HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 140 Nov. 20, 1962 Canton City Council held a regular meeting Nov. 20, 1962, in the Council Uhamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. Alderman Staley arriving at 7:01 P. M. Absent: None. Pledge of allegiance was followed by Invocatign by Alderman Howard. Alderman Howard moves that the minutes of the previous meeting be addepted as presented and placed on file, seconded by Alderman George, Roll call vote. AYE: -Unanimous. Petition containing signatures of forty-three .property owners -- requesting sewer extension on East Chestnut Street from Fourteenth Avenue to the Bradley Corners, including Willow Court. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman George seconds the motion to refer the Petition to' the Sewer and Water Committee. Voice -vote. AYE: Unanimous. (Petition No. 64). Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees. Mayor Cook called for reports of Special Committees: Mayor-Cook called for Communications to the Council. Request from the Church of the Brethren to place a sign on the southwest corner of East Locust Street and North Third Avenue, directing the public to that Church. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Howard seconds a motion to re- fer this request to the Traffic Committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. NAY: Alderman Hurst. (13 AYES and 1 NAY). Carried. Request from the Village of New London, Iowa to approve the installation of a two-way radio system in that Village. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to accept the letter and place on file and write a letter approving the action. Alderman Hurst recommended that the matter be taken care of by the Police and Legal Committee. Chief of Police Lindzey stated that Mr. Arthur Carnahan, Macomb Communications Service, was the proper person to approve the installation. Mr. Carnahan to be advised to take care of same. Letter from the Civil Defense Agency recommending the work being done by the Canton Civil Defense Department. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Skinner seconds a motion to accept the letter and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the 1ivision of Highways recommending completion of the East Chest- nut Street crossing of the C. B. & Q. R. R. and advise that office when work is finished. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion that the City Attorney be instructed to make negotiations with the C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long moves that if the work on the East Elm Street project meets with the approval of the Council, that the Division of Highways be notified. Alderman Skinner seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Methodist Church expressing appreciation to the Council and Street Department for the promptness in removing dead trees from the terrace. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Berry seconds a 'motion to accept the letter and place on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Unfinished business. Second reading of an Ordinance pertaining to charges at the City Dump for trees, logs, or both. Alderman Staley moves to place the Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman Berry. Discussion regarding if a charge should be made to the Park District, C.I.P.S.Co., and the I. H, C. Alderman Herbener moves to exclude local utility companies of Canton and any local taxing bodies. Alderman Skinner seconds this motion. Roll call vote- opi the Amendment of Alderman Herbeners AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Herbener, Long, and Skinner. NAY: Aldermen (5 Staley, Wright, Hurst, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. AYES and 9 NAYS) . Motion lost. Alderman Staley then moves to amend the Ordinance "Not to include chips or machine chopped-up wood". Alderman George seconds this motion. Roll call vote on this amendment. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons 141 Nov. 20, 1962, Cont. Pg. 2 suggested that the strip mine holes might be available for use for dump grounds -- same to be referred to the Garbage Disposal Committee. Roll call vote on the Ordinance, as amended, AYE: Aldermen Howard, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. NAY: Alderman Sebree. (13 AYES and l NAY) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 71. An inquiry by Alderman Berry regarding the volunteer helper at the Greenwood Cemetery. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Hurst seconds the motion to re- fer the matter to the Cemetery Board, thus relieving the situation in the Council. Alderman Wright inquired if'the lady was bonded and if salaried and was informed that she was neither. Alderman Herbener stated that the Cemetery'Board, with the approval of Mr. Oren Brown, Superintendent of the Cemetery, agreed to allow her to assist in the office at the Cemetery. A suggestion was made to ask for a special committee to investigate this case. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Resolution authorizing filing of application with the housing and Home Finance Agency, United States of America, for a grant under the terms of Public Law C71. 