HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-1960 Council Meeting Minutes 452 July 53 1060 Canton City Council met July 5, DO, W, Y. A. in the new Council jh&mber. wyor Voods called for Roll Call: Present: Aldermen 2artin, Howard, Chas. aright, Staley, Jon"', • erbener, On. Wright, LonL, Velby fright, CibKons, Berry, onder, and Vor,. Absent: jinn. hinuteS Gf the previous meeting were read and an-roved to be placed an file. PladEe of Allegiance wos followed by 7rayer by Aldernar Long. alderman Kartin read the bills for the finance com:i1tt-r-P. and novps that all �_,Ills prnnerly approved be allown! rar nalmant, seconded by Alderman 3yrry. Roll call- vote, AYE: Aldermen GeorEe, Sender, Derr j, 0h}, nns, Shelby WrQbt, Long, WA. 7074t, lerbener, janiq 7taley, Chas. Wri_Zht, 77oward, an(l, ,-artin. !lotion carrind. Alderman Staley read the bills for the Police and Legal Comnittee and moves that all bills properly an-roved be allowed fnr ;­a.,,,rqent, sc,,condnd by AVerman AnKer. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Hartin, Howard, Chas. Yright, Staley, Jones, 7 ilerbener,, %Tm. 7right, Lonj, Shelby Tright, Gibbons, 2erry, "ender, and Ceorge. NVI Qne. Motion carried. Alderman Long read the bills for the Street, Alley, and Sidewalk Committep aK moves that all bills nroperly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Odor- man Cibbozs. Roll call vote. AYA: 03ermen Georg e, 3enjer, 3errl, Gibbons, ShelQj r '' t 7 lon,g, 7.0ight, Herbener, jonns, KaTey, Chas. ri§t, Howard, and Martin. NAY: 40ne. notion carried. Alderman Chas. Wright read the bills fcr the Fire, Water and Sewer Committees and moves that all bills pr-;nerly a-p;-)roved be allowed for payment, seconded b� Alderman 10. 'I;gilt. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, LonE, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, ierry, 2ender, and Ceorgp. MAY: Nnnn. Lotion carried. Alderman Shelby Wright read the bills for the Printing Connittee and moves that all bills properly ap7roved be allowed nay­_nvrit,, seconded by Alderman 32nder. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, 3ender, jerry, Gibbons, Shelbj WrQbt, Lon q Um. Aight, Herbener, Jones, Staley, jhas. WrQht, Howard, and Aartin. NAY: None. Action carried. Alderman Poward read the bills for the Building a_,A Cro,,Ln,.-3s Co!!_-!dttee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. RVI call vote. AYD Al3ersen Aart-in, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Joneq, Herbener, Wn. Wright, Long, Shelby ITIght, Gibbons, 2erry, jindpr, and George. YAY: lone. Hotion carried. Alderman George read the bills for the Carbage Disao3al Committee and roves that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby nriFht. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, 3endpr, 3erry, Cibbons, Shelby 1,ong, '!,,Tm. '.Trig h t, H lerbever, Jones, Staley, Chas. ,;right, ''oward, andi None. notion carried. Aid-rynn Jones read the bills for the Lights -omnittee and moves that all hills properly a-nrcmed be allowed for nayment, seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. AY7: Aldermen Nartin, Howard, Chas. Wright, 9t ales, Jones, herbe nor, To. 74;ht, Long, Shelby Yrialt, Gibbons, 3erry, B .;One. and George. NAY: one. notion carried. Alderman Herbener read the bills for the Traffic Committee and moves that all bills nroperly approved be allownd for payment, seconded by Alderman Long. U011 call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, ;ender, 3erry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Ilerbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Eartin. HAY: oni. not; on carried. Reports of all. Officerq were rpad. Alderman Senaer, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright moves that same he accepted and placed on file. Oral vote. All: Unanimous. `a,,or '.:'nods called for reports of Standing Committees; ;Ayor Woods called for re-orts of Special Connitteos: 5 (July 5, 1960, Cont.) Mayor Woods thanked the Committees on the Council and the City employees for their work on the City Building and assistance with moving. Mention was made of making a parking lot for city employees on the grounds. The Mayor stated that it might be necessary to extend the water payment date until the 12th or 15th of the month because of the moving of water department. Mayor Woods suggested holding Open House on July 12, 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. this to include the Junior Achievers portion of the building. Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Bender moves to hold Open House on July 12, 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long suggested that the matter of a parking lot be referred to the City Engineer. Alderman Gibbons suggested cutting back the corner and also removing the terrace to make more parking space available. Mayor Woods reported with regret the resignation of Sam Sebree, Chairman of Civil Defense, effective Aug. 1, 1960 and submitted the name of Eldon Brons to fill that vacancy. Alderman Martin moves that the resignation of Sam Sebree be accepted and that Eldon Brons be named as the new Chairman of Civil Defense. Motion was seconded be Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Fourth estimate on Water Improvements project prepared by Crawford, Murphy & Tilley in the amount of $12,433.13 read. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the bill be allowed, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Bond with the American Surety Co. in the amount of $2000.00 for Harold E. White, Plumbing Inspector was read. Alderman Martin moves and Alderman Wm. Wright seconds that the bond be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley., Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Resolution for Street Lights at East End of Sunview Drive read. Alderman Bender moves and Shelby Wright seconds that the Resolution be adopted. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. This being Resolution #270. Referring to unopened bids for work on the Public Lounge, Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Berry seconds that these bids be returned unopened because of a change of plan to include another project in the proposal. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Martin moves that in the future, when any work is to be done and bids to be made -- that an itemized mimeograph form be given to the contractors, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Bender inquired about the Street Light on Elevent)i Avenue and Corporation Line. Alderman Jones instructed to investigate. Alderman Martin inquired about the garbage pickup at Lake Canton and was informed that pickups would be made on Monday and Fridays. Alderman Bender inquired about the survey of sewers by Crawford, Murphy & Tilley and was told that same would soon be completed. Alderman Bender stated that Miller Construction Co. had promised to resurface some of the bad pavement from last year and was informed that their promise still held good -- as soon as weather permitted. Alderman Wm. Wright reported on the enforcing the law to keep youngsters from around the spillway. Orval Kuhn, Water Supt. and the Water Committee to meet and find some way to keep them out -- if necessary, draft an Ordinance for same. The annual audit of the City of Canton was presented to each Councilman and it was agreed to lay over discussion of same until the next council meeting. Alderman Bender stated that something should be done to protect the fishermen at upper end of Lake Canton -- that boats were intruding on fishing territory. t t 454 (July 5, 1960, Cont.) Alderman Chas. Wright moves and Alderman Bender seconds to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8108 P. M. BILLS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: GENERAL ACCOUNT: PARKING METER FUND: Bldg. & Grounds: Traf-O-Teria System $254.12 Am. Pest Control1 ; g C.I.P.S.Co. WATER & SEWER DEPT. : Mason Hardware Co. 28.35 Canton Daily Ledger 4.40 Swearingen Wholesale So. 12080 C. I. P. S. Co. 1183.99 Terminia Co. 360;00 Jarvis Welding Co. 16.50 Canton Auto Body Repair Co. 7.50 General Account: Canton Battery & Elect. 4.64 Canton wily Ledger 238;00 Garbage Disposal Dept. 32.43 C. I. P. S. Co. 927.54 Ill. Valley Scuba Divers 15.00 Ralph Froehling 840;00 Continental Oil Co. 25.77 Burroughs Corp. 10.49 Gravely-Illinois Co. 421.50 White's Book Store 1.90 Melvin Trucking Co. 300,00 White's Book Store 122;21 Hach Co., Inc. 1.95 A. C. Shepley & Son 6563.18 Valley Chemical & Solvents 411.50 Phillips Greenhouse 8;28 Menke Stone & Lime Co. 297 050 Francelle Larson 24;00 Babcock Job Printery 26.00 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 89.00 Wilkins Pipe &Supply Co. 309.48 8815.60 Bernard L. Slack 885.00 Robt. Breckenridge 368.00 Police Dept. : Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. 26.20 Garbage Disposal 128.57 Livio Poggioli 40.25 Harding's 1166„ service 16.38 James B. Clow & Sons 74.00 Kenneth Lindzey 8;80 Canton Automotive Parts 21;69 Lock's Auto Co. 200;00 Duro-Test Corp. 88;88 Lock's Auto Co. 84:18 Brulin & Co;, Inc. 276.75 Macomb Communications 73.53 Ill. Municipal Retirement Fund 21.32 Merson Uniform Co. 6;42 A. C. Shepley & Son 2371.22 W. S. Darley & Co. 72.84 Crawford, Murphy & Tilly 1165.92 Police Dept. 98;00 7391.0 Universal Traders 11.05 White's Book Store 5.29 Mason Hardware Co. 10-40 706.146 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Macomb Communications 10.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND: Canton Automotive Paris 28.81 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 5.50 D-X Sunray Oil Co. 210.79 Miller Auto Body 8.51 TOTAL 422,0� 49 Mobil Oil Co. 207.58 Nat'l. Chemsearch 609.40 Livio Poggioli 150.00 1225.59 STREET & ALLEY DEPT. : Canton Supply Co. 5.43 Cummings & Emerson 5.85 Duck Island Sande& Grv. 484.31 Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42 Fed. Surplus Property 37.73 Garbage Disposal 138.92 Gavenda Bros. 4.00 Higgins Oil Co. 40.61 , Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons 1063.15 Jarvis Welding Co. 5:00 Mason Hardware Co. 9.80 Miller Auto Body .31 Peoria Truck Wrecking 22.50 Sears, Roebuck & Co; 55.40 Swartzbaugh Imp. Co. 24028 a� 1 1 yClerk.' y