HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 121
Aug. 21, 1962
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Aug. 21, 1962 in the City Council
Mayor Coop called the meeting to order at 7:05 P. M. Roll call: Present: Aldermen
Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott,
Horton, George and Bender. Absent: Alderman
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long.
Alderman Long moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept the minutes of
the previous meeting as presented and place same on file. Roll call vote. AYE:
Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Comrittees.
Alderman Bender reported that one hundred tons of gravel had been spread on the
beach road at the lake but more was needed. He recommended that the road be closed
at the "turn-around" during the winter months to help preserve the existing road.
Mayor Cook called for Reports of Special Committees.
Mayor Cook called for Correspondence to the City Council.
"i Letter from Beta Sigma Phi Sorority requesting permission to use the Square on
Aug. 24 and 31 to sell chances on a snow-plow. Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman
Bender moves to grant permission to the Sorority. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Request from the St. Michael's Women's Club of St. David to use the Canton Square
on Aug. 24 from 5:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. to sell chances on a painting. Alderman
Long, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to grant this request. Voice vote. AYE:
Thank-you note from the Burnett Tompkins family for the dinner given to honor the
families and students participating in Boys State and Girls State. Alderman Long,
seconded by Alderman Hurst, moves that the letter be accepted and placed on file.
Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for Unfinished Business.
Alderman 'Wright, reporting on the recommendation made at the last Council meeting
to consider **zoning the area one and one-half !Miles beyond the City limits, stated
that he wished to clarify any doubt in anyonets mind -- it was not his intention
to degrade the value of any property outside the City, but that he wanted the City
to grow. In this way the City could plan for business, industry and residential
areas in connection with the Planning Corrunission and if the City did zone this area,
it could stop some errors before it was necessary -to take court action. He stated
that he wanted to assure argpne concerned, either financially or just interested as a
good citizen, this Council has no intent to throw hardships on anyone. This proce-
dure will take much time and careful planning and good intent.
Mayor Cook called for New Business.
Alderman Long made a motion that the Canton Friendship Festival Committee be granted
the use of South Main Street for assembly of their parade and North Main Street for
the parade. Alderman Hurst seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
A motion by Alderman Bender that the Finance Committee meet and decide if a raise is
to be granted to City employees. Alderman Herbener reported that unless some source
of extra revenue was found it might not be able to grant a raise, but stated that the
Finance Committee would meet with the City 'treasurer and make a report at the next
meeting. Alderman Bender withdrew his motion.
Bond with the American Suibety Co. in the amount of : 1,000.00 for Hazel I. Toncray,
File Clerk in the Police Department read. Alderman Herbener stated that it had been
approved by the Finance Con,nittee and moves that same be accepted and placed on file.
Alderman Horton seconded this motion. Voice vote. AY : Unanimous.
Complaints from the neighbors in the vicinity of the C. B. t�. R. R. were stated by
Alderman Hurst -- engines were left running all ni�;;ht, sometimes with no attendant
in charge. Mayor Cook instructed the City, rttorney to write to the railroad company
for discontinuance of this practice.
Alderman Long recommended that a Resolution be crawn and sent to both railroad
companies requesting repair of the crossings in the City. Motion was seconded by
Alderman Herbener. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
August 21, 1962, Cont.
Complaints about rats from the City dump from various carts of the C_it;; were re-
ported by Alderman Hurst, who stated that the Garbage Disposal De.-artment Committee
should investigate. Ma, or Cook requested Alderman Abbott to write to the Dept. of
Public H1�alth for sugg estions for riddancle of these rate.
Resignation of Ra;y Orwig 4s Parking Meter Attendant, effective Aug. 18, 1962 read.
Alderman ?Bender, seconded by Alderman Horton, moves to accept this resignation.
Roll call vote. A`.,E: ;nanimous. Alderman Hurst recommended that Ray Widger
(now replacing a service man who is due to return to the Police Denar.tment) should
be given consideration for this position. Mayor Cook stated tina"r a meeting of the
Police and Legal C::,mmittee, Chief of Police, City Attorney and Mayor be the
meantime an auxilliary policeman would work days until Mr. Pavley retur _s i'roia the
service. aenort to be made at the next Council meeting.
