HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-1959 Council Meeting Minutes Canton City Council met on Tlarch 3, 1959 at 7:00 ". ii. in the City Counci i �oom-
Roll call.. Present: Iiavor Ivoods, Alderman Sebree, P,tartin, Lundry, Miller,
Jones, wm. '1'urner, Hot- Hill, Lester 71111, and Bender. Absent: Alder-
man Shelby Tiri,r;ht.
Minutes of the last meet!-n` were read and. an?)roved- to )e placed on file.
Alderman Lurdi-,r read the bills for- t'.�ie 1W ina-ice Co:-.i itte, and made a mot.-ion
that all bills -o-roperly annroved be allowed for pay-ment, seconded by Alder-
man Lester Hill.. I1oll call vote. AYE: Alder.rnan Bender, Lester Hill, Ho,-
TTill_, 'turner, 'Alm. Wright, Jones, Hiller, Liindr;, artin, and Sebree. `'A'�' :
-Tone. Ilotion carried.
Alderman mdfiller read the bills for V c .Police and Legal Comaittee and may?e a
lotion teat all bills nrooerly a,)nrovad ba allowed for nayment, seconded b;;
Alderman I°lartin. Roll call_ vote. AY'71: Alderman Sebree, Martin, LundrT,,
hiller, Jones, Wm. 14ri: ht, 'urner. Hoer Hill, Lester Hill, and F3ender. �IAY:
^Tone. �,'Iotion carried.
Alderman '1'ur.ner read the bills for the Street, Alley; and Sidewalk. Canmittee
and made a motion that a 'l bills nroperl_ r a,,)-)roved be allowed for paT.,rnent,
=� seconded by Alderman Ro:. Hill. Holl cal.1. vote. AY11• A1�'erTran 3ender,
Lester hill, n.. .r ; , 'Tiller Lundr-v art RoT, _n,
and Sebree, Ar. 'one. :otion carried.
Alderman Lf. ster Trill read the bi-lls for the =Wire, '.Dater and Sewer Conilittees
and made a motion that all bills nronerl. r approved �)e allowed for r)a.yment,
seconded. bar Alderman Turner. 11oll call. vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, T°iartin,
LundrY , "ii_11.er, Jones, Wrq. Viricrht, urner, o; Hill, Lester Hill, and 3order.
',IAY: `Tone. Iioti on carried.
Alderman Sebree read the bills for tole Pr _ntit; ; Committee and made a motion
tha{:. all bills nronerl_,;; annroved be allowed fnr na,,mio.nt, seconded bT, Alder-
"y. � , .
man Hoer ?��l_1 i%oll call. vote. "?: A.10-niian gender Lester '?i11 io T
�- . > > >
Tu»near, "1 n. ."dri,,lit, Jones, !7.1.1.=r, Lundr :`arty'!, �i' d �sbree.
-lotion. carried.
Alderman ender read the bills for the Groun(,s Commit-,ee aad
^ade a mots on that a,11 balls nr. onerly annroved, be allowed for na moment, seco7n ,d by
Alderman I ,�- 7il.l. Roll- call vote. A r' : Alderman ,3.^bre^, Ilartit:, r n-;r ,
,`il_1er, Jones, 14M. Wrz�;i0t, ��'urner, .�o � di11, L-_,st,:r �-,._ l , a,. , ?ender. ;_.iAt
one. Iotion
Alderman '),o-,, Hill read the b'.1_]s for tiie C'.arba,,e Disposal Corlrlittee ar_6 moved
that a1.1 bills nronerlyr annroT;,�d Lc allow( d for -)aTnnent, seconded 1_) Alderman
lender. ?oll call vote. is"'ts: Alcerraa:l 00nr—er, Lester 'Till, Roy Hill., L ur7 er,
Wm. T;dr:icht, Jones, :Miller, ?unr'r� , Alartl.n, Oebree. `.IA-V ; None. T.1ot-i ,gin
Alderman Jones read the bills for t'hr� T i','lts Co:runittee and moved that, all
bills nronerhT a.",roved be a T., -? r, ,, - ,, 1 ,, ,. . .
lller, Jones, Wm.
Wright, T,zrner, ao-r Hill, Lester TTi11, and Lender. T:1" o^e. Tlotion. carriF;d.
Alderman .iart!_n re.+d the bills for t'-i�? `i'r zffi c Co,imitte� and moved that all
bills pronerlr annroved bo allowed for na nent, seconded by Alderman Sebree.
