HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 176 .0, 7, 7 1, L Ci t, 11 n7l� a r3�,'0 W M V 1 hjrZ n- �n_ 7, 1"11 in the CA, wai t hAn nqnn , �� avor at ON F. K. Present for aM c7ll : Rldar.mn "cward, Sebree, Staley, Wrihht, Terbener, -Trst, Loqv, Maner, Cibbons, Mott, 7ortor, Goorge, and 9anjer. Absent: Alearman. ?erry. Pledge of 01yZianca Nos L01.1 OL7i?ri bj 7rayer by AlOrman LonE. Petition slEned b: six denartnent heads of the 2,ity of Canton stating that their workers were not in faVor of the bi-4n Y7I -v: M : and Aldervon ,.;veer seconds a motion that the requent for wee l iayroli be granted. Hall call vote. AYE: Unanimous. qj71s for tne month of K )rll were read. 0 AP M '; E 0 L11 'VI -17 ST -0 yz 'I, S nj . A011 -.,,,rts of all zf7cnra nre read. Alderman Karbener moves that the renorts be acceotcd and placed on file. AlQnmo necrae seconds tits AoOuq. 7oAce Me, ATE: Unanimous. War= "erbonar 7oves and AlderAan Staley seconds a motion to acceot tne annual renorts of all officers as vresented -- rovorts are on file for those 7,,*s- to view Lheyn. Roll call vote, n-T: Inanimous. 'Te-or Cook called for reTorts of SOMME Committees. Anor Cod: called for r000rts of Snecial Conuittnes. Alderman AeKu re ocrtinL for the later and Sower Caiuitt,a, stated the aerptinn equirmort will be ins sec tad soon ana suncestiolE YLde as to QG treptannt. -a fortlqr v0tne t4Lt heat bad nothinC to dw with opening the crEcks in ', ,ster lid. Alderman larbener, renortlrZ for the Tinancs 3onq1t0s, announced the statas of the Hre aqd Micamen -)a-,,,, no,4j ander discussion in tha State TagisiLtare. Va then moves Mat tAe ngw iinance 3onaittee 5e directod to make a roioM to the CoancLl r,ard Ow carr:IrE or with the Mical OsOrancs arogram at the ffxst moetlnZ in My. AidorLnn . ..ale j ssconCs Ois motion. Voice vote- A7Q Unanimous. e Lldar�aq 7 :rWA r a awn k .t 0o [enoral lns nca )rwram Ms should h onen7d U M sacon d unotinE ii Aaj . novas that the Mairman of Qe T utor ail Sewer CamaitLoe be --ei,ibi-irs-,,�," 'or any tine lost while off fron woe: dion the inspection is oade at ti' sawwrage treatwent giant. Alder Aan Staley seco0a O ' s notion. ROIJ till vow, A7E: Unanimous. (Alders i nander nassinZ wVen the roll call vote uas taken) . Myer Cook called for Cowresoondence to Oe 30ulcil- joshEnat' on of Forest eav2r fron the PlanniriL LQ ZoninL Con uisshon real. glIerman B.nder moves ;Dnd AiderAan George socinKs a motion to accept his resigiatich. A letter of than� s to be sent to 1r. Weaver for the fine wor7 he has One for De Cit� . Voice vote. AYE: an%ous with Me excentiOa Of - Alderman 7%T--J-L!_It- Mq1.est for l ) 1! thoatre license fees tar vii o 7 iw Gardet, '2'--ledyer. Alder.-,.an 7ender novas and Meroan Gibbons socoKs a motion to place this request L'I Lke hands op t�^e License Cawaitteq for fvrther Mcission. Voice vots. L-1. Una imous. Asjor COD : cvllod for Tnfinis ,d lasinoss. or Cook cal-10 for 72w 3usiness. 