HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-1961 Council Meeting Minutes } 1 Cant,.)n City Council met on Jan. 3, 1961 7:05 r. 1. in the City Council Chamber. Ma,,=or Woods called for Roll Call. Present: Aldermen iiartin, Toward, Chas. Wricrht, Staley, Janes, 'fd r. '.urirht, Long, Shelby T;r ; ht, Gibbons, Derry 3ender, and George. Absent: Alderman 'lerbener. }'Minutes of t'r, previous meeting were read and anproved to be placed on file. r'ledge of Allegiance was followed by ?sayer by Alderman Long. A "etition addressed to the Board of Local 7111rr,rovernents for the imnrove,neat of the street -- Sun view Terrace was read. Alder,rran 3ender, seconded b;y- Alderman Gibbons moves to refer this petition to the 3oard of Local 1;,n.)rovernents. Oral vote. AVE- ''nanirno,.rs. A Petition requesting a ten-ton gross load knit on Fifth Avenue fro,, ':IN rtle to Birch St. and on '"Yri;le St. from Dear, :lourt to 1,i.ftr, Avenue. This petition was referred to the Legal 7enartmerit for action. Aldermman T2arti.n read the bills for the _;inance and 1,noves that all bills C. nrooerly approved be allowed for nayment, seconded by Alderman Sender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, 'Sender, .'erry, Gibbons, Shelby ',jric,ht, Loag, �prrn. Wright, Jones, Staley, ;has. }.ris-I-rt, 'Toward, and, }'_artin. MAC' : acne. iTotion carried. CL Alderman Staley read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and moves that all bills properly approved r)e allowed for payment, secarlded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen ,Martin, Toward, Chas. ''right, Staler, Jones, K,i. ?iright, , _3erry, ender, a eor .Lon€, Shelby rrirht, Gibbo._s, AY gone. 'Tota_orz carried. Alderman Tong read the b'']_is for the Street, Allc a­.d Sidewalks Committee and :groves that all bills nrooerly anproved be allowed for -oa��nent, seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Roll call vote. AY,,: Aldermen George, 3enc er, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby IVdriFlnt, L Dnf-, W.-r. i'riF;ht, Jones, Staley, Chas. rid.'-zt, Tloward, and :Ilart i_n. MAT: 'Tone. 'lotion carried. Alderman W�rn. Wr:i.T,.ht read tie k:)ills for the Fire, Water and Seraer caTEnittees and moves that all bills ronerly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder- man Chas. Wri=cht. Roll ca-11 vote. AYE,: Alldermn Martin, ?Toward, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, W' i. Wright, Long, Shelby `r ht, Gi.,'.�ons, :3erry, 'ender, and George. nAY : Tone. Motion carried. Alderman Shelby ?•dright read the bill for the Printing Cor,rnittee and moves that this bills, properly anproved, be allowed for nayment, seconded b17 Alderman Staley. Roll call. vote. AYES: Aldermen George, Bender, 3errr, Gibbons, Shelby °dright, Long, Wrn. Wri,loht, Jones, Staley, Chas. ',Aright, r-To,,aard, and 'Martin. "A' : None. ?:otion carried. Alderman Toward read the bills for the 13r.ti7_dir.g and Grounds Oorrunittee and moves that all bills properly a-) roved be a .lowed for nayment, seconc d by Alderman Shelby 'Triiht. Roll ca-1 vote. AYE: Aldermen l�Tartin, Tloward, Chas. Ia'right, Staley, Jones, 'id_m. ',?right, Long, Shelby right, Gibbons, err„r, Sender, and George. Nli%,Y: iv one .Totion carried. Alderman George .read the bills for the Garbage Disr)osal Co rnittee and moves that all bills properly anproved be allowed for oa i-rient, seconded by alderman 3erry. Roll call vote. AYE! Aldermen George, :?ender, :Serry , Gibbons, Shelby `,rig':rt, Long, Un. tivright, Jones, Staley, Chas. Trip-lit, Toiriard, and ,Martin. 