HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-1960 Council Meeting Minutes Yip
Feb. 2, 1960
Capton City Conneli mot lob. 2, 060, 7:05 Y. a. "n tpo City Council Chamber.
Roll call: Present: KL� or UoKs, Aldanqen rt. n, iawarK, ;has. ri ht,
Staley, Jonas, Virmnar, Wm. QVIAt, 6halQ 7clQ4, Gibbons, Hill, loader,anu
George. Alder man Lo sE rc ,ort vn nt 7:40 P. T. iment: Alder cal? Berry.
Amutes of thp nrovious wect' nq wero road and awroved to be ".Laced an file.
"Tedre of AlloFiancw was followad bT araldr bj Alderman loward.
Alderman dartin read tie blin for Qw 21panno Caajittew and moves ti.at all
bills 1 riner17; anorove" be allowed for m ;nnt, w,)c0-ndu,61 5',, 1i d9!
Roll call vote. A- 0 Aldorien George, lanuer, 7113 , Clowns, Shelby QQht,
11m. Vight, 7orbenar, Jonns, Staley, Chan . Ii t, :'of ar'.`;, a-id
None. Kot! on ca!' 705.
Aldcrna� Staley read the ill s for the Police ail j Qgal Comnittee and moves that
all bills nronarly a nrovod be allowod for qa m !ni , seconded by Alderman sender.
Roll call vote. A; ?.• Aiderm3n Kartia, Howand, Chas. righu, Stale;:., Jon ,s,
Herbener, ill. Llilel Anil, Cibbons, 417 1, ms Jr, and Ceirge. 10 :
V= None. Motion carri2a.
Alderman 7ill roaQ the bills for tne Strupt nV .!Ia Co aittoc and Aoves that
011 bills arovarly ayvd bc alljw & for -alminL, s3condad bj Alderman Gibbons.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldernon George, Ran2ar, T!" , Gibbons, Sholb; Wright,
It". IOWA Ter be7er, jores, Etale , Chas. XQU, 'Toijar,,], a:id 14art-In.
lone. Motion carried.
Alderman Chas. 'vTri,-,1it read Ve bills for �ho Zr% ',,,'ater ': Sewer C'o,.r.J_Lto.-,,s a!)-,-!
moves that all bills prnsor3l a- iravad be alloHij for -almont, seconded 0,11
Alderman In. Wright, Roll call vote. AY0 Alderman Hartim, Howard, Chas.
Wright, Staley, Jon :s, Unrbaier, Wm. WriCht, Shniny briEkit, Giobons, Hill, 3ender,
and George. ITAY, , 7o ,o, Uotio" oar "O,
Alderman Shnlbr WriEtt read the Kils for 0o -Krit-_*,_Tp, Cojv itLee and moves that
Ve bill 7ronerly an -roved be allowed for naynnnt, soconded by Alterman Gibbons.
Roll call vote. AY7: Aldermen Qor7a, 72near, 7i1, Gibbons, Shelby WQE0,
!0, TI&FAit, Hurbaner, jonns , Stale- , Chas. kht, and 1.1artin.
None. Motion carried.
Al erman 'Toward read the bills fof the n ' Idinf and C'.rounds CompdVoo aK novas
that all bills aroverly aniroved be aikowoO for vaTm2nt, seconded by AlCorma-
Aarthr. Roll cali vote. AV ;: Alderman "Dward, Chas. NriLht, Stal,
Joncs, 7erboner, Un. 11r IZAt, Shainy nri ;t, Cihhcrs, Hill, lander, and EoorEo.
4V: None. ZoVun ca Tind.
Alderman George read the bills for the bar7o1Ee Disoosal Coi-L:,itt.ee a.-i.d
that al-1 bills proyerl. ao,roved be alloued for meat, seconded by Aldennan
Shelby Wright. atoll call vote. A71: Ajdarmon Georg s, Aander, 011, Gibbons,
Shelby Wright, 1,J1 . *tIr-.:-ht, Uerbennr, jonos, StaleI4 Chas. V`rly't, Howard, and[
Wartin. MAY: None. Votioq carried.