177 T A-_�'erm.an Stalc-, t";-lc .-a or Uir, ounci_l lair c o o c­_,r a LL01 o1 is c a,st fou--,- -ve emirs, TD stat--d -UjaL As Councl lil ,J 1. le,,is ls 0I ved I C l� "]JAC" SLjcc�­7 ,-,s for llie cal,il J.." r l s cl,'l oil 11 L,at, `U­;re 1.!, ll a' so (lo t';,­ lbes-L .._ice t i s 1J` a-r-i c� 171-t r_L T l.7 a S) `)cst _eUocs. or ­ra` c,,S c c i L�11 Li orman 3ta , 7'0 ad ` c'i tlCl l "I I ll� )1101_i_) 0i h2j t and 4-1,1 11,tjjr,-,, - wo la--1 to 1­,e'l� % ;__ u . , lic _110 I)c v,l)_r,, I I s-4 ��j-ILI- 'h u stat d that t'-,ls '­,,.,,s u rd JOCK arC� T-ias been aoommplished and, Of COL.JrS(�, soil,c, thin- s 1, sl-lill IV) c -O� s 1-I— b—zi a 1A,',,*­r L')a­ ­� Lmnce, af�cll out of t,-)i s Erood %C),S J,2,�2%il 1, ;% - 1.1 .�__l 0-- 1 I I- -1 �)­ L, J a-, un Ln-, m,,fe,. r a��ain. has ca',,ie a wm0_,' s r v,,:, O1 or Is -,T�3r- f ortun, -Lo h e, sa cl-� r�t n-L a,- I Ll - ... G 'o,", s T r7 C(7,l"'.1 o I sLdlll, r jr. L nd r C Ut yI C r. ac,. 7.,r A., 11 1.- s t,,, Lc'-] 1'j a-L It 'h a 6 been a oleasure worl.rill1l., w. ti-_ fi,_­la. i­ tllla(i (' for a.9 s i s L in�� in maT,:in­ -ars easlor ',)-f C' Tl erbener or -L'-) th',.s C:_)i.ircil". -11a to c,-)­,Arol 1-J s r. was a to ,%To cl a,* U d,� for t�le la, or C T,_lrlj(?�,,�r f r f c, ,T,"r cooperation hc, 1-iaC, -Lvr-,-,.i. derman Tri.­'I-t jw-v?s to adjourn si.no die. IliL'_eriaan i?lotion. voicc vol c. 7 ij- 178 1, J... '✓ ... - _ Duncan, 7urA IoYc7 Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, T On _1)�S, End.e r, cu.11Ci. C orEe. Absent: :.Tone. PladEe of AlleLlonce was followed by Playor by Alderman 'toward. 'i a✓or CoDt N leoned Lie new Alder_ilen to the Council and asked for their COO u;'ra t! 0.1 and he nr,f1_SE,u t0 CMcra U Everett toward, paul Gi5bons, Clyde Duncan real and 'lJ�_u 1. ,n Abbott, �o' ort Je."i�'�inRs, Laurence b litel�'Rd. cJ ter a�,r_!. ., .:er vicil s 'nder, sv ere_v t -ouard, jobert Jewr i:ag,s Street ail MeY Georie S 1 11 1" Hobart 000 03 ci ';::1� r MMY Laurence i n -,E�1,-rence , of tun, Harr S abr alt x, Churl J thin"1t, Ci ?0 JU-'IG t JY lu7ML a M C_ o?ncs . i:; _mlL, Laurence ort:�-, _oba t jcr1 L s Lc.;,lM Lawrence lorton, Paul lurst, C arl: s 1rinAt G �� I^r , C'�l a�eT n "n c e Garb -�_, 0 _ lts�, l:__.v ._ J Lij Wry ' 7 t ,- i J - 20ri-:� .. 'r - ;, 5l I 'tarry Long, Ue rEe a innf r, Robert Ja n n:i_%s, L a wre ce lorton Hobart Georse, 'ouc7._i_ jonear, Charles W&LAt Clv•_l Defense T'a'.'.l Gibbons, carp. Lom, ril er5 an M L 1t woves that the c "poi tva"nts be acce' t d. Aluerma`. Gibbons r-C n s tnis motion. a,ll call vote , ' 'sous. ; a;`y or look rand his list of a7ioLn hwa lts Zor r-'rsonn i_l_; C't- ' tor J'o; G. Aaj Sen;_ft city , :;wr i7oward Gibbons sic. N thn .. or � - _ lr,J ,.,..t ;r joy"s Suit. Orval TY01 4 Mir Norts Mr. Lloyd e Roqc l-'- -ai ko -..c C4arl..s Mn. s Senora, ' _s_;osa.l_ a t. M-ene OMN! 2 o9araLars Victor Thompson '.ru : r l W viy s, Jr. Aeter odors E V one Jon: ins Nard `{ull'er Cler ,, dater Le >t. Catherine Emans i.o stor j Supt. ofc 1 3roun 1, p�LtJI_.LC n v.