HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-1960 Council Meeting Minutes 420
Jan. 5, 1960
Canton City Council met on Jan. 5, 1960 at 7:06 P. m. in the CiQ Council Chamber.
Mayor Woods called for roll call. Present: Aldermen Martin, 11oward, Chas. Aright,
Staley, Jones, Wm. Wright, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, 3erry, AnKer, and George.
Alderman Long arriving at 7:23 P. M. Absent: Alderman Herbener.
The Kedge of Allegiance was followed by nrayer by AlCorman Howard.
Alderman Martin read toe bills for the Finance Committee and moves that all
bills nronerly approved be allowed for pa went, seconded bj Alderman 3erry.
Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, Bender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Sholb,,�
nr Um. Wright, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY -,
None. Motion carri vd.
Alderman Staley read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and moves
that all bills properly anproved be allowed for nayment, seconded. by Alderman
'-Till . Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley,
Jones,, vim. IrTriCht, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Dender and George. HAY:
None. Notion carried.
Alderman Hill read the bills for the Street, AlleV and Sidewalk Comytittee and
moves that all bills properly amroved be allowed for ?alment, seconded by Alder-
man Gibbons. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Hill,
Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Lon[,-, ',Vrri. Wright, Jonas, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard,
and. Martin. PTA'': Tone. Motion carried.
Alderman Long arriving at 7:23 I . M.
Alderman Chas. Wright read the bills for the Fire, 'vJ7ater and Sewer Cjm:aitteos
and moves that all bills oroporly aoproved be allowed for pqym3nt, seconded by
Alderman Wn. Wright. Roll call vote. A7E: Aldermen Martin, 15ward, Chas. Wright,
Staley, Jones, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, jerry, Bender, and
George. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Shelby Wright read the bills for the Printing Committee and moves that
all bills nronerly an-roved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman 9 and or.
Roll call vote. AYV Aldermen George, Bender, 3erry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby
Wright, Long, W!-t-i. Wrig'ht, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY:
None. Motion carried.
Alderman Martin read the bills for the D hiding and Grounds Vimittee and moves
that all bills properly approved be allowed for nayment, seconded by Alderman
George. Roll call vote. AYE! Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley,
Jones, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Herr- , Bonder, aid Ceorge.
NAY! None. lotion carried.
Alderman George read the bills for the Garbage Disnosa? Co:iittee and moves that
all bills properly'' annroved _e allowed for nalnent, seconded by Alderman Shelby,
Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, Bender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons,
Shelby Wright, Long;, Wk. Wright, Jonas, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, a Martin.
NAY: `done. Notion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Committee and moves that the bills,
properly anaroved, be allowed for rayment, seconded by k1derman Staley. Roll call
vote. AYE: Alderman Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Wm. WrQU,
Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berr: , Bender, and George. NAY : None. Notion
Alderman Staley read the bills for the Traffic Connittee and moves that all bills
properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded b� Alderman Wm. Wrijht. roll
call vote. AYE: . Aldermen George, Sender, 3erry, 0.11, Gibbons, Shelb, Wright,
Lon,E., llm. ',.Iright, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: gene.
Motion carried.
Renorts of all officers were read, Alderman Bender, seconded by Alderman Martin,
moved that same be accented and nlaced on file. Oral vote. AYE- Unanimous.
Motion carried.
nayor Woods called for re-oorts of Standing Coyranitte,�s.
Jan. 5, 1960, Continued
Report on the Illinois dell .'nlenhone Co. Franchise by Alderman Staley stating
that a meeting of the Committees woo!_() be held in the near future.
City ktty. ''°1c Iunn re-oorted on the attempt to aurchase land owned by Harold R. Reed
stating that the land had bee_i a,.nraised at per acre but 11r. Reed refused
t'"Lat offer. Alderman 7.%Tm. Tlriglit moves that condemnation nrocedur: s be started,
sccondd :)y Alderman Chas. 'ilrlght, Roll call vote. A`S'E: Aldermen ilartin, ;-Toward,
Chas. Wright, Stale,, , Joner, tiJr1. 'vq'ri_ ht, Lonfr, Shelby 1 right, Gibbons, Hill, Seri
Bender, and George. NAY: none. _'Iotion carried.
