HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1961 Council Meeting Minutes 65 Ca.itol, Cit- �"',,-)unc�l 13l,`L t��Ic31_r 7 7-09 D. In e !,!a,,,or Cook called for 1"oll 1. Pre s ant: Y,.1-der.!ien 1'.owaix!, �br TTI r:7, -In ,or, C 0 t I( Horto.i, Wrl ­`,t 'T-ri)(r,er CeorE,P, and 'bse:_' orle. Ied,-e )i `,lle�_-Lartce was �ollo,&­d b, ,rp­-r ari T,o.i�'. Alcer-.­La.-, n wJ t, )f `L,�-Io 0� �1)e orovloas meet4,-,r- a- (', ac�,(D--�t sa -)ces­nLr� s-c" "er vo i,,e. qaT i-1--i ou c,. ca� A Pet-*1t -)r-, for street c),,2'1drs for Ed liar jjr from. 11ai.n Street tl-) -L1!-,e F nd of s tree L a,-):,)r o, j�ji�,,,t I-, lderria La 1 e- secc)rlded by J,,1(-"ert 'Eerbe-,er, (ir)-ve:; roferre(i the 3oard of Local IiinroveienL,.-). Lio-1-: call vol-.,,,. A_'­­Li, '.7­lao s. 3-1.11s for ti­'(, of October we reL.J b­ Clerk. Alater-ia.­ T-1 f - erbe..'--er, 1 ')UJs pron.erly a,)nrovec,I be allowed seconded b-T, Alder ian -,,qov-�,­ that a for na C11 y'meri-1 . Aldc!r.nan as:,,nd` to 'hav,_, �7 o:vier 1.'I(,ctric 'Jil-I for JJ. 1,ts tiff the band stand 1,e"id, 1_o. Alderman 1111:cst no—'e _01 1,,?iat t�ie oill for • Federal Suroli�'Ls be, 'nc!6 vT111.1e •arrari .iere fJr return, of ti-Le larEc track. T)'1_sc1�_S.1Si1Jr1. �1011_ call vot,(�'. (ia, 13 1 S Cc),)'c for re!-)r.)ct- of Officers. Alder,,,qa,i Luri­ renortlri, for tll-� C1V_,:_-_, 17­f(,,Osle on t1lei.r ­.ieet Li­ ;ield he orevioas eveni_ic, stated t�,cre `hre solut:' On s for the 16ruck 71-le city could 1')a,,r for it ac,O retaii, It-, it co -i-0.0, be stored on neutral a!-,d Robert 1,1hocilor could- retain it. rota ins it, it could be used onl,7 for Civil Defense a_ud e,1,,er!:enc.*j_c,.-i . Thl-s track riast be kept in good run_ J_n�- conditi,­)n and in order to i-fialnLaio it as suer, it shoti.ld_ De run a certain 1pn,,-th of time each week. T4' 1J71,,eler is ti cliarfye of the trac'c, •al i:,) will be turned over to h at the elij of two ,oars (st'Jl 2-vailaol for Civil Defense if necesvary) . The lift trucics to revert to at end of four years -- Wheel r to kee-,-) sa!"e in -uod re-pair. 1aderal S-u.r--)lts call be purchased through -the City for anyone, .-)rovidJ_ri[,, same can be L,'t3ed for Civil Defense. Discussion. Aldermat-i Long reco.rillends that the lift trucks be tarried over to Wheeler. The heavy- du-t,,,,-, truck cost could `:�e absorbed b-,,, the t"It") a:,d then the Cit,, could dispose of it a-, JA sees fit or 1-t c:)al,-1 '5(: storec, o,-., ricatra_.,'_ prooi-Xty with Wheeler sa:lie in good re-,)a--',r tria.-_"- to be used for Civil Defense or,.ly . Alderman Gibbc,.s ctove,. that the ' or! lifts b- 1-c-,ft with Wli- eler and move the heavy truck to neutral to 'Oe used for Civil Defense only -- a:1, cost for storage a.-,d renaIrs to be naid by 16�'­el­r al-,d at the c­;d of two years, same to go to Wheeler with the otinulation that it would still be Civil Defense oro-oerty. Upon -merit on of a contract for this nror,)osal it wad decided that the minutes of the Council. Meeting would serve the same as a contract for this arrangement. Alderman TTurst rec-_)ip,-,1ended that tlqe tri'll.cl, be returned a�ld not to nay Wheeler for the repair. bill-. AlderTan Lof,,,r,- seconded Alderman Gibbons 's motion. In the meanti•-e a t,,r)-writer ourchasod for Civil Defense T)ur,.)oses a__d to be used b-,, John Ront,:etto was zrierit.'Loned. ,,,Tr. 1-1,onketto asked for t'he floor and stated that he was willin�T, to give the machi__,.