HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-16-1960 Council Meeting Minutes 428 Feb. 16, 1960 Canton City Council :net h'eb. 115, 1960, 7:05' P. 11!- in the Cit�r Council Cha-,11)cr. Mla�,or ,,foods called for Roll call. T'resent: Aldermen IL"I'artin, Chas. I.Tri,,hc,, S t.) ;-)"- I�J` 13erry, and aley, Jones, Herboner, Urn. 71,�ri,-ht, Shell ri�-,ht, Cibbons, !II-1.11, I - George. Alderman Lon,- arriving at 7:215 P. 1,111. Absent: Aldermer) llowai d and Bender. Plinutes of t`ie -orevious meeting were read and an-proved to be olaced on file. -1, T` edt e of IllegJance was -followed by a r)ra,-,,,er b- Mayor Woods. 'Y P.1derman Sc'tal,:,,-,; excused at 7:12 because of illness; of h-is father. T Standing Com:�.iittees. ­ayor Woo.,s called for reports of F �. '"* C orrr stated that a irieatltif�; Alder an T Torbener, re,7,ortincl far tlio 'fral-lic iittee I �-iad been held but no definite recommendations beca°_,_se of lacl-, of a quororq. lee- ­,valuaition of V e one-way streets and the -r),Lacement of meters on these one-6,7ay :� - - - I or, streets were tonics of t-oJ r d_Jsct�.ss__ Alderman Jon,,s reported that all street lights have been cleaned and checked. T ",La-, or 7,,Toods reported that Lester Smith, radio operator, was retirin.E., an ',TCCoy, acting, radio oporL�,-,_-,or, to dllsability and submitted the name of Richard i� replace 1"Ir. Smi" . Alderman Chas. Wriflit moves that the an�)ointr-i_ent of iir. L-1 it - cCr)-­ be aonroved, seconded by Alderman hart 4M. 1-Ho.1-1 call vote. A,,-Z': Altririan Georg: Wr*F-ht, Wri. Wrif-ht, Iferbener, Jones, 'has. �, 3err-, Lill, Gibb,) ,ls, Shelb- Wri,-ht, atic 11artin. 711AY: -,Tone. " oLion carried. \La;,!or 11•Toods called for rf-norts of Snecial Corrinittees. The deat' of '''Ir. Dsc-ir 2rost, of the 7*1 vision of Tlighway De,)artment was renurted. lHayor Woods called for 'I'oirmiunications to the Council. A Resolution for the r;.ransfer of Finds -- ;5,000.00 -rem run the Sales Tax Fund to the Road and !"ridge Fund and ",1,5,000.00 -'L'roii- the Parking lIlleter Fund to t, e Road and DridFc Fcmdl. Alderman 11arti-, moves for the adoption of the 5esoluti on, seconded b-." Alderman Berry. Rol-1. ca71 vote. A'Y'I',,- Aldermen 1,1artin, C :as. Jones I;kq. �jri­ht Shelb-, 1", i. -ht Gibbons `11_11, Derry, and C-eur-e. TJA7 : Alderman Herbener. (9 AY't,'S and I INTAY) . 11-lotion carried. Resolution #260. Alderman T on,7 arriving at 7:25 -P. M. A Notice of �ronosal for Bids was read. Alderman Herbe-ner moves that the instruct the City C1 i Council i , _ork to advertise for rids for furniture for the Wright. Roll call vote. AY7: o librar.y baildin�7, seconded bT Alderman Sl ae I' Aldermen George, 7-1-11, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, W,,L. r t, IIerbener, �T 0- Jones, Clias. 1,1riF,ht, and Ilartin. 'CW1 D of In carried. Alderman 1,Tm. Wright moves that th�e Cit;r Clerk be instructed to onen bids !'or the oronosed Sewage _1',,inrover,,,e­l, seconded b7 Alderman G­orF.e. Ural vote. 11nanimous. i,Iotion carried. 1,1r. Leonard Crawford., of the firm of Crawford, I,lur-n'W a- d Tili(­- read bids : jniversal rower Pining, Inc., C"!I.cago, Ill. '4,149,720.00 Caldwell Engineer inn C,)., Jacksonville-3 I 1. 135,700-00 L .1 �_ 11 ­ __ 5 7 SatiF�amo Co� stri.i.ct`ion Co., D 1. 174,11, -84 Chas. T. 13ohrer, Inc., Centralia, Ill. 159,760.00 Fisher-Sto,,)ne- , inc., DecattiT, I!I, il11225.00 Powell I-I 3:,lt2s, inc., Ceritralia, M. 151,295.00 Constr,,)ctors, inc. , Moline, Ill. 143,659-00. I Alderman 1.1artin recommended that Mr. Crawford exwii ne bids and report to the Council -- meeting of same to be he-ld 22 1960 at 4:15 F. M. -'rit reT),)rt'ng on a meetiii�� oz: the Sewer a�I)d Water Gotqmit'�ee- Alderman Chas. 7.4ri, a recommendation of raisinF, water taps was made to the Council for consideration. Alderman ?Martin moves to adjourn, seconded ­o,, Alderman Wifi. Wright. Oral vote. A71-7, Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 7:38 P. M.