HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-1961 Council Meeting Minutes Canton City Council met March 7, 1961, 7:02 P. M. in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Woods called for Roll Call. Present: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. Absent: Alderman Shelby Wright. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer by Alderman Long. Alderman Martin read the bills for the Finance Committee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Staley read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder- man Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Cl. Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Long read the bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk Committee and moves that all bills oronerly approved be allowed for payment, seconded x by Alderman Berry. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Chas. Wright read the bills for the Fire, Water and Sewer Committees and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by alderman Wr Wright. Roll call vote. EYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Howard read the bills for the Building and Grounds Committee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Wm. Wright read the bills for the Printing Committee and moves that the bill properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman George read the bills for the Garbage Disposal Committee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Committee and moves that the bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Berry read the bills for the Civil Defense Committee and moves that the bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: 'gone. Motion carried. Reports of Officers were read. Alderman Martin moves that same be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Jones. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing Committees. Alderman Long, Street and Alley Committee recommended parallel parking on Elm Street between Second Avenue and Fourth Avenue to avoid accidents in the 2 vicinity of the I. H. C. and moves that the change of flow of Traffic on Elm St. and Chestnut St. (Ordinance No. 25) go into effect on March 20 with the street painting to be done on March 18. Motion seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Mayor Woods instructed the Chief of Police and Street Supt. to take care of publicity of same and cooperate with the I. H. C. Ordinance for parallel parking to be drafted. Alderman Chas. Wright, reported no action had been taken on the extension of a water main to the proposed site of the Mid-Century Telephone Co. and moves that the Water and Sewer Committee be given the power to proceed with the extension of same and sell water to that firm as per the City Ofdinance regulating sale of water to out-of-city residents. Motion was seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Mayor Woods announced the meeting of the Central Illinois Municipal Organiza- tion to be held Mar. 8 in Lewistown and invited all Council members to attend. Mayor Woods also announced a hearing of the Electoral Board to be held Mar. 10 and inquired about the expenses for same. Alderman Herbener moves that the expenses be allowed, seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. Alderman Staley and Jones not voting. Motion carried. Mayor Woods read his reasons for not approving Ordinance No. 26, regarding Parking meters. Mayor Woods called for reports of Special Committees. Mayor Woods called for Correspondence to the Council. Request for a Tag-day Mar. 18 or 25 by the Eagles Auxiliary read. Alderman Martin moves and Alderman Berry seconds to grant this request. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from Crawford, Murphy & Tilly recommending acceptance and date of guarantee on Sewerage Treatment Plant equipment. Ordered filed. Letter from Bureau of Local Roads and Streets approving engineering services of Crawford, Murphy & Tilly on 50C`' (E. Elm St.). Ordered placed on file. A Notice to Contractors for work on 50CS (E. Elm St.) was read. Alderman Jones moves and Alderman George seconds that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for this letting of bids. Oral vote. AYE; Unanimous. Superseding Resolution for Improvement by Municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law for 48 CS (Park Plaza Dr. & Ct., Lawrence Dr., Linden St., and Ma-Gra-B1 Dr.) . Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Bender seconds the adoption of this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Resolution for Request for Funds to the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets for 47CS, 48CS and 50CS read. Alderman Martin moves and Alderman Long seconds the adoption of this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. #286. Resolution for the Transfer of Funds ($10,000.00 from the Sales 'Tax Fund to the General Fund. $10,000.00 from the Parking Meter Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund) . Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds the adoption of this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. This being Resolution No. 287. Returns of the Primary Election held Feb. 28, 1961 were read. Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Howard, moves to accept the tabulated statement and place it on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Long, Gibbons, Berry, Bender and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. 13 Mar. 7, 1961, Continued Alderman Staley inquired about the eligibility of one of the candidates whose name is to appear on the General Election ballots. Alderman Martin reported the difficulty of traffic of heavy trucks on E. Chestnut St. and Fourth Ave. Same referred to Chief Police to investigate. Alderman George moves to increase employees working on Sat., Sun., and Holidays 3% and those working a forty-hour week to 21%. Motion seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Long, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: Aldermen Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, and Staley. (8 AYES and 4 NAYS) . Motion carried. An Ordinance to be drafted on same. Alderman Berry reported a message sent by Eldon Brons, Civil Defense Chairman, regarding the purchase of sirens. It was decided to invite Mr. Brons to anoear before the Council at their next meeting. Alderman Staley stated that he wanted it to be known that he was not in favor of discharging any employees because of a change in the administration. Alderman Howard inquired about the condition of water in street at Liberty C Place and Fourth Ave., and asked to have a review of the minutes and take action as :made at that meeting. C: Alderman Jones moves to adjourn. Motion seconded by Alderman Bender. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8:19 P. M. L� BILLS ALLOWED FOR PAYMENT: FIRE DEPT: . police Dept. ,Co,lt. : Water & Sewer, Cont. Canton Automotive $ .30 Jarvis Welding 7.50 Joseph Pollard C0.13.65 Certified Lab. 33.65 Lock ' Auto Co. 12.50 Badger Meter 63.73 Dillefeldfs 66 2058 Locks Auto Co. 200.00 Utility Sales 253.15 Ill. Bell Tele. 2.50 Macomb Commun. 