HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-1959 Council Meeting Minutes 41 e'
Dec. 1, 1959
Canton City Council. met Dec. -;_, 19595 7 :05 P. I.i. in the Cit,;r Council Chamber.
Roll call. i'resent: Ila,ror Woods, Aldermen dart_n, 1loward, Chas. D. .rri>;ht.
Stale;lr, Jones, Herbener, Shelby 'sIrig,i�t, Gibbons, Hi,_Ll., 3err�r, Bender, and George.
Alderman Long arriving at 7:20 P. 'I, and Alderman Win. Wright at 7:50 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed. by prayer bar Alderman Howard.
A Petition and Ord nance for the Annexation of property on East Chestnut. Street
between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Avenues was read. Alderman Bender moves that
the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call.vote. AYE:
Alderman George, Bender, Berry, Mill, Gibbons, Shelby I-Iri ;ht, Herbener, Jones,
Staley, Chas. Wright, ?toward, and Martin. NAY: Ntone. Alderman Martin moves
that the Ordnance be ,placed on its nassage, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll
call vote. AYE: Aldermen idart-in, Howard, Chas, Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener,
Shel.bV Wright, Gi: bons, Hill, Berry, 3, nder, and George. NAY: done, Motion
carried. This being Ordinance No. 1.
Alderman Martin read the bills for the i-i_nance c ;--nittee a_id moves that all 'Dills
nronerly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Roll call
vote. AYE:, Aldermen George, lender, i3erry, TT:-',-l1 Gibbons, Shel_b,;,- I,•Iri ,ht,
Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. 6�Iri,ht, Bowan,, and h'iartin. NAY: N„ne. Motion
Alderman Staley read the bills Cor t-he `Pol_i_ce and Legal. Comrnitte ; and moves that
all bills oroperl,,;- approved be allow �d for. pa,;,,iao.nt, seconded bir Alderman 'Berry.
Roll call vote. AY" Aldermen � �.�rtin, `�IouLr�_ , Cl Ias . 11V 1t Staler, Jones,
zerbener, Lonp, IShelo,'- 'v?r iqght Gibbons Hi I t, errjr, 'ender, and (.eor(le. NA7 . ;':one.
-,lotion carried.
Alderman Long arr_ivin,r at 7:20 TD. H.
Alderman Hill read L`^o bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk, Ca,,i ittee and
moves that all bills nronerl,,r annroved be al.l_owccl 'or na i., �nt, seconded by A1:1er-
man Chas. :^I fight. ttoll call vote. A '"'s: Alc•.e_rmer_ George, `3nder, 13err;, hill,
Gibbons, Shelb • tilriF;ht, Long, T-ierbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. ?Aright, ?ioward, and
Martin. NLY: `•gone. "-lotion carried.
Alderman Chas. T'Iright read the bills for the `i.ro, Water and Sewer CoT.mittees and
moves that al_l bills oroner.17, ar) )roved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder-
man Berry. Roll call vote. .Aldermen Martin., Howard, Chas. Wri-ht, Staley,
Jones, ?Ierbener, .Long, Shelb, '^'rid-ht, Gibbons, :`Till, 3errT. , 'Bender, and (}eor,re.
"'AY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Shelby Wright read the bill for t1le Printin,r, Committee and moves that
t'ne bill, pronerl r apnr. oved be al.loti-Jed for na rlent, seconded by Alderman "gibbons.
r'„oll call vote. AT"; I:lcerrlen Gcor,--_�, Sender, ;errs, Tit. 1. Gibbons, Shelby
Wright Lon, iaerbe:^er, Jones tal_e,r Chas. ',,Iri-bt, Tioti^lard and Martin. '1A`.' :
Tone. 1ot'.on carri;,,d.
Alderman Howard read the bills 1'or t'ae Buildl!nt- and Grounds CoTnraittee and moves
that all bills nroperly aT)T-)roved be alto ed or ���:�rlt, seconded b, A errlan
Gibbo',is. Tio-1;L cal-. vote. AYE'., Aldermen :actin, "ouarci, Chas. Wri, ht, Stale-`,
Jones, 'Ierbener, Long, Shelb WrIT,ht, Gi.bbo:.s, rill, ;err ,, Bender, and 1 eorge.