'IAY : intone. Notion carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Co.Lnittee and ;roves that the bills, properly a,proved, 'oc allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. A`'E: Aldermen ia.rtin, io,:iard, Chas. ''ri. ;ht, Staley, Jones, Ydrrr. t°lriglit, Long, Shelby dri_ght, Gibbons, gray, i3ender, and George. ',,TAY- �}one. Motion carried. Alderman Staley read the bills for the 'Traffic CaTlmitte and ::loves that tlri s brill, nronerly approved, be allowed for pa;:,ment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYF: Aldermen George, Bender, 3erry, Gibbons, -helb,; 'r�^drig'nt, Long_, ',-!right, Jones, Staley, Chas. '.,irif;ht, 'Toward, and "artin. INA-i done. r:Zotion carried. Alderman 3erry read the bills for the CivU Defense and moves that the bills properly approved, be allowed for na�rrl,ra, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, TToward, Chas. �ari.F„ht, Staled , Jones, ,N ., %`right, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Sender, and George. NAY: gone. Motion carried. i Reports of officers were read. klder-,,,,an LonC movas and Alderman Shelb, Wright seconds that they be accented and placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Woods called for reports of StandinE Cannittocs. Mayor Woods reported -that the next mcethnE of the Nunicipal Association of Central Region will be held Jan. 11, in the Havana Christia-a Church, a_n6 urged all Aidernen to attend. 7ayor WooAs called for reports of Special Cacqlttees: Vr. Stewart Read, Sec. of Chamber of Commerce thadved the City of Canton and t'lle various Obibs and Organizations for their assistance in the Clirist.,ias li�;ht-_].-_-i�_; Program. Mayox Woods called for Correspondence: Letter from the hent. of Health, SorinEficV, a-provinC ChanEc Order To. h for the Sewerage project. Ordered .:laced on file. Change Order Au. 5 for the Sewerage Treatmai? Plant read. Ordered slated on file. Letter from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly to the Saidtary Water Board of SprinFfiel(I sl;atin= that the requested copies of signed contract documents for construction of Sludge Lagoons were inclosed. Ordered placed on file. Letter from Crawford, MurDby A Tilly to t",o EnEineerinS Co. outlinin,. the work that remains incompleted. Ordered placed on file. Letter frma Crawford, Aurnhy & TiQT to the City of Canton reconnendin; approval of certain equipmont on the Sewerage Treatment Kant I-rPorovoi.-io--it.s. Alderman Jones moves to accept the recommendation, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AY' _ldermen George, sender, Beri-,y- , Gilbbons, Shelby Wright, Long, U'!. WrQht, Jones, Staley, Chas. WriEbt, Howard, and Martin. NKY: None. Motion carried. Letter fran qrawford, Aurnhy A Tilly to the City of Ganton recoTrulending the aviroval of the Link �elt Aerated Grit Chamber equipment, sewerage treatqent 71ant. Alderman Chas. Wright, seconded by AlAcraan Va. ?Wright, moves to accent this reconiendation. Roll call vote. ATK: Aldcrien , Howard, C"nas. Staley, Jones, 1b, VlQht, Long, Shelby !TiFht, GIN;Dns, 3arry, 3ander, and George. TAY: Yone. Notion carried. Copy of the Petition of Crown Transit Lines filed with the !I!. Comnerce Connission, requaKing aynroval of the overall 5% passenger fare increase -- also a copy of same from the Transcontinental Bus Systai. Ordered alaced on file. _Iewort of the C. B. L Q R. R. for discontinuing pas3engor trains ho. 47 and 42, effective jan. 15, 1961 read. Ordered olacad an Zile. Second readinE of an Ordinance pertaining to 7ulice Aagistrates. Alderman Martin, discussed the contents of the Ordinance. Alclen-iian -To,..,a:rd moves and Alderman Shelby WrIghtsoCordsto place the Ordinance on its nassaEo. Alterman Jones excased. at 005 7. M. Alderman Martin moves to amend the Ordinance, setting the salary at $2,000.Q. Alderman Render seconds the motion. Roll call vote an the miendmant: AYE: AlKermen George, lender, Gibbons, Shelby, Long, IJI,,:i. I-ToTwial'(2, and, Martin. Aldermen Berry, Staley, and Chas. -�,,Tright. (8 AYES and 3 !LYS) . nc . Motion carried. Alderman hartin moves to further miand the Ordinance an the hours of Police Magistrate -- 3 days --1:00 P. A. to 4:00 P. n. and 2 days from 5:73 P.A. to NOD P. H. and an Sat, from 9:00 A. N. to loon. This motion was seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call vote. A70 A16enaen :z_,,rti-n and ',Toward. :,T,,I,,`r- Alder- men Chas. Nright, Staley, ?,ki. 7,-,Tright, Long, Shelby Mght, Gibbons, wrry, ender, and George. (2 AYES and 9 MAYS) . Motion defeated. Roll call vote on the Ordinance as auended by salary change, AYI: Al_:cane Sender, Gibbons, Long, and TI t, Wright, Staley, Chas. loward. 