Roll call vote. A' .: Alderman Sender, Lester IIM, RoT, Hill, 'i'urne-ol ?-I„i.
Wrip,;llt, Jones, i:illar, Land(-,(, '!artin, a,)(' S-bre �A','- One. notion
,e-_�orts of 0_=ficers were read a_:I also V Ic �-e• orts of the Carivassin ; 3oard
for the recent Primary- Election. Alderman Lester Trill moved that these
renorts be accented and -laced oti file, seconded b,2 Alderman :'art!_n. Oral
vote. A77. ''.inanlmous.
':',a-,or ;floods callF�d for re-orts of '3tandi:r'.- Cot�unittees:
TIa�,or 7.1roo6s called for renorts of Sne c:ia. Cc t-t , .
l,Ta� or "ood.s re�)orted that street improvements should be made on Sec+?nd. i.v."Due
-etween _11rn and 3= .ne Streets a,�Ct also i_n 4,11 I(-!-n. .t of the Overall ''actor;(
on South Second Avenue and Vanle street -- in order to nrovi6e betber
parking facilitins . He also stated Aat recommendations to the loard of
Local im-rove me7t for strait imorovements on East EJA Street between F girth
a�:,_& YiNivenve won? V ir order.
Aldermar, '.ender renorted that the furniVre recentIV Purchased for t4e Cit-,,,-
Lounge had been delivered and that many had bo(-n receiv(,d.
Letters of resignation of OUP leadles and Donald Ungenfelter from the
Police Department were read and accented. The matter of 1950 vacaVor na,i
was referred to the 2 anco Coa:.ittee for nhudy.
A lesolutlop for "Knroicrient, 16-
- -cinality under Ve Motor FoU fax Law"
for 'Ea le Streit from South Aoin StrcV to Vcaid Avenue (Arterial :street
Q. 41), was read. Alderman Landry moved for Ve adoption of t4is
Resolution, seconded b; Alderman Turner. Hall call vote. AY- - .' 'orna-i
) - Lundry, Miller, Jones, %Iriglht, Turner, Roy kill, Lester
will, and Bender. NLY! I ne. Hation carried. This being Resolution #242.
First reading of an Ordinprce "No Parking of vehicles on the Nast side of
-irt" SQcond Avenue in the City of Canton from East 21m Street to East,
Locust Street vnd an the west side of North Third Avenue from East Chestnut
Street to Zant Locust Street." It was decided to lot this Ordinance la'.,
=01 the n3Nt Council mootinn.
7irst reading of ai Ordinance "No Parking of vehicles an the forth side of
East Oak Strq ,t fro:: South SKth Avenue to a -olnt 132 feet west of the
northwest corner of East Oak Street and South Sixth AvenueV Alderman Ui.
:right moved to suspend rules, seconded Sebree. After s ):ic dis-
cussiin a0 an 071 tat ion for each of the Aldormon to visit that area over the
weak-end, Alderman ''.Tm. Wri,'.at a,,--,d Sebree withdrew their motion aid socnnd of
same. It was decided to let Vis Ordinance la- until next Council mectinr.
First roading of an 0-dinance "No Park E of vehicles on Market Court bKween
West Chestnut and West Locust StreetsV Aldnrnai Tester Mill moved that the
rules be susnended, seconded by Alderman 7artin. Roll coil vote. Av>
Alderman lender, Lester Uill, Hoy Hill, Turner, V. Wright, Jones, 413ler,
Lundry, lartin, and Sebron. 'TA7- Kotion carried. Alderman Lester
7il3 Moved that the Ordinance be nlaced on its -assa,-,o, s,'concled `57 A?der--an
3ander. Roll call vote. A--! Alderman Sebren, Lartin, Lundry, Miller,
Jones, Torner, 2, 7111, Lester 'Fill, and Sender. TAY: ':o e.
Motion carriqd. This being Ordinance 0A.
11aVor Woods introduced Mr. Charles Weed, Secretary of Ve Caroenter's Onion,
who stated tat he t4nught the City Council members should have selected the
lowest bidder for repair work on the old library b-,_,,-ildi_ng. There was no
comment to Ar. Weed.
A report of the railroad crossinE on Vtrtle a ,d 2ourth Avenue revealed that
the railroad con-any was resvonsible for these repairs. Aalor Woods instrqcted
the CKef of Police, Lindsey, to contact the Galesburg office.