City Atty. McI'Iunn was instructed to draw un ';asem?nt na,-)ers for right of way on
the Waltz farm -- the ?dater �r Sewer Committer., rocom,lended that $100.0 be given
for this Easement.
;Ian,%or Woods c<.l.l,d. for Special C,)mlittee '3.e ,orts.
'Iayor Woods called for Communications to the Counc1_1.
A letter from t'.c.e Dent. of Pub]_i c '?:=alth a _nounc _:,g, a Sa,,_itary Engineering Con-
ference on "Radiological Aspects of dater Sun-oly" to be held Jan. 27-28, 1 )60
at the '�;iniversity o. Illinois. Llderman Jonas r;iovcs that the City's C : et
Operator, Orval_ Kuhn, be sent to t i:i_s Confarenc :, Water a d Sewer Com�.iittee to
set up the budget _Zor exlpen.se account. ,iot:i.oi. s:;c nd„d 'off Alderman Chas. Wrig ht.
Oral vote. AYE: unanimous. 14otion carried.
Seecond reading of an Ordinance; pertaining to Water deters. alderman 'alright
moves that same be elated on its passag-e, seconded b; Alderman Tong. Roll call
vote. A)7,: Aldermen George, :gender, :3err7y, ?Till, Gibbons, Shel'b Writ 'rrt, Long,
Wm. Tvril;ht, Jones, Staley, Chas. lJri_ght, Toward, and Martin. 1AY: None. Irlotion
carried.. Th�_s being Urd9nance No. 2.
Mr. Woods, renresentTn(:, t'?e Ji_inior Ac'1 _evement ,roun stated that organization had
spent annrox:imately $3000.00 on renair.�s to t' e old library bu'..ldIng and that more
repairs were needed. ?Te req-�_zested, t'�at t':_e organization be allowed to lease the
entire basement (extent coal room) f Dr ter,. -.rears at x:1.00 per year and one room
on the second floor now being used by them on a yearly basis of t1.00 ner year.
Alderman Staley moves that the basement be leased for ten years ar.d the room on
second floor be leased for one -.rear at :'A.'�`) each -- Ci tT- Atty, i4Icl.lunn to draw
un such a lease, seconded b`, Alderman George. _loll call vote. AY7, Aldermen
;`2artin, Howard, Chas. T,Tright, Staley, Jon ,s, WJh;;. 711right, Long, Shelby Wright,
Gibbons, Hill, Berm,, Sender, alxd George. 7,A'': Motion ca-ried.
First reading of an Ordnance nertainin , to )-rovide "Traffic Guards at Schools.
Alderman Stale;- ,roves to susno nd. rules, seconded b r A]_c+erraan :3 ,nder. Roll call
vote. AYE Aldermen George, ;'s;..nder, 3errti , T1i11, Gibbons, Shelb7 y Wri,,;ht, Los-q,
W,li. Wright, Jones, Stale, , 'has. '"right, ;Toward., a.ncd .1art'i_n. NAY. Tone. Motion
carried. Alderman Staley ;roves to elate the- Ord'_nance on its passage, seconded
by Alderman 3ender. Roll call vote. AYr: Aldermen Filartin, '?oward, Chas. Wrig'�it,
Staley, Jones, Willi. 1dright, Long, Shelb;T Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berr-,7, Sender, and.
George. N111.7: None. ';otion carried.! TIC-s being Ordinance No. 3.
First reading of an Ord':_nance to J.11inors nouring, !nixing, or drawing any alcoholic
beverages. Ordinance to la,: )ver until. ne; t .meeting ,
Alderman Jones mov �s to adjourn, second :d b, Al 'er:ian Staley. Canton City
Council adjourned at 8,:18 I'. M.
BILI,S I,11Ov15:D FOR PAYlvI:iiTT:
GE1711AT FrT1TD:
�3idg. Grounds Acct. General I'ccount:
n S.Co. $869.70
Am. Pest Control 1b0.00 C..1.
