HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 78
Canton City Council hold a regular meeting on Jan. 16, 190, 010 ?. A. 1,
tlie cit„, Coanc._,! Chairiber.
Aaoor Cook called for Holl Call, Present: Aldermen Howard, Neon e, Staley,
WrQht, 7crbener, Turst, to` E, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, 3orry, Horton,
Eeorre, at_6 m0er. Ausent: None.
fledEe of Allejance was followed bj Prayer b7 Alderman LonU.
Aldernan Mal, moves and Alderman moor; :; seconds a motion to acceut the
in Las of t4e Previous Meeting 2S nresented and -lace on ME . Roll call
vote. AM Unanimous.
Petition signad by 49 residents and aronertj owners Do aa; 3treet aid Qualit,,
901 Addition requesting teat Ra7 Street bridge be re,aired for vehicle
traffic. Discussion. Aiderzan Aercencr recimmenfid the Ot, OLIneer ho
oramine Oe cindition of tHis bridga and re,ort to Me next Connell mo2t1nL.
Alderman Long ranortad Opt last year 02 bridge coaM have been renairect
for $500,00 Ion thoug)t it would cost more at this timo . Merman Staley
sugEasted tic creak chan el oe straightened to relieve Oe flooding condition
in Mat area. Alderman Harst moves and Alterman Horton seconds that this
oriblen be referred to the City Engineer for a cost analysis and report to
the next Council meatinK. Voice vote. AM Una: imous.
Reacirthi; for the Claims Committee, Aldermaq WrinAt stated that his counittoc''
(and also tho feeling of the Citj Attorqe�) was that the Robert Wheeler
bill in tie total amount of $1,017-87 prose Od to the City was beyond reason
a7d recaumeMed that the Council not anprove swie. He further stated that
his committac would meet with Ar.Qhvaler at any time for further discussion.
Alderapn WrInAt Oen noves and Alderaan tarry secinds Mat this oil! nut be
allowed. Roll cwl vote. AYE: Unanimous.
AMerman Onter re sort ed that On Sewer P12nt Onerator, nhe (Citj flumbLnL�
insncctor aQ City EnEineer had investigate d the need for a new lift -),,unn
at Oe `Sort- Alaventh Ave'_ie station a A said that a Fairbaoksnlorse put-
had Men nurchased but tnat a numn made by Chicago Pump Co. was the onQ-
make acirkable, Aldennan 7ender moves tQt the City ni EEn red 0
-urcKaso too ChicaEo Pumps (aoproKLmata cos t' of $900.M) . Alderman Staley-
stated that a motion was not needed ant Alderman Mder withdrew sane.
Aldernan QcrLe reicirted on his meeting with the Board of Suparvisors --
officials to investigate the need of repairs in the various hotin,'
booths and renort to Alderman Ceorge, who will negotiate with them.
re"ortiag on Lhe Progress on repairs on the dlester taTC
recaTnenjod that Western NatarnroofinE Co. runair same at a cost of 11,425-10.
Discussion. Alderman oward moves and Aldenian 3ender seconds that the vwx-
nroonr auLhorities entor into the contract with the firm to canaliete the Vark,
on the digester tank. Ar. Thompson, r3zesentlnj Crawford, Aurnh Till,,
3nEineariaL Mv, explained t4e arocadure nmessar; to candete thn ujr<
satisfactorily . Roll caK votA. Ali: QvOrA ,Z. r, b'ors i, Wrr, ,
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ct_ussif cater-J ; 5. -b! aL _n _ ! An n.iroo of motorized eau n_ l t; 6. A re-
view of the ar. o ut a slice 1951 51 an In. .,e a rotwLing oasis for water, sewer,
street and sidewalk i.' c I + •; 7. Alliviate L4D disgraceful ,,ewer cp1i1Won
existing on .'d. :�a� lint o_.IC1 X a trios; �e arL_ .i-.. Fire e a d Police �1-
- �t �)n Of 1 1CP LO�'�
missions into two distinct bodies--at ..Least five members On a committee; �.
Construct _ca of a tract by-,bass around We City of Canton; 10, 1'Anointed
commissions should meet regularly and S.1 yested an Advisory Committee made up
of seventeen members (1 ao'>olrtc d. bj aach alderman and 3 by the i' y or) to
mace practical suggestions to the solution of various c__t;J nrobl_:.s• Discussion.
Alderman ;'error stated that he aas it 11 race i 4 -ti comalaiNs regarding snow
LW removal around the city, esnecially Fifth Avenue, aroand the High School and
smaller schools. Aldenaa1 lorry Wen mov s t ,at the Mayor or elected officials '
do not work on street, f_:-re or °,o_lice or water and sewer de^art;nents. Major
Cook exnlain d his reason for wor'il L On Lon&` , inn, 14, 1 '62. Discussion.
Alderman !;right seconds the motion, Alderman t.u1'.'.J reco nend.ed that the Mayor
and City 1 nLine r contact We Peoria Hi hway Of'1ce regarding removal of snow
on State routes throu§ (_.(_ton. Roll call vote an Lhe Actio1. AE: Aldermen
GeorEe, Horton, Berry,-, Herbe ,er, and WrQht. 7AV: Aldermen gender, Watt,
Gibbons, Skirn'or, Lori", -Turst, Scale, , S:orew, and loward. (5 AYES and 9 'WAYS)
Motion defeated.
Alderman Toward, seconded by Aldenaan '1ond.er .loves to adjourn. Voice vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Anton City, t,:,un�_]. adjourns at 8:45 P. a.