HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-1960 Council Meeting Minutes '1 4 Canton City Council met June 7, 11060, 708 P. T;. in t r City Council Chamber. Mayor Woods called for Roll. call: Present: Aldermen lartin, Chas. ldright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby Wright, Gerry, ;ender, and George. Absent: Alder- men Howard, Herbener, 1.4m. Wright, and Gibr)ons. 'Minutes of t?-�e previous meet-ng were read and appro,%,ed to be placed on file. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a Prayer by Al.der?iar_ Long,. Alderman Martin read the bills for the Finance Committee and moves that all bills nroperly approved be approved for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call votel AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, 5erry, Shelby ?fright, LonC, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: None. ''lotion carried. Alderman Staley read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and moves that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby ?'right, Peri-y, Bender, and George. Nli`..': ^?one. :lotion carried. Alderman Long read the bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk Committee and moves that all bills nroperly ap-roved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll_ call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, ;terry, Shelby Wright, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and ;;artin. NAY: None. ?lotion carried. Alderman Chas. ,.fright read the bills for the Fire, Wf4ter and Sewer Committees and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Berry. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Piartin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelbl,r Wright, 3erry, Sender, and George. NAY: None. ,notion carried. Alderman Shelby 1^Iri.ght read the bills for the Printing Committee and moves that all bills nroperly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, :3erry, Shelby Wright, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. '.,right, and .Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Martin read the bills for the Building and Grounds Committee and moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby ';fright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen 141artin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby Wright, Berry, lender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman George read the bills for the Garbage Disposal. Committee and moves that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen George, sender, perry, Shelby 1%fright, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: None. 'lotion carri,=d. Alderman Jones read the b`_lls for the Lights Committee and moves- that all bills properly approved be allowed for nayn4ent, seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. A1,7,: Aldermen lartin, Chas. '-dright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby 1,dright, 3erry, Bender and George. "SAY: None. 14otion carried. Alderman ;Martin read the billg for the Traffic Committee and moved that the bill nroperly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Staley. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Shelby Wright, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. olright, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Reoorts of all Officers of the Cit were read. Alderman Bender, seconded by Alderman: �;artin, moves that same be accepted and placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. 12ayor Woods called for retorts of Standing Committees: American Legion and Chamber of Commerce requested permission to i?se a small area near the Canton Lake Dam for merchants to display boats, etc. and also for the privilege of two concession stands -- one near the Dam and on the Heath side of the Lake, on Jul-Tr 3 and 4. Alderman Chas. ,%right moves and Alderman George seconds that the request be granted. Roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen lartin, 'has. 14right, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby '.,J+r7_ght, ° -•rry, Gender and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. �4 448 " yor