HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 174
Airi3 22 , 19A
Canton City Council held a Snecibl Reeting on Anril 22, 1963 in Ve City
Council Chamber, meeting called by Aldermen Vorbenar, 7oward, and Chas. D.
Lrlht. purpose op the meetinE: "To meet with the Traffic EnEineer jobn
Raerwald to make t4o final plans on the Canton Square traffic and part al-an
as it an-lies to traffic flow, traffic signs, parking, cross walks, and all
other details connected with the plan outside of the Jones Park beautification.''
or Cook called the l " t1W` to orOnr at 705 7. A, Frei It Zur Loll Call-
Warman lonard, Sebree, Stale,,, WrQht, larjenar, 7urst, Gibbons, Abbott, rorton,
GporEc, AVermbn OnOur arrOOL at 9:01 A,aqtj K!OrAwn
St! pjar, aid nrr� .
n1lagance was followed bZ PraZar bj Alderman Puward.
,07or 0004 called for the ren?ln� oi the call to 54e neet!V- (as a5a,a) .
e l^ stat& cat Owro wera two thin, to achioW nit4 Ots Met!K -
1, ,'o set in Ka Strva Danartneit or soze A.Pns of jidtln; for Oe raAovai of
cirhln�, Knes, vnC Ve fInal des!Ln of tne oLr2. 2. Final docision at the
C ancil raLardln . various __tens such as trPific, flow OZ Graf fic, cross walks
ond all Qose tbin,. AiderNon hriLht s0ted tnLt the treat EsportKinn s louic,
lot le expe/Ked to do the wor'r.
T. PoV wrwalo stated that Vere were Qo rojects -- %side L ;d outside
the nLrk an6 tuay s4oul, bo comoletud by Ay.vst so that the lawo coaK 5a Dut
in and h Octwer most of Ve trees siould be nianted (others to he olunted next
snr _7C) , &s soav as Ve ends are cut, curb!nE, isVrds and matern can he in-
stallad Lod raveTve will be cominE �n. qo recommented that the City Wiqa r
ho instrnctod to work on the aroject as thct would he faster and ch can ar, (Citu.,
&Elnner would io familiar with the entire wraj ect) .
Viermon Verbenor moves that the City InEineer of Canton be directed by Ve
C =cll to lacc Ule anEinser's draw7n, of the olans and snec''.ficahlons of the
,ayz. in Oan withdrew that motion and noven that the City Engineer of Cantoa
he directou Q On OtL Council to draw yia4s and snocifications for the can-
struVion of joa s Par- in-rovemant (perimeter of the ?art) and upon cuaDDOOn
that bVs bq lwL for contract of ti" Lt viork. Gibbons excus& from the
Council roui at 7 :35 P. ,, returning at 7:40 P. A. Alderman Se's ree seconds the
notlin ma6e A, Odarman Aarb .ner. loll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
�0101,jm,jt of , a f'Aal qVns for tie sbroot was the nent itan on he atonva --
vscussloo of 45 OeLree or 90 daEraa parkln General discussion regarCOL wrk-
inE stalk a, traffic flow, "r. Vaerwa-1,J. recoa:(en,,�'.ad the two lane �OYWAQt-
floorn&n 'trwaner moves to regard too square as being a parkVL area aad irovldo
04=VP sinns d nLtinE Avenue A and 2irst Avenue as such streets. Alderwan
"ownrd sac a_ ItKs Action. aoll call vote, A-E: Aldero2n Howard, Babrea,
stale;; , WriEht, "erbiner, Gibbons, Abbot, Horton, and George. rA`': Alderna-ri
7urst. (9 .-';J and I NAY) . notion carriad.
10. 3aerwald discussed the 45 degree parking an the West side of the square
(losing amrox4atoly 20 spaces) and using 90 degree angles on the Aorth, East,
aid Soatn side of the square. Alderpan Sebree stated that the oecole didn't
vote for tne 45 degree parking. Alderman Her ) nar moves to adopt 93 dcEr w
varling as uresented on VH Oan. This motion was seconded bj hlCerman George.
loll call vote. A-0 Alderman Gaor;e, 7orton, Abbott, Gibbons, Herbener, WKL ,,t,
Stale ', 3abree, and Pomard. &7: Alderman 'durst bIt he wanted to go an record,
as beinE in favor of the 90 deEree narkino on all narts of tie sqnare oxce7t on
A-25 and 1 07) . Notion carried.
sir. lwerNaK exQaLned the VjKnU traffic flow: 4-wao stoas on Ve SO, aK
t e -Z, corner of tKe square; 3-way stoo signs on the A. E. Lad 6. E. corners
of tie square; stoo signs on N. and S. Aain St. on the interior aisles; R. turn
onij on nain Street from the two interior aisles; and consideration should be
given that the City may have to reduce the left turn from S. Main St. to W. Elm
St. ; and ?ossibly the elimination of the left turn from W. Chestnut St. to A.
