HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-1963 Council Meeting Minutes April 17 103
Cite Canton Council held a regnlar meeting on A7ril 17, 1463 in the City .
Council Chamber.
MaTor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:02 P. A. Present for Hall Call:
116ermen Howard, S bree, Stale,,,;, lv'riglrit, Herbener, Logo, Gibbons, Abbott,
Vortor, KeorEe, and 3ender. Lbsent: Alter men Hurst, Oinner, and 3errl .
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer b; Alderoan Long.
Alderman Long moves Lnd Alterman Gibboqs secon6j a motion to accept the ;a
minutes of the orevious meeting as presented and Dlace same on file. Roll
call- vote. ATE: Unanimous.
A Petition wAh anaroximatelY 350 names was filed with the City Clerk bj Chief
of Folice Lindzey -n some requesting nermission to hold teen-age straet
dances on Saturday nights during the samner --, site suq ester was Wcst
Cvestrot Street between lain Sheet and Market Court or Avenue A if necessar>
Chief Lin6zey asked that the Citl C3uncil Provide .the refreshments for tV-
first dance aQC thet a committee, including him, he named to snend up to
41101.11 if necessar � for lights, sneaker of some tone and any such equipment
as needed. Alderman Verbener moves that the Council grant nermission for the
teen-age street dances and that CIA& Lindsey be a)o-j_nteid, chairman of the
committee em-owenOto snend up to $100.00 and further stated tALt the CVY Y111
fqrnish and serve the refreshments for f.,.-e first 'ance. Alderman Staley seconded
T is b&-- -�Ietition Mo. 69.
t5is motion. Roll call vote. INE: Unanimous. 1
Eplor Cook called for renorts of Stonding Gaimitteas.
Alderman Herbener nresented a resolution regarding tha. re fore ndav on Jones
Park and then moves that same be ado ted. Alderman Sebree seconds tKs notior 1.
jj,,,ssjon, Roll call vote. A70 Aldernnn GeorZe, Morton, Gibbons, lunE,
"erbener, WrQht, StFlej, Sobree, and Howard. N0 : Aldermen Bender and Abbott.
This being aesolation To. 349. , ,
Alderman Wright evasod to answer telephone at 7:28 P.Z. , returninL at ON P.A.
Alderman Wright, revortinL for the Claims Committee, moves that the City
assume res. onsibility for $620.00 of the claim of t1020.90, _to be paid to Mrs.
sAnnid Smith for damages caused by sewer flooding in Soot. 1911 and that the
City Engineer and Street and Alley Committbe take a survey of the situation and
come to some decision as to what should be done to nrevent further damage to
this nronert-;-. Alderman Staley seconds this motion. Discussion. Roll call
vote. A'1,7: Aldermen Staley, Wright, and Horton. At! : Aldermen Howard, of bree,
herbener, Long, Gibbons, Abbott, George, and Bender. (3 AVS and 8 NAIS) .
jotion lost.
Anyor Cook called for renorts of Spocial Cawaitteos.
0yor Cook callqd for Communications to the Council.
� �,,- card.
Thank you note from Ars. Ellen Tilly fo: s 7n,x-itl-
Invitation to the entire council to attend the wedding of Judith inn Hill to
Eugene Und on April 21, 1963.
Letter from the Western WaternroofinC Co. stating they are still trying to
remedy the vroblem of the digester tank lid at the sewerage plant.
' a or Cook called for unfinisfed business.
Mayor Cook called for NGw bisiness.
Ar. Stewart Reed requested use of the Jones Park on Hay 2, 3, & 4 as Canton
Promotional 3als. Permission granted.
First reading of an Ordin8nce making a correction of ordinance jo. 74. Llder-
man Long; moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous Alderman Long moves and Alterman Wright seconds a
notion to glace the ordinance an its nassaEa., Roll call vote. Ayi: Unanimous.
This heing Ordinance Ko. 77.
Apr. 17, 19b3, Cont.
Resolution for Transfer of Funds, X103000.00 from the Pulalic Comfort Station
to the General Fund. Alderman Stale;;- movers and Alder7-.1an _ ender seconds a
motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. Aldermen '?ender
George, Horton, Abbott, Cibbons, Lone;, 'Jri�-ht, Stalo-,T, Sebree, and Howard.
PaSSI''dG: Alderman 'ierbener. (10 PASS) . Carried. This bein--
Resolution No. 350.
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Alderman Bender moves, Alderman George seconds a motion Lo aaj ourii. v uiuG
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 10:02 P. m.
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