HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-1959 Council Meeting Minutes 1 {
Canton City Council met on Dec. 16, 1959 (Wednesday following Election on
Tuesday) at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chamber.
Mayor W >ods called for roll call. 'Present: Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas.
Wright, Staley, 1,hm. '.,;right, Shelby 'riright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Bender, and
George. Alderman Long arriving at 7:10 P. I1, Absent: Alderman Herbener.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and annroved to be :)laced on file.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a brayer b,�i 111.lde-rman Tong.
Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing Committees:
Alderman Staley, reporting for the Traffic Coru!iittee, recommends that the City
Advertise for personnel to man the traffic lights, stating that he had checked
with the City Treasurer to learn if there Mere sufficient funds to finance this
project. He moves, after discussion, that the City contact the P.T.A. -to see
if there is nerson__el. availab-le to man these lights, there being seven Traffic lights,
Y'm six to be manned by the P. T. A. or others and one to be manned bar a memb_-r of the
`l'raffic Department, at $1.00 per hour, for the outs i.dg oersonnel.� Motion was
seconded by Alderman Sender, .doll call vote. AYE:,, Aldermen George, Bender, Hill,
Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, 1*ri. Wri ,-ht, Jones Staley, Chas. ?,'right, Howard, and
Martin. NAY: Alderman Berry. (12 AYES a-id 1 WAY) . i'lotion carried, City Atty.
McMunn was advised to draw up an Ordinance to be read at the next Council meeting.
Alderman Long inquired if these watchers woulloe be insured and was assured by
layor Woods that they would be.
Alderman Martin, renort1rng on a recent survey, recommended that there be no narking
on the north side of West ',^Jal.nut Street from iiain Street to ,Martin Avenue between
:�0 A. II. and 5:x)0 '. I��i, on school days, &1;�50 recorrunended that a driver be at the
w';eel at all times wirer cars are parked on the south side of ';Jest Wanut Street,
also that there be no parking; in the "fire lane" between the school_ and gym. These
recommendations were referred to the Tra -Cic Committee.
Mayor Woods reported that I.1rs. ''at i Iledusl representing, tl.e Junior J. C. Is re-
quested permission to sell "litter bags" and oeanuts between Jan. 9 and 3(j, 1960.
Alderman Martin moves that permiss i_on be granted., seconded bJ Alderman Long. Oral
vote. AYE': Unanimous,
U,-)on recommendation of !''Iayor Woods, Alderman Jones moves that the offices of the
City Building be closed at 10:00 A. i'l. on Dec. 24 and remain closed until 1.1,o)nday,
?3ec. 2 :, Mlorion seconded by Alderman Sender. Ora;- vote. AVE: Unanimous.
Ma,,,or Woods presented recommendations for more efficient operations of the Police
Denartment, Eire 7lle-aartment, Street De?)artnent, Office Personnel and Finance Com-
mittee. A-!.derman Martin moved that the recommendations be accepted and -)laced on
file and that the variol-rs committees tape action on same, seconded by Alderman
Howard. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
M t or goods call n_
d for re?:arts of a;n,,c,.La1. Cornr~rtte:os:
Mayor Woods called for Communications to the Council.
A note of thanks from the r'acharich and Snorer family was read and ordered p1-aced
on file.
A letter of recommendation of awards i'or contracts for the oror,osed waterworks
improvements iron the Crawford, Murphy aid Tilley Co. was read, Alderman Wm. Wright
moves that the P,'Ia;yor and Cit-y, Clerk be ins ruct �d. to :Inter into a contract witrr
the Goodwin- IcEl.roy Co.,I:nc., Mt. lion, I. ' . on t're basis of their bid for 1811 cast
iron main in -the amount of ;;:177,699.90; motion seconCsd by Alderman Long. !toll call
voile. AY? A16ermen Martirl, T-Toward, Chas. 'r'r!'.;it, htaley, Jones, Wn. Wright, Long,
Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, ��ender, and ueor�,e. NlN !None. I;iotion carried.
