HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1961 Council Meeting Minutes 53 Canton City Council held their regular meeting on Sept. 5, 1961, 7:10 P. M. in the City Council Chamber. The meeting was called 'to order by Mayor Staley, Pro tem. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long. Roll call. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. Absent: Aldermen Wright, George, and Bender. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Berry seconds that the minutes of the previous meeting (copies of same had been received by the members of the Council) be approved and placed on file. Oral vote. AY,: nanimous. The City Clerk read the bills for all departments. Alderman Berry moves and Alderman Long seconds that all bills properly approved by the committee of the departments be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Horton, Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Ur Howard. NAY: None. Motion carried. Reports of Officers were read. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds L.=r that these reports be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- X men Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. NAY: None. Motion carried. Mayor Pro tem Staley called for reports of Standing Committees. Mayor Pro tem Staley called for reports of Special Committees. A report of the trip to Springfield recently was made by Mayor Pro tem Staley who gave a special thanks to all the citizens who participated in this meeting with Dr. Gerdy, with special appreciation for the fine efforts of Mr. Stewart Reed in preparing the brochure for the meeting. Mayor Pro tem Staley called for Communications to the Council. Bonds in the amount of ? 1000.00 each with the American Surety Co., approved by the Finance Committee, for Ira Johns, Radio Operator and David W. McIntire, Police Patrolman were read. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Long seconds that these Bonds be accepted and placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. A note of thanks for flowers received by Mayor Cook while in an Iowa Hospital was read and ordered placed on file. Letter from Paul C. Sloan, President, Municipal Association of the Central Region, urging all City Personnel to attend the next meeting to be held in Cuba on Sept. 13. Letter of invitation to attend and join the Illinois Protective Officials Chapter meeting to be held on Sept. 13 was read. Letter from the Dept. of Public Works and Bliildings regarding the agreement with the C. B. & Q. R. R. and City of Canton (Elm Street Paving Project) read and ordered placed on .file. Notice of Lawsuit received by City Clerk for Larry Simpson, 1163 E. Chestnut St., Canton, accident occurring on Apr. 11, 1961, 10:')O P. M., ap;oroximately 100 feet East of the corner of Grant Place and Fifth Avenue on the South side of the street. Mayor Pro tem Staley called for Unfinished Business. Alderman Herbener inquired about the vote on the Star Delivery proceedings on Aug. 15. City Attorney Senift stated that the 7-5 Council vote was sufficient to carry that motion since it was merely an advisory motion vote. Alderman Long, reporting for the Civil Defense Committee, moves that the Com- mittee on Civil Defense be empowered to purchase and install a three-phaze, 10 horse-power, 208 wye s!-ren to be placed at the Senior High School, seconded by Alderman Herbener. Discussion. Alderman Herbener suggested that Alderman Long alter the motion to limit the expenditure to $500.00. Alderman Herbener then withdrew his second of the motion. Alderman Long then moves that the original 4' Page 21 Continued motion include the limit of expenditure of $500.00. Alderman Herbener then seconded the entire motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Horton, Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: None. Motion carried'. Second reading of an Ordinance regarding Parking. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Howard seconds that this Ordinance be tabled. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Long, Gibbons. NAY: Aldermen Hurst, Skinner, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. (6 AYES and 5 NAYS) . Defeated. Alderman Herbener then moves that the Ordinance be read and placed on its Passage, seconded by Alderman Howard. Mayor Pro tern Staley ruled that the Ordinance was not valid in view of the fact that it was to amen Ordinance 26 that AldermandHerbenebewithdrew pub- lished. He therefore ruled the Ordl ane ou his motion. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to One, Two and Three Hour Parking Zones. Alderman Herbener requested that this Ordinance lay over. Alderman Sebree recom- mended an amendment stating 25¢ fine rather than the 50¢ fine. Alderman Howard requested that the Traffic Committee meet before the next Council meeting. At that time Alderman Herbener set an informal meeting date for the entire Council for Sept. 12. First reading of an Ordinance for the appointment of a Special Police Officer, appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent and advice of the City Council, for the operation of the parking meters, collect the money from same, tend to the enforcement of the parking meter ordinances, shall repair and keep in good Repair the parking meters, and perform such other special police duties as shall be assigned to hifn, at a salary of $4,500.00 per annum and an annual clothing allowance of .