NAY: 'None. iiot�..on carried.
Alderman George read the bills for the Garbage DlLsnosal Cost ait;,ee and moves that
all bills nroperl- annroved be a l lotiJed for oa,,rment, seconded by Alderman Shelb y
Wright. Roll call vote. Alcermen George, Sender, 3erry, Hill, Gibbons,
Shelby Z^Ir-Wht, Lo-a[.,, Herbener, Jon es, Stalely, Chas. 'vJri_n,ht, Howard, and ilartin.
TAY: '`Tone. Motion. carried.
Alderman Jones read tl�e bills {'or the Lights committee and moves that all bills
properly annroved be allow:-.,d for payment, seconded by Al__zerman Staley.' Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen I'lartin, T,Ioward, Chas. '.^Iri '=n-t, ,--J aley Jones, Ierbener,
Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, 3err ,, '�3endcr, and George. NAY: I1one. Motion
4 _t
Alderman Hcrbener read the bills for the Traffic Committee and moves that all
bills properly anoroved be alloti cd for payment, seconded by Alderman Staley.
Roll call vote. Ar:': Aldermen C:eorge, P,enier, '> rry, Dill, Gibbons, She=Lby
Wright, Long, ltvbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. ',TAY:
None. Moti_on carried.
Reports of all City 0ficers were read. Alderman Martin moves that they be
accented and placed on file, seconded b; Alderman Mill. Oral vote. AYE: Una nimous.
Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing Committ ,es.
Chairman of the Traffic Committee, Alderman Herbener,, re ported a meeting; with
Mr. Lindquist of the Chicago Motor Club on Nov. 2L -- outline of war', and the
personnel for the program was well underway for a Traffic survey.
Alderman Martin inquired about delinquent damage accounts. After some discussion,
Alderman ?lerbener moves that the Cite:- Attorney be instructed to contact these naon1::
Personally -- requesting that payments on these accounts be made -- or some
arrangements for the collection of same, seconded by Alderman Sender. Oral vote.
AY!: Unanimous.
Alderman Hill, reporting for the Street and Alley Committee, stated he met with
Ve representative of the Miller Construction Co. -- repair work will be made
next spring on the newly com )l_eted streets that have defects (some will be torn
out and others will be resurfaced) .
Mayor Woods called for Special Committee Renorts.
0e Secretary of the Canton Chamber of Commerce, Mr. F. Stewart Reed, was
i.ntroduc-d by Mayor Woods.
Mayor Woods reported a conference with Mr. Swart-baug> and hr. Killington re-
garding the rearranging of location of waiting; school busses at the Central_
School. The Chief of Police and Chief of the 2i_re Depart.nent have made in-
vestigation at that area and found that the old method of busses caused con-
gestion of traffic and blocked oassag e for fire trucks in case of fire. Mayor
Woods stat�d that with the annroval of the Council, a kraffic police could be
provided to wort, with the School 3oard, Police and Fire Deiartment.
Alderman Wm. Wright arriving at 7:50 P. M.
Mallor Woods reported on the Illinois Municipal League Convention. Topics of
t-- a review of the operation of the llinois General Assembly --
speczal interest-- � he � � ,,�
how bills are sent through, killed, dovetailed, etc., how the City of Rockford
hems eliminate fire hazards, and the manner that 7vanston handles the off-street
-narking problem. Mr. Wm. Cunningham was electeca resident of the League for the
next year.
Mrs. Edward Ashton requested permission for members of the P.T.A. Council to
sneak to the Cite Council regarding traffic safety in the school areas. Alderman
Staley moves that the P.T.A. be given permission to sneak, seconded by Alderman
7erbener. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mrs. Ashton suggested that the Board of
Education, 7.T.A. and City Council meet and wo& out some of the traffic problems.