Alderman hartin i�qaired about dogs runninF loose and what cuild be done
about s4cK a nuisance and was inforved that a dog-catcher would be allowed
"2.00 Per doz.
Alderman hundr7 mov?O to adjourn, seconded by Alder_an Bender. Canton CitT,
Council adjourned at 301 P. A.
3 6
General Acct. : Canton Sur)-17,- Co. $14.81
Beckman Blueprint 110.92 Canton Tire A V-1c. Co.
�kl 43-00
Canton Daily 107or Q 6.20 CuriminCs ,'� E,.--ierson 110.55
Columbia Ribbon Co. 14.68 Delta Steel CO. 204-00
Ill. Bell Telenhone Co. 13-99 Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42
Ill. ?oil Telephone Co. 4.59 Garbage Disposal Sept. 195-50
Ill. Office Supniy Co. 25.62 Todustrial. Towel A Uniform .84
irancelle Larson 24.00 Tnternational Salt Co. 368.90
Phillips Greonnouse 3.00 Jarvis Welding Co. 44.22
White's Hook, Store 20-59 King Auto Electric 11-50
7777*59 McElroy-Roland Machinery Co. 18-83
Lights: ncLuckiels Store 175.53
C.T.P.S. Co. 831-99 Mason Hardware Co. 1.05
Kenneth Killer A Co. 17.88
Bldg. .9.-, Grounds: Pschirrer Coal Co. 12.25
An. Pest Control 15-00 Swartzbaugh A Nelson 23.64
Canton ?lumbing Co. 3.50 Ghleo Watson Trucking 254-10
C.I.P.S.Co. 110.00 $1766-72
Kamalager Electric 6.30
Krooll Electric Co. 18-95 WATER SEVER DEP7,1%
Harry Luker 3 .00 Ill. Sell Telephone Co. 25.85
H. C. McCoy 385.00 S000n River Electric 0.00
-lason Hardware Co. 3.12 C.1 .Y,.S.C o. 1086-79
Meline Sign Co. 22-50 Mason Hardware Co. 43-03
Swearingen Wholesale Co. 13.62 Jarvis WeldinZ Co. 14.00
'erwyn Johnson _10YIN Modern improvements 5.50
Police Dent. : 7777*07 Pschirrer Coal Co. 9.45
Atlas Camara Center -77728- Canton Clean Towel Service 5.10
Canton Clean Towel 9.40 Canton Daily Ledger 25.85
Garbage Disnosal Demt. 120.52 Burroughs Corn. 75-00
Ill. Sell Telephone Co. 11-03 Petty Cash 61-95
King Yuto :Electric 106.20 Garbage Disposal Dept. 30.59
Lock's Auto Co. 4.00 Canton Suppi,,- Co. 31-73
Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 Canton Tire <,,, Vulc. Co. 41-85
Macomb Cot-,Lnunications 50.24 Swartzbaugh A Nelson 38-19
Police Dent. 86.00 Cities Service Oil Co. 12.12
A. W. Wallace Scrv. Sta. 20.91 Cumnings A Emerson 20.09
A.C.Sheoley A Son 407.20 KcLuckiels Store 57,5
White's Book Store 5.10 International harvester Co. 107.24
$17776, Sears,loobuct Co. 16-95
FTR7 TEPT. 1" 77D: Nelvir Truwing Go. 126.00
E.D. Glazebrook, 49.82 Valley Chemical.. P-_ Solvents 799.00
III. Sell Telenhone Co. 6.60 Mach Chemical 22.80
Macomb Communications 10.00 Menke Stone x Lime Co. 525-00
Navy Drand Mfg. Co. 11j.0 $3169-13
Swart,baugh 1 Nelson .32
R. W. T,°Tallace Serv. Sta. 4 7.76
Canton Daily Ledger 19.80
Canton Supply Co. 15-46
Continental Oil Co. 205.21
Socony Mobil Oil Co. 195-30
Swartzbaugh A 41son 22-78
King Auto Electric 33-42 TOTAL $9,930.27
Ill. 3ell Telephone Co. 9.1-
Duncan Parking Keter 474-37
Hall Sign A Post Co. 92-50
Traf-O-Teria System 254-12
Sutter Moore 64.02
-7$78 775.01
City ClerK