First reading of an Ord_..nance regarding closing hours for taverns. Alderman
Herbener, seconded by Alderman Long, moves to suspend -the rules. Roll call votr-.
A77,: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Stale17, Herbener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott,
'4or.tnn, George, and. 13ender. Nk'Y: Aldermen Wright and Hurst. (11 AYES and 2 'JAYS) .
Mot "on carried. Alderman Stale;- then moves to amend this Ordinance to read: "shall
close and lock the doors of such places of business at 1:00 o'clock A. 'Ni- of each
day, Ionday through ridgy, and shall clear the building b2T 1_:30 01clocA A. and
si"tall close and lock the doors of such places of business at 12:00 otclocic ,nidni;ht
on Saturciav and shall clear the building of all matrons and other persons oy 12:30
o'clock A. t. This motion was seconded by Alderman Hurst. Alter discussion the
. 011 i;al_l_ vote. A',"-.;'. Aldermen ';ender, Gorge, Morton, Abbott, Skinner, Hurst,
!tjri-ht, Stale;r, and.. Sebree. NAY: Aldermen GiF�bons, Long, 'Ierbener, aid i"ioward.
(9 A`."IS and l� INAYS) . °lotion carried. Alderman '3end.er, seconded by Alderman Hurst,
then moves to place the Ordinance, as amended, on its massage. Roil call vote.
A"/E: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Stalel%, Wr!."ht, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons,
Abbott, Horton, 13eorge, and Bender. vA' . Alderman ierbener. (12 AYES and 1 Ai) .
i' otion carried. This be l n,; Ord-_nance xo. 67.
A request for better supervision on ttie street construction work on Sough 3';ain
Street was made by Alderman Skinner. Alderman ,ender stated that five of seven
water mains had been broken during the work. CJ_ty plumbing Inspector to talk to
the owner of :;ecker -)ros. Co. regarding this destruction. Manor Cook thanked the
Street and Alley Committee for the fine work on City streets.
Alderman Howard recommended that a study be made of overnight narking on city
streets 4e--- e• Traffic Committee to make a report to the next Council meeting.
Various plans were suggested.
Discussion of paddlers in the City of Canton at the suggestion of Alderman C:eorge.
Alderman Howard stated that the citizens should cooperate with the Chief of
Police and the Chamber of Commerce and the Press. Alderman Hurst stated that it
was the citizens, responsibility to call the Police ?Department to enforce the
Ordinance. Mayor Cook instructed Alderman Howard to make a stud,,, of the Ordinance.
Letter from the Canton Planning Commission opposing the rezoning of the D- wayne
13ishop pronert- on Avenue D and Mulberry Place. Alderman Herbener, seconded by
Alderman George moves that the letter be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote.
AY'Y,: Unanimous.
Letter from the Canton Planning Commission requesting, the Council to defer action
regard _rg the zoning, of certain areas on West Locust Street Limits. Alderman
Herbener., seconded by Alderman George, moves to accept the letter and )lace same
on file. Voice vote. AC'S: Unanimous.
ReTDort on location of possible sites for cite garage not ready at this time.
h'irst reading of an Ordinance regard:i_n,; rezoning of 100 feet off the west end of
n,o. 23 and 211. 1n. J. J. 3rants Addit_on to the City of 'Jan ton from a Rbe
classification to a B-1 classification (local shopping district) . Aluerrnan I?erbe-
ner moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to susp€.nd the rules. } 011 call vote.
AYE: Lnani_mous. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman -)ender seconds a i notion to
place the Ord-i"nance on its passa ;e. Roll call vote. A,�G�: Unanimous. I i.Lis being
Ordnance To. 68.
Alderman Horton, seconded by Alderman Wright, moves to adjourn. Voice vote.
Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:05 i'. M-
ZrCity `erk.