HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-02-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 75 Canton City Council hold heir raEular meet_''.': L an jan. 2, 1962, 7A P. m. in the Council Cha"bar. Vayor CoN called for NIL Call. Prosank: AVermen I'loward, Sebren Staley, Vorbqoer, 4arst, LonE, Skiacer, Uhhoss, Kbott and 00ar. Absent: Aldermen QrrW, 7orton and CeorEo. Piedgn of Allen iance was followed by 7r< :r' 1; Ali croan %ward. Alderman Staley moves and Alderaian 7owar§ sucoods that the miluLes of the l nrevlaa2 caK be accent 9d as nrena0f. Roll cal note. L77: Una0110us. A "etc ti K&K t OV'It, cyjj"tnrn in t n v7uQVQ of the trailer Cinrt ouaed by lwa,na 4sboD nroQstPw Kne esLabliqhinE K same in that area. Jocrman Cibbons stab& VaL the -voceduuss of establishing a trailer conrL was 3nniVnea to N, Kabon awj coca Tnaled that slice C. 3ishon had not can-Kad with L"m the Conneq sk l:. nam of the Zo ninL Ordliance. Cyt� AtLorn,; SeQft cnvlaiaD" the raquiraunnts coAcwrnia,,_ trallqr coLK5 -- staLe aN uhQ Vans. %suassioi. Alder n Gibbous recommends t4at the tabor be shot off aV taRn Vatever action is necessar to enforce t4e ZoNnE Ordinance. AlCeraan QrLenar zovvs thaL thn ZoniaL ZnforcinL officar siEn a conglaiAt ruLaKhOL Qc ZoninL Ordinance and each day it lishou is in violation a finn V Le inoos &. Alderman Gibbons seconded this notion. Roll call V 0 A7E: hanimous. Bills for the monQ of Eecembcr were read. Alderman Ferbener moves and Alderman LonZ seconds that all bills aroverl: awroved. V allow for raL - 2ant. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Major Cook introduced Robu& Whoelor ryd navo "Im nermission to sqoak to the Counicil. Vianlcr directed, his snecch to AlOerman lurst aQ was informed by the najor that he could not do Nils. Aldenaan lurst asked' nernission to sneak aQ said that he wanWd to Ea on record as not being in favor of Civil Defenne in onr Uty or for that aatter, all over the nation -- that it was a waste of the tax-oayors Aane.- . l ler then statod that he was not t a-"y t a i.rae holdinU the tent in qaention and that he had no monay in sanne- anyone could have had it withont scadliE no nnlice after it. Alderman MEN statni Vat the Claiao loinittwo =75 meat aQ reiart at the nczt Council .'7 is Reports of all Vf1cors of t4a City were rnad. Altervan Tender, seconded by k1dervan Lo-j du 7ws that the ranorts he acceKed and alaced on file. loll call vote. A70 �nx&ous. Bond in WD amount of )vc-arl, aoprovid by the Finance ComAittee Qr 2rancua 1fi31, Deputy City; Clerk roN. Merman Hcrbener, secon2nd b,,, Alder lay. Stale; , nov2s to accent Fs an aqd &ce on file. Roll call vote. AQ7 Unanimous. Copy of the letQr 0an the Division of Eiahials to Crawford, Aurihy and Tilly read. Ar. 11mor lounE, Consultir� EnLinn;- Zor that firm, exalained the _1 GC: of anatInL thw requireveaLs Wor a 34-ft. ?aviag an 51CS, 5205, and 530S. Al",_ ..an Gibbo .s, suconed b, klderna_: le&ir, moves to approve an amendment to maN the above snctlois34-1t. stroets. Dismission. Con- sultinE EnLinears aniroval for ongineorhnL services for ACS ano 52CS read. