
Wright seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AT:'n: Aldermen C,eorge, Jennings.,
Horton, Abbot, Sici_nnor, Hurst, Duncan, Wright, and Howard. 1,AY : Alclermen
Gibbons, Long, and Whitehead. (9 AYES and 3 Iloti on carried. Alderm an
Hurst then raovcs to adopt the Resolution as amended, Alderman Duncan seconds
same. Roll call vote. AYE! Aldermen Howard, ' right, Duncan, Hurst, Skinner,
Long, Abbott, florton, Jennings, and George. 1,IAl: Aldermen WIiitehcad and �?7
Gibbons. (10 � YEIS and 2 11A S) . 'Not:_on carried. This being Resolution 1;o3w
.First reading-, of an Ordinance p„rtaintn ; to parking on Holly Street ana Fifth
Avenue. Alderman Jennings novel to amend this Ordinance to read from c?:JO A._I.
to 3:00 P. H. Alderman Skinner seconds this motion. Voice vote. A E:
Unanimous. Alderman Jennings moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman
Skinner. ;doll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Jennings, Morton, Gibbons,
Abbott, Long, Skinner, Burst, Duncan, ��r.i_„ it, and Howard. IIAY: Alderman
7'hitehead. (11 AYES and 1-71A7). 1-1ot1i_on carried. Alderman Jennings moves a nd
Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to place this Ordinance on its passage.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, 11right, Duncan, Skii-Laor, Long, Abbott,
Gibbons, Morton, Jennings, and George. -,,AY; Aldermen Hurst and Whitehead.
(10 AYES and 2 !MAYS). Motion carried. This being Oraina.nce Ho. 99.
At 9:30 P. A. Alderman Jennings asked pormission for a short recess while he
spoke to the City Attorney. Granted. Alderman Jennings returning to his
chair at 9:33 P. M.
Alderman Jennings asked to withdraw the Ordinance yertaininE to parking on
:lest fine Street', Alderman Duncan seconds the motion. Voice vote. AYE:
Alderman George moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice
vote. AE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:35 P. M*
I Clerk