HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 1
Aug. 7, 1962
A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on Au£;. 7, 1962 in
the City Council Chamber. Iiay or Cook callod the meeting to order at 7:04 P. M.
Roll Call. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wri.�-ht, Hurst, Long,
Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bencer. Absent: Alder-
man Herbener.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard.
Alderman Long moves and Alderman Horton seconds that the minutes of the
previous meeting be accepted as presented. and placed on file. Roll call vote.
AYE: Unanimous.
Petition signed b�, eight oropert r owners requesting extension of sewer on
Last Beech Street read. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Long seconds
that the Petition be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee and have them
talk to the property owners. Alderman %,ri uY]t stated that this Petition
should be filed witn other Petitions requesting sewer and be considered with
Cpl them. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous.
4 Mayor Cook called for Claims against the City. Alderman Wright reported on
GYM the Luke Kidd claim for damages to his car on April 2, 1962 and moves that
this claim be allowed for payment ($21.9") . Alderman Hurst seconds this
motion. Roll call vote. AYE': Unanimous.
Alderman Wright moves that the claim of 1,Iarion landle, $44.39 damage to his
car.be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman 3erry. Discussion. Mayor
Cook advised Alderman Skinner to investigate a sunken place on North Eighth
Avenue between 14yrtle Street and Olive Street. Roll call vote on the motion.
AYE: Aldermen Staley, Wright, ,Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry,
Horton, George, and Bender. NAY: Aldermen Howard and Sebree. (11 AYES and
2 IIAYS) . Motion carried.
Claim of Donald Smith in the amount of $15020.00 caused by a stopped storm
sewer reported. Alderman Wright stated that sae should be-referred to the
City Attorney for further stud,, to see if this is the City's responsibility.
Discussion regarding condition of sidewalks and streets in the City. Alder-
man Staley reported hazardous condition of sidewalk on north side of 1000
block on 'past Asst Street. Alderman Hurst moves that letters be :sent to the
propertT owners allowing a certain length of time to repair sidewalks or the
the City would repair same at the owner's expense. Motion seconded by Alder-
man Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Skinner recommended
that Mayor Cook appoint a two-man committee to set up a policy to correct the
sidewalk situations.
Bills for the month of July were read. Alderman Berry, seconded by 4ke Alder-
man Horton moves thal all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Reports of all Officers of the City were read. Alderman Staley excused from
the Council Chamber. Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Bender moves
that these rep B,
orts be accepted and placed on file. ol.l call vote. AYE:
Unanimous. Alderman Staley returns to the meeting.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Resolution for the installation of traffic light on the corner of Linn Street
and Fifth Avenue. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Wright seconds that
the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Elmer Young, Consulting Engineer, explained
that by 1965 all existing traffic .lights must be modernized. Roll call vote.
AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 322.
Alderman Long reported that the Junior Chamber of Commerce uses the old
Council Room for their meetings and volunteered to clean that room --
Alderman Long stated that the City could pay for the paint. Alderman Long
then recommended that the books used by the City Court be moved into the
Police Magistrate's office.
Aug. 7, 1962, Cont. (2)
Alderman Bender reported that the grit chamber of the sewerage plant has been
repaired. lie also reported on his visit to Fremont, Ohio and Dundee, Michigan
investigating the treatment of water plants. Alderman Wright, seconded by
Alderman Gibbons, moves that the Water Plant Super'Lntendent and the City Eng-
ineer be sent to these plants for study of such treatment. Voice vote. AYE:
Alderman Gibbons reported that a new class in Radiology would start soon, Mr.
T sixteen-week course a,ld reported that all department
Ror-d<etLo as instructor, for a
heads, Aldermen or -anyone interest should attend.
