HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 167 March 19, 1963 Canton City Council held a regular meeting; on March 19, 1963 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meetin' to order at 7:05 P. M. Present for Roll call. Aldermen ?-coward, Sebree, Staley-, l right, Herbener, Hurst, Gibbons, Abbott, Horton, Ceorge, and ;ender. ,alderman Long report- ing at 7;16 P. M. Absent: Aldermen Skinner and Berry. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept the minutes of -the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition signed by eleven firemen requesting a thirty-day sick leave and $2.00 per hour salary. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to accept a.i refer same to the Finance Co rnnittee. Voice vote. AY'': Unanimous. N Petition requesting sewer on East Chestnut Street from Fourteenth Avenue to Bradley Corners, including Willow Court with fort,-two signatures read. Alder- man Render moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AY ': Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees. Alderman Herbener reported. that the Financ-e Corrunittea had met, and would pre- sent the. Apr)ropriation Ordinance at the ,�Zeht Council meeting; He then moves that the council advertise for bids for hospitalization insurance for employees with the st-i.pulati_on to accept or reject any bid, same to Oe read at the first meeting in April_. This motion was seconded by Alderman George. Department heads to resort to the CitlT Clerk just what tyre of insurance the city 7 employees desire. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. I Alderman Wright, reoorting, for the Claims Committee, stated. that Mr. Barker who had been involved i_n a car collision requested na,,,rreiZt of his claim because Yield Right of Way sign was down. City Attorney Senift to investigate and re- nort to -the next Council. meeting. Ma;;or Cook called for reports of Special_ Cam-nittees. Mayor Cook called for Communications to the Council_. Ma-Tor Coo:: called for Unfinished 3usinnss. :Mayor Cook called for New Bus _n ss. ;iesolution for installation of a street liclht _n Nest t?irch Street oetween Avenue C and Keelin- Court and one on Sycamore Ter---ace read. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Sebree seconds the motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This be:_ng 1�esulution No. 317. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to hawkers and peddlers. Sarne to lay over until the next meet-i.r_g. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Zoning Enforcin , afficer's fees. Alderman Wr:i.r,.-ht moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Wright then moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds the motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This 'Oeing Urdinance 140. 76. The subject of returning to a semi-monthly payroll was brought to the floor by Alderman Wright -Who stated that the Finance Committee should investigate as to the savings in cost and labor; department heads should discuss this plan with the=ir employees and. those -involved with macc_ing out the payrolls. Alderman ?-Lorton reported that Mr. Carroll H':nderson., the City dog-catcher, had caught fifteen dogs and is doing; very good work. arrangements are being made with the caretaker at the City- Turn'p to care for the dogs and also the release of them to the owners after costs of care have been made. Alderman Herbener suggested that the City Clerk obtain conies of the Ord-_nances now in use in Moline, Rock Island and East Moline. 16S March 19, 1903 Alderman Abbott made inqu-ir-j regarding; shoot A_ng at the City EPInp and learned that no shooting is allowed by anyone and the caretaker is respon- sible for prohibiting same. Stewart Reed, Sec. of the Planning- and Zoning Commission read a Resolution from that group and then introduced sir. Clarence E. Hammond. of the firm of ScruF,s and Hammond: Mr. Hammond stated that a city should have a survey of their needs every five years and since the City of Canton has not had same since 19563 it is advisable to have one at this time. He said this work could be done at this time or in a two-;Tear phase (however, it would cost approximately x,5,000.00 more to work on the two-year plan) . The State demands that Zoning mans be brought up to date ever,,,,- year. ,iir. Hammond reported that Federal funds are available for payment of two-thirds of the cost of cities planning zonin , surveys -- the firm of Scruggs and Hai -fond would produce a+ contract for approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and then to the Council for approval and then to the State Hoard of Economi- cal nevelopment for approval, then forwarded to the Chicago office for approval and then -to Was'riin�,ton, D. C. The City and the Federal Government then places their share of the cost in escrow with the State De-oartment and t`-e Scruggs and Ham~no:nd firm. are pain} from time to time from that fund. The totdl estimated cost of this project would be around 16,Oi)�J.00 Alderman Gibbons states that t'ni.s matter should be referred to the planning and Zoning; Commission and the ;finance Committee. Alderman ?ioward recommended that the committee bring back a favorable re?ort. Cark Koster, President of the Planning and Zoning; Commission spoke to the Council and recommended their cooperation. Alderman Gibbons :moves to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Wright. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9;05 N. M. a-._.Fier ty