Alderman J nos read the bills for LA ]Li is Covi ittee -nd moves that ail bills
wroaarly anaroved no Qlownd for naXmAnt, s canGid A, Alrarman Harbener. hal]
call vote. AYE: Warman Aart!Q, 7oward, Chas. Wpilht, haleg, Janos, Horbenar,
Uh. Uright, Shelby WriAt, Ribbons, Hill, lender, and George. MAY : None.
Notion carried.
Alderman Kerboner road Va bills for tan TrWfic Connittwe aid naves that tK
bill nruncrly ao xoved bo a".lwwou for )all .in., sncondnd Uy AVerman Staley.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, 2ndcr, 7111, Gibbons, Shelby bright,
him. Wright, lerjanqr, Jonas, Sklo: , Cnas. Wri, `it, loua_rd, a,._, ilartin. iJAY:
Nuns. notlnn carried.
Renorts of all Officors ware read. Alderman WA. WrQAt moves that they be
accented a-d nlacod on file, seconded bV Aldo al nartin. Oral vote. AYE:
Alderman "award moves tint a raq ast Zra,i t .e Jidii,,')r Achievers to sell alanters
an the square on SaturdaTs d 0 nonVs 0 Anrij LAd Kay seconded
Alderman Herbenar. Oral -vote. AYE: 'Lf-.na!-J.mous.
ar tioa(lebi sh U L In— "507i rcouts,
-ormission to �Jse
Jones '1`arl. for a Scout Cat,) Site 13. `,I(!-rrqan Sluale- .-,ov-s tl-,at
reG--t-st hc sr>coi,dd_ Alder,uin 'I'_;rbener. Oral vote.
Alden.iar.. ',on f e or t]_-n;T �--i t 7
or ca'_],_,�d fot. r- )ort s cif L-,�`andi�, C0,1A_11 " eo.
A1der�-,ia17 'T:,rnor that Gor,_]:-l" "q"I "t wou'�.0 c.- cL a ior
I-f i s t r,i c L i o Yi s I'o f t t ra_Li'j!.c S'1::VeV 1 "
— aU . act
a 1"or at=,.
r,f `0� 1 r C,
A 7,:Drbe;-,cr t`l�_�t lu'--) Coanc�!_ '.c-,strt-�ct t_�,c __ -C, , t
+'1111 � .�. �11'1_, �", I- -� I i , -- t! slo �)f tr , �t s,
,ea s are u LE,� L o r -a J on
t s o u L, F, Clio
1 _0 1,-�de t��, a ll,)w t�i�l e )f for)
L L , ta,,,e on
" ()TI cal
t"C'.1r' nelvT l(,cat! !_-)n,, I - -
s,,�co-,,ded .0-derman S,,ale
�artli,l wa.-cd, Chas. "ale-, Jo:.,- ler
vote. A" To r,
C i'l `,en, er, a11d Gle )r,--,e.
71?r.!_,`-!t. 12 A'!'�S a.d I AY) Motion carrie d.
The pronosed list of school natrol personnel was read:
Third Ave. z Linn St. Rosalie Eldridge
Vine and :lain St. Ward Windsor
Sl ruce L ',lain St. Twila Hart
Fifth z 11,1a-le St. Clarence Thurman
Locust ,,9iI Ave. C. Lorenzo Bertetto
Third "',- Locust St. Unnamed.
Alderman Staley moves that the annointments be confirmed, seconded by
Alderman Jones. Rol.]- call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, '3ender, T1,111,
Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, lilm. Wright T
Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas.
Wright, Howard, and :Martin. NAY ',Tone. ;lotion carried.
Mayor Woods call-�d f or re-)orts of Special- Comi,,,ittees:
11a-; or Woods called for CorresiPondence to the Counci-1:
A letter approving the glans and snecifications of the -,)ro ,osed Sewage
Treatment Plant and authorizing tl,e Council to advertise for bids was read.
