HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-1961 Council Meeting Minutes 62 Oct. 17, 1961 canton City Coi,,�,jcti held a regular me >+ 0� Oct. 17, 111611 7 -01 T. 1. t,,-)e Ci.t- Council Cham!_)er. mayor Coo} called for Roll Call. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Stalej, Horbever, uurst, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, 3arry, and GecrEe, Alder Tian bright arriving at 706 P. A. Absent: Aldermen Long, Horton, and Bander. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Staley moves that the minutns of the 7revious meeting be accepted as presented, seconded by Alderman Howard. Oral vote. AYE: 7nanlmous. Alderman' Staley, seconded by Alder nan 9oward then moves that the minutes be anproved. Oral vote. 17j: Unanimous. Alderman Wright latrodnced Ar. Small, renresenting the jayCees. Ar. Small re- norted on the nroEesss of the work beTnE done at Lake Car ton providirZ a nail bathing beach aid road to same. The members have donated their lab, and so have had no expense the far. Various firms around Canton are donatLig service for this nroject which should be almost com-leted, so far as work can bn done this fall, by the end of October. Alderman Howard, sneaking for all council- ,a(­nbers, thanked the Jay0ses for their efforts. Request for "Slave Auction" nov. 17 on the Band Stand (7:30 P. n. to 9:30 P.Z.) by W. 1). tasters, Advisor for Explorer Posts 99, 100, 104, and 123. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Nright novas to grant this request. Roll call vote. AYE: qnanimous. Co,-)y - ' �,j rrill ,)�� -je �Ialdwel! ZnEineorinE Co. letter to the Crawford, nurnhy A Tilly fir read. TAe letter sot a date for an inspection of the sewerage treatment Mant to make a final Oectsion on correcting the Digestor Cover. 'Discussion. Alderman Carry moves t,t the nayor and any member of the Uater and Sewer Committee who could meet with the engineers at 11:00 A. A. be paid for their lost labor from 10:00 A. A, until necessary to complete the work. Motion seconded by Alderman Hurst. Roll. call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Hurst, moves that a five-minute recess be held while Alderman George showed the plans for lights in the City Building. Oral vote. AYE: '.7nani-mous. Recess granted at 7:20. Kayor Cook called the Council to order at 7:27 7. A. Alderman George recommended that the 3uilding and Grounds Committee get bids for the contract of this lighting Program. Kayor Cook announced a meeting of the Planning Committee and stated that Me Klobuchar was a77ointed as the Chairman. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Herbener moves to confirT this appointment. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. i-layor Cook announced the seven-member Traffic Committees Aldirman Herbener, Chm., Aldermen Sebroe, TWright, Skinner, Abbott, Berry, and George. Alderman Berry, seconded by Alderman Staley, moves that these appointments be accepted. Holl call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst moves that the Kayor and Aldermen wishing to attend the Illinois Municipal League Convention, Nov. 4,5,6, and 7, should receive $25-00 per da-,,,, for their expense account and that they should report to the City Clerk their intentions. Votion seconded by Alderman Skinner. Alderman Staley reported that in the past, the Department leads, City Treasurer and City Clerk had attended this convention. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Resolution to commend and congratulate the Canton Daily Ledger for their recent honors received at the Illinois Press Association meeting: lst place for a s7orts photograph, notable mention for the best community service, honorable mention for best news story, honorable mention for best photo journalism, and honorable mention for general excellence. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Stalcy, moves to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYS: Unanimous. Resolution #299. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to the establishment of a Public Health Tenartment. Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Skinner, moves to suspend the roles. Alderman 3erry recommended that the ordinance lay over until something was included about selling merchandise on terraces. City Attorney explained that Oct. 17, 1961, Continued. if such merchandise came under the unsanitary handling; of foods or endangers life or health, it would come under this Ordinance. Rol:]. call vote on the suspension of rules. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst, seconded bar Alderman T4oward, moves to place the Ordinance on its passage. Alderman Herbener moves to amend Article 1, Section 1, adding t'Any -person so appointed shall serve without any compensation whatsoever'. Alderman Skinner seconded this motion. Discussion. City Attorney stated it would be better to omit this clause since compensation was not mentioned in the ordinance and, if at any time, some compensation should be advisable, the ord'_n_ance would have to be amended again. Alderman Herbener withdrew his motion and Alderman Skinner withdrei his second of same. Roll call vote on the passa e of the Ordinance. AY:E: Inanimous. This being; Ordinance `�o. 47. First reading; of an ordinance pertaining to a "no Parkingt' zone in front of the Child Care Center at 435 H. Elm St. Alderman Gibbons, seconded by Alder- man Herbener, moves to suspend t'-i.e rules. Discussion. Roll call_ vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to place the Ordinance on its nassage. Poll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance %To. First reading; of an. ordinance re Tardin� a stop sign on ?' � Z. €� t� . Seventh Ave. and Locust St. