HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 132
Oct. 25 1962
canton City- Council held a regular meeting on Oct. 2, 1962 in the City
Council Chaiiber.
mayor Cook called for Roll ,all at 7:05 P. 2. Present: Aldermen Sebree,
Staley, Furst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and
3enJer. Arriving at 7:08, Alderman Howard. Arriving at 7:i5, Alderman
fright. Absent: Alderman ' erbener.
Pledge of Allegiance Was followed by ;gayer by Alderman Long.
Alderman Staley coves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept the
minutes of the previous meeting; as presented and glace same on file. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
'Sills for the month of Se,?tember iere read. Alderman Sender moves and Alder-
man Lon€; seconds a motion that all bills Properly approved be allwed for pay-
ment. Alderman Staley requested that the bill for Stewar* Reed, $10.005 not
read with the others be allowed also. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Reports of all Officers of the City of Ca-`?ton were read. Alderman 3enuer
moves and Alderman Horton seconds the motion to accept same, and place on file.
Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Ll
!Iayor Cook called. for reports of Standing Co, nitt'�es.
Alder San Skinner made a motion that thm City advertise for bids for a truck
for the Street and Alley Department. Alderman Long seconds this motion. Roll
call vote. AYE- Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of Spr cia.l Committees.
Alderman Staley stated that the report on the meeting regarding the Star
Delivery, Inc. would appear later in tie session.
Alderman Skinner inquired about the possi_oilit of purchasing
nalarsitmrnfor tons.
city garage -- no mee ti nE of the c ammi_tt as y , for
Bids for the pushing of the city dump and pilin� brush were discussed. Alder-
man Abbott asked to have the subject held over rotil the next, meeting so that
one of the bidders could make arrangements regarding insurance coverage. Alder-
man Hurst recommended t'r_at a small fee be :Wade for outside firma bringing trees
to the city dump. Alderman Abbott to investigate this. Alderman George moves
and Alderman Staley seconds a motion to refer this matter to the Garbage Dis-
posal Committee for their report at the next council meeting. Voice vote. AYE:
A traffic Connittee meeting was posponed recently beaa.use of illness.
setters from Harold E. White, Plumbing Insnector and Orval J. Kuhn, Super'_-.-
tendent of the ,eater Works were read, both recommended the use of Poly Phos-
phate. Alderman lender moves that hr. Kuhn be authorized to try this treat-
ment for a while, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Letter from the Sanitary Water Board in SorinEfield telling; of a training
course Nov. 26-30, 1962. Alderman Howard stated that the Water an6 Sewer Com-
mittee shoulr. be empowered to act in the matter of sendi one person on this
trip. Alderman Hurst reconunenc ed that personnel be sent 3n a rotat ,_ng. plan,
so that all employees would have the onportLnZity to attend.
Second -reading of an Ordinance pertaining to increase in salaries. Alderman
lender, seconded by Alderman George moves to place this Ordinance on its
passa>=;e. Roll call vote. AIE
Unanimous. 'lhLs being Ordinance No. 6).
Second reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Parking meters on Aest Vine and
Ave. A vicinity. Alderman Hurst moves aid Alderman Berry seconds a motion
not to read this ordininancs and withdraw it from the table and refer to the
committee for further study. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sender, Horton,
Oct. 2, 1962, Cont.
Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Lon,,, TTurst, 'rsri ;ht, Staley, Sebree, and
Howard. NAY: Alderman George. (12 AY;?S and 1 11TAY) . Motion carried.
A`ldermanHiir. st recommended that an 0r6_i.r_ance be drafted regarding i?o Parking
on Route 72 and further statrcd that hr. would be glad to work w'Lth the 'traffic
Committee on this matter. Discussion regard_i_ng the legal steps that should be
taken -- Alderman Gibbons recommended that the City Attorney inquire from
the Illinois ;.,Iuniclpal Lague what orocedures should be taken. The City Atty.
stated that he would contact t'ne State of Illinoj-s L enartment of Highwa, s
.Peoria Office and report to the comm-i_ttee. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman
Berry seconds a motion that Alderman Wright colitact the State and get the in-
formation required regard i.n— no p�jrkintt. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
_Howard, Sebree, Staler', HT.zrst, Long, Skinner, Gibloons, Abbott, Berm', Horton,
George, and render. PASSIAIG: Alderman Wri:;ht. (12 AYES and 1 PASSING) .
Motion carried.
.Stimulation -- City of Canton, I111_noi_s, a ,unicipal. Cornorat_ion Vs. Star
-Delivery and Transfer, Tn(:., an I.11inois Coroorati.on, in the Circuit Court of
�? Fulton Count-,7, Illinois (_No. 62-3-C. I. CifA,`1C: R ) . Alderman Staley explained
w same and recommended the acceptance of it since traffic removal on iTorth Fifth
Avenue had been controlled. Alderman George moves to table the Stipulation.
Mr. Chester Claudon, Attorney for the Star Delivery, stated this is a Court
-otder and would be governed by the court, as to enforcement of the stioulatLon.
(the City Attorney to � o to the court for er_force (? _t of same) . Alderman Hurst
moves to amend narakranh 4 Ord line) a_-.d after ".in excess of 10,000 -pounds"
add "Gross load". bloti.on seconded by Alderrnan George. Alderman Howard begged
the Council not to vote in favor of the amendment. Alderman George withdrew
his seco.�d of the motion and Amerman iIu.rst withdrew his motion. Thera Alderman
Hurst made a second to Alderman George 's motion to table the Stipulation. Roll
call vote. A'E: Aldermen Bender, George, Hurst, and TJJr'Lght. NAY: Aldermen
Horton, =serry,, Abbott, Gibbons. Skinner, Lon--, Sta' e-� , Sebree, and Howard.
( AYv,S and 9 NAYS) , 11ot_ion lost. Alderman Staley then moves and Alderman
- 3erry seconds a motion to accent the Stinulati_on. Roll call vote. A'E: Alder-
men Howard, Sebree, Staley, Long, S[,—.inner, Gibbons, Rbbott, Qerr�,, Horton, and
Bender. NA',': Aldermen TJri '�t, Hv_rst, and. George. ( 10 A'%-TES and 3 :.AYS} .
lJotion carried.
First reading of an Ordl_n.ance p�,rtainint; to "Da_ `emus Bu.-Lldings". Alderman
Staley moves and Alderman Lon., seconds a motion:, to suspend the rules. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderrnan Staley then moves and Alderman Gibbons
seconds a motion to -place the Ord-inance on its nassar>;e. Roll call vote. A :
Unanimous. Notion carried. This being Ordinance Rio. 70.
Mayor Cook made the -announcement of the a-,-,)n )4- trnent of itaymond Widger as
Parking leter Patrolman. Alderman Staley _rToves a,ld Alderrnan 3erry seconds a
motion to accent this aipointnent. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Bonds with the American Surety Co. in the amount or1,0�.�0.00 eaclh., properly
approved by the finance Committee for Ronald navley, Police Patrolman, Jer-
niece White, Mary L. Wade, Ernest Cook, and Guy �jright as School Crossing
Guards. Alderman Long; moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to accent
these bonds and place on file. Roll call vote. ;E: Unanimous.
Alderman Bender moves and Alderman .3erry seconds a :notion to od.journ. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Gunton City Council adjourns at 9:1.5 P. M.
C i C le