HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1963 Council Meeting Minutes f 1 2 15 id ov. 19, 1963 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Nov. 19, 1963 in the City Council Chamber. Ilayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:08 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, 11right, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Abbott, and Gibbons. Alderman Long reporting for the meeting at 7:30 P. M. Absent: Aldermen Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition from the Canton Motorcycle Club requesting a five-year renewal of lease for use of City properti* for use of the club. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to grant this request. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees. Alderman Ilurst requested permission for the Garbage Disposal Committee to advertise for bids for pushing dump and report to the next Council meeting. Alderman tilright moves that permiss_i.on be granted to advertise for bids. Alderman Skinner seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons asked that the City Council release the Civil Defense Wrecker, purchased in 1,061,to Robert Wheeler as promised at time of pur- chase. Alderman ?"right moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to grant this request. Alderman Hurst stated that same should be sold at public auction or by sealed bids and that if the vehicle-was good to keep for Civil Defense use at the time of purchase, it was still a good idea to keep it could be used for work in the various deparements of the City. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan, and Gibbons. NAY: Aldermen Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, and Abbott. (5 AYES and 4 NAYS) . Motion declared carried. Alderman Long arrived at the Council meeting at 7:30 P. M. Alderman Wright, reporting for the Traffic Committee in the absence of the Chairman, stated that at the meeting held the previous evening with tour members present, it was stated and agreed not to discuss the angle of parking, but leave same until a future time, but to request an amendment of Ordinance 91 for two portions of the square only for nine foot stalls (North and South sides of the parking islands$ at the North and South ends of Jones Park, running East and West) . Amendment to Ordinance No. 91 read. Alderman IHright moves to suspend the rules. Alder- man Howard seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alder- man Wright moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard.. Wright, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinnor, Long, Abbott, and Gibbons. NAY: Alderman-Duncan. (9 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried. This being Ordi- nance No. 93. Alderman Wright moves that the Traffic Committee be given permission to purchase fifty complete parking meters, seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call. vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Wright, reporting on the flow of traffic on the square -- Traffic Committee decision was to continue the flow one way -- except that at the corner of North Main and Chestnut Street, there would be no left turn (traffic must go West on Chestnut Street or turn North on Main Street with exception of cars using the parking area on the north side of the square-- may make a left turn). Further di-scussion with the Chief of Police, Mayor, Councilmen and the Chamber of Commerce to be made and an ordinance to be presented at the next meeting. Chief of Police to make a survey of need -for one-way traffic on First Avenue and Avenue A. 216, Nov. 19, 1-963, Cont. Mayor Cook called for re-ports of Special Committees. Iayor Cook called for Communications to the Council. Letter from the Housing and Home finance Agency stating that Fulton County had not been redesignated as eligible under the Accelerated Public Works Program for Federal Aid. Alderman Wright stated that the City should communicate with State and Federal Elected persons to let them know that Canton is still interested. Mayor Cook ap-gointed a committee to send out communications to the proper persons: Aldermen Wright, Hurst and Duncan. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to approve this committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons stated_ that the committee should feel free to call on any member of the Council for assistance. •iayor Cook called for unfinished business. i ayor Cook called f or new business. Alderman Whitehead requested that a five-ton load limit sign be solaced on. the east side of the ITalnut Street bridge. Mr. :dyers to see that all bridges have proper signs. Bonds with the American Surety Co., in the amount of $ 1,001 .00 each and approved by the Finance Committee for James R. Grove, Police Patrolman, Sherwood Gilpin, Police Patrolman, and Raymond E. Wefenstette„ Auxil- l.iary Police Officer. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to accept theee bonds and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Contract with the McKesson-Robbins Co. for the purchase of Anhydrous Chlorl_ne at $.1075 per pound for a period of three years. Discussion. Alderman Howard moves that the proper authorities be instructed to enter into a contract with the McKesson-Robbins Co. for a period of three ,,Tears. Alderman Skiner seconds this mot_i_pn. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Resolution providing; for engineering services in connection with the proposed Waterworks and Sewerage Improvements in accordance with an Agreement dated November 20, 1962 for continued engineering services on the project. Alderman Hurst moves to adopt this resolution. Alder- man ?^Thitehead seconds the motion. Alderman Wright moves that the resolu- tion be tabled for more time to know exactly what financial aid can be obtained. I,ir. Rutherford, representing the Benjamin Lewis firm stated that he would be happy to assist the Council_ to get any financial aid possible and said that the Council should have all preparations made and be ready to start on the program so that, if any funds are available, the City may benefit; also that the City need not hesitate to go ahead with, plans at this time because the Bond-i.ng Company would issue just what bonds are actually needed. Alderman Skinner excused from the Council Chamber at 8:2 ,5 P. M. Alderman Howard stated that the water rates ordinance would be presented at the next meeting. Mayor Book called for a second for Alderman Wright's motion to table the Resolution. No second of same. Roll call on -the motion. ASE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard) Duncan, Hurst Whitehead, Long, Abbott, and Gibbons. NAY: Alderman Wright. (8 AYES and 1 NAY. Motion carried. This being Resolution No. 363. Alderman Howard moves that the Mayor appoint some one temporarily to seek easements f or the proposed. Wateinvorks and Sewerage improvements and that this person be approved at the next meeting. Alderman Gibbons seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Gibbons, Abbott, Long, Whitehead, Hurst, Duncan, TToward, and Sebree. NAY: Alderman Wright. (8 AYES and 1 NAY) . Motion carried. Alderman Howard recommended issuing future water -bills by the number of cubic feet used. Alderman Gibbous moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:35 P.Il. �_.­_7 11 City Clerk