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman George, move to suspend the C� rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman 'Ierbener moves to amend CL the Ordinance: Where it states, ItNorth East, it should be North rdest and where it states South West, it shoi_lld be South East." 'This :notion seconded by Alder- man George. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen, 11owar.d, Sebree, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, _?erry, and George. \TAY: Alderman Stale; . (10 AYES and 1 "TAY) . ,lotion carried. Alderi-nan George, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to place the ordinance on its nassage. Roll call vote. AY?i;: Unanimous. This bei ng Ordinance No. 1Pso 'Ir. Don Isaacs was introduced bTr Alderman. Herbener. dr. Isaacs plans to start a bits line in the City of Canton; same to be i.ncornorated, have 7eroper ins,.rance, and proper inspection of busses bvery six months. There would be two busses in the morningr and two in the afternoon, every day except Sunday. (Additional service on Friday) . The 'i'raffic Con_"littee had met with fir. Isaacs and agreed wa_th him providing_- the Illinois C_-Plerce Commission gave neriaission. Alderman ??erbener moves and Alderman '?erry seconds that the City Attorney and License Committee meet with 14r. Tsaacs as soon as ;possible. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst reported on street openings -- one on Ave. B near .yrtle St. and another on Feeling Court. TTe stated t�lat the first mentioned had been open for nine or ten months and it was time that same was closed. Referred to the City Engineer a._d Streit Sunerintenderit. Mayor Cook re-ported that the new oaving on E. Elm St. had a bad spot in and re- quested the C i t;; Engineer to call the W. L. !Iil_ler Co. to repair same. Alderman Burst, inquired about the purchase made through the Federal Surplus Commodities a d stated he did not favor this practice, this statement being the feelings of the other members of the Council. Discussion. Alderman Gibbons recommended that the City Attorney meet with Mr. Brons, Civil Defense Director. Alderman Wright moves that the check in payment of the five-ton truck tractor wrecker by Mr. Robert Wheeler not be cashed and that the Council try, with the aid of the City Attorney, to give the check back to ,r. Wheeler and, in turn, take the truck back to the Civil Defense, if possible. Alderman Berry seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Wright, Herbener, Hurst, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Bern,, and George. P,IAY: (Alderman Staley. (10 AYF;S and 1 NAY) . Carried. Alderman ::tale,,- explained his reason for voting against the return of the tri..Tck: -- triat it might jeopardise future purchases of needed items. Alderman Gibbons stated that ,Ir. Brons should be contacted and explain the Council's feelings. Alderman Herbener moves that the City Attorney and Council meet with •Ir. 3ro!.s a�_d tell him that no more purchases for individuals be made and that the Council should approve all purchases to be made by the Civil Defense Director. :lotion seconded by Alderman Howard.. Roll call vote. AYE': Unanimous. I i i 64 . Oct. 17, 1961, Continued Alderman Staled inquired if the City had proper forms to be filled out for the Zoning k'nforc9.ng Officer. He then moves that applications for buildings be drawn up and when specified for some type of building,. same to conform with the ord;_nance and not be used for something, different in that zone. Alderman _,urst seconded this motion. Aayor Coo} inquired if a charge: should. be made for persons building a fall-out; shelter. The opinion of the Council was if same was in a basement, a charge need not be made, but if in the yard, it should be c­s_c_erod in the same category as a garage. Roll call vote on the motion. AYEt Uanimous. Alderman Herbener recommended that all equipment be moved out of the base;nent of the band stand as sane could be maintained as a disaster s1telter. The T�uil.ding and Grounds Coimnittee was instructed to have benches, etc. removed and the basemjnt cleaneu. ?esolutions designating .lrterial Streets under the Motor Fuel Tax Law: Oak St. from 5th Ave. to 6t'.lAve.; Hickory at. from 5th Ave. to 6th Ave. : Cherry St. from 5th Ave. to 6th Ave. ; Holly St. from 4th Ave. to 6th Ave. ; Lewis St. from 4th. Ave. to 6th Ave.; Hanlon St. from 4th Ave. to 6th Ave.; Sam Scott St. from 5th ,eve. to 7th Ave. ; 6th. ave. from Oak St. to Sam Scott St. ; 7th Ave. fro°n Linn St. to Sam Scott St. Alderman Skinner moves that the Resolution be adoobd, seconded b-,/'- Alderman Abbott. Alderman Herbener then moves that this Resolution lay on the table until the next Resolution had been read and. act on both Arterial Street lesolutions at once. This ,notion was secondec-i by Alderman Wright. Alder- man Skinner then withdrew his motion and Alderman Herbener withdrew his motion. Second Resolution designating Arterial Streets read: Birch Street from 10th Av;. to. 11tll Ave., and Taylor Court from Birch St. to ". Corporate Lts. A discussion followed when Alderman Herbener stated that Third Ward needed Streets and Alder- man Wright inquired about the street -orogram in his ward. Discussion. ido action taken on the Resolutions. Aldermani Howard, seconded by Alderman Sebree moves to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:37 P. 1�- City Clerk