HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 123, Sept. 4, 1962 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Sept. 4, 1962 in the Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:01 P. M. Roll call. Present: Alder- men Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, George, and Bender. Absent: Alderman Horton. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Long seconds a motion to accept the minutes, as presented, of the previous Council meeting and place same on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Bills for the month of August were read by the City Clerk. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Bender, moves that all bills properly approved by the various committees be allowed for payment. Alderman Skinner requested that the bill for the Burlington Road Builders be referred to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund and the Sher- win-Williams bill be paid from the Parking Meter Fund. Roll call vote on paving all approved bills. AYE: Unanimous. C Reports of all officers of the city were read. Alderman Bender moves and Alder- man Long seconds a motion to accept same and olace on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. CL X Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees. Alderman Herbener, reporting for the Traffic Committee stated there would be an ordinance to present to the next council meeting - setting up a schedule for temporary signs to set up for the street sweeper. Finance Committee Chairman, Alderman Herbener, reported that an ordinance would be drawn and presented to the next council meeting regarding increase in pay for city employees; the committee and the City-Treasurer were in agreement that em- nloyees needed a raise but the funds for this pay increase will have to be met by watching expenditures for balance of the year. It was renorted b y Alderman Bender that the Western Waterproofing Co. have cleaned off all material from the digester plant and have ironited the lid. Orval Kuhn, Water Superintendent gave a report on his visit to Freemont, Ohio, the city using Polyphosphate to feed rusty water. The cost of such treatment at our water plant would cost about $2,000.00 per year and would eliminate the growth of filter sand.. He thinks it would be beneficial to the city. Howard Gibbons, City Engineer, added that this treatment might help the water heaters ' in the city, and areas where the water is red. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Howard, moves to request the representative of this product to appear before the City Council for further explanation. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst inquired what this treatment would do to the rust in the pipes, Alderman Skinner asked what happens to the pipe after the scale is removed and ,alderman Wright inquired about the taste. Alderman Bender stated there was no taste. Mr. Kuhn stated that he had written to the Board of Health regarding this product. Mayor Cook called for reports of Special Con.nittees. Mayor Cook called for Correspondence to the council. Letter from the President of the Municinal Region regarding the meeting to be held in Havana, Sent. 12, 7:30 P. M. in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church and urging all council members and city employees to attend. Mayor Cook called for Unfinished business. Alderman Howard renorted his committee was still studying the ordinance pertaining to peddlers in the city -- stated that the Chief of Police is satisfied with the Ordinance as it now stands if the citizens will cooperate with his department. A meeting date, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 6:00 P. M. was set for investigation for possible sites for the city garage. Alderman Herbener set a meeting of the Traffic and Finance Committees for Sept. 11, 1962 at 7:30 P. A . 12 Sept. 4, 1962, Cont. Mayon Cook called for New3usiness. Alderman Abbott, Garba-e Disposal Committee Chairman, ordered bids for riddance of rats at the City Dump read. Reliable Termite Control, Peoria (',;$200.00 for first four or f _ve weeks work, then $40.00 Per month after t`:lat. American Pest Control., ync., Canton, I'.linois, $50.C(D for the first month and $25.00 per month thereaf ter) . Mr. Ira 'Iaggerty ex}-)lained the procedures to rid the dump from rats, f1i<3s and mosquitoes (fly riddance on a contract basis - $50- D'D per month May thru Sept.) . Alderman Hurst stated that the Garbage, Sewer and Water Com- mittees should have the Power to take action, Alderman Wright reported that a State investigator had been here and should make a report in the near future. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Berry seconds a motion that if the Garbage Disposal Committee sees fit to use these services to rid the city dump of rats on a yearly basis, then the P',Iayor and City Cleric should enter into a contract but if the committee would rather work on a monthly basis, they were Privileged to do so. A.i.derman Wright inquired ab )ut the riddance of flies and mosquitoes in the cit, -- and to get ready for next year.. Boll call vote on Alderman Staley's motion. A`'rE: Unanimous. ,Mayor Cook ap-�ointcd the follow'.n , for Scriool Patrol: Ora Johnson, Mrs. Mary Wade, and Mrs. Charles White. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Herbener seconds a motion to accent these apoointments. Roll call. vote. ".7-E- Una_imous. Mayor Cook appointed a Sidewalk Committee: Aldermen Staley, Sebree, and. Abbott. Alderman Staley stated that he appreciated this appointment but requested to have his name withdrawn since this was a long-range program. 