­e back to the clt,; . P.1derma-1 T4erbener wa.-!ted to go on record, that John Ron',,:etto was a man of interrrit-,, and asked that Alderman Gibbons div__de his .110tio-,-,. Alderman Hurst requested the clerk to read minutes to see if had said a:­',ti�-i n slanderous against ,Ir. f tonj;etto. Alderman Stale- reqi.ieste(� t�lie -ress and radio not to say anything harniful of the narties inv lved. Alder'la -Terbe.-I er withdrew his rr?quest for dividing the motion. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE- Aldermen Howard,, Sebree, Lon,,.,,, Skinner, Gibbo__Is Abbott,, T.3errl,, 'Lorton, a,,d 13e-der. Alder,,rier-i Stale,-, Wright, Ue�rbeiter, TTurst, and George. (9 A-,r!,S2 arld 5 '\rAYS) carried. L Reports of officers of the Cit were read.. Al-der-an '),nder, seconded bar Alder- man George moves -that same be accented and nlaced o,'i file. Roll- call vote. AVE: Unanimous. Report of -the audit of t!,e ?Motor Fuel Tax for 1960 read. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves that sato be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote. A17E: Unanimous. Yov. 7, 1961, Continued Letter of request by Junior Achievers for use of the second floor room for one year at 11.00 per year. Alderman George, seconded. by Alderman Bencer, moves that the lease be continued. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alder- man Hurst requests that the check be returned a;d the rent granted as a gift. Alderman. Foward stated that it was na.rt of their training to assume res vonsi- bil_ity.. Alderman Hurst then withdrew his request. Letter from the W. L. :Miller Co. regarding the repair of E. Elm St. paving. Alderman Staley moves that this letter be accepted as their explanation for a satisfactory agreement, seconded by Alderman Lo E. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Ora ;ford, yr shy 1 Tilly's Engineer's Payment istimate He. 1. for the East Elm Z t. pavl .g project in the amount die of 112,975.70 read. Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Thirst moves that the bill be allowed. Roll call vote. AYT: Unanimous. Resolution for naming Arterial Streets in the City of Cantor: and also Resolu- tions for improvement of certain streets under the l:otor l�uel 'fax 2u:nd were read. Alderman= :ender asked that the Petition for street improvaaent for Sun View Drive be included. Major Cook granted a five-minute recess at " 2 '. P. A. for the clerk to bring this petition to the Council. Council racaL_;d at SO P. K. Alderma n Bender moves that an a:en.iment to the resolution inch din Snn View .hive be made, seconded by AlderAan Horton. Roll cavil vote. ATE: Tl=iirlous. 1tlderm& Long, seconded by Alderman 3ender :moves for the adoption the 'Motor Fuel Tax Funds for improvements on certain of tnE resolutions requesting city streets. Alderman Hurst :roves to amend the resolution to request Motor Fuel Tax Funds to include Sun View Drive. zotion seconded by Alderman Long. (Ao.300) Roll call vote on wiendmen t. AYE:: Unani sous. Alderman Herbener inquired of the City Attorney Senift if the cit., was 'bound by any services, labor or co n- tractual work of any firm. Mr. Leonard Crawford exola.ined the difficulties with the digester cover and said his firm was working on a ?Fan to correct same. Alderman "ender inq ircd if the city would have any added expense as a result of this work and was informed tKat it would not. Mr. Patric iiurphy ex -lained lie ar reamonts the c .t;; now has with Crawford, Mur vVy A MIT E. Chestnut St., 14th st. to i-jradley corners; South train and 6edar Streets; Winegar, Lawrence, a Cr-31., Park Plaza; E. Elm St. Discussion. Roll_ call vote on the motion. AYE: Una_�imous. This being resolution 10. 