HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1959 Council Meeting Minutes Oct. 20, 1959
Canton City Council met Oct. 20, 1959, 7:03 P. M. in the City Council Chamber.
Roll call: Present: Ma: or Woods, Aldermen Martin, Toward, Chas. D. 'rdright,
Stale]%, Jones, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, Bender,
and ('eorge. Alderman George reporting in -- 7:13 P. M. and Alderman Herbener
reporting at 7:17 P. M. Absent: None.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a prayer by Alderman Long.
Petition for anv_ 1ication for permit for construction, installation, modification
or operation of sewageworks or any extension or addition thereto to the Evergreen
Estates, Canton, Illinois was read. Alderman Martin moves that the matter be
referred to the Water and Sewer Committee for investigation. and report to the
next meeting, seconded by Alderman �3erry.` Alderman Ce :rje reporting at 7:13 P.M.
Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, '.3—'er, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby Wright,
Bong, Wm. Wright, Jones, Staley, Sender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby Wright,
Long , on. Wri;-ht, „1 s, Stale,-, Chas. rr �ht, Howard, and Martin. NAY.- '4one.
Motion carried.
.: Mayor Woods called for renorts of Standing Cominitte 's:
{ Alderman Herbener reporting to meeting at 7:17 ' . M.
Mr. Leonard Crawford, of the firm Crawford, Murn--iy and Tilley, Consultant Engineers,
Springfield, Illinois, reported that the engineering plans for the proposed water
and sewer improvements program were practically ready and that the City Council
could set a date for receiving bids on same. 'Ie reported that plans were made
for a 16" main but their firm would prepare plans for a 16, 18, 20 or 24 inch
main. He ex-,_Iained the merits of cast iron nine and prestressed concrete. Dis-
cussion. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the City advertise for alternate bids
for materials, construction and installation of the water line project, also in-
cluding the West Locust Street project, Fourteenth Avenue between Ash Street and
Locust Street, bids to be received in the Cit , Clerk's office by 5: ) P. M. CST
Nov. 17, 1959, to be read at the City Council op that date. Motion seconded by
Alderman Chas. Wright. Roll call. vote. AYE-. -'Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright,
Wm. Wright, Hill, and George. NAY: Aldermen Toward, Staley, Tones, Herbener,
Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, and Bender. (5 AYES and 9 NAYS) . Motion
defeated. After some discussion Mayor Woods stated that a motion to refer th
the matter to the Water and Sewer Committee for investigation and report to next
Council meeting would be in order. Alderman Staley moves that the Council
advertise for bids for materials, delivered to the job, installing the material,
and also a bid on the complete job with alternate materials*" Motion seconded by
Alderman Herbener. Roll call vote. AY;J: , Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Mill,
Shelby Wright, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, and Howard.. NAY: Aldermen
Gibbons, Long, Chas. Wright, and Mart i.n. (10 AYES and 4 NAYS) . Motion carried.
Alderman Bender moves that the City also advertise for bids for materials on West
Locust, Ash Street, and Fourteenth Avenue, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call
vote. AYT,:, Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herboner, Wm.
Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berri--, Bender, and George. NAY: None.
motion declared carried.
Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the Water Ordinance, recently defeated, be reread,
making the addition of "Finest to that Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Chas. Wright.
Motion and second withdrawn and Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the City Attorney be
instructed to redraft the Water Ordinance -- making two separate parts. This
motion was seconded by Alderman tilerbener. Roll call vote. AYE;'` Aldermen Bender,
Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley,
and Howard. NAY: Aldermen George, Chas. Wright, and Martin. (11 AYrS and 3 NAYS).
Motion declared carried.
Mr. Crawford, of the firm of Crawford, Murphy and Tilley, stated that their firm,
according to their code of ethics, does not bid for their engineering services.
He read a Resolution that had been adopted on Sept. 6, 1958 by the Board of
Direction of the Illinois Society of Profess-1.onal Engineers and requested that
their name be withdrawn from the list of prospective bidders for the off-street
parking program. He .suggested that the best means of obtaining such service was
to select two or three reliable firms and interview their personnel and then make
Alderman Wm. Wright stated that the Water Department had not received rent for
TTydrants for two ;,rears and Mayor Woods promised to check into the matter.
Alderman. Wrn, Wri ght moves that the road oA the 'dest side of Lake Canton be com-
nleted this fall with funds from the Lease account, seconded by Alderman George.
Roll call vote. AYE:�'Aldermen Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley) Jones,
Herbener, Wm. ldright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, ?-Till, Berry, Bender, and
George. NTAY- -done. Motion carried.
` ?ayor Woods called for reports from Special Committees:
Mayor Woods called for correspondence:
A Letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to use the square
for the Tenth Annual Halloween Parade on Oct. 31, 7:15 P. M. was read-. Alder-
man Bender moves that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman Chas. TrJr:i.gh.t.
Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
A letter from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare Office advising
that the application for r'ederal Grant Funds had been granted in the amount of
?`48,000.00. Letter order placed on file.
A resolution for the Transfer of Funds -- :;55,000.!)0 from the Parking Meter
Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. Alderman 1m. ?^fright moves for the adoption
of the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Chas. ',,,;right. Holl cal-1 vote.
Aldermen George, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Long, Wrn. ';;right, Chas. Wright, Howard,
and Martin. NAY: Aldermen Ben,ier, Shelby Wr=i_ght, Herbener, Jones, and Staley .
(9 AYrS and 5 NAYS). Discussion. It was stated that two-thirds of the Council
members voting "AYE" were needed for the transfer of funds of the City of Canton.
Atty. McMunn stating resolution for transfer not necessary for Treasurer to act.
Mayor Woods declared the motion carried.
A Resolution for the appronriat:i-on of $3,193.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to
the City of Canton, for Public Benefit Assessments for Section 44 CS was read,
Motion for the adoption of the Resolution by Alderman Bender, seconded by Alder-
man Wm. Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Mactin, Howard, Chas. Wright,
Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Fender,
and George. NAY: ,gone. Motion carried. : This being Resolution #
An Easement granting the construction, operation and maintainence of a water main
over the Sherman W. Reed property in Orion Township was read. Alderman W7n. Wright
moves that the Council accept this agreement and the terns theron, seconded by
Alderman 3:.nder. Roll call vote. AYE Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Hill,
Gibbons, Shelby !,,!right, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright,
Howard., and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried.
' First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to the d.isnlay, sale or offering for sale
any merchandise on any terrace, sidewalk, highway or yard in the City of Canton.
William Malmgren, Attorne, for the E-Z }'lumbing Co. explained the impossibility
of such an Ordinance. Discuss ion followed. Alderman Chas. Wright moves to sus-
pend the rules, seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call voce. AYE:, Aldermen
Martin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Wm. Wright, Long, Gibbons, Hill, Berry, :gender, and
George. NAY: Aldermen Staley, Jones, Herbener, and Shelby Wright. (10 AYES and
4 NAYS) . Motion carried. Alderman Martin moves that the 'Ordinance be placed
on its passage, seconded by Alderman Howard. Roll call vote. AYE: "Aldermen Herb-
ener and Staley. NAY: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby
Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Jones, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. (2 AYES and
12 NTAYS) . Mayor :broods declared the motion lost.
Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright, moves for adjournment. Oral
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:18 P. M.
City Clerk./
bids to be received in City Clerk 's office by 5:00 P. M. DST, Nov. 17, 1959 and
to be opened and read at the Council meeting on that date.