=x':11:)1 t Station Attendant M Ua tunl .r park Custodian. Gam Williams GdYb 't;e rJ1s:;oSc1l G;;vrEE: vv. '.,endail. Harold ,ic:_,e Police DOM.: Janes s ..1s terfiold 10 ry l:r Hazel Ioncrq Radio oparator Claude Grose 0610 Operator Ira Johns Traffic Policeman Ri-c _ard Lllsworth Zater Aaid Anne Koore School_ Patrol_ Geor e Sh wt ,,o Guy Might lob Cool t Ora Johnson pelen Trooaugh Krs. Aa-ry ,,ade 179, ,]a A,a",',.iliar­y -l'olice. Sz),n. 1.Azi-e:ifelter 7, Cont. (2) elbc:rt '?rush w'-'I. Ilostin C'Ierald Fi6l,�r 5. C S: t6+G e;_Q G'4a;plBs B.—rtiE3BEE1 T­ ,-r ­Jv!S 4" r>,_1`.-1,4 L)'Ccc" e r,ian c.Bender )_ics 'i oi A u:aL I-U'a OUS. ,Ia) Cr Coo`- reacf, 1-8 1 i s aT�) s, c r 3 co�l"Iil-lteas Liquo . 1!". Cool- oi wi.s ;hoard of F Ii-re p 0 SS-*,0�'i ,2rlCS d a is -�,(.,ars) C., on ''nforcL Offic,_ r Ojlrlar-les D. rL, s on T-']a'I'l " 'o S-I Boa- r c� o An�eals "e:yet(-r.1 z I e prat.,, a-1,.r.1 to D D. I 1 to rn_a tc, Parl-I.,I T,ii)ra.,:­, rdl P�aal_ G_oe jo`ln COIF-, 'In'7 -'.ow_-,rd I 2is r, Police Pensi,.-;! 3c".1""'! Bybee 3 oa rd OC T_alth Cla-inCe. Allcleni'.-,a-ri 1'ol1,­ a[­d. c "3 'i'.ot*I_J:' to ac;"-C;A 1011 S the ?01 voce. sL.Ic,-x,.J,s a moL.It-on that the C.ia!Lr,,',ari t"13 Coll� Jtte- ., act ,,.s "a-cr L call vote. 0- H L- A7,i Unan-1-mous 'AU;en-1L.n -!,-,ward 'pAS-­f'­S Petition -L"'--)r s`[Ii­ cA -_Iii,-,_)ro-v&ie,!t oi-.. t7(, ;C' r 'ri-`,_vc r J. ,.an '�c _c 01 _L,ocal 7 , moves "lal be r2fc�-_,' '6 r c" C11--r',) �-:id --atter 'had not- beon r)ut for stud, S' or" in '111e o-,T�lers -)�C­)(.s the nriotiDn. Noll call JL Alderman l0 f -1c"S COUICe uS cd for -U'ie repa of brid,-�,s in (Cai,'- (-1 7 Tilley ias i, i ur 1. 0 1,(1 1) Fir:,q G;ere ma�71n;; IT!-th t`ia st; I,c reE�-,_rd-in­ same. Mayor Coop c."Llo6 f r C o r v e s n dcn ce .,eag'_.c all- Council-iricn 'Uo att-end Letter fral.,I t'!e j- li,­ois i,.-un i-c.* �j-i_ T the one-du' : conf?rence to h0ld `_i 'ri-n--field on -7 j.JV "i a'0 a ie, J in attciCtin,, bt,, i-a?j Lc,,d es 'r..'a- d s,-�con '.i LT).*S not Lo '.�:-ce 15.0 ','o,,,ia 110t, man I T,1 rs — � L 'li's '�') t:-11 t �'�eadz. LI -­. par .iotio-1 Al.- r. a I'a, o1 ,- 1 li--rra-its ne c D --)ain L­1 - 2 cDc.,s �L_ nL L Uon of noso; aDr,,a'! !a,,' ' r "- ­­ ,-' lla-,;e -�af­tl -I` lid at lb'ie sewor pl_­,­,t --3,06,S) tO 'Uaci'ecC �'a*_-n thIt-s -,,,car, stre�_-t 'Ie-oL�rt- t aqui��,!:�!nt `-Las ,ien 0 3 3d idea 'U­0 "iave a -t(;r nc c,.Ioi- for Cit-u,' -,,--6.s a new Lruck May 7, 1963, Cunt. (3) YK recom"anded SIvInE the old truck to the Stroot Dowartnent for a s0lu truck; 9 Qe lift statTois at Aleventh Avq. a Cl knderson Place need to have t4o glass covors reilaceQ 9 water worRs onaninE need to be bricked up 0 more wor: needs to be done on Canton loco road, 25n tons of gravel has b2e-.,! Zraded doui aN it will taK more to comninte t4o YZA, me cuaaltmente& Orva--,- julm and the fou wortinE to clear the brush� a,-.