� Alderman Wm. '1Jri,1ht moves that the Mlayor and Ci lb� ;l erk. be instructed to enter into
a contract with the I,Icl^Jame Cast Iron l ioe Co., ;'ricaF::o, Ill. for all items extent
gate valves a_ld firr-� hydrants in the amount of ;17__',�,341.61, secon�_ ed by Alderman
Long. Roll call vote. AYE:., Aldermen George, 3ender, Berry, ?dill, Gibbons, S:�relby
Wright, Lone, Wm. `°JriEllt, Jones, Stale-,'-, Chas, '1Jright, `Toward, and Martin. NAB' :
None. 11otion carried.. Alderman Win. Wright moves that the r"ia-or and City
Clerk enter into a contract with the M. t 11. Valve and Bitting Co., Anniston, Ala.,
in th amount of : 21183.20, seconded by Alderman Long. R ,11 call. vote. AYE
i_ _
Aldermen rlartin, I1oward, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Win. Wright, Long,
Shelby, �dri�iht, Gibbons, Hill, ':3erry, 'Bender, and George. NAY : None. Motion
carried. Alderman i.art _n moves'�hat all checks of unsuccessful bidders be
returned, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE:" Aldermen George,
ender, :Jerry, Trill, Gibbons, Shelby �1r-i_ght, Long, Wm. Wright, Jones, Staley,
Chas. t`fright, Howard, and �%artin. NA`�-. 1Ione. Motion carried.
Al.derrnan ,lardn re,=ted on a meetilg held in 1957 with t're Fire Cormii.tte ; ao.o.
members of t' e I'i_re department -- an agreement had been made with the rural
fire district to pay t'-° City; $1200.00 annually (and if more than twenty fires
occurred in one year, the district, was to pays $60.00 per call) . This was
to be divided equally -- one-half to t':ie Fire )e:,artment Fund and the other
o le-half -to be divided amoung the memb,;rs of t.. �.e Fire Dena.rtment. Alderman
?Martin moves that, the City 'treasurer be instructed to nay the members of the
Fire Depaxtm.ent their share for the -oast two ye�srs, seconded by Alderman 3ender.
(The agr,�,,ment f or this fire-call service rims from July to July each ear) .
lol call vote. AYE Aldermen Martin, ?Toward, Chas. Wright, 5ta1P %, Jon:�s,
Wm. Wrlr_;ht, Lon- Shelby ,%Aright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Bender, and Geor„e. NIA`,' :
Tone. Nicti_on carried.
Alderman ?fright stated that there was need of a now "Chemical !Feeder” at
the Water -olant. Alderman Staley moves that the Water and Sewer Committee be
instructed to purchase ti-is chemical feeder, seconded b�- Alderman idm. 7;,1rir Irt.
Roll call vo,.2 `- 4�1ierme:; George, ,'ender, `3err,,-, 'Till, Gibbo?�s, �he1_b drlhht,
1 F,, 1,%Fi. lr ,;ht, Jones, :)tale,;-, Chas. .JriE;ht, r?otisard, and lartin. NA ', : `done.
Motion carried.
Alderman '?oward renorted tl-iat the wiring in the Cite 1ri.lding is in bad rand it:i on --
that boxes from meters into the building- needed to be reolaced and asked >)ernissi.on
of the Council- to request C. E. LTomer, Electrical Contractor, to correct the
wir i_ng needs in t'^.e Cit.,; T31dg. (An;orox mate cost between `$500.DO and
Alderman 'vender renorted that some of the wiring in the old library building
needed r e-oairing also and wish �d to have that bl_,,i.lding included in the work.
Alderman Long moves that the Building and Grounds Committee ?;e instructed to
correct wiring needs in both buildings, seconded .b ; Alderman Ceorge. Roll
call vote.AYE:,Aldermen Martin, ?Toward, Chas. Staley, Jones, fin.
?rdrigbt, Long, Shelby Wr_!Flit, Gibbons, Hill, berry,, Bender, and George. NA,
'gone. :'Motion carried.
Alc'erma,n Staley r•ecomrnend>d that future treasurer's reports include the
amount of the a-onronr-i_at,ion for eac! department a ,.d th.e amount spent I' at rnonth.,
and showing t',e balance left in that department. Mayor Woods stated that same
would :)e done.