40.00 Mueller Co. 69.30 Mason Hardware Co. 1.76 Mason Hardware .64 E.Z.Plumbing 6.12 4079 Police Dent. 84.00 St. Clair Shopping 5.43 GARBAGE DIS°OSAL: A.C.Shenley 413.20 Canton Automotive 4.24 Canton Tire & Vulc101.69 White 's Books 11.11 Ellis A;gliance 145.74 Cummings & Emerson 4.43 Cities Service 282.75 Miller Auto Body .90 STREET DEPT. : 'National Chem. 248.91 Mobil Oil Co. 100.00 Canton Ledger 10.40 Brulin & Co., 396.00 Leo Poggioli 144.95 Robt. Busby 32.00 Fullerton Lumber 52.38 Shell Oil Co. 223.51 Canton Supply 5.72 B.L.Slack 103.32 _57 . G County 1,1elding 7.87 Duck Island Sand 14.35 GENERAL FUND: Cummings & Em. 2.85 Campus Book Shop 5.44 Bldg. & Grounds: Duck Island Sand276.16 Burroughs Corp. 86.30 Am. Pest Control 15.00 Elgin Sweeper 290.42 Crawf ord,Murphy 126.84 Canton Clean Towel 11.40 Garbage Dispsal 78.66 302.1 Canton Plumbing 3.80 Geo.Hoffman 61.05 C.I.P.S.Co. 93.51 Internation8]alt 366.OA Industrial Towel 3.45 Jarvis Welding 14. Luker Plumbing 6.95 Mason Hardware Co-4.75 Mason Hardware Co. 6.65 Miller Auto Body 10.40 Amelia Scott 440.50 Pauls Truck Ren. 45.00 y5�_1.76_ Pschirrer Coal 28.13 Civil 'Defense: Swartzbaugh _4.51 John Essex 16.25 - 1239•i6 Canton Battery 13.54 WATER & SEWER: �T-79 C-I-P-S-Co- 951.19 General Account: Canton Supply 53.87 TOTAL $12,600.44. C.I.P.S. Co. 864.15 Cummings & Em. 3.45 Campus Book Shop 65q:94 Canton Plumbing 13.43 Canton Daily Ledger Kroell Electric 25.00 Comfort Station 3275.03 Rhodes Transfer 10.61 Lee Cook 67.00 Infilco 59.23 59.23 Globe Distributing 8.56 Nalco Chemical 13.30 Ill. Bell Telenhone18613 Wilkins Pipe 156.65 . Francelle Larson 24.00 Melvin Trucking 140.00 Frank Thornber 21.11 Valley Chemical 281.25 L.F.Weller 28.00 Marblehead Co. 297.50 White's Book Store 1.35 Foster-Gallien 7.80 4892.96 Tom Knowles 1.39 Police Dept. : Garbage Dept. 50.83 Canton Clean Towel 2.65 Continental Gil 7.95 Garbage Disnosal 157.32 Mason Hardware 25.28 n Hardings 66 9.90 Ill. Meters 325.80 City Clerk._ ' 6 1 CITIZENS PARTY Office: First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Total Mayor: W. Paul Woods 218 270 233 120 89 137 249 1316 Robt.Jenninrs 51 78 75 55 26 75 138 498 Lee Cook 240 270 268 288 122 262 400 1850 Teddy Bull 4 2 7 5 5 4 5 32 City Clerk: Nellie Crawf ord439 568 513 375 190 402 677 3164 City Treasurer: Carl N. Hill 421 545 498 340 142 365 609 2919 IraJohns --- --- --- --- 1 --- --- 1 Police Magistrate: Neil Baxter 146 221 232 137 86 172 207 1201 D. Lingenfelter 58 75 85 109 39 79 175 620 James Murphy 113 132 95 74 43 65 116 638 Edw. Malmgren 137 132 115 98 46 101 133 762 Freddy Downey 24 59 32 28 14 36 52 245 Alderman: Harry Sebree 277 --- --- --- --- --- --- 277 Everett Lightle216 --- --- --- --- --- --- 216 Chas. D. Wright--- 329 --- --- --- --- --- 329 M. K. Hauber --- 294 --- --- --- --- --- 294 Paul L. Hurst --- --- 286 --- --- --- --- 286 Mort Hutton --- --- 282 --- --- --- --- 282 George Skinner --- --- --- 363 --- --- --- 3b3 LylePeterson --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 Benjamin Walker--- --- --- 3 --- --- --- 3 William Wright --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 1� Glenn Abbott --- --- --- --- 119 --- --- 119 Shelby Wright --- --- --- --- 119 --- 119 Lawrence Horton,Sr. --- --- --- --- 389 --- 389 Frank Krulac --- --- --- --- --- °56 --- 56 Cecil Bender --- --- --- --- --- --- 349 349 Albert Courson --- --- _--- --- --- --- 147 147 Robert Hammond --- --- --- --- --- --- 270 270 Drawing held Mar. 6, 1961 -- Nomination won by Glenn Abbott. INDEPENDENT FUSIJN PARTY Mayor: Harold Ellsworth ?? 