(. around the lake; 11 it would 4 advisable to use the Civil Defease winch to drop old concrete it fill at t 'o ac where the new road at lake bnLl�s; 12 it would be advisab0 to use Via ;, D, krict to nlaCc? concrato slabs AL the ooinQ 13 sewers in l: 1E cit, n2nd to he cleaned. Alderman ,a-! ;( l : ovos t4st the City advertise for bids to clean 2747 feet of t4e main cower from Uallace Park to the Disnosal alant -- work to be done under tAe saparvision of the City Enainear; nl-Coraan AriLht rocammontod that sane should be referred to ths conaittee aN Zen re )ort Jack to the Council. or withlcaw his moti�n and s0twe Wat Lhe cawaittAo would maze a r2poTt at the nont m3etlnL. Aloarman 7urst rncawonjeC that the craw-bed also bo cicajo6 &at t0erami 3an6or state& that Vi4 would be a separate )rojcct. Alderman Ci'abons stats� that the Council 0o±16 -alntain -iroper .roci3 d11re5 re- EardlnE the uso of 00 Civil je •ease w2nch. AlderLwn �rinht st; tad that same should be referred to the cayaittAd to work out Qe datails. Aiderian LonE stated that the City buildl, noodet reCocoratinL and suL `:5 .3U �3,.Ivertis-ln,r foci �-Ads for tine City building aid the stairwal in the City Lounge. Discussion. lNerman LonL to call a m2atinE of the BaildlnE and Grounds Com- mittvA reEawdlnS adiartising. Alderman 0orge l:at a notion that the later and Sewer Connittee come to same oethod of raquesti4t ever; one annexing into tn8 Cit-,! to have sewer. Aldermar, jor-ins seconded this motif Voice Vote. A70 UraAimous. Mr. jack Ta 1 C from the 3enjamin Lewis A Co. requested a meetink uith the Vnter and Sewer Ooniittoe Wd anyone else int( rested) regarding the revenue bonds outstandinS. le will also meet wi- Leonard Crawford frim the enLtneerOL fir. hr. Taylor requested that an audit be apda. AKerman Wright Aovos and "Norwan George sac ads a notion tNt tie 3uilQnL and Cruunas Cawnitt.e moot A�d mano racommondations as to the anprcximate cost anc) nt,n- it the astimEteu cost is over $1500.0 for ruiort to too sent Kuncil me. redecorating, tke Cit; sKould advertise for bi?s. Alddraan Jen- iings stated that, a co,maitten should bc capable df functioninL wLtAout Council actioA whea the cost is less than 11500-00. Aoll call vote. AY ;: Unanimous. Warman 3ondnr ra =rtod that tie Allen Cu. that faraishas tie pollphos ,haN, for the water deiartuent wished to use the City of Canton name to the Warren Chanical Co. rcgardin how the City likes the product. Werwan 3ender moves and. Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to let the Allen Co. refer the City of Canton's ncne to the Warren Chemical Co, as a buyer for their product.- Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. First reading of an ordInance portaining to nlantinE of tries on terraces. Al5erman 3a7dar movas to suspend the rulas, oeconVej by Alderman Ueorgo. Roll call vote. A-E: Una0m0us. Alderman lender mov3s and Alderman Goor,e soconds a motion to place the 2rdinance on its '`assn `e. Roll call vote. A73: Unanimous. This being Ordinance lo. 7P. Alderman 3e-7 `r moves teat the Ordinance and Traffic C .,-,,-umittees prepare an ordnance regarling the traffic on East Elm St. between Third Ave. and yifth Av. Tiotion seconded bj Aldennan Dorton. Roll ca-1 vote. AY1- Unanimous. MaYmn Noward moves ant Aldarnan aura ht secoms a motion to e nloy 00 GqorZo 7ocker fina to a.dit the CHI boo/ks as soon as possible. Roll call voLe. AYE: unanimous. Alderman Aurst made a motion to 2nter "Aiscellaneous !tens" oa the aSendg to cover any an3r` oncy item that shoult be talen caue of before the next i1. >t. but uas received too late to place on the aZenda. Alderman 3ander moves to abolish the time limit for an Aldnrnan to s-eak a C the a,ende, seconded Q, Alderman Jonnings. Aoll call vote. AYA: Manias o,Nar, jenninEs, 7urst, Tuncar aN 01 Qht. !aY: Aldermen orge, lortin, Gibbons, A".--)bo:,t, Lai,, , Sinfiar, Whitehead, '13ward., a,1,7 Sebroo, (5 ATAS aad- 9 MAH) . Hotion lost. t�3 z 181 7 19" Cont. (4) AL-le.rrian 7�' ,,t --U-f miscellancoas o:c be ad6ed, oi,, ie agenda after nau s,,�3conc s t"J-S iuotio-"' oll call vote. A7"-,: AlrIcrr'i--n -T-"I.r'st' r 7 Iq Abbott, Gib-'-,-:)ns T a�1-1 -r' 'ICI e I A I 1-2 7�: Al,-ermen "ebree, Wright, 'Torton, and Gaor-'e. (l,) an(--j, A'�,TS) "�A-Ilon'carri,-::d. that tesolu.tioij TO. 304 u IiiAt for an A]-de-rfr-.an to -:ea'- abol-�-shed, seco-nde,--' b- 'J. ' 2.fter discuss---on, 11denfian with(f-r&,i his second Of wit-II.drew hjLs motion. A1113e,.-man 'Ar.1--Int tiion ri-Im/Os a t-:solution be drm,.Tn to abolkh Re I� I solution �To. 304- %ader s,,-,,c,-)--nds thils not-Ion.. "011. cal-1. vote. I'i'E: L f"l -S -ur,t Duncan Ln", Aldermen Geor€,e, Qer.,:ien 3en,--'.-,r, 0 1 Liorton, Gibbo-s-, AII)bott, Lon,';, Siciimn,-)r, anc, Sebree. 9 lost. Alder'lian Jer-11-1(11'-'s -Lncjuir8 ' about -o' 10 L 3 C'. CIA c Alderiii, C, :lot- -_7 i" J-- "--':'l'Z 1S2 BILLS ALLOWED FOR PAYMENT FOR APRIL, 1963 BLDG. & GROUNDS: Am. Pest Control X45.00 POLICE DEPARTMENTS Canton Clean Towel Service 13.00 Babcock Job Printery $35.45 C.I.P.S.Co. 7.311 Bob & Genus Chevrolet. 240.00 C.I.P.S.Co. 43.59 Canton Clean Towel Service 2.75 brow Hardware Co. 16.23 Canton Auction House 10,00 Garbage Disposal Dept. 1.46 Garbage Disposal Dept. � 144.05 Homer Electric Co. 17.611 I11. Bell Telephone Co. 8.80 Mason Hardware Co. 24.37 Kale Uniforms 6.93 Industrial Towel & Uniform 3.45 Macomb Communications Service 40.00 Modern Displays, Inc. 10.75 Bill's Cabinet Shop 9.50 Selkirk's 7.15 Swaringen Wholesale Co. 16.80 A. C. Shepley & Son 54.00 Oaks & Sons 4869.90 Traf-�-Teria System 259.50 66.26 Wallace Service Station 5018 CIVIL DEFENSE: 624.56 Canton Supply Co. 5.31 STREET & ALLEY DEPT. : Federal Surplus Utilization 89.88 Bolon's Repair Shop 124.30 Garbage Disposal Dept. 23.86 Bruce Municipal Equipment 93.95 C.I.P.S.Co. 5.04 Sutton Supply Co. 3.79 Sturgeon Electric 29.80 Cummings & Emerson .92 157.