HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 113
July 17, 1962
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on July 17, 1962 in the City
Council Chamber.
Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. I'I. Roll call. Present:
Aldermen Sebree, Herbener, Hurst, Skinner, Abbott, Berl ;, Horton, and George.
Alderman Staley arriving at 7:05 P. M. and Alderman ,•;right at 7:10 P. i,i.
Absent: Alderman Howard, Long, Gibbons, and Bender.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept the
minutes of the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Roll call
vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Staley arriving at 7:03 P. M.
Petition regarding; rezoning of a portion of the 100-block on West Oak Street
read. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Hurst seconds that same be accepted
and placed on file -- and referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission
.� when a request for rezoning is made. Roll call vote. A7,TE: Aldermen Sebree,
�"A Herbener, Hurst, Skinner, Abbott, Berry, Horton, and George. PASS I;G: Alder-
yyam: man Staley who arrived just as voting began. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Wright arriving at 7:10 P.
Bills for the month of June were read. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman
Berry seconds that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll
Call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Reports of the Officers of the City were read. Alderman Skinner, seconded by
Alderman George moves that same be accepted and placed on file. Roll call
vote. AYE: Una-:imous.
Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Cammittees. Alderman Skinner re-
ported on the oiling and chipping that is nearly completed -- price is in
line with the proposed amount set -- 9211 of all blocks had received oil and
chips. Alderman Skinner moves that the Street Superintendent, Employees and
the W. L. Miller Co. be commended for their fine work. Motion seconded by
Alderman George. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Skinner reported on the Ray Street 3ridge. Alderman Hurst moves that
the City Attorney be asked to draw up an Ordinance to vacate Ray Street from
Ave. D to the west border of the Park District property. Alderman Herbener
stated that another route should be made -- to alleviate heavy traffic and
to have an all-weather road. Mayor Cook requested Alderman Hurst to set up a
meeting with the Park 'District Board. Alderman Berry seconded Alderman Hurst's
motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Skinner reported that the McCall School would send a cony of their
report to the City Clerk.
Request for a "flasher signal" at the intersection of Routes 78 and 9 was
made by Alderman Skinner who stated that it might be possible to obtain same
through Motor Fuel Tax Funds. (Mr. Elmer Young stated that it was possible) .
Alderman Skinner moves that this matter be referred to the Consulting Engineers
to have a resolution drawn and then be presented to the State. Alderman Abbott
seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Skinner inquired about the resealing of streets. Alderman Wright said
he still insisted that because the low bid was not signed, it should not be
accepted -- could result in a lawsuit. Alderman Herbener reported that the
Becker Bros., Inc. was a corporation, therefore registered in Springfield, and
reports show that the firm is a very reputable one. Alderman Herbener then
asks the City Attorney if the low bid was accepted (which had not been signed),
that firm could be made to live up to the performance of the contract and was
informed that they could. Alderman Herbener then. moves to accept the 1c# bid
(Becker Bros., Inc.), Seconded by Alderman Abbott. Alderman Wright stated it
would be wise, since the two low bids had technicalities, to move on and accept
the third lowest bid. Ile then moves to table the motion of Alderman Herbener
July 17, 1962, Cont.
This motion seconded by Alderman Fiurst. Alderman Herbener stated that if
Alderman Wright would vote to advertise for new bids, he would withdraw
his motion, and was informed that he (Alderman Wright) would.. Alderman
Wright withdrew his motion, Alderman Hurst withdrew his second of sane.
Alderman Herbener withdrew his motion and Alderman Abbott withdrew his
second of Alder.�ian Herbener's motion. Alderman Wright then moves to re-
ject all bids and return the checks, notifying them there was a question
on the bids. Alderman Herbener seconds this _notion. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen George, Horton, Berry, Skinner, Hurst, Herbener, Wright, and
Staley. I\?A : Aldermen Abbott and Sebree. (8 AYES and 2 NAYS) . Motion
carried. Alderman Wright then moves to advertise again for bids -- same to
be received by the City Clerk on August 6, 1962, 5:00 P. M. and be reported
to the next Council meeting. Alderman 3erry seconds this motion. Roll call
vote. A'7 E: Unanimous. Alderman Ierbener moves that these bids be in the
hands of the City Clerk on Au ust 6 at a time convenient for the Consulting
Engineer and stated 10:00 A. 4. Alderman George seconds this motion. Roll
call vote. Ara: Aldermen George, Horton, Skinner, Hurst, Herbener, Wright,
Staley I and Sebree. NAY: Aldermen Berry and Abbott. (8 AYES and 2 I�TAYS) .
Motion carried.
Ma-�ror Cook called for reports of Special Committees.
Mayor Cook called for Communications to the Council.
Letter from the Canton Planning Commission -- reporting on the recent Public
Hearing regarding rezoning of Lot 10, Block 2, Anderson's First Addition.