Same ordered placed on file.
A letter from the Denartment of PUbliC Tlealth regarding ins-,):,ction of ti-,e
four trailer parks in the City and coirriendinF the officials for the pro-oor and
effective enf orce,,iont of t1ie local trailer nark control ordinance. Sa:r,,2 was
ordered placed or file.
A Lease with the Junior Achievement, Lne., for use of the old library- building
was read. Alderman Howard moves that the 12a�,Or and C1t,,, Clerk be instructed to
sign this lease on behalf of the ,City I
,, seconded b7 Alderman George. Roll call
vote. A7_711: Aldermen 1.1'artin, =toward, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Ilerbener,
Wm. Wright', T,on�7, Shel',)7.7 Wright, Gibbons, Hill Bender, and George. PTAV
Motion carried.
Alder,-nar _'-tale5, moves that t'-e heads of departments be allowed $4.00 each i-,ionth
on their telephone bill, seconded 1)717 Alderman Gibbons. Ro-'Ll call vote. A17:
Aldermen George, ")ender, Tjill, Gibbons, Shelby 'Jr4l_ght, Long, Wm. Wrif.,ht,
T-Terbener, Jones, Stale/, Chas. Wr-;_�;ht, lo7.,rard., and Martin. ',TAY: '\11.)ne. ',lot ion
!alderman. TTerbe-.,I.,;r moves that -the Cit,,, Counci l refund mo_-_e1,T for all new water
meters naid for bat-,,Teen So-t. 15, 1"59 and Jai. 1'), 1960, the date the 'Cit,7
actuall,r took over water meters b1, roasoo of so muc,i confusion caused by the
internretation of t1le Ordinance, seconded b-,• alderman Bender. Ejiscussi on.
T -I`-'r`- I "erbener, and '3endcr. NAY:
Roll ca 11 vote. 'A �,: �._dermen Stale--, Jon�3s,
Aldermen i4artin, 'Toward, Chas. I-Tri�-htl gm. Wri,,�:ht, Lons7, Shelb7l 1,ri,,,ht, C;-bbons,
1-11ill, and Ceort7e. (4 A` ".S and 9 NAV . Motion defeated.
Alderman Toward quoted -)r.-,..ces on items of furniture for the old library
and after some disc-,ssion moves that tie City i.ttorne,/ and the Build`nt, a--,,.d
Grounds Committee draw ui) a form for the -ouroose of advertisin,-, for bids to be
read at the next Counc';l meeting. This motion was seconded by Alderman Jones.
Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Feb. 2, 1960, Continued.
Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the City Council instruct Mr. Orval Kuhn, j
Water Superintendent, to attend the Water Conference to be held March 7 to 11
in Urbana, expense to be born b,1 the City, seconded by Alderman Sender. Oral
vote. AYE: iJnagimous.
Alderman Jones moves to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Stale,,, Oral vote. AYE:
Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8:45 1 . M.
General: I1) . _Se)l 'fele,)hone Co. l( .92
C. I. 1-. S. Co. $871-05 '`\i_n:L Auto Electric 20.00
Beckman Blueprint 1.75 14obi_1 Oil Co. 202.23
Canton Daily Ledger 5.0 Sh.el_1. Oil_ Co. 18c.32
Ill. 'Sell Tele-hone Co. 15.40 Swartzbaugh p ''nelson .93
}.) Ill. Office Su-)-,)l,' Co. 9.39
Francelie Larson 30.00
Swearin en 11':�olesale Co. 4.60 STR",�T
-" Ernest Vernon 11 .?2 Caton Concrete Products 17.00
White 's Book Store 7.55 Canton Tire T:. Vu1c. Co. 130.70
__t White's Book Store(Crnlrt) 6.05 Cummings �'.person 6.09
9 2. 1 Dnc'. Island Sane ",, Gravel 36.95
Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42
Bldg. rl� Grounds: Elgin Sweeper Co. 167.69
Am. Vest Control 15.00 Fed. Surplus Prooert,T 29.19
Canton Clean Towel 25.50 Garba;r�e Disposal_ 82.80
Canton P1,,unbing Co.