301. Resolution for street lights read. Alderman Stale; , seconded by Alderman George, moves to adopt the Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being; resolution Ito. 302. Resolution for discontinuing a street light on Southeast corner of North "rain and Sycamore Terrace. Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Howard moves for the adoption of this nesolution. Roll call vote. AY`..?: Unanimous. This being 3es of ution To. 303 . Resolution regarding the length of time each Alderman may spea'.T on Council floor. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Howard, moves to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. 97E: Aldermen >ender, George, Horton, Berri;-, A'oboyt, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. :SAY: Aldermen durst, Herbener, and Wright. (11 AY.ES and 3 NAYS) . Mayor Cook then voted "SAYE". ;lotion carried, This being Resolution No. 304. Alderman 3erry, reporting for the license Committee stated they found Ar. Isaacs not fi_na^cially able to start a bus line in Canton. Insurance to be carried from $50,100-00 to SlD0,000.00 would cost about $100.00 per month. Me was told that if he could f'nd someona to back him to appear before the Council again. Alderman Sender, re,,orti ng on the Potesanos case moves that the bill in the amount of 113114.17 be paid to Anthony Potesanos. Potion seconded by Alder- man Howard. Roll call. vote. AYE: Alderman Eowa-rd, Sebree, Staley, 7erbener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, :perry, Horton, George, and Sender. NAY: Aldermen Wright and Hurst. (12 AYES and 2 idAYS) . 1,Iotion carried. Mayor Cook announced the appointment of George Coykendall to replace Leon Jtto on the Garbage Dis?oral Department, (jobs in that department to be rotated) . Me also announced the officers of the Board of Health: President, Claude Seaton; Physician, D. A. Bennetl, 7. D.; and Sanitary Officer, Paul. NeberEall. R-T "•jov. 7, 1901, Continued. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman ?9ender seconds the acceptance of this appointments. Roll call vote. AYE: 'Jnanunous. Alderman Herbener inquired about the enforceaent of Parking Meters Ordinance o. 47 arid said that the tickaL envelon-s had been purchased but was infontied that the ordinance was not to be enforced. Discuss Lon. Chief of Police hlndzey was ordered to ourch.ase tine necessar,; equi,:)ment to carr; through on this ordinance. Alderman Herbe-ner again r'�,ferred to the co nsi! irr; engineers and as��ed 1� ayor Cook what he meant when he said it would cost a 1_ar ;e sum of money to change enginee ii1 firms. it Norphy (Cra.rford, urphy a,id Tilly) spoke un that it wouldnB very expensive since all the cit would owe was the work already started as previously stated. Alderman Hurst moves to adjourn, seconded by Alder iali 3ender. Oral vote. AVE- Unanimous. Canton City Council adjol?