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Sebr,,e, Staley, 7iirst, Long;, Skinner, Gibbons, kbb0t, aN Denc-er. 7,11AY. Aldermen Howard and Herbener. (9 LY S a d 2 'JAYS) . Motion carried. City Clerk to certify this action by hone on Jan. 3, 1962. 7r. Young stated that after the hearing hold on loc. 22, 1961 regardinE street improvement, sane woRld be o9on Car bids in a couile of months and the City should male arran2ements fir the establishnont of nrevailing wages. Same to be rosted in a nub? .._c; Qaco and filed in the offico of Secretary of State. Discussion. Aldernan WriCht moves and Alderman Hurst seconds that the City AttorneV draft a Resolution to adont the prevailing wage for the street nrogram. Discussion. Alderman UrQht withdrew his motion and Alder- man Hurst irithairew his second of same. AlOorman Wright then moves that the 76 Jan. 2, 1962, Cont. Nyor anpoint a three-man committ ;e, including the City Attorney, to in- vestigall this law aid renort to the nart Council m2etinE. Alderman Giobo.-is reco;i-L-,-,onded to amend the motion to include the entire Council. Discussion. Alderman Cibbons withdrew his recoanendaton. Alderman Hurst seconded AlCorman Wright 's motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanlmuus. a, or Cook alrointed Aldermen Howard, Herbenor, and Skinner -- City Attoraoy ift to act as Chairnon. Aayur Cook announced the Zunlcipal Lea7us of Central Region macting to be hold jan. 10, 7:30 F. Z. in Wallace Park aid urged all councihneq aid tbeir w1vcs to attend. NJ First reap'ina of an Ordinance qnrtainlnE to navinE imirovement Yo. 01-A. Sane to Iny over. Aldermal Staley moves and Alderman Aerbener soconds that the bids for the Pick-uo tru& V onened. 1' o only bid received on this truct was from the 1. E. Zillar Autobody, Inc., in the amount of 12242.01 loss discount of 114030, making the total RAW& (sains QN to be added if necessary) . Alderman 7ender moves and Alderman 'Toward seconds that this 1. H. C. Plchu,) tnick be nurchased. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Howard, Sebroo, Staley,, UrQht, 7urst, Lon,­,, S:-,insr, Gibbons, A, oott, a: d 'Beader. VA7: Aldarma-,.i Herbever. V A7.,S and 1 MAY) . Motion carried. Bids on the Garoage truck were read : CKASSIS: T. E. Eiller Auto 3odg, Inc. 17087.00 less Discount of ";1,297.10, makinE a total of 05,790.00. TRUCK: BrLca Zonicinal Equinmont Co. of Glenview, Illinois : Leach 16 yd. Pack master mounted 17,043.10, lost trade-in of 12,100.'',C making a total of t4j9Q-DC plus salas tan $197.721 total 35,140-72. TR' CY: Truck Equinment Co., Peoria, Illinois: Roll Hark 11 Garba,:o ,o6y, 35,635,00, less trade-in a11002nce of Q2,M.90, maki, 12/15.33 glus sales tax of $112.60 -- total 12,927.0. Alderman Long moves and Merman Skinner seconds to refer these bids to the Garba, Dis7osal ConVttne for consideration and re-oorL to -Une Council. Discussion. Alderman Long withdrew his motion and Alkerman Skinnzr wiQdrew his second of same. Al Berman Staley, Chairman o2 the Garba, Dionosal CoAuittec requested a five-minute recess. Grantod, 9:20. Aayor Cook callad the mactinL to order at 9:40 P. A. Alderman Stale; moves L: at Vat his coxmilatee recommends that the Council