64.2 5 Tli7 ,ins Uil_ Co. 42.35
PIa�hard Kohout 7364.92 Cec. TToff-:tan ,`c Sons 77.5`
Harr-v Luker 148.52 Jarvis WJdi__ng Co. l'2.I),
Mason Tlardwa.re Co. 1.98 Kin,, ,.uto Electric 22.03
SherW"in WJ_1li__,-qs CO. 5.7? °lasOn T'ardwa.re Co. 6.79
"tandard Oil Co. 12.95 Pekin LL: dustrial_ Towel. Co. 6.50
Sutton °. :'bore .9t; T'sc ,irrer Coal Co. 42.00
C. 1. '-. S. Co. 114.34 Schott-'hoofer hIotor Service 20.00
Flzllerton Lumber Co. 15.95 Swartzbauf,;h . nelson 21.10
?liggins Jil Co. 26.33 ~1011.30
Hamer Electric Co. 7.1-�8
Automatic T1eat Co. 215.00 1dAI= `- S DEFT.
Sno an River Electric Co. 10.23
White 's Book Store 11.93
?police Dent. : 121ary TIinsley 20.85
Canton Clean Towel 10.60 A. C. Shenle,), Son 2 6.86
Curtis 1000 _1.nc. 6f,!_.09 Emil Se,�ich 20.''10
"Garbage Disposal T)-;,,t. 161.00 Ta';,rlor °s Taylor 2.00
'lardi ng's 6t, Service 1.5.05 Canton Daily Ledger 34.00
T_11. -Sell 'Lele^hone 'Co. 10.25 Canton Clean Towel Service 5.30
King Auto 7,lectric 26.20 Petty Cash 18.96
Lock's Auto Co. 9.50 Ill. Be-11 'Telenhone Co. 31.80
Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 C.I P.S.CO. 1138.99
Macomb Corx-i znications 40.00 Swart ba,?_gh t' 1�elsori 3.20
Jason 'iardware Co. .25 Campbell-,.;,hrens Co. 10.95
Police 1),) t. 76. 0') Cummiings I'. 7herson 40.28
White's 73ook Store 5.02 Garbage Disposal 2 1.85
`v'illia-_us S-oortgin Goods 83.15
Fullerton Lumber Co. 16.14
FIRE DEPART,'TSrdT: Mason Hardware Co. 23.72
Carton State Sank 9.86 Jaines B. Clor 1'Z Sons 71.00
An. Lalrance 8`'.34 Swear on Wholesale Co. 6.15
Canton _,lumb:inf- Co. 4.50 'ekin lnd.:.strial Towel 6.64
Garbage Visnosal Tw)t. 3.22 Babcock Job Printery 26.00
111. 3e l 'Cele Bone Co. 6.60 Bader Meter Mfg. Co. 54.52
Jarvis �Jeldi.np,, Co. 35.00 Ill. Pleters, Inc. 78.09
Placomb Comriunications 10.00 Keith 3oti,Tnan Phunbing 9.52
nlav�r 'Bra: d _"if'g. Co. 62.41 Wi.l'_�ins Pine Supnly Co. 24.30
219.93 ~ Canton Tire tx Vulc. Co. 49.06
TRAFISIC: Everson-Ross 63.51 17elvl n Trucking Co. 126.00
Wallace ce `'ierlan, Inc. 11.40
Hack Co., 7.55 Valle Chemical Corp. 224.00
"a.-an Chem14.85 Menke Stone. 280.00 Jarvis 5.50
Canton Plumb. 7.59 TKroell Elect. 33.22 Brulin 87.00
Glazebrook 28.11 ;`':at. D.i_s_.nf. 293.44 No.3ank 150.14
M &c H. Co.771.72 Total 3886.01
G?.A,`,� TOTAL $15,21.0.49
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