Alderman 'Ciender re-oortIng on the proposed equipment shelter, stated. that the
Bishop property could be purchased for $12,il-)00.00 down and balance in monthly
ion could be had in 30 to 60
or annual payments at 4% interest and that possess
days. Discussion. It was suggested to enter into an option with Mr. Bishop
until the next Council meeting. Alderman Berry moves that the City Attorney
send a letter to the Canton Planning commission asking for a rer)ort of their
recommendations of re-zoning the -proposed building for City use. Motion was
seconded by Alderman lj,,right. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Berry.'y Skinner,
Wright, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Bender, George, Horton, Abhott, Gibbons,
Long, Hurst, Staley, and Sebree. (4 AYES and 9 NAYS) . Motion lost. Alderman
Hurst recommended that the city call in our Consulting Engineers to show just
what kind of facilities are needed. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Berry
seconds that the Sewer and Water Committee be instructed to look for all avail-
able adequate sites and get costs of same and also to contact some reliable
source to draw plans and specifications for building at the sewer plant and then
the Council can make comparisons. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard)
Sebree, Staley, Wright, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George,
and Bender. NAY: Alderman n Hurst. (12 AYES and 1 NAY) . Motion carried.
Bids that were opened on Aug. 6 pertaining to the street maintainence program
were up for reading. Alderman Skinner, seconded b-v- Alderman Hurst, moves that
same be read. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. After reading of bids, Alderman
Hurst, second-ed. by Alderman Bender, moves that the low bid be accepted. Roll
call vote. AIL: Unanimous. Bids: Becker Bros. $7,278.96; Burlington Road
Builders, $7,056-75;W. L. Miller Co., $7,651.76.) The low bidder being The
Burlington Road Builders, Carthage, Illinois. Alderman Skinner moves and Alder-
man 'Hurst seconds a motion that the City employ -the Crawford, Murphy & Tilly
t maintainence program. Roll call vote.
Engineering firm to supervise the street
AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds that the Becker
Bros. and W. L. Miller C6. checks be returned. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of Special Committees.
Alderman Hurst reported that at the meeting of the Park Board, discussion of
straightening Big Creek took place and he would have a report by next meeting.
Regarding the honoring of the students who participated and those who were
- Club on
chosen at Boys State -- banquet would be held in the Can-ton Country Q
Aug. 14. Alderman 'Hurst moves that the Council car•-T on with the banquet as
proposed, seconded by Alderman by Alderman Howard. Roll call vote. AYE:
'Letter from the Order of Amaranth requesting use of Jones Park for an ice-cream t
social on Sept. 15. Alderman Long moves that the Council not grat this reques
at this time because of the Friendship Festival, but to set anothner date. Alder-
man Horton seconded this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Note from A. L. Sargent, Illinois Municipal League, regarding reservations for
the convention to be held in Springfield Oct. 20 thru 23, 1962. Alderman Hurst
moves and Alderman Staley seconds a motion that each representative be granted
$25-00 for each day that he attends this convention. voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
All wishing to attend to report to the City Clerk.
Letter from the School District reporting that the sidewalk at the McCall School
would soon be repaired. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman George seconds that
a letter be sent to the School Board thanking them for their cooperation. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous.
f 1 -
Aug. 7, 1y62, Cont. (3)
Letter from the Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Firm to Mr. Senift, City Attorney re-
garding the Caldwell Engineering Co. and the Western Waterproofing Co. and the
final payment on each account. When work is completed satisfactorily, payment
will be made. Discussion regarding odors from the sewerage plant.
Letter from the Community College Student Senate requesting permission to use
Lake Canton on Sept. 5. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds that
this request be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee for their recommenda-
tions. Roll call. vote. AYE: Unanimous. Discussion regarding installation of
lights and telephone on the beach area.
Letter from the Canton Planning Commission regarding rezoning the Frank Tomich
property on 935 N. 10th Ave. (100 ft. off west end of Lots No. 23 and 24 in the
J. J. Brant's Addition), recommending that same be rezoned from R--2 to a B-1
zone. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Long seconds that the Council approve
this recommendation. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons then moves
and Alderman George seconds that an Ordinance be drawn concerning this rezoning.
A vote of confidence was given to Mr. Tomich that the Ordinance would be presented
C: and passed at the next Council meeting.
