HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 160 Canton Cit�r ouncil held a re ular meetin in the City Counci� Chamber on Feb. 19, 1�6 . Mayor Cook ca led the mee ing to order at 7;0 P. 114. Present for ;doll Call; Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, L,onL, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. Absent; Alderman Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Lone; moves and .alderman George seconds a motion to accept the min-utes of the previous meeting and place same on file. Voice vote. A11, : Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for re.)orts of Standing Co:nmi_ttees. Alderman Wright, reporting for the Claims Committee stated that the Water and Sewer Committee recommended that action be taken to correct the conditions where earth had been removed on paving projects, thus causing water mains to be within the frost-line and more liable to freeze. The committee also recom- mended payment of a bill for thawing a water main at 1137 E. Loc zst St., pror)- erty of Elmer Jacobs and .moves that the bill of ELrier Jacobs in the amount of '19:1.75 be allowed for the following reasons: because the City was res-ronsi_ble for cutting down the hill and earth to within eleven inches causing, the main to freeze (because of procedures the Street Eeoartment took in cutting down this street) . Alderman ?'_urst secon�us th i_s motion. lderman 'vr:i.ght stated that in the matter of bills of ir. Carpenter and !;•1r. Shiel,is, the co;nsiittee wanted to make further study and also stated there may de other claims presented. Roll call_ vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. '_layor Cook called for reports of Special. Committees. imr. -Richard !.Iatson, 551 E. Locust St. was :;ranted permission to spea.t to the Council, requesting that the City pay the charges for correcting a collapsed sewer at that address. Alderman Bender read the Ordinance pertaining to such charges. Alderman Howard moves that this complaint be turned over to the Sewer and Water a:d Claims Committees for study and report to the next Council rac�et :nFJ. Motion seconded by Alderman Sebree. Moll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. mayor Cook called for Correspondence to the Council. A letter from Senator Everett M. Dirksen stating that he had written in behalf of the City of Canton concerning the Federal Grant for Sewer Extension and also a letter from He-p. Robert T. McLoskey stating that he had been informed that funds for the current fiscal year are almost exhausted and any project not approved under the currant appropriation will be carried over until additional funds are made available . Ma or Cook called for ?Tnfin_i_slied Business. Alderman Herbener inquired of City Attorney Senift what information he had re- ceived regarding engineer's fees (inquiry was made at last Council. meeting) . He read a aort' on of the I ' linois Statutes stating that the fees of the engineer, attorne7, , etc. shall not exceed 12% of the total estimated amount of the project; Alderman Herbener further stated that the costs stated in Ord.ina..�ce 74 (passed at the last Council meeting) were 15.50. Alderman Gibbons sug_.;ested that an in- vestigation be made to see what fees had been paid in the past. Mayor Cook called for New 3usiness. ,iayor Cook reported that Mrs. 9erniece White had resigned as School Crossing Guard (Ave. C and Locust St.) and Mrs. Helen !robaulh had been appointed to re^lace her. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to confirm the appointment of Mrs. Helen Trobaugh. Roll call vote. AYa:Unanimous. 1�equest from the Eagles Auxilliary to hold a tag day on April b (rain date -- proceeds to be used for T.'iuseslar Dystrophy and local projects, lZest Domes, From, Heart Fund and Bed Cross. Alderman i3ender moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to grant permission for tag da7T. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. 16 Feb. 19, 1963, Cont. Alderman Gibbons, renortin�_; on a meeti.n of the planning and Zoning Committee, stated that a revision of the f es for building permits should be made. He then moves to refer this matter to the Ordinance Committee to draw up an Ordinance. This motion was seconded by Alderman ?irbener. Roll call vote. AY:E: Tdnanimous. Alderman Herbener, in discussing the City's insurance program, stated that the policies should. be made in three or possibly four classifications and that the city should authorize the City Attorney and City Clerk to advertise for bids for a more consolidated insurance grogram. Alderman Gibbons moves that the City httorney and City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for a con- solidated insurance program. niscussion regarding just how such a bid would be worded and that the matter should be studied further. Alderman Gibbons then withdrew his motion. A plan to be worked out and presented to the Council at the next meeting. Resolution pertaining to widening of State Route No. 7:5. Alderman Hurst moves to adopt the jesolution. Alderman 1AIright seconds the motion. Alderman Herbener asked the aldermen to vote against this resolution for the reasons: 1. `there is no statute provision that applies to t're ,,ayor-Aldermen form of government that permits placing same on ballot. 2. Tire resolution is not a question of public policy but a permanent street improvement and comes under the Board of focal Imp- CG rovements. 