Aain St. Alderman Vnder arriving at 9:00 P. A. Alderman Herbener moves to
adopt the drivinn traffic flaw of tAw engineer. Alderman Horton seconds this
motion. Holl call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
April 22, 1903, Cont.
Discussion of Cross -[alks -- established cross walks at the four corners
of the square. Ali er..an Herbener .roves to adopt cross walk elan as presented
by the engineer. Alderrriain Howard seconds this motion. Alderman Hurst moves
to amend the motion and eliminate two car stalls and nlac e a cross walk
across the middle of the square. Alderman Nright stated that it was a good
thing for the merchants not to ' ave the middle-nark crossing. Alderman Abbott
seconds the motion. of Alderman. Hurst. r. ?Lar Eld. stated that legally the
traffic could travel thirty males or hour. if this rate is to be lowered,
a study must be made and reconvended by the ,state, Roll call vote on the
Amendment. AYE: Al. orman Burst NAT : Aldermen Bender, George, Horton,
Abbott, Gibbons, 9erbener, Wright, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. (1 AYE and
10 WAYS) . Notion lost. Roll call vote on Alderman _tf rbener's motion. AYE:
Aldermen ;-Toward, Sebree, Staley, WrQnt, Herbener, Gibbons, Abbott, Morton,
Ceorge, and Bender. ..Y: Alderman i_urst. (10 AYES and 1 NAY) . Carried.
Alderman H rl)eanr aoveo that the City Engineer Ceveloi plans and s ecificatlons
for traffic control aad traffic flow and na&&L area with the stimulation that
�- ore-cast concrete be considered for abuttment:s and that the Police Chief,
Traffic Committee, or Police and Legal Ca unLtt�a ':)e autihorized to purchase
narking meters. Alderman Horton seconds this notion. '_?oil call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Stale= mov :s that all :i ndebted ass t4 t occurs and the off-street
narking UL be paid from the Tar ink : Ct�r lL�G -- aLSO LYClUdlfg the time
that the City am)loge '.s nut in o1 the project. Alderman H2rbener moves that
all exmenscs should he naK from Qe adKt nal M meters. He then withdrew
his motion and seconded the ";lotion made by Alde d a l Staley. 'loll call vote.
A`1: Unanimous.
On behalf of the -ruff i-c Co,2:rlitte. an(' the Canton Chi r,.::r of Comm:rc , Alder-
man Harbennr stated that the Cite Council is to be convlended for tho. fine
:IOI y �rojact has �� :r handled rd thanked t �e entire in hic'n t'.e T}
Alder=n George s tst:ad that the bea._tt f V LnS of Jones Park should be done b;,7
Local firms -- ^lQr �a-n Stale,,- stated th t 'aids should be let or at least
shot around for the best nri_ce.s. Alderman ' c,rbenwr stated that Mr. Chamber-
lain is to furnish a list of needs for _eautLfy&L the park and when the
various trees and shrubs are to be nlant:ed.
i°'_r. Jack rya Lker, an behalf of the Canton Cha I''ar & Conaerce, thanked the
e; had done. ' e asked what -prof Tess ;':lad
City Council 'or t'�le; s ��<<�� �,,;orl. t T- �?
been made on the White Court; Parki E lot.
n1derman verbennr naves to adjourn, secon{''& by Alderman George. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned the Special Meeting
at 9:5D P. __.
Ci_t'y 'Clerk
9:hn n•'1`' . Alder;flan Stale-, requested permission to soea.k, to the Council_
oertai.ning to the Finance Caamitt= muetinE plann:d for .;`,'aril 24 and asked
that it be posnonod a_i:'- further stated that medical insurance for all em-
oloyess should not de discussed un.t'Ll after the 1111noi; Legislature adjourned
on June 30. :coves that the Council- c_>nti_rme the consi erati_on
of medical insurance bids unt=il the first - ut!PS in July. Alderman Hurst
seconds this motion. Roil call vote. A7E: Unanimous.
City C _er