$50.00. Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Skinner, moves to sus- pend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE:" Aldermen Horton, Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Hurst questioned if such an officer should carry a gun and if so, he should pass certain physical and mental examinations. Discussion. Alder- man Berry stated that in his line of work the officer should have protection for himself anyway. Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Long, moves to place the Ordinance on its Passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. NAY: none. Motion carried'. This being Ordinance No. 42. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Stop Signs on the Northeast and Southwest corners of Avenue C and Chestnut Streets. Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men Horton, Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. NAY: None. Motion carried. This being Ordinance into. 43. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Yield Right of Way Signs on the Northeast and Southwest corner of Vine Street and North Third Avenue. Alderman Howard moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote. Aldermen Horton, Berry, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, Herbener, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Horton, moves to place the Ordinance on its Passage, Roll call vote. AVE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, and Horton. NAY: None. Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 44. tt dd wes tcornern fofhensquare prohi�iitingl ftoturnsronc nattcomer.Otalde°rmane North Herbener recommended that this Ordinance lay over. Mayor Pro tem Staley asked to have the Bids for pushing over the dump read: Livio Poggioli, $144.95 per month and Oaks and Sons in the amount of $150.00 per month. Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Hurst moves that these bids be referred to the Garbage Disposal Committee for study and report to the next Council meeting. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Pro tem. Staley made the following recommendations for the Council's consider- ation for the betterment of the City of Canton: That the City Engineer be instructed to be the onlAperson to issue Building Permits. Terraces in the City should be i 5& 9/5/61, Pg. 3, Cont. cleared of all signs. Elimination of large motors on Lake Canton or some method of protecting the Lake. At the t.'une the Potesanos waterline was laid, he was to pay for a four-inch line and the City to pay the balance to increase the line to an eight-inch line. Mr. Potesanos was to charge '1$150.00 to new home owners joining on this line and the City to charge the same. (Only four residents were joined on this line prior to that addition being admitted into the City) . Mayor Pro tem Staley stated that he did not think it the res,0onsibil..ity of the City to pay Mr. Potesanos the amount he had requested. Regarding the Evergreen Estates, -the agreed size of water line was not installed. Subdivisions should not hook on water lines without consent of the City. Discussion with the Council. Alderman Herbener recommended that the City Attorney gather all information regarding the sub-division water mains and report to the Council. Alderman Skinner reported that weeds oa the C. B. & Q. R. R. in the 1000 block on South Fourth Avenue needed to be removed, but the City mower could not do so because of the supplies of the Gavenda Bros. Co. Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Long moves that the City Attorney be instructed to write to notify the Railroad Co. of this condition and request that same be oleaned up. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst inquired what report there was on the King Auto Electric building and �3 was informed that only two Council members attended the Police and Legal Committee meeting. so no action could be taken. Alderman Burst moves that the Police and Legal Committee investigate what it would cost to employ an individual agreeable to both X parties and report back to the Council. I-"otion seconded by Alderman Herbener. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mr. Glenn Pyle, from the W. B. Y. S. Radio Station, requested permission to use certain streets in the City for the Friendship Festival Parade route. He extended an invitation for the Mayor and Officials to participate in the -parade and stated that several officials of other communities had already expressed their intention of -participating. Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves that per- mission be granted for the parade route. Oral. vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons suggested that the Traffic Comui.ittce and Chief of Police investi- gate the Fifth Avenue and Chestnut Street intersection and suggest better method of signs and eliminating some parking near this corner. The corners near the Glenn-Maguire Clinic and the Post Office building were also mentioned for investi- gation -- and if an Ordinance was necessary to clear the traffic on those corners, same should be drawn up. Alderman Gibbons mentioned that something to get rid of birds and suggest that an experiment should be tried in one spot to eliminate same. Mayor Staley, Pro tem recommended that Alderman Gibbons contact the Fire Department to help with this experiment. Alderman Howard recommended. that the Mayor issue a Proclamation regarding the Canton Friendship Festival. Mayor Staley, Pro tem inquired if there was any further business and then intro- duced Pair. Ralph Taylor, author of a couple "Over the Counter" articles, and asked him to explain said articles -- (the mention of "public officials" could have been intended to mean any member of the Canton City Council) . Mr. Taylor began his explanation at 9:20 and completed same at 10:00 P. ivI. In that time it was brought to the attention of the public that "public officials" in his article did not mean any one of the City of Canton Officials (he implied that he meant county and township officials) . At the end of his explanation, he was thanked by the City Council for clearing up this matter. At 9:46 Aldermen Howard and Berry requested permission to be excused -- permission granted. Alderman Hurst moved that the City Attorney should be instructed to file an objection to the'llestern Union for the proposed discontinuance of service in the City of Cantor.. Motion seconded by Alderman Herbener. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Gibbons, seconded by Alderman Hurst moves to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 10:02 P. "i. City Clerk _ I b 9/5/61, Pg. 4, Cont. BILLS ALLOW10 FOR TIC 07, AUGUST, 1961 Bldg. ez Grounds; Lock's Auto Co. $200.00 Am. Pest Control. j$15.00 1Macomb Communications 90.00 Canton Clean Towel Service 27.90 Morgan's D-X Service 19.37 C. I. P. S. CO 5.02 Police Dept. 138.00 C. I. P. S. CO 18.45 Selkirk's 1.10 Custom Kraft Floor Co. 1.40 A. C. Shepley & Son 146.02 Garbage Disposal Dept. 1.15 A. C. Shepley & Son 40.00 Homer Electric Co. 26.25 White's Book Store 7.90 Industrial Towel Service 3.45 1010 Jarvis Welding Co. 12.00 PR17TT'TG: Mason Hardware Co. 3.73 Canton Daily Ledger (Garbage)5.20 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 16.50 Canton Daily Ledger (Traffi.c�L%80 Harry Whalen Glass Works 6.75 24.00 137.60 PUBLT.0 COITORT STATIO',I 720.33 CIVIL DEFENSE: STREET , ALLEY DEPT. : John L. Essex 10.50 Bruce Municipal Equipment 13.28 Garbage Disnosal Dept. 1.84 Canton Battery & Elect. 3.06 Mason Hardware Co. 4.29 Canton Supply Co. 11.58 Canton Automotive Parts 4c.22 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 20.70 Sutton Moore 19.80 Cummings & Emerson 4.87 77-70 Duck Island Sand & Gravel 08.111 FIRE DEPART"'11IT: Elliott's Machine Shop 9.11 Canton Automotive Parts 55.06 Farmers Coop. Grain Co. 7.05 Dillefeld's 66 Service 4.70 Garbage Disposal Dept. 125.35 Homer Electric 4.57 Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons 224.88 Ill. Bell M '."elen Co. 5. hone Co. .25 Industrial Towel Service 4.49 Jarvis Welding- 00 Jarvis Welding Co. 10.55, Swartzbaugi Implement Co. 47 King Auto Electric 32.29 70-05 Mason Hardware Co. 12.44 GARBAGE 'DIS"USAL DEPT. : H. E. hiller Auto Body .63 Canton Supply Co. 2.88 Sears, Roebuck Co. 18.67 Canton T _re Vulc. Co. 6.00 Sutton & Moore 4.50 D-X Sunra , Co. 200.88 Swartzbaugh Implement Co. 132.89 Jarvis Welding Co. 3.54 Harry Whalen Glass Works 9.05 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 19.90 Mobil Oil Co. 184.00 WATER & SEWER DEFT. : C.I.P.S.Co. 1013.64 Livio Poggioli 2619.90 Spoon River Electric 1.7.02 77F.-IU Canton Paint & Wallpaper 34.40 GENERAL ACCOU"?T: 192.26 Kroell Electric Co. Camnus book Shop 5.61 Gravely-Illinois Co. 5.59 Canton Daily Ledger 64.00 Standard Oil Co. 146.60 Canton Florist 5.86 ;Melvin Trucking Co. 436.30 Ill.. Bell Telephone Co. 83-00 Valley Chemical & Solvents1033.96 Francelle Larson 36.00 Marblehead Lime Co. 307.91 Petty Cash 15.49 Menke Stone & Lime Co. 3'09.40 Ill.. Bell Telephone Co. 1.13 Jtility Sales Co. 119.45 Manley E. Staley 33.20 Badger Pieter Mfg. Co. 36.24 L. F. `A'eller, Postmaster 51.0' Canton Clean Towel Service 5.30 A. C. Shepley cc Son 1122.11- Industrial Towel Service 3.25 State House Inn 43.00 Rhodes Transfer 2.00 White's Book Store 228.17 Richard Melz 21.56 White's Book Store 12.`?4 Dwayne B Lshop 145.60 179-.7 2 Leo Po ioli 77.12 LIGHTS: 954.35 Kammerer Concrete Products 250.07 Canton Super Drugs 2.12 PARKING YIET??:t FUA]Ds Garbage Disnosal Dent. 50.41 Duncan Parking Meter 79.96 Cummings & Emerson 5.59 Jarvis Welding Co. 2.50 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 4.00 I1Ieline Sign Co. 8.`:'0 Swartzbau h Implement Co. 30.80 Livio Poggioli 15.75 Canton Automotive Parts 86.27 Selkirk's 534.00 Jarvis Welding Co. 38.25 Sutton $c Moore 3.00 Brulin & Co. 352.00 John Wherley 100.00 National Chemsearch 196.39 7 3.21 Duro-Test Corp. 55.50 POLTCE DEPT. : Petty Cash 60.00 Canton Clean. Towel � ervice 5.30 Oscar F. Bohman 14.90 Curtiss 1000 Inc. 114.00 White's Book Store 26.42 Duryea Snorting Goods 1.25 Canton Engraving Co. 12.50 Farmers Cooperative Co. i4.20 Babcock Job Pr7_ntery 47.70 Garbage Disposal Dent. 120.06 Burroughs Corp. 100.10 Ill. Assoc. of Fire 8c Police 12.00 A. C. Shepley ' Son 341.10 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 4.50 -5'8'1-72 Lock's Auto Co. 102.38 GRAND TOTAL $12036.17