Letter from the Canton Planning Commission recommending that Section 28, com-
mencing at Canton Corporate Limits and extending westward and for three hundred
feet north and south on each side of Route 9 to the Western boundaries of the
Zella Schnell property north of Route 9 and the Chester Estes property south of
Route 9, be rezoned at I-1 (Light Industry) . The letter further stated that if
the City Council approved the Zoning recommended, a well-known Peoria business
firm might plan to establish a retail-wholesale business in that area. Alderman
Staley, seconded by Alderman Gibbons moves to accept the recommendations and an
Ordinance be drawn concerning the rezoning. Voice vote. AYE: Unan imous. Alder-
man Wright moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion that the Council should
recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding rezoning all property
-within one and one-half miles outside the City Limits as R-1 (as recommended by
the Illinois Municipal League) . Alderman Hurst asked why not have the City Atty.
draft an Ordinance R-1 on all property within one and one-half miles outside the
City of Canton and then, when necessary, changes can be made. Voice vote on Alder-
man Wright's motion. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Gibbons reported that the Canton Jaycees were willing to assume responsi-
bility for the care of the Civil Defense equipment -- to house and maintain same
under the supervision of the Civil Defense Director, Ed. Sales. He then moves
that the Canton Jaycees be given responsibility for the Civil Defense equipment,
- seconded by Alderman Long. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook then called for New business:
Resignation of Veda Belle Benac as file clerk in the Police `:)epartraent. Alderman
Wright moves and Alderman Bender seconds the acceptance of the resignation.
Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. iIay or Cook then announced the appointment of Mrs.
Hazel Toneray for the position of file clerk. Alderman Wright, seconded by Alder-
man Staley moves to accept this appointment. moll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
A visitor, June Iarnes, left a note with the Mayor thankinL: the Council for the
privilege of attending the meeting and commending the Council for their fine work
as representatives of the City.
Resolution for Transfer of Funds -- $10,000.00 from the Sales Tax Fund to the
Road and Bridge Fund. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alderman Bender seconds the
adoption of this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This No. 323.
Lease with the City of Canton and Edward Powell for Lake Canton concession
rights. Discussion regarding. "gasoline" being allowed with this lease. Alder-
man Wright stated that 1,1r. Harding held a lease for another year for the privilege
of selling gasoline at the Lake and there should be only one person selling same.
Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, ?Iurst,
Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Horton, George, and Bender. .11AY: Alder-
man Wright. (12 AYI,,S and 1 1AY). % otion carried.
Lease with the City of Canton and Lawrence Horton, Jr. up for reading. Alderman
Bender moves and Alderman Abbott seconds thattiiis lca.se be granted. Roll call
vote. A Unanimous.
Aug. 7, 1962, Cont. (14)
Alderman Wright wanted to go on record that it was not legal to give a
lease to two -)arties to sell gasoline at Fake Canton.
Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Long, moves to adjourn. Voice vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 10:58 P. M.
C erk
BLDG. �� GROUNDS; PARKING METER F'tJI�iD: Mason Hardware 26.11_2
16.60 Swearingen hlhlse. 7.9.92
Am. Pest Control $2( .00 Canton Ledger C 8.84 BrJwn Specialty C 17.68 Dancan Parking 243.61 Canton Supply
Clean Towel Serv. 13.50 Postmaster 24.00 Jack Russell 209.95
Canton Plumbing 9.46 John A. Wherley 100.00 Hach Co., Inc. 9.98
C.I.P.S.Co. 39.57 38T _l_i'arblehead Lime 404.68
Garbage De )t. 1.31 POLICE DEPART''ENT: Valley Chemicals 224.64
Vr,rnon Garretts 15.00 Atlas Camera 14.22 Fullerton Lumber 1 .74
industrial Towel 3.45 Babcock Printery 30.55 1nd'- strial 'Towel 3 3.25
Lewis Pharmacy 1.29 Bob Qz Gene's .80 Cummings ?- Emerson 3.98
".Qason Hardware 15.23 Canton Towel 2.65 Babcock Printery 37.85
plel.z �lumbin.g 12.11 Delta Chemicals 97.29 Sutton °c Moore 100.81
painter Agency 15.00 Farmers Co-op.