3. Route 78 is under a permanent injunction "Parking may not be per- the on this route" and the government will not allow the full. amount of the cost and same must be mace known on the 'ballot. A petition signed by 250 of the registered voters or 25% of those who voted in the last general election should have been filed with the clerk at least 78 days prior to the election and then the question could have been placed on the ballet. General discussion. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Sebree seconds a motion to adopt the Resolu- tion. Roll call vote. A,r', : Aldermen George, Horton, .3erry, Abbott, Long, Hurst, Wright, and Sebree, NAY: Aldermen Bender, Gibbons, Herbener, Staley, and Howard. (8 AYES and 5 NAYS) . Motion carried. Mayor Cook stated that he would Veto this Resolution and will give his reasons at the next Council meeting. Alderman Hurst inqu=ired about the repair of the Ray Street bridge. Mayor Cook reported that, after further inspection, in his opinion, a new bridge is needed. Alderman Bender stated that the cost would be more than the estimated ? 1500.00. Alderman Herbener stated that, if the sewer extension program was followed through, the creek channel would probably be changed. Discussion regarding the nlacin:,, of barricades on said street. Alderman Sebree moves and , lderman Tierbener seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:31 P. M. 162'. March 5, 1963 Canton City Council held a regular rneetinC on '.March 5, 1963 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeti.np; to order at 7:05 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Stalezr, Wright, Herbener, Burst, Long, Gibbons, Horton, George, and Sender. Absent: Aldermen Skinner, Abbott, and 3erry. Pledge of Allegiance was followed b7, Prayer by Alderman Long. Alderman Long moves that the minutes of the previous meeting be acce-oted as presented and placed on file. Alderman Horton seconds this motion. Roll call vote. A77- Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Claims a„^-ainst the City. Alderman Wri&lt reporting for the Claims CorLmittee, reported a meeting; of that committee and stated that the Hastings-Watson bill should not be honored, the Rollol Bufflam bill for renai.r of a car accident caused by a street hazard, the Ra;' Carpenter, John K. Lenover and Charles Shi(-�_l.ds bills were just accounts and should be -paid. The latter three were for Lrczrn water service caused by re- moving earth when the streets were bl.acktonued. Alderman Wright moves t'rlat these were just claims and the responsibility of the City. Alderman Howard in- quired if the claims had been discussed with t'.ne TATater and Sewer and Claims Com- mittee. Alderman 'durst seconds the motion. Alderman r3ender stated he wishes to talk to t'le Cit47 Enginear and Plumber and hold up the bills a little longer. General discussion. Alderman Hurst. ifitharew his second of the motion and Alder- men Wright withdrew his motion nroviding; that the Sewer and Water and Claims Com- mittees would meet as soon as it was convenient for them. ?Sills for the month of ;I'ebruary were read. Alderman Herbener moves to amend and temporarily withdraw t'Le Carpenter, Hastings, Lonover and Shields bills from the list. Alderman i3en.6er seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alder- men ??erbener then moves to allow, as amended, al.l bills properly approved., for payment. Alderman Horton seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Reports of all- Officers were read. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to accept the reports and olace on file. Aldermen Howard and stated that a vote of confidence should be given to Chief of Police Lindzey and his men for the fine work they had done t'he east few days. Alderman n^dright then moves and Alderman Staley seconds a motion to give a standint vote of con- fidence to the entire Police ? enar.tment. Vote was Unanimous. Tayor Cook called for reports of Standing m �, Com.nzttees. Alcerman Herbener resorted on the insurance Tarogram for the City, and gave_ each 1,1derrnan a cool, of the standard form Oid for all City owned property exceot the house on '.?a.st Chestnut Street a:.d all vehicles except one lord t'arm 'Tractor and a 1952 T. N. C. >T 'ickup and stated that $16,00.00 couldoe saved on the public institution portion of the insurance nrot rain. Alderman Heroener moves to direct the City Attorney and the City Clerk to advertise for bids to 'oe opened at the f _rst meetir-1 in ,^.-aril. Alderman I+'_award seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: [.Jnanimous. .1ayor Cook called for reports of Special Committees. Mayor Cook called for coiriunicat'_ons to the Council. Letter from the HOUsinc and ;Tonle Finance Ar"encTr resard:i.n'' the ,F rt i tar:1 newer SZ�stern state.--� that Fulton County had been removed from the critical list and that no funds were available at this time but that the documentation presently on file could be transferred to the new aprlication except for certain resolutlons and supnortiaig documentation which would need to be revised or updated at such time t'rlat Fulton County should again be listed as an area eligible to participate in the accelerated Puolic Works Program. Alderman ',,dri-ht moves that the Council consult w:i.t'-�. tie engineers and take whatever steps are necessary to ma'Le a new re- quest for dais program. Alderman Burst inquired about the contract w.lth the Bonding Co. Alderman Wright withdrew his motion. I J