HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 217 Dec. 3, 1963 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Dec. 3, 1963 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:05 P. M. Present for Roll call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, ti-fright, Duncan, .Hurst, Whitehead 5 Skinner, Long, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, Bender, and George. Absent: Alderman Jennings. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by- Alderman Long. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman. Horton seconds a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Bills for the month of November were read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to -allokfor payment all bills that have been prgperly approved. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition signed by ten property owners requesting paving on East Elm Street between Twelfth and Thirteenth Avenue read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to refer this petition to the Board of Local Improvementaw Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. C CV Petition requesting change of name of West Marnle Street on Quality Hill to Kennedy Drive, signed by twenty property awnersd read. Alderman Wright stated that this petition should be referred to the proper committee, the Street and Alley Committee and for that committee to set up a policy for naming places in honor of the late President Kennedy and that this petition should be given very careful consideration. He also suggested that the Mayor name a committee con* sisting of Aldermen and laymen to consider any proposed changes of names or the naming of new places honoring the late President, Reports of officers read. Alderman bender moves -and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to accept same and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Coraritteos. Alderman George, report_i_ng for the Street and Alley Committee, stated that the Street Department needed a new truck including a snow plow. Finance Committee to make-a study of this need. It was stated that a new truck could be purchased on time payments. Mayor Cook called for Cnunications to the Council. o,ti Note of thanks for flowers from the City Officials for the Oren Brown funeral. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Georr,e seconds a motion to place same on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Unfinished Business. Alderman George inquired about raises for employees. Alderman '�Toeard, Finance Committee Chairman, stated that the committee had met with lega advice and it was not feasible to allow any raises at this tine, howdve-r, in the near future, a survey of wages paid in comparable communities would be presented and also a proposal of how much could be allowed for increase in wages. Mayor Cook called for New Business. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to 11ater and Sewer rates was read by Mr. Rutherford, representing the Benjamin Lewis Uo. This Ordinance called for a 451 increase in water and sewer rates across the board. Alderman Howard moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman ];ender. Alderman Howard withdrew his motion after discussion. Alderman Hurst inquired how many vot6s were needed for this voting and was told by I,Ir. Senift, City Attorney, that two-thirds of elected Alderman were needed for suspension of rules and a majority of elected Alderman to pass this ordinance. General discussion of the ordinance. Alderman Bender, at this time, stated he wished to withdraw his second of the motion and then stated that if he was considered out of order that he did not wish to with- draw same. Roll call vote on the suspension of rules. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Horton, Gibbons, Long, Skinner, Whitehead, Hurst, Duncan, Howard, and Sebree. NAY: Aldermen Abbott and Wright. (11 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. 21 � Dec, 3, 1.963, Cont. (2) Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Howard seconds a motion to place the Ordi- nance on its passarre. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Long, Gibbons, Horton, Bender, and George. NAY: Aldermen Wright, Skinner, and Abbott. (10 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. q4,, Alderman Skinner excused from the Council. Chamber at 8:30 P. M. First reading of an Ordinance regulating use of Public and Private Sewers read by Mr. Rutherford. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll Call Vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll Call Vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 95. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to sanitary sewers read by Mr. Rutherford. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll Call Vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll Gall Vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ord:i_nance No. 96. A1d.erman Hurst recommended a Resultion be sent to the County Clerk to abate the levy tax on outstanding bonds. City Attorney to take care of this matter. The City Engineer to assist in the procuring of easements on the water and sewer pro gram. Iir: Janes R. Rankin, President of the Rankin Leakfinder Co., 9151 S.Claremont Ave., Chicago, reported on proposals for the detection of water leaks in the City. An estimated 557,000 gallons of water are lost each day of operation. He stated that it would cost $300.00 to have the "flow meter" checked at the plant to see if it is inaccurate and a cost of `x;20.15 for each 365,000 gallons per year of water loss located (Nio leak detected, no charge to be made) . Alderman Wri�7ht moves that the Council accept this proposal, seconded b;r Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Contracts to be signed and the work to be started about the middle of December and completed about the end of the month. ?recommendations from the Greenwood Cemetery Board to appoint I-Ir. Russell Cardosi as Sexton of the Cemetery, filling the place of Mr. Oren Brown, deceased. Mayor Cook anpointed Russell Cardosi as Supt. of th.e Greenwood Cemetery as a permanent appointment. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Howard seconds' a motion to accept this appointment. Roll call vote. ATE: Unanimous. Recommendation from members of the Water and Sewer Committee to appoint Hr. Chester A. Miller as Temporary Chief Operator of the Sewerage Treatment Plant. Mayor Cook ap?)ointed Mr. Chester A. I-Miller as Temporary Chief Operator of the Sewerage Treat- ment Plant. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept this temporary appointment. Roll call, vote. AYE: Unanimous. Bond for Nr. Fred Linder, ap-pointed treasurer of the Board of Greenwood Cemetery in the amount of $12,500,00, with the American Surety Co. and approved by the Finance Committee read. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept same and place on file. Roll call vote. AVE.- Unanimous. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to traffic on the square. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Roll call vote,- AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. A)T: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 97. Alderman Gibbons moves to adjourn, Alderman Bender seconds sane. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:55 P. M. City Clerk