2.40 brie Mc'nThorter 295.$2
Swear'n�,en Wholesa1n21.89 Garbage Disposal 1a .57 Nat'l. Chemsearcti 41
Wright F,a.rniture 26.00 Harris D-X Serv. 7.25 Callahan 'wags 16.54
T:767. 7 Ill. Bell Tele 9.60 Linn Materials, 1-1-8.99
Macomb Commui.cation40.00 Mahoney Co. 2635.10
Fed. Surplus 20.27 Muni Quip Corgi-,.
88..09 Kammerer Concrete 100.18
Garbage Dept. 18.27 Shepley & Son 66.43 Livio Poggioli 382.66
Ill. Bel Tele. _.50 TCR Distributors 160.60 Bernard Slack 1513.03
39.04 Traf-O-Teria 255.30 Ltility Sales 1272.21
FTHE '1EPT. : White 's Books 2.45 Robbins Welding 15.00
Ferrol-1's Shoes 16.63 Williams Spt. 9.15 Kamlager Elect. 2.60
Ca,_ton Sunr�ly 17.73 76O.Ii1 Gambles 14.99
Caton Lech r 9.00 STRE!;T & ALLE/Y: E-Z Plumbing Co. 57.73
Dillifeld's 66 7.27 Bolon's Repair 2.92 5wartzbaugh Imn. 6.50
Mason Hardware 5.20 Bruce 'Municipal 159.61 Canton Pant Store 15.28
Elliott's Machine 1:75 Canton Ledger 7.60 Canton Plumbing Co. 6.3'7
Scripps-McCartney 39,214 Canton Supply 12.00; Canton ,utomotive 40.51
yc. Canton Tire & V. 16.61 Warren Chemicals 153.40
GARBAGE DISPUSAL DEPT. : Couch 8c Heyle 55.22 -,rulin � Co.,
Canton Ledger 9.80 Cummings & 'Smerson 114.59 Shepley , Son 2914.42
Chevillon Oil Co.216.37 Dick Island Sand 70.79 i�Ii11-er Plutual Ins. 7 >.82
Continental Oil 205.06 John ?mosses
80.00 Ill. rlel1 Tele. 5.90
Ill. Bell Tele. 9.50 Garbage Dept. 113.22 Campus 'Book Shop 9.83
Industrial Towel 3.25 Geo. Hoffman 1461.60 Canton Engraving 13.00
Melvin Trucking 60.00 Jarvis i%Telding 5.88 LeFebure Corp. �08
Livio Poggioli 11414.95 ZcElroy-Roland 50.12 Petty Cash 37.04
Shell Oil Co. 2014.06 Mason Hardware 11.06 Joan L. Essex 31.00
Williams Sot. 39.96 Mason' Home Shop U. Cecil VanDyke 21-4.03
792.97 Melvin Trucking 30.00 'Duck Island Sand 337.75
GENERAL ACCO?TNT: W.L.Miller Co. 114799.28 10,2 1.86
Campus Books 6.56 Sears,Roebuck 5
Canton Ledger 71.80 Sherwin-Williams 7.83
Francelle Larson 214.00 Swartzbaugh Imo. 16.02
Ill. Bell Tele. 5.00 Swearingen iahlse 21.19
Ill. Bell Tele. P3.00 Whalen Glass Wks. .�
A.C.Shepley :?: Son1085 .97 1, 48•
Thermo-Fax Sales 29.40 ',,DATER 9c SE1,E R DEPT.:
White 's Books 15.13 Snoon River Elect. 8.00
White's Books 1.87 C.I.P.S.Co. 1093.66
Scruggs,Hammond 98.00 Canton Auto 3ody 8.00
14 7.73 y Canton Tire F..c V. 73.16
LIGHTS: Garbage De,,)t. 37.58 TOTAL: $31,176.13
C.I.P�S.Co. 1128.22 Geo. E. Hoffmann ---