HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 220 D4'c. 17 7.963 Canton City Council_ held a regular meeting; on Dec. 17, 1903 in "�he Cit, Council Chamber. I-Ia,.ror Codic called the meeting; to order at 7:07 P. 11 Presen-t for Roll Call: hderren Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan., Whitehead, Skinner, Abbott, Gibbons, Morton, Jennin�.s, T3ender, and George. Absent: Aldermen Thirst and Lonf . Pledge of Allegiance was followed b;;7 Prayer �T Alderman iioti1 rd• Alderman Geo-r,;I�o noves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; as presented and -glace on f_Lle. Voice vote. A7:77? : Unan- imous-. ?:'[r. Bernard Smith, Fulton Count„r Circu:i-t Clerk, explained about the change-over of Police T•Iagistrate and City Judge -- o°f ices to be tra:lsferrcd to Lewistown at beginning of 1961.x. Alrier Tan Jennings moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to move the contents of files to Lewistown using the present files zrith �i1e e--Po 1 tion of one near file -- all files to be -returned to the old city build_i.nb. call vote. AT.i,i: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Corres"aond.ence. Letter from the DezDartment of Safety, includ.in£ a Proclamation 111963 Christmas Vol ida�,r Traffic Alert” to be nual._ished in the local. nowspa xor. Alderman .�1- ht Moves- and Al d.en','lan Jennings seconds a motion to accept this letter and :Place 011 ^TT" UnanL:lous. �::i_le. �Joice vote, h� 1'": - ila-,Tor Coot, called for unfinished business. equest for traffic count at the Linn Street and fifth Ave,zue intersection to determine the need for a traffic ll,;l?.t on that corner. Alderman Jenninzis :,loges and. Ald.e-rrnan Sh...)jer secol_a.� the motion to make this count. voice vote. AY-E: Unanimous. Ia or Cool= called f or new bus_ialess. 3onds with the American Surety Co., in the a:,lount of j'I,000.00 each, properly approved b r the finance Corunittee for Russell Cardosi, SulDeri"-ende-r,t of Green- wood Cemeterl;�, Lloyd 1HIlia-11s, Police Patrolrna.n, and Prances II_i.11, Deput; City Clerk. Alderman IlolTard moves and Alderi,,i n Gibbons seconds a motion to accept these bonds and place on file. Roll call vote. A-.'!73: Unanimous. Alderman '•iri ;'r t moves and Al dorrnan Uorton seconds a motion to instruct the Cit;.T Per pushin; of City dump. Voice vote. A` Unanimous. Clerk to open sealed bids ' Alderman ',right moves and Alderman mender ,seconds a motion to 7� .io h) L _v"i-o �'o gioli b _d for nusliingY Cite dlrro.-? j_n the amount of 1;1272.00 per month, to Ure ` Voice vote. AYE: Unal Jmous. Garbage Disposal Cu?'uriittee for s"tud-r. _P 1 pion providing; for the retireriont of certain. municipal ndebtedness bar use s o_- -- of Motor Duel Tax funds 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 11.x., 47, 48, 51, 52, 53 CS Principal ip30,90l.5, Interest ,;119,367.19, 'Total ?,100,168.74. Alderma-n ?jri h't ?'moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motl.on to adopt "the `Iesolut-�on. Roll call_ vote. AYE: Unan��ous. This bel_n1- Resolution O. •36L�. St-r Fast Ghost resolution desi?natil n Thirteenth Avenue lrot,i �B.S� v t_et,t t 0 Street and Cast L1r1 Street _ ror� T.reifth Ave-ue to Thirteenth Avenue as arterial streets. Alderman. Be--nder moves and Alder itan Je.2r!ing;s seconds a mom_on to adopt Y �r this ;-.e solu'i:i.on. R011 Cal_1 VOte. A';:-,,,: Unanimous. This t�ein� reSolu.tLOi1 _.o. 307. Hesolut'_on for Lioroveme"ot on 7,ast P;lbn Street -�rorn 'Twelftl Ave,.TRe to T'rul_rtcentll Avenue. Al_dor-Tian Jen in ,,s moves and. Alderman �')ender seconds a rnot ion to adoptt this 'Lesolut:i_on. Roll call vote. A`+ Unanimous. This be n, Resoli:tl_on To. 366. An Ordinance pertains n,; to proh:i=oit:ing; skati.nt,; on Fake Canton -- not read. Discussion. Protests from students visitl_Is; the Council. A date of Dec. 19111 L set f or a meetin[� with the student body and corul Uce. 3:11.1 for rent o?: f he Tiauber building; for use Of C iv.i.l Defense to 1a,;T over ulrt:i.l- reg hl_ar bills are a-oproved. Discussion of intercha-n�c Route V, �'dorth. it was decid d to send a cop, of the ?esolut-i_on passed two ;Tears ago to Senator Paul Douglas. Alder-= Ceorge moves and Alderman :�jender seconds a mot'i_on to adjourn. Voice vote. A77: Una.n-.Imous. Canton Citj,- Council. adjourns at 9:00 P. ''I.