,1a,1-,_ir T^door's renorted on a hearing with Richard. ?%�tiitney of the "Corral" a;.1d the
Liquor Committee regard _ng minors employed in his tavern. It was reported that
the C i t; of Can.ton does not hav? an _)rd riu_rc� �ertai n.Lnp; to this .-articular
.�nase. Ald,:erman 14artin moves t`?at t,,re laity l,i_torno,., be instructed to draw up such
an Ordinance regard ng ilnors (com-oarabl.e to the State Laws) 16-18 for female a ld
at-21 for male not to be allowed to serve, our, draw or mix alcoh :tic bevera ;es
r local. taverns, sec nded by A,.lderman Howard. Oral vote. AYL: Unanimous.
A letter fra;n t.1?e l;enartrnen.t of Fublic ?'ealth�-o-orovi.nC, the plans and soacificat _oiis
for the pr�nosed improvements to the waterworks as -orenared b7,- T. Gibbons,
City Engineer Uras read. Alderman Wri. ��Jri rlrt moves that the "Certificate of '1'ublic
Water Sannl_y _'i=nstallat,ion" (ap;�roval 'No. 971) be filled out and t'ae letter _laced
on file, second d by Alderman Bender. Ural vote. AVE- Unanimous.
A Resolution granting permission to the City of Canto for installation of a
16" water main along county highway #5 in Orion Township was read. Alderman
1111. ;`dri_?h.t moves that t'i.e ?-,s",-)-ut bn bJ ado pcd and placed 1 jn"I1=L file,ei_iZsacondeC
by Alderman Shelby ��dright. Oral vote. AYE: g
Resolution '_`•1o. 255.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to the installation, replacing and,
testing of Water Heters. Ald:rman Jones moves that "Meter Reader" be struck
out in the three places that it occurred, seconded by Alderman George. Roll
call vote. AYE: 1` Aldermen Ceorge, Bender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby Wright,
i,ong, Wm. Wright, Jones, Staley, Chas. ?driTht, Howard, a_ld l,7artin. i1AY : None.
;Motion carried. It was decided that the Ordinance lay over until the next
Alderman Howard excused at 8:13 T1. M.
Stephen Meade, Sunt. of the Illinois 3e11- Telephone Co. re,)orted the expiration
of the City's Franchise with that company -- a formal recognition of the
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. rights in tl,e City and in return a certain amount
of free telephone service for the Cit,�!. The Comnany agrees to keen the City
free of any expense incurred by the tele-)ho,-.,e coinu)any. The new Franchise would
cover an estimated tT,,fenty-eight free -telephone services. Alderman Staley
recommended that the 2ranchis-- be referred to the Mayor, City Attorney and
Police and L°gal Committee for investigation.
Mayor Woods appointed. Aldermen ",lartin, Jnnes, and Long to Canvass the Votes of
the Election held Dec. 15, 1959 for Judge of the City Court and Clerk of the
CitZ, Court. A nort of Canvass as follows:
Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Total
Ezra J. Clark 34 20 40 12 12 14 14 146
Francelle Larson 36 18 35 11 12 13 17 142
Russell Myers 3 3
Total 37 22 40 13 13 14 17 156
Alderman Bender moves that the re-ort of the Canvass be accepted and those
receiving the highest votes for their resoective office be notified, seconded
by Alderman Un. Wright. Roll call vote. AYF,,-,. Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright,
Staley, Jones, Wri. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Bender,
pnd George. NAY: None. Motion carried.
A Resolution for placir-, a street light in the alley between McLuckies Store
and the Brown, Lynch Scott Store 108► east of Pole #126 was read. Alderman
Jones moves for the adoption of this Resolution, seconded by Alderman Chas.
Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons,
Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Jones, Stale;,, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY-
None. Motion carried. This being- Resolution No. 256.
Alderman Jones moves to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Long. Oral vote. AYE:
T.Tnan!m ous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8-1�5 P. M.
Assistant Fire Chief, Dewey Fillingham, thanked the members of the City Council
for all-owing the "fire call" money to that department.
City Clerk.