accept the low bid Cu. 12,927.50 for the Truck Equinment Co. Earn aEe truck Vody. Alterman Long seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AM Unanimous. Alderman Staley thon moves to accent the bid of 1. E. Miller Auto 3ody, !no. for the R19D 1, 7, C. Chansis in tho amount of $5,791.0. Alderman Long seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: AlderAen 'Toward, Sebree, Staley, WrQht, qurst, Long, Ovinner, Gibbons, Abbott, and lenCer. TAY: Aldennan Furbener. (In AYSS and I MAY) . Motion carried. Alderman Tender, seconded by Alderman Toward, moves to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourn„; at 9:15 F. M. lity Clerb 77 Jan. 2, 1962, Cont. BTLTZ AT,T.OT,!`. 7. :� , FO- T, 1)7C.1961) E �,T IJ?`,' D�P'J'i 11 T�G. ?,r GR 0 Tj-AT r)S Biersdori 3.48 Canton Plumbing Co. Sur)nly Co.�!�54.65 C* 11-45 1 'o. 79.90 0:', Clift T, c. 4.25 1 0:`1 LIT U t I- Homer -Electric Co. 225.12 '­�erson 3.92 C,i,�11,,:, ,. P,',as on ?hardware Co. 1,.00 C:arba,c,,e De­arti,ient 1X!-32 ,.uto Elecir-1c 12 -3 Square Deal 'Iarket 1.17 , ,.:0 1V 15-00 h 9 5 Si-��earin�_,,eri Wholesale Co. 12.6!4 .1. i�. Auto Harry Whalen Glass !,Torks 20.73 ­ol-tcn -alr, Co. 22.51 -77 Coal Co. 22-51 CIVIL, DEFE",TSE- T T arc,, .,aale, GlL�s 'Jorks 25-82 Darriler Lui,�_Der Co. 2 561.27 De-)t. 4. 3 C�,j tor: Lai I y e 'Ler 3.20 7 7-_7 F -RE �EEPART-1�7, `rr': 17, Y�', _1 G, (a 9;3 Canton Da 1,1, L2dE.er 5.4() Ill. l e1.1 Pelee hone Co. 25 Canton Dail y ly _edLer 00) CJ Lorgan's D-X Service 7-46 `National Clhe_cisoard-1 3(%68 1_-)ErA1-i1T.,1ENT Ir, SE`=,Edl DEPAWEYIE ,`T: 3".3 9 Sro( 1,, T I"yq -) River Electric Co. GYRWE DTSID�SAT, DE7T! 'soc. 1_1�.�,)o kmerican, 1,,Iater !,,,or1kcs As Garbage Dent. s�').are �,as(96-31) Canton Dail,- Lociu­�r 8.6� Co.i�11P_anLaj. Oil Co. jieJvini ticking Co. 424.11 Phillips '11etroleum 21 P.95 ( r ­,eml ca" Solvents 39".!G Continental H1 Co. 2-2-).5 4 Canton Dail-,, Le�,.er 32-5�? Cummings I-, 'E.merso,i 32.5)-t C. -'7,3,.I . I. T`. S. Co.C o D-X Sunray Oil- ro. 202.7 Kroell Electrd-c Co., inc. 65.44 Ill. '3ell 'ele-)hone 'o. 9.75 on T 'rdware Co. 5 p 2 .47 1,'el-vin Co. 'l .��O, - 0 Tra,isfer leoria Tri,)ck reckin.,; 'lo. ')�`)-30 r 1.' Livio T"3orr--! o1i 2 lo x�L t,,)req, Tric. 3. Co. 9.17 "?,AT, ACC,0UNTT: ).22 Beckman .75 ?_ Liv`_j _-),2_',.0 0 7,am-pus Book 3.59 <.�c i.-ro -just-Prof finE 26.67 Canton rally 1 -dp',,r 15.00 T"] Ik:Ln s T71 in e Il- S�i,p o1 Co. 3.50 Ill. Sell Peler)hone Co. Inc. -,7.26' J. 01"A"T S Ill. )ell Telenho_,J(., Co." 83.00 C,-,-.Iton 'Pire Vulc. Co. 3.50 A. C. Shm)le,,- Son 10.00 a Ll o ial Chemsearch Corr.). 26).80 W7iitels Book Store .93 Duro-'-Pest Corp. 36.50 T27 T nc. 196.00 T_T U I TTS- `x.10 C. 1. P. S. Co. Canton Dail-� Ledger 14.!D0 Tjomer Electric 195.102 J-)hn A. lil1ierle7l-, 100.00 777107 nr ,)T,T,7,E DE"DAHTIATTT: Canton Sun-Dly '3o. 55,1i1 +armerfs Co-on. Ga.-. ba,,,e `71c,)artm('�n,1-1 ?homer Electric Co. 19.7" T31. ?ell TAle-)hone Co. 6.30 Lock's Auto Co., Inc. 2,)0.00 Loct:ls Auto Co. ., T­c. 2 OC� ,Iaco.,fib Carimunl.cat�_ons Se.rv. 7-1olice Te artrient :organ's D-', Service 7.71 C. She'sIny Son Whites 13 oa Store 1.)Jo TC`fAL F, 461.0 4