_rrled at 10:29 P. pi. Cit-,, Clerk BILLS ALTOWKD FOR PAYNEIT 0H OCT. 1961 ('E"THAT FIND: STREET A ALLEY F0D: Bldg. A Grounds: Canton Supnl7 Co. 1 9.04 Am. Pest Control 130-00 Coach n Heylb 18-13 Am. Vest Control 30-0l Cummings V Emerson 20.40 Clean Towel Service 14.40 Delta Steil Co. 429.41 C. i. n. S. Co. 12.24 Duck Island Sandy Gravel 202-59 Canton 1wvbh Co. 31-50 furo-Test Corp. 20.11 Canton Sash A Door 77.67 Garbage Disposal Dent. 99-36 Crosier A Riley 335.00 Ceo, E. Hoffman A Sons 14F.15 Homer Electric Co. 730-53 Jarvis Welding Co. 5.77 Industrial Towel Lerv. 3.45 Kammerer Concrete Oroducts 93.36 Kroell Electric Co. 24.60 Mason Hardware Co. 3.12 Harry Luier 7.20 Melvin Trucking Co. 15-00 'Mason Hardware Co. 16.71 Miller Autobod),, 24.98 Martin Martin 19-75 Aorgan's D X 77.27 Ralmond Sandburg 410.60 Pschirrer Coal Co. 21.03 17)rb-7) 10702 Civil Defense : FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND: Eldon Brons 7.15 Canton Automotive Parts 12.25 Canton Concrete Co. 101.66 Norgan's D X Station 30.4'' federal Surnius 20.50 National Chemsearch 3000 391.bl J. C. Penoey Co. 15-00 General Account: 07.77- 9abcock Job Printery PARKT'\iG `:ET7R F1.71J.'ID: Camnus Bon Sh �n 2, )l 9randt A ,tomatic Cashier 56.16 Caqtoi Florist 9.32 Jarvis Welding Co. 5.00 Canton Daily Ledger 64.0 Sutton A Moore 3.12 Lee Cook, Sofgd. C.D. 31.66 John A. •herley 100.00 Ill. Bell Telenhone -42 MAE— Ill. Office Sunnly 14.26 PR7777G DEPT: Francelle Larson 24.00 Canton Dail; Ledger 134-00 4ason Hardware Co. 2.12 Petty Cash 21.21 WATER '� SE.,,`ER DEPT. F1,TJ ,,TD: Postmaster 40.00 C. 1. 1. S. Co. 1845-81 %Thitels Book Shoo l'?.29 Mason Hardware Co. 49-91 Ill. Bela Telephone 93-00 C. T. Biersdorf 7.22 327-17 Clean Towel Service 5.30 C. i. P. S. Co. 962.11 Carbage Oisnosal tent. 35.65 Police Tepartnent: Continental Oil Co. 54.25 Clean Towel Service 2.65 D. J. Mahoney Co. 119.80 Farmers ' Co-op. Co. 9.60 Melvin Trucking Co. 140.00 Garbage Dept. 135-93 Hays Corp. 14,60 Wm. Hag aman 4.50 HcKesson A Robbins 549-04 Horton's DK Service X Difco Laboratories 7.25 ill. Bell Telephone 3.45 Valley Chemical Coro. 216.22 Donald Kepler 7.30 Marblehead Lime Co. 307-91 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 Menke Stone 1 Lime Co. 319.0 Macomb Communications 41.4F UtilitV Sales Co. 65-15 Mason Hardware Co. 2.Ve Illinois Xeter, inc. 20.26 !organ's D X 10.3a Calmet Meter Division 27-33 Police Deoar0ent 90.00 Fullerton Lumber Co. 24.24 Selkirk's 6.20 Janes D. Clow A Sons 62-30 Dr. aichard Dye 21-50 Mueller Co. 31-00 White's Book Store 11-33 Rhodes Transfer 2.00 5'4 .0:7 Wilkins Pipe A Supply 51.23 CARIAGA DISDOSAL DEPT. F Q E Z TlumblnE Co. 8.45 Caiton Tire Vulc 2.50 Cantor, 'lumbinC Co. 29-13 Cities Service 47-11 ?rilin Co 316.00 Contin6ntal Oil Co. 11-49 General Fund 3.50 Cn �_qln7s & Emerson 2.30 Ill. Bell Telephone 4.0 P X Sunray Oil Co. 196.06 Babcock Job Printery 25-35 Garbage fund Fas4h6cF, AddressoLranh-01tiqraph 82.98 Higgins Oil Co. 41-59 Burroughs Corp. 67-94 11110 Petty Cos'] 2C.00 Ill. Sell Telen one 19.00 LeFebure Corp. P1-42 Industrial Towel Serv. 3.60 Canton Daily Ledger 20.00 Melvin Trucking Co. 30-00 4T93*0 Miller Autobody 17-39 Mobil Oil Co. 230-P8 livio Paggioli 209.90 TOTAL :411263.48 Shell Oil Co. 31-58 A. C. Shepley b Son 231.26 _16 fP