Mrs. Eloise Standard stated that there were 1300 children attending tAe schools
at Main A Walnut Street and that the biggest traffic difficulty was at that
locat�.on. Mrs. Connie Swart$baugh, representing the Citizens Advisory Council
recommended that all necessary action for a niliary police or responsible Persons
V posted at heaver traffic school crossings. sifter some discussion Mayor Woods
an-ointed a Com ittee composed of Alderman: Stale;-, Chm., Police Legal Committee,
Alderman Herbener, Chm., Traffic Committee, Alderman Martin, Chm., Finance Com.,
Chief of Police Lindzey, and Alderman Chas. D. Wright to meet with members of the
P. T. A. members, President of the School. Board, School Superintendent and Zr.
Millington on Wednesday , Dec. 9, at 7:00 P. A. in the Council Chamber.
Alderman Chas. D. Wright was appointed as Co-Chairman with Alderman Wm. Wright
on the Water and Sewer Committee.
Mayor Woods called for Correspondence:
� 1
Dec. 1, 1959, Continued
A letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting use of Jones ?'ark for the
Santa Claus ?louse and the Nativity Scene during the Christmas season was read..
Alderman Herbener moves that the request ne granted, seconded by Alderman
Bender. Oral vote. AYE: O an mous.
Recess called at 8:30 �— M. Reconvened at 8:40 P. M.
A letter from Illinois Commerce Commission regarding discontinuing Trains No.
47 and 48 on the C.B.f'.; Q. R. H. -- announcing a Hearing*, to be held in
Springfield on Feb. 9, 1960. Alderman Chas. Wright moves that the Council
two instruct the City Attorney to apoear before this Commission on behalf of the
citizens of Canton, seconded by Alderman Stale-. Oral vote. AYE: unanimous.
A Resolution regarding the appropriation or ?u85,296.85 (Principal $67,500.00
and Interest $17,796.85) from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund was read. (Sections No.
21CS, 23CS, 24CS, 25CS, 26CS, 27C6, 2805, 29Cs, 32CS, 33CS, 34CS, 35CS, 36CS,
37CS, 39C5, 41Cs, 42CS, 43CS) . Alderman Wm. Wright moves for the adoption of
this Resolution, seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call vote. AY0 Aldermen
Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Stale,, , Jones, Ferben.er, Wm. Wright, Long,, Shelby
Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Bander, and George. NV : None. Motion carried.
This being Resolution No. 253.
r r'
A Resolution to accent a Federal Grant for Sewage Treatment Works from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare of the United States was read.
Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman
Howard. Roll call vote. AYR: Aldermen George, hander, 3erry, Hill., Gibbons,
Shelby Wright, bong, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard,
and Martin. NAY: `done. Motion carried. This being Resolution No. 254.
Mr. Leonard Crawford, of the fire; of Crawford, Surnhy A Tilley, read a letter
addressed to the Council -- the results of analysis of Waterworks improvements
Bids and the recommendations. Alter some discussion Alderman Howard recommended
that since the Council had trust enough to employ the Consulting Engineers for
the work, it should accent the recommendations of Crawford, Murphy A Tilley.
Alderman Wm. Wright suFgested that the matter lay over until the next meeting.
two All bidders checks and bonds extent the three longest bidders were ordered to be
returned to the bidders.
City Attorney McMunn reported that arrangements should be made regarding the
printing of the Waterworks Bonds and recommended that Chapman and Cutler,
Attorneys, oversee this work. Alderman Herbener -roves that Chapman and Cutler
of Chicago be allowed to supervise the printing of said bonds, seconded by
Alderman Wm. Wright. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
An informal meeting of the Council to be held Dec. 3, 1959 at 7:00 P. A. in the
Council Room.
Because of Election for City Judge and Clerk of the City Court, the next Council
meeting will be held Dec. 16, 1959.
Alderman Howard moves to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Chas. Wright. Oral vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:13 P. M.