-K- Duck Island Sand & Gravel Co. 54.08 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Garbage Disposal Dept. 115.82 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 364.34 Jarvis Welding Co. 2.00 Gambles 25.00 Mason Hardware Co. 14.64 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 2.25 H. E. Miller Auto Body, Inc. 311.46 Seagrave Corp. 60.15 Muni Quip Corp. 73.50 Wallace Service Station 13.65 Pschirrer Coal & Asphalt Co. 198.00 t Glen Rawls 45.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL TEPT. s Sears, Roebuck & Co. 3.29 Canton Daily Ledger 7.35 A. C. Shepley & Son 76.20 Canton Supply Co. 3.78 1123,03 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 5.00 WATER & SEWER DEPT. : Leon Chevillon oil Co. 227.08 C.I.P.S.Co. 1039.28 Continental Oil Co. 163.72 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 31.25 Cummings & Emerson 1.27 Higgins Oil Co. 178.46 Garbage Dept. gas. 92.97 Continental Oil Co. 51.51 I11. Bell Telephone Co. 9085 Valley Chemical & Solvents 270.00 I11. Bell Telephone Co. .30 Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. 47.70 Industrial Towel'& Uniform Ser. 3.25 John P. Harris, Inc. 496.28 Miller Auto Body, Inc. 2.9E Difco Laboratories 7.25 Livio Poggioli 373.90 Marblehead Lime Co. 204.00 Glen Rawls 90.00 Jack Russell 497.75 Sunray D X Oil Co. 218,50 Garbage Disposal Dept. 65.36 lluoeuc H. E. Miller Au&o Body, Inc. 7.88 GENERAL FUN9D: Jarvis Welding Co. 27.50 Babcoc'c Job Printery 54.85 Bolon's Repair Shop 6.00 Canton 'Daily Ledger 24.40 Pschirrer Coal & Asphalt Co. 10.80 Farmers' CoOperative Grain 28:20 Demler Lumber Co. 2.40 Carole Henderson 94.00 Mason Hardware Co. 18.19 I11: Bell Telephone Co. 4.00 Sutton & Moore 18.92 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 8300 Linn Materials, Inc. 48.40 Francelle Larson 30:00 Duck Island Sand & Gravel Co. 29.08 A. D. Painter Agency 17.50 Utility Sales Co. 873.31 Petty Cash 28.72 Babcock Job Printery 21.50 Postmaster 50:00 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 34.10 Scruggs &'Hammond 150;00 Affiliated Paint C anpanies 55.60 Bernard W. Smith 10:00 Wilkie Pipe & Su ply Co. A. C; Shepley & Son 1,30,50 Swartz baugh Impl�ment Co. .60 Chas. 3D. Weed 119.80 eow ardwar,Co e White's Book Store 3;50 Getz Fireontrol Equipment 3 . 8 . Chicago Pum Co. 4 . LIGFITS: e lec is } .1i Iffarl.fTy"e'ry � An sfer C.I.P.S.Co. 1110.31 canton Au o tv "Parts i er m�iI o: 295.00 PARKING METER FUNDs Brulin & Co. Inc. 0 Canton Concrete Products Co. 25.74 J. E. Myers Axcavating Duncan Parking Meter 250,00 Livio Poggioli 201 2� Postmaster 50,00 I11. Bell Telephone Co. 3 .0 Livio Poggioli 27.50 PartiinC&-Martin 10.8 John Wherley 100.00 . G. Adams 21.3 GRAND TOTAL $160692.41