Appraisals on the Bishop property on Mulberry Place (for use of storage of
City equipment) read; A. D. Painter Agency, .1$28,423.35; Phillips & Kemp,
$23,150.00; Vernon A. Garretts) $22,500.00. Alderman George moves and Alder-
man Zdright seconds that this land be referred to the Planning Commission to
be rezoned. Roll call vote. Ai'E: Aldermen Sebree, Staley, Wright, Hurst,
Abbott, ':terry, Morton, and George. NAY: Aldermen Herbener and Skinner.
(8 ANTES and 2 NAYS) . Motion carried. Alderman Hurst stated that before re-
zoning -- the Council should be sure that this property is for the use of the
City and will not fall into other hands. Alderman Staley reported that the
building is not adequate for the City machinery and recommended building a
storage place on the City property at the Sewerage Plant. Alderman Hurst moves
and Alderman George seconds that the Finance Committee and the Sewer and Water
Committees meet to discuss FL-,ances. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Second reading of the Tax Levy Ordinance. Alderman Herbener moves _, Alder-
man Staley that this Ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. vote. AYE:
Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 62.
Canton Paving Improvement No. 63-C (Stmview Drive) Ordinance up for second
reading. Alderma.r_ Staley moves and Alderman Hurst seconds that this Ordinance
be placed on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This, Ord. No. 63.
Alderman Herbener reported t?rat Geo. 0. i-Iocker had completed the Cite audit
and moves that same be accepted and placed on file. Alderman Skinner seconds
this motion. Roll call vote. A`_E: Unanimous.
Alderman Hurst reported that trailers have been moved in on Quality Hill
Addition and requested investigation. Zoning Enforcing Officer to make this
In appreciation of our local. boars who have been to Boys State (and a Governor
and Lt. Governor was elected from Canton), Alderman Hurst suggested that the
City of Canton show appreciation for such fine students by providing a banquet
and also a Proclamation. Mr. Stewart Reed reported that -oerhaps the Chamber
of Commerce will assist or join in a cooperative effort. Alderman Wright moves
that the Ma,;or appoint Alderman Hurst to work with the Chamber of Commerce.
This motion was seconded by Alderman Skinner. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Lease with the City of Canton and Edward Powell read. In the absence of the
Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, it was recommended to hold both
leases over until the next meeting.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to July
the City of Canton. Alderman Staley moves to amend the Ordinance by de-
leting "provided the City does not have to compensate another person during
the time said employee is unable to work, and«. Alderman Hurst seconded
this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous- A148FRaI =4,tps4i seeeRdeg
Alderman Staley moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman Hurst.
Roll call vote. AYE: unanimous. Alderman. Staley, seconded by Alderman
Hurst, moves to ?place t ;e Ordinance on its 1-)assage. Roll call. vote. AYE T:
Unanimous. This being Ordinance ado. (
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining
Alderman Herbener moves to suspend the rul��Stseconded on City streets,
Roll call vote. A-rE: Unanimous. mac; � y Alderman Staley.
Alderman ;.erbener then :roves and motion
is seconded by Alderman Staley to place this Ordinance or' its passage. Roll
call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being; Ordinance o. 65.
Wheel-Tax Ordinance up for first reading. Alderman Terbener moves and Alder-
man Tlurst seconds to dispense with the reading of same. Roll call vote. AYE;
Aldermen Stale; , ^Tri.ght, ??erbener, Hurst, Skinner
George, i`TAY: Alderman Sebree. � ' ? Abbott, Berry, Horton, and
(9 A': �S and 1 NA 7r). Carried. Alderman Her-
bener then moves to withdraw this Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Hurst. Voice
vote. AYE: Unanimous except for one dissenting vote. Motion carried. A
C meeting of the Water and Sewer Committee to be held regarding increase in
rates. Alderman Wright states ins Is in favor of an increase in rates if that
increase is earmarked for paving off bonds, and that it was about time to be-
gin cutting expenses in all departments.
Alderman Herbener, renort-i_ng for the Traffic: Committee, ask permission to
set up a meter repair system, purchasing three meters each month. (,$212.00)
until the entire 175 meters had been repaired. He the!- moves moves that the Traffic
Committee be authoriz,�d to mace these repairs, seconded by Alderman Hurst.
Roll call vote. A",E: Unanimous.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining, to rezoning Lot 10, Block 2 in the
Anderson's First Addition. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Hurst.,
moves to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman
Herbener, seconded by Alderman Hurst, moves to place the Ordinance on its
passage. Roll call vote. A" .: Unanimous. Lotion carried. This being
Ordinance "To. 66.
A request to investigate the need for a street light on El Van Addition was
made to the Lights Co mitt�e by Alder?.1an Staley.
Mr. Reed presented each. Alderman with the 3y-laws of the Canton planning
Mayor Cook thanked the memb-xs of the Council for the s-oledid meeti.n�,.
Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman TTurst seconds to adjourn. Voice vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:58 P. M.
City lerk