Bldg. & Grounds: General_ Account:
Am. Pest Control 05.00 labcock Job Printery $162.05
Canton Clean. Towel. Serv. 12.75 Beckman 3lueprint Service 1.68
� C.I.".S.Co. 56.11 Ca Lpus 3oolt Shop 7.25
y Farmers Coop. Grain 197.36 , Canton Daily Ledger m ', 253.30
Fullerton Lumber Co. 5.66 Canton Eusic Co. 10.00
Higgins Oil Co. 26.52 Columbia Ribbon Co. 31.65
Mason Hardware Co. 5.64 Lee Cook 17.00
Rochester Germicide Co. 70.41 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 10.19
Sherwin-Williams Co. 224.75 Francelle Larson 24.00
-04.20 Ben Phillips 12.2.0
C.I.P.S.Co. 861.83 Jack Ward 12.20
Bernard W. Smith 21.60
Convention Expense 42.00
Pboria!As5ocv of Vommerce z. 0
Lawrence McMunn 12 0:4
Russell Myers
"Burdette Smith Co. $60.00 Spoon River Electric ;,':15.66
Swearingen Wholesale Co. 4.75 Canton Clean Towel Service 7.95
Frank Thornber Co. 94.53 111. Bell Telephone Co. 27.01
L. F. Weller, Postmaster 4 48.00
G. 1. P. S. Co. 953.55
White's Boot: Store'.` �`., 3.1,4 Petty Cash 12.57
Canton Lail;; Ledger 82.00
�7 W Willis V. Young 15.00
Police Dent. :
Wm. Neal 15.00
Canton Clean Towel Service 7.95 Swartzbaugh & Nelson 1.10
Garbage Disposal Eept. 11-x.49
Canton. Typewriter Co. 24-35 rlason hardware Co. 32.06
- Garbage risposal Dept. 157.78
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 16.00 Pe! i'z Industrial Towel 7.77
2000,0 Babcock Job Printery 3-x.40
Lock's Auto Co.
Lock 's Auto Co. 51.79 Utility Sales Co. 1622.60
Illinois Aeters, Inc. 43.40
U.S.Printing Office 2.50 dueller Co. 0.82
Macomb Communications 50.62 Wilkins Pine & Supply Co. 230.76
Police Dept. 92.00 Bernard L. Slack 104.00
White's R ook . tore ?.TO Backman Blueprint Service 5.98
Chas F. Carne tieri - Jones B. Glow & Sons inc. 115.80
Donald I�epleh Tuffon) .1:88
10,91 Fullerton Lumber Co. 125.58
FIRE DEPT. : Jarvis Welding Co. 11.00
Cummings Fz Emerson 36.60 `Tav;,, Brand Mfg. Co. 182.18
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 6.60 Nat'l. Disinfectant Co. 209.15
Tom Knowles 66 Station 2.82 3rulin V Co., Inc. 189.75
Macomb Communications 10.00 Jo'z_�i Apnler 05.70
�b.02 Ellis Anpliance Shop 25.00
Continental Oil Co. 113.04
GARBAGE DISFDSAL DE?T. : Swearingen Wholesale Co. 11.80
Cummings 1 Emerson 41.84 Kroell. Electric Co. 53.08
Ill.. Bell Telephone Co. 8.50 Aelvin Trucking Co. 126.00
Tndustrial Towel Service 8.41 `Talley Chemical & Solvents 253.00
Livio Pogt ioli 150.00 Difco Laboratories 6.25
Shell Oil Co. 225.47 '_,ien!:e Stone L Lime Co. 280.00
Socony Mobil Oil Co. 222.88 1701A
317.10 il
Babcock Job Printery 28.75
Canton Supply Co. 4.50
Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 118.50
Couch A Heyle 5.07
Duck Island Sand A Gravel 55.89
-'Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42
Garbage Disposal Dept. 64.63 Total $13,054.54
International 341t Co. 371.18
Jarvis Welding Co. 9.75
King Auto Electric 3.71
Mason hardware Co. 10.70
Pschirrer Coal Co. 24.85
A.C.Shenley T': Son 124.72 �
Swartzbaugh 1 Nelson 59.94 e �� �
1172. lie - ' .
City Clerk j,,/ -��
Lyle Signs, Inc. 11.78
Traf-O-Teria System 254.12