HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-1959 Council Meeting Minutes 37 .1
Canton City Council met April 22, 1959 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Council Room.
Roll call. Present: Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Jones, Wm,
Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. Absent: Alderman
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file.
Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing Committees:
Alderman Martin reported that he and Chief of Police Lindzey attended a meeting
recently regarding a teletype system, expense born by the I11. Bell Telephone Co.
at a rate from $50.00 to $80.00 per month for the first unit and $35400 per month
for each additional unit.
Alderman Lester Hill reported that the Sewer & Water Committee and several other
Aldermen met with members of the Motorcycle Club, who wish to lease approximately
14 acres of land at the North side of Lake Canton. Alderman Lester Hill moved that
the City of Canton lease the 14 acres at the north end of Lake Canton to the Canton
Morotcycle Club, Inc. for five years (with option for renewal) at $25.00 per year
with the understanding that the Motorcycle Club will clear and keep clean this area.
.- , Motion seconded by Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester
w' Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree.
s NAY: None. Motion carried.
Chief of Police Lindzey reported on the school-bus stop on East Chestnut Street,
stating that a satisfactory plan would soon be worked out.
Alderman Turner reported that sixteen streets in the City of Canton were in need of
repair, a total of 77,000 square yards, requiring 23,000 gallons of Bituminous
materials, 1,000 tons Aggregate Seal Coat, ten tonj Bituminous, cold mix patching
material and 3/8" stone chip mix and 5 tons Sand Mix. Alderman Turner moved that
the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for Sealed bids for the necessary
materials, bids to be received in the Clerk's office by May 5 DST and to be opened
at the May 5 Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Lester Hill. Oral vote: AYE:
Unanimous. Motion carried.
Alderman Martin reporting on the "parking lot" situation recommended that because
of necessity of formalities, it would be wise to wait until the new Council was
seated. Alderman Turner reported the Henning property, W. Elm St. 1961x1201 for sale.
Mayor Woods called for reports of Special Committees. He then called for
Correspondence to the Council. A note of thankis for flowers from the John Mautino
family was read.
Alderman Wm. Wright inquired about the repair work on railroad c*ssings in the
cityy and was informed that work on the C B & Q crossings had started.
First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to increase in salaries. Alderman Lundry
moved that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Martin. Alderman Jones
protested to the small increase allowed for Auxilliary Police and Alderman Shelby
Wright also protested. Mayor Woods called for a Roll Call vote. AYE: Alderman
Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Wm. Wright, Turner, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY:
Alderman Jones, and Shelby Wright (8 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion declared carried.
Alderman Lundry moved for the Ordinance to be placed on its passage, seconded by
Alderman Wm. Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill,
Turner, Wm. Wright, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: Alderman Shelby Wright, and
Jones. (8 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion declared carried. This being Ordinance #39644,
Alderman Martin remarked that a sidewalk across from the Kellogg School had been
covered with 2 x 4's prohibiting pedestrians to walk on same. Mayor Woods instructed
Street Superintendent Jennings to investigate same.
Mayor Woods called a recess
nd appointed Alderman Lundry, Lester Hill and Martin to
serve as Canvassing Committee for the returns of the Municipal Election held on
April 21, 1959. This Committee found the records to be accurate, after which the
City Clerk read the Tabulated Statement of Returns. Alderman Lundry moved that
the report be accepted, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE:
Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Jones, Wm, Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and
Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Lester Hill moved for adjournment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Oral vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8:37 P. M.
city Clerk.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Everett E. Howard 188
John H. McQueen 72
Harry Sebree 1
Manley E. Staley (4 Yr. Term) 292
Bernard Gibbons (4 Yr. Term) 254
Charles D. Wright(2 Yr. Term) 230
Forrest L. Weaver(2 Yr. Term)
Lloyd W. Herbener 279
Paul L. Hurst 240
Elmer H. Jacobs 108
George R. Huston 51
Harry Long 113
Finis D. Turner 10
Paul W. Gibbons 46
John R. Barclay X52
Leo Berry 198
Robert G. George 329
Ronald H. Reith 102
Canvassing Board of the Candidates:
L. B. Lundry
Lester Hill
Gerald B. Martin
City Clerk.