Woods announced the Police 'Commission's appointment of Don Ridenh'.)ur ;�s full-time patrolman; also Mrs. Anne Moore's appointment as ;Teter Maid, Jackie Gr.zanich as Desk Clerk, Steve Gates and James Shumaker as Life Guards. Alderman Staler, seconded by Alderman :terry, moves that the appointments be confirmed. Roll call. vote. AYE: aldermen George, Bender, Bean,, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. ?,Iri;,ht, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: None. "lotion carried. The Fulton County Safety Council requested permission to erect one "Safety" Board in Jones Park and promised to pay $50`-00 toward the expense -- cost to the City to be no more than $75.00. After discussion, Alderman Partin moves and Alderman Bender seconds that the l'enuest be granted -- details of project to be referred to the Building and Grounds Committee and the Chief of Police. Oral vote. AFL: unanimous. Mayor Woods reminded the Aldermen, Cite Officers and City Personnel of the Munici.nal League meeting to be held in Rushville on June 8, 7:30 P. li. and urged all to attend. A renort of the Canton Industries "Brasstacks" Operation meeting held on June 6 at the Canton Country Club was given by ,Mayor Woods and committee per- sonnel was read. sir. Stewart Reed, Sec. of the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of this project, introducted ;ir. Edmund Raley, Coedinitor . Alderman Chas. Wright, seconded by Alderman George, moves that the Council express their appreclati6n. and confidence in the city-wide program. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen :Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby Wright, Berry, ;lender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. ;r. Stewart peed, Sec. of Chamber of Commerce requested permission to place kiddy rides on W. Elm Street between Main and Avenue A on Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 for the promotion of retail sales. Discussion regarding price of rides. Alderman Bender moves that the request be granted providing rides for children be a nominal fee, seconded by Alderman Staley. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. ;ayor 1-foods renorted that the Council's first meeting in July will be held in the new headquarters -- City offices to be moved the latter part of June. 'a, or Woods called for reports of Special Committeess ayor Woods called for Correspondence: A letter from Crawford, Murphy &- Tilly enclosing Certificate of Fire Insurance for the Canton Sewage Treatment Plant Construction Project was ordered placed on file. Bonds, approved by the Finance Committee, from the American Surety Co. in the amount of $1,000.00 each for Lawrence McMunn, City Attorney, Howard T. Gibbons, City Engineer, Mrs. Mildred Gray, Sec. to Mayor, Oliver C. Mettler, Police and Fire Commissioner, Leo Mahr, Treasurer of the Fire Denartment Funds, and Ira C. Rounds, Auxiliary police Patrolman were read. Alderman .11artin, seconded by Alderman Bend<,-?r, moves that the Bonds be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Shelby Wright, Long, Jones, Staley, Chas. ' right, and I:artin. NAY: None. Motion carried. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to "Partially defray the expenses for inspecting the plans or property the Zoning Enforcing Officer shall charge for each permit". Alderman Bender, Seconded by Alderman. Chas. Wright moves to sus- rend the rules. Roll. call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. INTright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby .-fright, Lenny, Bender, and George. NAY- None. Alderman Bender, seconded by Alderman Chas. Wright, moves to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Be~ider, Berry, Shelby Wright, Jones, Staley, Chas. 14right, and „artin. NAY: None. „otion carried. '"his being Ordinance #14. Mayor Woods recommended the appointment of Charles weed as Zoning Officer. Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman George, moves that the appointment be confirmed. Discussion. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men ."artin, Chas. ',,,,'right, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby Wright, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. First reading of the Anpropriat ion Ord_.nance. Alderman :Martin recommended that this matter lay over until the next meeting. Alderman Long,moved that the Board of Local Improvements be empowered to make arrangements for paving South Main Street and install storm sewers in the 4 - Jane 7, 1960, Continued. vicinity of the Johnson Addition. Motion was seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. ?aright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby iaright, Derry, 3cnder, and George. ';'NAY: None. 1-lotion carried. Alderman Staley moves that the area west of the Linn Bowling Alleys be re-zoned and made into a commercial ,one, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. ?^iright, Staley, Jones, Long, Shelby ?aright, Berry, Bender, and George. "NAY: 'None. Motion carried. Alderman. Lender moves that the City Attorney be instructed to draw un an Ordinance regarding bowling on Sunday in the City of Canton, seconded bar Alderman Martin. Oral vote. AYE; unanimous. ;anon motion of Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Staley, Canton City Council adjourned at 8:35 P. M. BILLS AL LOi; D FOR PAYMENT: GENERAL FUND: GA1.13AGE DISPOSAL: Bldg. °,e Grounds: Conti Jarvis Oil Co.200.09 Jary s Welding 4.50 Am. Pest Control ,x,15.00 Canton Tire Vule. 2.50 Mason Hardware 54.86 Canton Clean Towel 12.75 Farmers Co-op. 10.14 ili ller Auto Body 5.00 Canton Paint Store 25.31 King Auto Electric 40.00 Canton Supply Co. 10.23 r � C.I.P.S.Co. 127,16 Miller Auto Body 8.51 Carbage Disposal 19.78 -* Gallagher-Reeder 193.26 Livio Poggi.oli 300.00 Fullerton Lumber 43.32 =: ?iomer Electric 214.86 Shell Oil. Co. 192.60 Cum :ings Emer. 12.93 Luker Plumbing 1.45 --773.�i Fed. Surplus 1 .95 I..v.i'1CCOy HOPS 176.10 Drow Hardware 4.14 Mason Hardware 11.15 PAI-SING METER: Canton Automotive- 38.36 llhite's Book Shop2989.50 Jarvis ;°fielding 7.50 Canton Tire L, 51.52 3576.87 Natl. Chemsearch 284.99 General Acct. : �Tn.s�sT zr HL:.EY: Bruhn "� Co. 118.25 C.I.P.S.Co. 912.62 ;race Eq,i*?m°nt. ]_1.6.62 Kroel]. 'lectric 4.75 ,lrandt 35.28 Cummings & Emerson 23.77 Berwyn Johnson 97.10 Babcock Printery 15.75 Duck Island Co. 311.03 :•lartir: 1),Marti..n 9 .28 Ledger 76-50 Elliott's .lachine 2.50 A.C.Shepley ti Son 40.47 John Essex 74.00 Elgin Sweeper 29).L,2 L'rigg A Matson 531.56 Fed. Surplus 67.75 Garbage V.snosal 98.67 O.F.Bohman 11.30 Ill. ^417 Tel. 80.00 Gavenda Bros. 4.00 I11. 3e1-1 Tele. 4.4R Ill. 3ell Tel. 1!16.00 Hoffman �- Sons 623.70 Petty Cash 37.74 I11. aunicipal Industrial Towel 11.71 Ledger 17.20 League 204.00 Jarvis '^veld in C Co. 14.30 Crawf ord, urnhy F. Larson 24.00 fzl Electric 40.00 q Tilly 40. 87.27 Munici_nal Year Bk. 10.00 .;aso ! Hardware 1;7.112 Spoon River Elect. Petty Cash 39.94 ;1cFlroy-Roland 6.76 11,2 .97 Phillips Greenhouse14.00 lodern Improvements 70,05 A.C.S 11.00 Natl. Chemsearch 266.78 Walter's Flowers 10.24 Phillips Petroleum 101.10 L.F.l4;e11�,r 48.00 Live-o P©ggioli. 24.00 White's Books 1.25 Sears,Roebuck Co. 2.1.5 White's Books 7.66 Sutton L- Moore 5.00 1777.99 Swartzbaugh 29.43 Police Dept. : Truck Equipment 47.46 Clean Towel 5.05 2137 __ Denney Drtr Cleaner 2.00 TOTAL V0,725.16 R. Ellsworth 10.00 i,'ATER SE`.^�R P'TrnND Garbage Dent. III-7P C.I.P.S.Co. 826.31 ' IIardings Station 15.30 Continental Oil 124.46 King Auto Elect. 28.88 Melvin Trucking 180.')0 Kenneth Lindzey 1.3.60 Menke Stone Co. 340.00 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 1;7 ;'1 lmbing 6.42 Lock's Ar.to Co. 7.50 Industrial Towel 6.50 Macomb Comnunicati.49.74 Utility Sales Co. 3710.94 Mason Hardware 1.50 ill.. Meters, Inc. 13.77 Police Dept. 62.00 Canton Snorting 33.02 Police Dent. 650.00 ller Co. 15.08 .Russell's Serv. 3.62 1 T lkins Pipe Co. 74.84 War-eco System 2.45 i3ernard Slack 165.00 Donald Wilcoxen 6.00 Livio Poggi-oli 34.50 White's Book Store 5.38 Canton Paint Store 41..66 ]17_4. 0 Greenwell. a Gray 7.50 FIRE DEPT. : John. L. Essex 12.00 Carps, Inc. 30.00 Oaks :e Sons 37.00 County Wp-lding Co. 4.25 Canton Clean 'Towel 5.30 ,Macomb C ,mm. 10.00 Whalen Class ,aor'ws 4.90 � � Tom's West Side 7.78 Luker 71-imbing Co. 22.79 � ity Clerk.