HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-1961 Council Meeting Minutes 6J Canton CitS, Council held a regular ;neetin'; _'dov. 21, 19c1, .1:05 F. M. -i.n the Ci.t�,- Council Chamber. ay or Cook called for �,oll ,',all. Present; Al ' r:.'e.1 .10 ward, Schnee, 'virl ht, Herbener, durst, Skin:.er, Gibbons, ',1arr;,"-, 'iorto_r, and ')under. Absent; Aldermen Staley, Long, Abbott, a�qd George. Pledge of Allegiance tiaas followed by Prayer b- Alderman Howard. Alderman 'Toward moves and Alderil':an rider seconc.s that the ,riinutes of the previous meet_ng be accepted as Presented a-ca ?iaced on file. Roll call vote. A`Y- ';nanimous. Petition sign-;d b;, fifteen orooert,. owrTers o) ain Street norti, of Var-,Dyke ;i2it*e Addition a-)r)roximate_l_,; Livo blocks. Alder:naa ',dri„ht expla_ned thLs need and suggested that the City Eng;;ineer draw t.Tp a i1),i f'o.r consi deratior�. of sewer extension. A1('erm2n Herbener gave a report on tie Finance Coi�tmittee stating; that the City funds were in ;reach better Shane at thi-s siv-rno_ztiT -)eri:,d than the; :Tad been for the nast four ; ears arici further stated that b,,,- continuing in tilis economical manner ttl C _t may sta-,/ within the b_,dg~et. G^ Alderman Hurst, re,00rti.nz; for the Street a.-id Lei-lei' Committee, recommended the Purchase of a used snow °.)low insLall,;d for 'p520. '0. ?Ie stated that since one e.mnloyee was leaving; tiie first o'' tie gar, It, woT�1 c] n.)t be necessary- to replace him for some t-i?ne, thereby savi.,nc; enou.-h to ca; for this snow r)low. r. Sr;all, re-,�orting on the Ja;-Cee 3Pac1 `:nnrove i•: :.1, nrograrrn, stated that the work was about one-third completed, the wori, beinU, d.orle by the members of that organization assi step:, by a number of f i_r;Tis in this area who 1-rad contributed service anCj material for the project. -ir. Small recommended that tile name of the beach area ti;e named "Jai, Sea Park". Alc:en,ian "3ender moves arid. Alderman 'wri€;ht seconds that this reTuest�be granted. doll cal_1. vote. AA? Unanimous. Letters i'rom Crawford :,ur���zy �. I-i 11 .rrc: t1le I e_rmagi=Le CorPOrat--oo regarding the digester gas leak. 'Mr. Leonard Crawford ex,,-)Ia � c{ rrocedur, s to date, and said there would 'ue some recornrnendat�_ori the riexll counc 1.1 iieetin&. Alderman lender inquired ab,)ut hunt:i -,� arc;u?. t'rle Canton Lake area. It was, decided to "-post" this area a ,d run ads in t;ae local paoer regarding same. ,"_rs. Hedges from 13reeds was introduced by Hay,)r Cook. She asked permission to hold a tag da,. Dec. 2 fbr Vile 'cornnlation of furnace installed in the Breeds Church. Alderman Bender, seconded by lad.erman Herbener .,ioves to t-rant this request. Roll call vote. AYE: ?In.animous. Rev. Howard Griffin gave a report on his meet in." of t'ne Fire and 'I.ol.ice Commission held in SPringfiel..d. recentl�r. IIe said that the :-)robati_on Period for )olice would be at least six norzths but not more than eightee( all t)ersonnel to have a r. hysical examination once each year by a -)hyslcian chosen by thz Illinois Co:nnission. Alderman T=oward asked -to be a.scu.sed at c:uO i- i. ermissio ? granted. Resolution for 1,he, rE't:l.rel'lelit Oi pLLiJ11.0 bci af:l.t aS;:c,SS:iiiC3T1GS for 3'aCt1.0T1S 32 05, 33 CS, 34 C5, 35 CS, 36 CS, 37 '(;S, 3;a CS, 141 CS, 1t2 G,`, 43 CS and 14 C",� -- _:r:!ncioaJ_ aue Jai:. 2, 1962, �a::;,ut�l. ;, Lr Lere ;L c Ae o;a �ia t date, i._i.,o05.90. 'Total ,;5'1,���.90. Alderman Herbener moves that the Res >lution be adopted, seconded by ,alderman Skinner. Roll call vote. ASE: Unanimous. This being Res.?lution T`do. 305. Letters from the Department of Labor regarding, the "Prevailing vJag,e Act" law. Further investigation to be made. Alderman Herbener gave each Alderman a. copy of t't-e .ns,.rance surveys and stated sane would be brought before the next Council rneeti.­j�r. Alderman i3ender inquired about the Comm.un _t�;” Fir e Truc. -- and asked the City Attorney to check into same regarding the trUC'_, be:in- stationed in Canton. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Berry seconds that the Police and .Legal. Co,:n:nittee employ an architect (agreeable to ttie property owner) to investigate the burned-out building on .North ';,ain :>treet. Roll call vote. A'"E: Unanimous. J,lberrnan 3err-y moves and Alderma-: Ierbezner seconds to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton Citl,% Council adjourrTed at ":20 P. TAI. City Clem