HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1962 Council Meeting Minutes i 135. Oct. 16, 1962 Canton City Council held a reg,alar rrneet_i_n- on Cc L. 16, 1;;62 in the City Council Chamber. ',tayor Cook called the meetinii to order at 8:03 P. P1. Present: Alder- men Sebree, Stale,,, yTr ht, Herod 1„r, Lon€;, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, berry, Horton, George, and Bender. A2,cr_erman ?ro7,r rd carri,ri_ng at ;l?_ P. m. Alderman Hurst arriving at 9;08 P. 14. Absent: :None. TI-edge of Alle[,iance was followed by Prayer by Aldcrrian Long. Alderman Long, moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motio,.z to accent, the minutes of the previous meet-i_ncr and place on file. Poll call.vote. AY F,- Unanimous. Petition with thir. ty-eip'nt signatur,>s nrotest r . -� __nst a. nronosed -elan to re- zone Lot 6 in ;lock 1 in. I'ello C, and ,abcocl<ls A ditr_on and Lots five and si::, ?lock five in Kellogg and 1�abcocK fs r,dditr c>n to r.e City of Canton, Illinois. Alderman Wright ,,,.eves and Alder;an Ceorge seco res u moti.o7-r to place the Petition on file. Alderman Herbener recommended that Cite A attorney Senift make a study Of same. Roll call vote. AYE: Una:-iirrnous. Petition with forty-seven sigriature:s nro`testinz; the establishment Of a use car and wrec,zi_lE b�__�s n;.).ss at the corner of Cedar �treet anal Aver_ue B, as sane would. be a nuisance, health hazard and an n,/e sore. AJ_derma:n Herbener moves to refer this Petition to the ?lanni.ng and Zo:.i_ri- Con rissio_n to nlace on ti-e agenda for C3 their next meeting. Aldenfian Staley stated that this proposed site is outside the City Limits and, therefore, the Planning and Zoning Commissi-on has no juris- diction. Alderman ?:-Ioward arrivng, for the Council. rrieetinr, at 7;12 P. M. Alder- _L man Gibbons seconded the motion made bT� Alder:ra. _ ss Gr � � Hs rber�er.Di_�cu.;,,ion. Alderman ;Aright stated that the person who plans to start this business has apolied to the State for license and has complied with sa,iie. Roll. call vote. AYF,; Una1 imous. Petition containing twelve signatures protest---i iC the rezoning of the "Pensinger Lott' read. Alderman Wri--ht moves a_ld Al.dernan. Stale,- secon('s a motion to accent the Petition and place on file. Voice vote. A)._E: Unanimous. w T'Iayor Cook called ror re-oorts of SLandin .. C<�m*ri_i_tt(�-S. Mayor Cook called for reports of Snecial Coir�ittees. Letter from the Canton Ci:a-tuber of Corruaerce regardi,,, the need. for new Christmas decorations for the Canton business distrir;t read. Alderman I�iright explained the plans for the present and future in regard to these decorations a_.d moves that, with the consent of t'he Chairman of the r'inance Coinmittee, to pledge 5300.00 for 1962, $100.00 for 1963, acrd X100.00 for 1964 (total of $[00.00) . Alderman Staley stated that he did not wish to place a burden on the next -two years council by making a pledge for -the future but Alderman Herbener stated that the Council should have Christmas spirit and cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce. Alderman I-Ioward seconded the motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, ;ebree, Wright, Her- bener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, 3erry, Horton, George, and Bender. Alderman Staley. (12 AY ZS and 1 NAY) . Motion carried. Mayor Cook called for ("ommunications. Letter from the Canton Explorer Scout Posts requesting permission to use the Jones Park to hold a "Slave Auction" on lov. 16, 1962. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to grant this request. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Canton Zri-endship +'esti`.ral Associat: on thanking the City of Canton for cooperation during the Priendshin 1''estival- Days. Alderman Long moves and Al- derman Bender ,seconds a motion to accept same and place on filed. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Canton Chamber of Commerce coiThnendin` the City of Canton, the utreet 5enartment Employees, the City P.,lice and the Contractors for the capable work on resurfacing ti-e square and adjacent streets. Alderman Wr ,ht moves anal Alderman Berry seconds a motion to accent the lest,er and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Unfinished Business. Alderman Sender, re��)ortn"; on tl�).� 'Jigester Tank stated that the destern Water- proofing Company had reduced. the amount of their bill -- fro.a $7,487.25 to $7,293.62., the bill had not been paid oeeause o,' q al-ity of the wor"c an said tank. Mr. Senift, City Attorney stated that t'rie Cit;r will very likely have to nay the entire bill. Alderman Bender moves and ,Jilc er:-ian George seconds a motion to request the City Attorrle�r to write t­n firm statint the Council Is feelings toward the quality of work and see what can be done. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. 