7%TAY: Aldermen George, Berry, Shelb, Wri�-;h Trigbt, and Kartin. (4 A775 and 7 NAYS) . notion defeated, An inforqal Cauncil meeting was set for Monday, Jan. 9, 6:30 -. !. in 4he Council Room, for further discussion on the Police Aagistrate matter. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Yield Right of Way signs on S. lain St, and Tamarack St. and Vo, Parking on the South Side of E. ',,,Walnut St. between •ain and First Ave. Alderman Staley moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Alder- (Jan. 3, 1961, Continued) man Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: ' Al6ermen Aartin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Th. Wright, Lon,, Shelby 4bQht, Gibbons, 0rr�, 'en0er, and (.ieorge, nAY: Une. Motion carried. / Alderman Staley moves to mace the Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman Chas. 'right, Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, lender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm- WriEbt, Staley, Ulas. Wright, lloward, and lartin. NAY: lone. Action carried. This being Ordinance No, 23. Alderman Staley moves to adjourn, seconded by AVerman lender. Oral vote. AvE: Ananimous. 1,33a.iton Cil-,j Council adjourned at W7 2 11 i S A' I, FTT'�T T . J: STRUT DEPARATTAT: L B1Q. A Grounds : 0. A. Biersdorf D2,25 3rown Snecla!Q Co. 132.95 Canton kutnaotive Parts 1.35 C.I.P.S.Co. 179.60 Canton Daily Ladger 23.20 Clean Towel Service 42,50 Calton SU001y Co. 12-33 Fit7henry*Sanders 46.82 Cum�in�s 0 Emerson 4.28 Homer Electric 3.49 ElEin dwee-ner Co. 29n,42 lorry Luker 8.48 Carbage Disposal Dent. 65-32 Mason Hardware Co. 22-32 Hall SiEn A 7ost Co. 203-00 Swearingen Wholesale 3010 Geo. Z. Noffman A Sons, Inc. 67-10 TOM Haaer Electric Co. 34.70 Civil Defense: ill. ll alenhone Co. 7.0 Canton Autaiative 24-07 Jarvis Welding Co. Federal Sarolus SO.&I 5.49 Qx HcElrcT-Raland Aachinery Co. 20 9,r, Jarvis WeldinS Co. 11.00 Kasnn lardware Co. 1+.90 115oa7 01ler Auto Body .9(� General Account: Naklonal 7hemsearcli 66.91 C.I.T.S.Co. 90.91 Peoria S7rtng Co. 35.02 Babcock Job Printery 2P.55 Xillins ft trQeUL11 15.7;' Campus 3oo,, S h,-)--) 4.91 nschirror Coal Co. 19-13 Ill. Office Sunply 11"06 Sears, Roebuck Co. 11.05 Indiananolis Dadge Co. 810 A. C. Shenley Son 126-51 Jrancelle Larson 41.on 1055205- A. C. Shepley ! Son 10,00 Tatpr & Sewer Dent, : Frank Thorn bpr Co. 124.26 CanLon Vint 0 Wallpaaer 22,00 White 's Book Store 5.85 nrooll Electric 25.00 117 33 ilelvin lla&vw Co. 140.00 Police Eent. : Aarblahead Lk r: Qo. 297-50 • emis Qdraulic Jack 17,21 W. Wator Works 15.00 Clean Towel Service 15-15 Coat rental Oil Co. 7.95 7ardings 6 • Station 11.40 Aason lardware Co. 25,2" Ill. He!! Telephone Co, 12.01 Fet"7 Cash 0.50 Lock's Auto Co. 200.iQ Garbage Disqosal Dent. 30.59 Lock 's Auto Co. Clean Tnual Service 7.95 ,.acoi-,b u om -unications 400) -.,T�ctro nst 7roof�ng 10 0.or-) Police Department 10(n1)0 Alliad Products Co. 03.56 Garbage Dent. 16q.51 itility Sales VAX A. C. Shenley _ Son ,n.00 Illinois oters, !no, IS1.07 White's 3ook Store 22,81 1dV 10 VA L holi 122-50 717071 5cc ;maa Alueprint Servlce 2.10 FIRE 1EPARVENT: Cantoi Aotomotive 7arts 2 7,9,",, Canton AutaautLve 92.22 GIVes Sorvice oil Co. P-73 Arthur Knowlas 100-30 71 Us Asp!Q: ce Sh 55-52 Dillefeld's, Service 16.12 Qty &aV ..E, Co. 122.27 E. D. Glazebrook 14.30 3ralU 0 o.3 !no. 10-75 Ill. Bell Telephone ?.18 C'--oras-:arc`h 192.11 Mason Hardware 2.15 Ill. 701 Telenhone Co, F-15 Seagrave Corn. 1020-05 Canton State :lank 44-52 E-Z Plumbing Co. 1.88 Po per Electric Co., Inc. 34-70 -1777e20 ; a5cnw job 7r� ntLnV 31.05 Cal Ph"a Hibbon AQ. Co, 5.0 GARBAGE DIS"OSAL DEPT. : nrnard S lit'l 2.01) 0. H. Biersdorf 3.52 A. 1" Shavley A Son 23.,-]x Canton Tire A V 1c. 5.00 659.90 Higgins Oil Co. 0.70 720908 Mobil Oil Co. 155.76 Livio Poggioli 11,1 -95 TOTAL 113,340A Shell Oil Co. 194.48