14ayor Cook then apnointed Alderman Hurst. Committee on Sidewalks: Alderman Hurst, as Chairman, and Alderman Sebree a_zd Alderman Abbott. Alderman Herbener moves and Ald rman Wright seconds a motion to accept the appointments. Roll call. vote. A''E: Alder- men 3ender, George, Berry, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Wri-ht, Stale-y, and Howard. -IAY: Alderman Abbott. PASS -%G: Aldermen. Hurst and Sebree. (10 AYf3S, I SAY, 2 PASSI'?G) . Motion carried. Iayor Cook appointed Aldermen Herbener, ]-Toward, and :3encer on the Fall Friendship Festival Committee. A request for the addition for Alderman Long to this Com- mittee was granted. Invitations for the .+riendshiP Festival Luncheon in charge of this committee. Alderman 3erry moves and Alderman Staley seconds a motion to accent the appointment of the c o7unittee. Roll call vote. AvL: unanimous. Alderman ?ender reported that the Mayor had written to the Government asking for Federal Grant for sewer extension and road improvement. He moves and Alderman Long seconds a motion to authorize the City Lng'.neer to order enough pipe to lay several blocks of sewer at this time. Alderman Herbener stated this was not fair to the residents who have raid their own sewer when coming into the City. Alderman Staley informed the council that some cities put sewer and water in by special. assessments over a ten-year period. Alderman Wright suggested that the People be presented with. petitions for sewer and informed what the cost to them will be. Alderman Skinner stated he had always advocated a raise in. sewer a:-,d water rates. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Sebree seconds to table the motion. poll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, perry, Abbott, Gibbons, Hurst, Herbener, Wright, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. dAY: Aldermen 3ender, Skinner, and Long. (10 AY,,S and 3 :`JAYS) . Motion carried. Alderman Hurst inquired how long after an ordinance was massed before it was Published and was informed that as soon after the Mayor had signed the Ordinance as nossible. Ilia-,or Crook then read a Veto to Ordinance \do. 67. ( 1. The increased closing hour on weekdays went beyond the intent of the ordinance, which intent was to set a time for Patrons and other Persons to be out of the tavern; 2. In as much as the local tavern association has not requested later weekday closing hours no clear need for such action as was taken by the Council in amending Ord=inance No. 67 is shown; 3. The Cit�T Liquor which c_)ntrols and supervises the sale of alcohol:icbeverages in the City of Canton has not indicated in any way the desirability or necessity for establishing later closing hours for taverns in the community; 4. The action taken by the Council in amending and passing Ordinance No. 67 on August 21, 1962 in my judgment was hasty and ill-advised in that it creates a Potential for abuses of the privilege of using; alcoholic beverages on the Part of individuals. If .allowed to go into effect Carton would have the latest tavern closing hours of any community in the area on weekdays. It is entirely T-)robable that undesirable out of town users would take advantage 1.25 Se-)t. !}, 1962, Cont. of these hours. This in tur». wo_l.ld :increase the nwnber of persons driving on the highways who had been driiikin� , wii �t'i.er intoxicated or not, and this increase would increase the proble_ns of law enforcement; 5. The creation of a notential for abuse by extendin-; the closing; ho.irs is not warranted or justified without more solid reasons than -those advanced in sup,:)ort of the amendment. ,Solid reasons for a char:zSe of this nat- re show d. come throu�'-h the Liquor Com- mission of this city, after careful stut,. I here[)-,,, refuse to sign into law this Ordinance and do hereby veto it. Signed, Lee Cook, rlayor.)" Alderman Herbener suggested that the Ordinance be tabled and referred to the Liquor Com- °nission. Alderman ?Iurst inquire, if it were possible to rescind the ninutes of the previous meetir (minutes p ;rtain-i_r_�g to the amendment of Urdi-nance No. 67 that did not indicate what time the sale of Liquor was to be ,Aa4a stopped) . Al- derman Wright moves that tqe council rescind the anoroval of the minutes of the previous meeting. No second of same. After much discussion, Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Hurst seconds to override t :c Mayor is veto. Roll call vote. AYt,: Aldermen Staley, Wright, ?Iurst, Skinner, ?err- and George. NAY: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Herbener, Long, Gibbons, Abbott, and 3ender. (6 AY�_S and 7 NAYS) . Contract for push.in€,. dump at the city dumo g'ruunas exr)ires Oct. .l, 1"9 Alder- man man Abbott moves and Alderman Bender seconds' a motion to advertise for pushing dump bids to opened at the next council. meetin,:-. Alderman Herbener inquired w}iat can be done regarding odors and Alderman `Turst _i.nquired about a sanitary land fill. Alderman Abbott to investigate same. Roil call_ vote. A�'E: Unanimous. Contract with the American Pest Control_, =ric. "ur services at the old cite bldg., and the public _1°est room exnires on _Sept. 26, 19r'�2. Alderman Wright, seconded b,, Alderman Sender moves to refer the contract to the 3uilding and Grounds Com- mittee to enter into an aEree;iont to their satisfaction. Roll call vote. �,I- Unanimous. Resolution for a transfer of funds x5,000.00 fro.-i the Sales Tax Fund to the Road and Bridge ;Fund. A16ernan Herbener, seconded b- Jlderman Long moves for the adoption of this �esolution. Rd)11 call. vote. A`;T' Una, .irrious. This being Resolution No. 324. Alderman =;oward extended an invitati-on to ','_ie council members to attend the !ri_endship Zestival, esnecia.11y on Taursday night when a sq,rare-dance will be held. Alderma. George inquired if Mrs. r,ena Churchill, volunteer secretary at Green- wood Cemeter,,,r, was bonded. Alderman Hurst stated that if her services were re- quired, sle should be paid, otherwise it is not necessary for her to be there. mayor Cook to speak to the Cemetery Board and report to the next Council meeting. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alterman ;_,enter, moves to adjourn. Voice Vote. AYE,: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 10;08 P. M. �Irr