HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-1961 Council Meeting Minutes T3
Dec. 19, 1961
Canton City Council held a rejular moetinE on Tuesday, Enc. 19, 1961 at
7:05 P. M. in the Council Chanber.
Mayor Cook called for Roll Call. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley,
Wright, Herbener, 7urst, Lori , Skinner, Gibbons, Atbott, Berry, Horton,
QeorEe, and ?ender. Absent: Vane.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Pra -er by Alderman Lo E.
Alderman Staley moves and AlVeroan George seconds that the minutes of the
nrevioas meetinE be acnenteV as orcsontod. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Mayor Cook call2d for renorts of Sta&inE Conmik tees. Alderman Verbener,
Finance Co;-:-irqittee Chairman, reported on the recent insurance survey made by
the EuFane Sanders Insurance 0 mnany. The Zinance Cannittee recommended the
consolidation of our insurance nrogram to a nablic institutional policy form,
90% of total value of nropert; must be ca-ried; yearly ins�3ction of all
C11 oronarty sqd a yoarIT owaminatlin and rate of toe amount of iisuranca in
CC11 force; placinZ the valoc of ins arance ccvera7e of 31,065,"nO.10 at aparox-
imately $1,563. 0 amually (on a fixe-year nolicy) . Alderman qerbener
recami-aended that this nro-rax be lot nor DiCs. To also recom.hunded a
"FloatinE Equipment Policy" w c1Q, equinment, AlCernan Torbenar move,,-;
that the council approve the COW0102tiM of araporty insurance under
nablic institutional property form and that Qe nay or and City Clerk be
instructed to advertise for hids to be o7sant the first meetin, in March,
1962. After sane disc nssloq, Alderman 7e& .ner withdrew hiz motion and
moved that 0c council adopt the grolran of consolidation of oronerty and
contents iisyrance under noblic institutioial projorty form. Alderman
Howard saconded. this notion. Ynrther discussion. ar. Rowe, Radio Statica,
W,B,Y.S. askad to s7aak to the council and reconnendcd that tho nolice car
insurance also include connandearing of qrivaOs cars. Roll call vote on
the moti-oci. A'z'__]-
Mayor Cook call id f7r cocreanoafence:
Bond in amount of $12,510-00 for Fred Linder, nrocerly approved by the
Finance committee was read. Alderman NnE, seconded by Alderman Gibbons,
moves to accept the bond and -lace on filn. Roll call vote. AYE: inanimous.
Letter at request for the Kareb of Dimes 02 Q; -dajs to he held on Jan. 6,
13 and 20, 1.962 raa& Alderman 3endar, suconded by Alderman George moves
that the request 5e Lranted. Roll call vote. AYE: Hpan imous.
Letter fran the Chamber of Commerce nortaining to the financial status of
the Parkin Lot Knd. Alderman :Ter )ever moves and Alderman � ibbons seconds
that same be placed on filo. Oral vote. Ai'S: Ina0mous.
xc 75 Alderman LonE esed 0 P. ?.
Letter fron the Danartnent of luklic Works and Guild K, reEardin6 the
resolution nertaininE to various arterial streets in the city. Aldermal
Render, seconded by Alderman Skinner movos that this lot -or be accepted
and n1aced on file. Oral vote. AYE: 4naiimous.
Resolution for the 0a4donnant of 7iczory Stroit from best Cornorate Limits
to Fifth Avenue read. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman 3ender saconds
that the resolution be adopted. Roll call A',,E.r Tinan.1-mioas. #306
MgTor Cook called for 79w Business.
Alderman Hurst moves Qat the Chief of "Dilce nick un the tent now in the
nossKsion of Robert Wheel= who has charged the city 11030 per manth
rental on same) and place it on city nroparty . Alderman eor, seconded
this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unapinous.
Alderman Bender moves Viat the Water and Sewer Conmittee and CQ Council
vote in favor of nrovidlnE a new tric!,, for C_11_1,-,�., �.npineer Gibbons -- that
the City advertise for bids to te received in lie City Clark's office not
Dee, 19, 1961, Continued.
later than 5:00 n. ''i. of Jan. 2, 1962. Alderman Geor ge secomds this
motion, Roll_ call vote. AYE: Una. .mo:.zs.
Alderman Berry requested that cinderi 1g of streets be devided throaahout
the city after the streets near the hospital and high school had been com-
nleted. Mr. Myers, Street, Sn%erintend ant, explained his method of ci.ade
strc.r'.'G5. 1J.'_SCLlUs1on• AldE:1^C(laYi WrlLAt f11O1i@S t}1al. the 3tY'ectJlZ p6r1_PtenQe.tlt
be Liven tic authority to request assistance from another departAort if
n9edEed. Notion secs 0d by Alder::a;:l 6erry .. Li sciass Dn. Alderman Kerbenor
stated that the ay s'�.!ai l_C' 1,_ave this rower instead of the Street Junsr�_n
teadent ar�d that a� r :quest for help should e„cl Buie the fire and Police denart-
m ;:nt. Alderma-. 72rbeier asked the council to allow Alderman Wright the floor.
Permission granted. Alderman WrQht then withdrew his motion_ to the noint
that tie Aayor should decide when there is an om_ergency and then exercise his
vowsr. Alderman _?error °Jvi_thdre.T his second of the .notion. Alderman George
recommended tho fides could to worked out on the street work but Al derman
Qrst inquired if those People would be covered by comoensati_o7 _insurance.
Aldernan Bender reported a spot on Ro-,al Court that needs t he ittention of
the Cite- Engineer arc' Street Superintendent. This spot has lead black-too
added, but has sunk again.
v the street pro; ran ins
Alderman Sebree sated. that all of the talc a,�o•.�t �._-
unnecessar-,- and said that Alderman Skinner and. Street Super7.otendent Myers
were d o_n; a fine jot.
Alderman 7erbener moves that the council advertise for bids an the insuragc°
�ronert�" and contents, same. to be onen'ed at the .first meetl nC in
nrogr�m, ,
March, 1902. rot!o n seconded by Al ,°r an 5 - °r �r. : o _ call vote A
Unar mou s.
Alderman He:rbe!7'er then moves that the Floc ti nj Equi. meat --
unlicense? equipment, and autos Lrsuragce be consolidated and that the city"
advertise for ;airs to be onened at the first meeting in March, 1962. Alder-
can fender seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Alderman Wright inquired about the last two checks "sayable to the Police
-DePartment for catc.ii:_g dc's -- same to be Siven to the Police Denartment
at once.
First reading of an Ordinance Pertaining to Parking: Fine money. Alderman
Herbener moves to amend the ordinance to add: "and such parking meter fines
as are Paid at the Police station". Alderman Howard seconded this motion.
Roll call vote on the amendment. AY9: Unanimous. Alderman Skinner moves
to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman Toward. Roll call vote. AYE:
Unanimous. Alderman bender then moves to "glace the ordinance on its
nassage, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous.
This being, Ordinance no. 51.
Alderman Toward wishes everyone a :Merry Christmas and moved to adjourn.
Motion seconded by Alderman Pen.der. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton
City Council adjourned at 9:00 P. 4.
City Clerk —j,