136 Oct. 16, 1962, ContiApe4- Alderman Berry reported that a property owner adjoining the alley between Maple Street and Anderson Place wished to have the alley cut down so that water did not accumulate in his yard and garage. ?discussion regarding sane, ownerts lot is low and needs to be filled in and the garage raised. if the alley was to be lowered, there would be no drainage of same into the streets. an the two lots adjoining the property could be rchased for .-'�11e A7c rma_n enacr revortin on the oroposea garage building 412 000 00 for rax�,�_e z_:d (to be used for parking) . He also Eave quotations on the cost of a Butler building. Alderman Gibbons stated that he was in favor of placing a garage on City propert - and not in a resiuential area such as the one proposed. Alderman Abbott moves to purchase the F itzHe iry building, seconded by Alderman Horton., Ater furt per dis- cussion, Al;::errnan Horton withdrew his secaizd and Alder.iian Aobo,t withdrew his mo- tion. Furt4er investigation to be made. _ Recormnendati.on fro_n tine Canton Planning Com fission regarding the ��Parsin€;er Lot" -- five ooints recited as those that led to the decision to tie City of Canton deny the Petition for rezoning. Q. No substantial. need for rezoning was estab- 1 icn�d nor did the yet )resent desire for zoning charge on. the .rem se of hardshin. 2. the general area with one ex in is boot used for ? s1-dential purposes, Park area and Public school facilities. 3. Ei`ht citizens and/or proQ- erty owners publicly voiced protest while not one exceot the petitioner presented fr-ie need for expanding• comm.,rrial land use r utnori.t! favorable arg.m�:nts. 4. . i� not evident. _ 5. The use of this Lana for -�ubli c use (park, School, Civic Center, = or es_6ent-ial seems to be the nest use of this priperty for the overall bene- fit of the -i of triton and citizens) . Alderman �?eroener moves and alderman StulR��� ,32COY!�S a 7,;OtlOn t0 dpprOV2 the reO'0:11?1epC'��-tiOn O�t the 1'l�inninS �� LO �lnz?; r,0If1- 17i]_SSld7i c. '.d fll.e the paner pertaining to this recoYLnnendatiO7�. r,lderran_ ` rl �1t pointed out the need_ for rezoni_rg this piece of land and llberman Herbener stated that he agreed with the Pla�:nins, Cornmis,io� Alderndn 3erry .aovc�s and Alderman 'v�Al-ht seconds a motion to table this matter for fl they study. Roll call vote- cAJ3:_is dermen Horton, 3erry, and �r,ri-ght �`Ati : Aldermen Sender, George, Abbott, Gi b , Sere�, and Howard. (3 A ti MS and la NOW . Motion Skinner, Long, Herberer, ;tale!, er�s noon. A� j Aldermen Howard, Sebrec , lost. Roll call vote on Alderman Herber and A7.der- St ler, Herbe.ner, Long,, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, George, an�'ctl r men .v'riEht, 3erry, and Horton. (lt.) i Vv J a­(', i AY , . :lotion carried. LT Alderman Hurst arriving at 9:08 P. E- Alderman erbe?�er excused at 9:05 -''• �=°i ' at Greenwood Alderman Long inquired about the lady doing volunteer office work a... Cemetery. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Berry seconds a motion thrtnthe re- Cemeter�, i'soard be no that the City C u cil has no objection to norting to the Cemetery Office. Roll call vote. � ?., _ is r stated that the 'Traffic Co mi_ttee should investigate t�-1e need for Alderman a 1 , e c� "Je Street and also to inves- 7 stop si rs o: the corner c� �;eco . 1_ve; t� a tigate the ieod_ of koeoing Liberty Street between Foarth and Fifth Ave=bur per, for traffic. s nt a ComMittee, stet d that the :a}_dermu':1 Ab:-�dtt, reart'ng for t�._C Garbage ..11 � ).,`'-`. Via- hia- d, n and brush., also that thn t l�n.- City should advertise for new bits for ,_- � �� �ro�, , _a. �nittee made no recision:? on the chars, for dumping trees the City dump Alderman Furst moves and k1dernan Howard seconds a motion to instruct the Garbage 0�_s-osal Committee to assess a fee of $1,00 per load for trees or brush an the a.e� a Roll call vote. k r City dshp for loads over t rree iouurs ton tricks. 3erry, George and jenuer. Alderw2 n toward, Stale:', r,drl ght, Hurst, �i J I a, 1�ODatt, and AA YS) . OtLOn NAY: Alder::en Sebree, Lo E, Skinner, an Horton. (9 Au � u_ cz ; ,�� -� carried. (Ga '� c' Dis ,osal Corr�:�itt�e to decide the inethdci of collection) . Alger- r� � � a , for map Abbott riove, and Alderman 'ender seconds a motion to advertise for new 'rids Nov. c"�.�ssion. Alderman 3ender with pushing dump aria .rash -- to be opened on ,,ov 7. Di drew his second �d Al German Abbott withdrew his motion. Alderman Long moves to a. award the usi�_ing of dam, and brush to next lowest collective bidder. Alderman n Discussion. Alderman Howard excused at 9:45 F. Horton seconded this motion- Roll- call vote. A,'E: Unanimous. (3 id of Livio POWioli accented) Ali;erman CeOrge .mov vs aid Alderman Alderman 3ender seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9 :50 F City Clerk