Canton Paint Wallpaper 3.15 T3ecla�an Blueprint 13.23
C.I.P.S.0 o. 101.89 Canton Tally Ledger 46.75
Homer Electric 415.00 Canton Florist 10.00
C. W. Tulit 13.82 Canton Tire '_ Vulc. Co. 37.90
Harry Luker 52.15 I11. "Sell Telenhone Co. 17.20
Mason Hardware Co. 21.35 Francelle Larson 3"•75
Sherwin-Williams Co. 162.38 Mason "ardwa.re Co. 4.75
Swearingen Wholesale Co. 12.80 Petty Cash 31.53
Whalen Glass Works 8.80 Phillins Greenhouse 10.35
' i.3
y f
Jan. 5, 1960, Continued
General account, cont. : WATT?. & SEWER LE7T. ;
A.C.Shepley 'L Son 5.00 Cantor_ State Bank 9.17
Bernard W. Smith 7.60 White's Book Store 11.25
L. F. Weller, Postmaster 24.00 Petty Cash 21.56
White's Book Store 8.39 Burroughs Corp. 104.20
Babcock Job Printery 3.50 Ill. Rell Telephone Co. 25.97
$11285- C. 1. P. S. CO. 1103.40
Police Dent. : Continental Oil Co. 7.95
Canton Sunol,y Co. 2.90 Mason Hardware Co. 9.07
Garbage 'Disposal Tiept. 155.25 Garbage Disposal Dept. 40.25 -A
Harding 's 66 Service 34.55 Sw rtzbaugh L Nelson 20.13
Homer Electric Co. 55.00 Pachirrer Coal Co. 12.95 k
Ill. 3ell . elenhone 10.30 Livio Pogoioli 60.25
King Auto Electric 23.81 Taraboletti Pharmacy 3.05
Lock 's Auto Co. 9.50 Electro Hust Proofing 108.00
Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 Ill. Meter, Inc. 120.69
Macomb Com-iunications 44.93 Utility Sales Co. 1157.12
Mac 's Coffee Shop 5.94 Am. Waterworks Assoc. 15.00
Muni Quip Corp. 13.76 Roscoe Cadwalader 6.00
Police Degt. 84.00 1,1iller Auto Body 2.50
A. C. Shepley, A Son 5.00 Harr., Luker Plumbing 2.72
White's Book Store 2.17 Socony ;Mobil Oil Co. 159.71
$647.11 Kroell Electric Co. 23.97
Melvin i'rucking Co. 126.00
FIRF 17EPT. : Valley Chemical & Solvents 822.00
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 6.60 Marblehead Lime Co. 284.38
Macomb Cormnunications 10.00 Wallace & Tierman, Inc. 11.40
National Disinfectant Co. 62.41 Mason's Home Shop 5.75
Tom's "66" Service Station 13.10 Canton Supply Co. 4,24
Rockford Fire Dept. 20.27 Cummins Emerson 21.93
113.38. Jarvis Welding Co. 32.25
i'lavy Brand Mfg. Co. 34.91
GARBAGE DTS7DSAL DT"T. : Nat'l. 7isinfectant Co. 199.35
Continental Oil Co. 179.12 3rulin & Co., Inc. 61.50
Cummings A Emerson 52.24 Snoon River Elect. 10.23 _
D-X Sunray Oil_ Co. 195.81 $4646-85
111. Bell Telephone Co. 17.00
Ung Auto Electric 63.31
Phillips Petroleum Co. 68.17
Liv:i.o Poggioli 300.00
Shell ail Co. 51.76
Truck lqainment Co. 46.90_
197401 - TOTAL $ 10,311.44
Carton Supply Co. 2.07
Canton Tire yA Vulc. Co. 115.00
Cummings A Emerson 3.62
Dick Island Sand A Gravel 54.27
Elgin Sweeper Co. 152.00
Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42
Garbage Disposal Dept. 88.32 c�
Hall Sign A Post Co. 156.50 � e
Geo. Hoffman Sons 460.35 Cit��
y Clerk.
International_ Salt Co. 200.38 �
Jarvis Welding Co. 4.00
Kind Auto Electric Co. 40.63
Kroell Elctric Co. 18.95
Mason Hardware Co. .32
Phillips Petroleum. C o. 17.90
Sears Roebuck 1 Co. 17:34
A. C. Shepley A Son 140.95
Swartzbaugh & Nelson 5.28
Duncan Parking Meter 2.90
Ill. State Penitentiary 142.60
Raymond Sandberg 6.00