345, 84th Congress, as amended by the Public Works Acceleration Act. Alder Chi man Long moves'and Alderman Staley seconds a motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. `Mr. Leonard Crawford, from the Engineering Firm of Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, explained plans for the sewerage system inside the existing City limits -- total cost approximately $728,000.00 - Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Herbener seconds a motion to accept the Engineer's plans as presented to the Council.a*d a4k 49M Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous, Alderman Berry moves that the Mayor, City Attorney, Alderman Ben- der, make the trip to Chicago for interview and apply for the Federal Grant, their expenses to be paid. Alderman Bender declined and recommended that Ald- erman Howard be sent. It was then decided that the Mayor, City Attorney, Ald- erman Howard and Mr. Leonard Crawford attend to the business. ,' This motion was seconded by Alderman Horton. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 3291. Mr. Stewart Reed informed the Council that he had been directed by the Canton Chamber of Commerce to bring a message of thanks for the cooperation with the Christmas Decorations He then extended an invitation to all officials to attend the lighting ceremony to be held at 7:00 P. M. on Nov. 24, when the Mayor and the Canton Friendship Festival Queen turn on the Christmas lights. Alderman Herbener invited Mr. George Hocker, the City Auditor, to explain the need for a change of the Cityts bookkeeping system -- from a cash to accrual basis, according to the State law passed and effective on April 30, 1960. Discussion. Alderman Hurst asked if, since Carl Hill was an elected official, he could be forced to change the system. Mr. Hill informed the Council that he would go along with any plans the Council might have. Alderman Herbener moves that the Council approve the establishing of the tvo procedures to begin in May (accrual system and inventory system) . This motion was seconded by Ald- erman Howard. Alderman Staley recommended more discussion to see that everyone was familiar with this system. 'Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Horton, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Bender, George, Berry, Abbott, Hurst, Wright, and Staley. (7 AYES and 7 NAYS) . Mayor Cook voted AYE. Motion carried. Standard form of agreement for Engineering services read. After Discussion, Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to add a clause "No services shall be performed under this agreement, by the Engineer, until specifically authorized by the City Council of Canton, Illinois" and accept same. Alderman Wright seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous* �A Resolution designating Arterial Streets -- Van Dyke Drive from a point 1545' west of the centerline of SBI Rte. 78 to a point 2166, west of the cen- terline of SBI Rte 78 and Lawrence 'Drive from a point 134, north of the north line of Winegar Street to a point 330► north of the north line of Winegar Street. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Staley seconds the motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution #330. Resolution for Improvement by Municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law -- Van Dyke Drive from a point 1545, west of the centerline of SBI Rte 78 to a point 2166, west of the centerline of SBI Rte 78 and Lawrence Drive from a k 142 Nov. 20, 1962, Cont. Pg. 3 point 134+ north of the north line of Winegar Street to a point 330, north of the north line of Winegar Street. Alderman Staley moves to adopt this Resolution. Alderman Gibbons seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 331. In regard to the Chester Phillips case, Mayor Cook recommended legal assistance for the City Attorney. Alderman Hurst wished to clarify his "no" vote at the previous Council meeting stating that he attended a meeting at the Municipal Convention in Springfield and learned that the City did not have much-change of winning.such a case. Alderman Staley stated why he had voted as he did was because City Attorney Senift wasn1t sure he needed help -- but since has had a change of opinion. Alderman Herbener inquired if there would be sufficient wotk to require assistance in this case. Alderman Herbener then moves that the'Coun- cil approve obtaining legal assistance not to exceed the amount of 5500.00. Ald- erman Wright stated that Alderman Herbener's motion was out of order -- same to be made by an Alderman not present at the last meeting or one who had changed his opinion. Alderman Herbener then withdrew his motion. Alderman Sebree moves that the Council give the City Attorney legal assistance that he needs. Alderman George reported that at the Springfield meeting he learned that the City Attorney could not act as prosecutor, but could act as defender. Alderman Howard seconds the motion. Mayor Cook stated that he was not asking the Council for any money -- that he was backing a personal Attorney himself and that he was also backing the Fire and Police Commission. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Bender, Horton, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Sebree, and Howard: NAY: Ald- ermen George, Berry, Hurst, Wright, and Staley. (9 AYES and 5 NAYS). Carried. Alderman Herbener stated that the Chair should be addressed properly. A request for a street light on Edmar Drive was reported to Alderman Sebree, who said he would look into it. Alderman Staley requested another light be added on South Sycamore Terrace (in front of Calude Moore's residence) . Report of the Planning Commission regarding rezoning Lot 6, Block 1, Kellogg- Babcock Addition from R-3 Residential to B-2 General Business. Their recommen- dation was for rezoning this lot from a r3;' Residential to a B-1 Classification. Alderman Howard moves that this recommendation lay over until the next Council meeting, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. NAY: Aldermen Wright, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, and Abbott. (8 AYES and 6 NAYS) . Motion carried. Report of the Planning Commission regarding rezoning lots 5 and 6, Block 5, in Kellogg-Babcock Addition from an R-3 Residential to a B-2 General Business. The Planning Commission's recommendation was for rezoning from an R-3 to B-1, Local Shopping District. Alderman George moves and Alderman'Bender seconds a motion to lay this recommendation over until the next meeting. "Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Bender, George, Horton, �erry, Abbott, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Gibbons, kinner, Long, Hurst, and Wright. (9 AYES and 5 NAYS) . Motion carried. First reading of a Parking Meter Ordinance. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Herbener seconds a motion to suspend the' rules: Roll call vote.` AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Horton, George, and Bender. NAY: Aldermen Hurst and Berry. (12 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Bender moves to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Bender, George, Horton, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Wright, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Berry and Hurst (12 AYES and 2 NAYS). Carried. No. 72. Alderman Bender excused at 9:55 P. M. Resolution for purchase of a parking lot up for discussion. Since same was not on the Agenda, discussion as to whether to lay same over. Alderman Hurst moves that he has a Resolution to be read (under the heading of"Miscellaneous" on the Agenda) . Alderman Berry seconds this motion. Di.kagreement regarding the Agenda. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen'Wright, Hurst, Long, Abbott, and Berry. NAY: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Gibbons, Horton, and George. (6 AYES and 7 NAYS) . Motion lost. Alderman Hurst then moves to abolish the City Council Agenda. Motion seconded by Alderman Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Berry, Hurst, Wright, and Staley. NAY: Aldermen George, Horton, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Sebree, and Howard. (4 AYES a nd 9 NAYS). Motion lost. 1.43- Nov. 20, 1962, Cont. Pg. 4 Bids for the purchase of a truck for the Street Department up for reading. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to open said bids. Roll call vote. AYE: unanimous. Bids.opened: Lock's Auto Co. = 1963 Ford two ton truck as per your specifications including all equipments listed for $3,323.86, difference and the two 1947 International trucks listed on your specification sheet, plus 4% sales tax for a total of $3,456.78, delivered in Canton, Illinois. X. E. Miller Auto Body, Inc. : two ton truck with dump body and hoist ready to go to work -- 1963 I. H. C. B1600 with chassis specifications and a dump body and hoist with specifications -- $4,682.00 (list price), city discount $765.00, trade-in allowance on two trucks $400.00, plus sales tax $140.68 -- total deliv- ered $3,657.68. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman George seconds the motion that the bids be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Alderman Skinner asked for a five-minute recess, but later stated that the matter could be taken care .of at the next meeting. Alderman Howard stated that the Street and Alley Committee could bring their recommendations after full evaluation. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons, reporting for the Civil Defense Committee recommended closing the windows at the water plant with concrete on each side of the window frame as C a protecti*h measure in case of bomb or nuclear attack. Alderman Hurst moves N that the request be approved, seconded by Alderman Howard. (Alderman Hurst stated ti that in view of the fact that he had made the motion and that it could be defeated, he would be glad to withdraw and let someone else make the motion). Mayor Cook X called for Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Horton, and George. XA`Y: Alderman Berry. (12 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried. Sealed bids for Revenue Bonds (proposed sewer extension program) were presented. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Howards seconds that'the'bids be opened. Four firms presented bids; Benjamin and Lang-.20 yT. at 4.29%, 25 yr. at 4.35%, 30 yr. at 4.39%, 35 yr. at 4.44%, 40 yr. at 4.48%; Benjamin'Lewis & Co. : '20 yr. at 4.23%, �5 yr. at 4.28%, 30 yr. at 4.33%, 35 yr. at 4.38%, 40 yr. at 4.43%. The White-Phillips Co., Inc. ; l to 20 years 4.31%, 1 to 25 years 4.37%, 1 to 30 years 4.1:2%, 1 to 35 years 4.45%, 1 to 40 years 4.50%. Quail Municipal Corp. and Vieth Duncan & Wood= t'We*will handle your proposal for additional water and sewer Revenue Bonds at 4.48% interest cost, maturities to run over a 40 year neriod.8, Alderman Hurst moves that the Council accept the low bid- der, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Staley inquired about the traffic policeman and what could be done to meet the variance in pay between that position and that of Police Patrolman -- so that the Traffic Policeman would be eligible for contributions toward Police Pension Fund and, also, that he would be available for police duty. This motion was seconded by Alderman Howard. (This subject was brought up during the time while the Council was waiting for the Bond Bids to be received by the Clerk and, therefore, not completed -- A vote was not called. Alderman Berry moves to adjourn. Alderman George seconds same. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 11:03 P. M. C k: '`_