70 62 86 28 56 88 442 Manley Staley b 44 19 20 19 23 48 189 City Clerk: Nellie Crawford 9 14 5 14 13 4 7 66 Mary Flahavin --- --- 2 --- --- --- --- 2 BerneiceHensley -- --- --- --- --- 1 '-- 1 Eldon Sprague --- --- _ --- --- --- --- 1 1 Vern Henderson --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 1 Janice Ballard --- --- _-- --_ _-_ --- 1 1 James Murphy --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 1 City Treasurer: Carl N. Hill 7 13 3 8 1 3 4 39 John Flahavin --- --- 1 --- --- --- --- 1 Louis Sepich --- --- 1 --- --- --- --- 1 Frank Whitmore --- --- --- 1 --- _-- ___ 1 Nellie Crawford--- --- --- --- - -} --- --- 1 Neil Baxter --- --- --- --- 1 --- --- 1 Ed. Malmgren --- --- --- --- 2 --- --- 2 John Fisher --- ---- --- --- --- E. E. Shockney --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 1 Police Magistrate: NeilBaxter ------ --- 1 --- --- --- "' 1 D. Lingenfelter--- --- 1 --- --- --- --- 1 James Murphy --- --- . --- 2 --- 1 --' 3 Fred Downey --- --- --- 3 --- '-- 4 Aldermen: Harry Sebree 8 --- --- --- --- --- '-- 8 Harry Cites I --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 Everett Lightle 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 Alvin Schertz 1 --- --- --- -'- --- 1 James E. Quick --- --- --- ---- --- --- 91 91 15 INDEPEZENT-FUSION, CONT. Office First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Sevent# Total Aldermen: Chas. D. Wright - 7 --- --- 7 LeoMay --- 2 --- --- --- 2 M. Hauber --- 16 --- --- --- --- --- 16 Larry Fitch --- --- --- --- 1 Mort Hutton 5 5 Paul Hurst --- --- 16 --- --- --- 16 Thos. Johnson Louis Sepich Ralph Reeve --- --- --- --- 1 Oliver Metler-- --- --- 1 --- 1 George Skinner -34 --- --- --- 34 Wm. Wright --- 6 6 Glenn Abbott --- --- --- 11 Shelby Wright--- --- --- 8 8 Chas.E.Wright--- --- --- 1 1 Stanley George— --- 1 1 Lawrence Horton- --- --- --- 4 --- 4 John Horton --- --- --- --- --- 1 --- 1 CA TOTAL VOTES, BOTH PARTIES: 599 751 679 598 288 568 946 4429 CC WARD COMMITTEEMEN, CITIZENS Harry Sebree 1 1 Cecil Beebe 2. 1 Everett Howard2 2 Jose-oh Almasi 1 Lloyd Snowden 1 Jack Carson 1 Harold Beck 1 Wm. Gaskill 1 Ronald Reith 1 John Tomlianovichl Jack Mills 1 Kenneth Waldrop 1 Joe Tomlianovich 1 Albert Scott 4 Chas. D. Wright 2 Edward Malmgren 2 Jim Kuharich 4 Patricia Meuser 1 Clyde Hawarter 1 Clyde Howarter 1 Al Jacobs 1 LaVern Crosetto 1 Mort Hutton 2 Joe Evans 1 Lloyd Herbener 3 Paul Hurst 1 Don Willcoxen 1 Wm. C. Scott 1 Don Swickard 1 Marion Ogden 1 L. Whitehead 1 Warren Whites 3 Benjamin Walker 4 Cecil Comingore 6 Wm. Wright 3 Matt Bohler 6 C. C. Carver 1 Lee Wilkinson 4 Don Cook 1 Frank Ford 1 Melvin Conner 1 Lawrence Horton 2 J. M. Tutt 1 Leo Berry 1 Gordon Babcock 2 1.� E WARD COMMITTEEMEN, CITIZENS, CO'tgT. First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Virgil Awl 1 John L. Thompson 1 Charles Owings 1 S. S. Stufflebeam 1 Vern Ford 1 Joe Skinner 1 _ Alva Lingenfelter - 2 Roy Clift 2 Sarah Kuhn 1 Howard Griffin 1 Al Sharpe 1 Robert Hammond 1 Joe Martin 1 Harry Marshall 1 Larry A. Cook 1 Nelson Utter 1 Joe Casson 1 Richard Westerfield 1 William Hukill 1 Dean Florea 1 Victor Kovachevich 1 Charles Owings 1 Ronald Turner 1 Eugene Waddell 1 WARD COMMITTEEMEN, INDEPENDENT-FUSION First Ward 0 M. K. Hauber 1 Chas. Tometich 1 Vernon Phillips 1 Third Ward 0 Clem Jones 1 Cecil Comingore 3 Art Miller 1 Lee Wilkinson 4 George Skinner 2 Clayton Rowen 1 Peter Burketta 1 Chas. E. Wright 1 Ray Walker 1 Shelby Wright 1 Ste-ohen Elam 1 Robert Hammond 2 Harold Beecham 1 Vincent Kauzlarich 1 1 Harry Marshall Harold Meecha-m 1 Frank Stanko 1 WARD COTyj;3�EMEN,S� ,'R ED: ThiAtizens Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Everett Howard Albert Scott Lloyd Herbener Cecil Comingore '`lone # Gordon Babcock Alva Lingenfelter # INTARD COMMITTEEMEN, ELECTED: INDEPENDENT-FUSION: None Vernon Phillips None # Lee Wilkinson # Chas. E. Wright Stephen Elam (Not eligible) Robert Hammond � �� City Clerk '