HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-1959 Council Meeting Minutes ,15 7
Canton Cit7,r Council met in the City Council room on Feb. 17, 1959 at 7:00 Y. M.
Roll call. Present: Mayor Woods., ,'.)._derma_ Se`oree, Marti:, Lundry, 1'-11er,
Jones, Wri"ht, Turner, Shelby= J,Jrl.ght, Hoy Hill, Lester Hill, anc. Sender.
Absent: "Tone.
I',linutes of the previous meetinT were -read and anoroved to be placed on file.
A Petition for Street :Lrnnrovement -- ,east is le Street from Main Street to
Second Avenue was read. Alderman Jones moved that the Petition 'oe referred t(:)
the 'Board of Local lmnrovement a-d gis::�n nower t ) act, seconded b-/ Alderman
Shelb, Wright. Oral vote. AY'�• ?'nanimous.
Mayor Woods called. for reports of Standnrr Corroittees.
Alderman Miller callad for the read ln ; of the minutes of t'cie two nrevious Council
meetings. These were accepted to be placed on file.
'11a-,or Woods called for reports of ;Spec i_a l_ Com :ittees:
Mayor Woods called for correspondence to the Council :
Mayor Woods recommended that a siren be purchased and install d in the Police
renartment to be used as storm warning -- sug„esrted that same mic-,ht be
"= purchased f rom the Civil Defense Sur; lus. 1”!1,ierrrna-I 'C rner moved that the
Chief of Police be instructed to :purchase tI ds siren, s_conded by Alderman
Martin. Oral. vote. AY;: Inanimmous.
T'Iayor Woods recommended that the Water and Sewer and Street and Alley Com-
mittees meet and make .nquiries regardi.n Vie nri.ce of a concrete saw for
City use.
layor Woods introduced 1,1r. John Dewey V,o addressed the Council regardin=; the
"Annreciat'_on ",-leek for 77., H. C. Co" to be held the third week in May. He
asked permission for t'ne use of the Jones Park for display of -L I.C. products
of all types. Ile stated t}iat t`ie l.?1.0. wo 1_d have "oven house", conducted
tours, a banquet on the 22nd, a testimonial dinner., a dance and recognition
of outstandin ; emnloye=s. Alderman 'Turner :roved that permission be ,;ranted
for the use of Jones L'ask the third week i_„ Mai,,, seconded by Alderman Lester
?ill. Roll call vote. AYr:: Alderman ;Sender, Lester ?-rill, ,=toy Frill_, Shelby
Wrir;ht, Turner, Wm. 1,ri,,7ht, Jones, Miller, Lundry,, Martin, and Sebree. TTAY:
one. ^lotion carried.
A Resolution for the Transfer of Funds -- ,1l0,0-)n.00 from Sales 'Tax fund to
the Fire �Irotecti.on Fund; P,')5,000.00 from the .ales fax Fund to the Road and
3ridge Fund; P15,O`)0.00 from the Salc?s Tax 11�nd to the General Fund. Alderman
Lundry moved for the adoption of the .esoluti oil, sec.-nded by Alderman 'fur .er.
Roll call vote. A`7: Alderman Sebree, Bart`:), Lundry, l4iller, Jonas, tidrr..
. r Hp.l, �':)o:,.e. -.T)
otion �arr_r_ed. This
^r ;n ht R-o tT;1_1, Lester arc] B ender.,E , L,y
Resolution #241.
Alderman Jones recommended that the `Traffic Committee and the School 3oard meet
regard-:.ng parking buses on Vest 'vJalr:ut Stre it causing traffic conjection.
Alderman Sender made a motion that the 31:ild�,_nr aid Crounds Committee be allowed
to purchase two settees and two chairs fro!: thy. Andrews Furniture Store for
';,271. 2 (cost of same) plus the freight, seconded by Alderman Roy Hill. Ro_l_1
_ call vote. A71EA Alderman Bender, Lester Hi=-1, Hoy Iill, Shelb- Wright, Turner,
IY'm. ?"Iri-ht, Jones, I"Tiller, L'anCa.r. , 'Iarti�, a d Sebree. n1A`,' : .done. notion
Alderman Lester Tlill moved that t',:, Council rescind the action taken on Feb. 10
and reconsider bids on the redecorating of tr,e old library. ,otion seconded by
Alderman Lundry. Roll call. vote. A`r ,: Al.dernan Sebree, Martin, Lundry, ;liller,
Jones, S°1m, iJr:ight, `Turner, Shelby Z^1ril;lrt, ;boy 'kill, Lester Tull, and Bender.
NAY: ',one. -lotion carried. Alderman Lester 111.11 moved that t}le Council
accept the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, l'1ay-nard Irl.ohout, and that the
Mayor and City Clerk loe instructed to enter into a contract for the work, seconded
b, Alderman I,artin. Roll_ call_ vote. A`.7: 11derman L ester Hill, 7m. L�;right,
.tiller, and I,art:in. NAY: Alderman 'Sender, Roy Hill, Shelb;, i^rri=;ht, Turner,
Jones, Lundry, and Sebree. (4 Al,',;S and 7 I`TA:S: ) . Motion lost. Alderman
Lundry moved that the Council accept the S). '3. 1..therford bid, and that the
iiayor ar�d City Clerk be authoriz �d to sign a con tract with Mr. R'at',^erf ord
stating that two coats of first qual.it," paint and all other wor'> to be done
with first qualit,.- material. .?lderman h`�nder seconded this motion. Roll
call vote. r„' Alderman Sebree,
Lundr,-, Jones, Turner, Shelb Ttiri�^:'�t, Roy
"ill, and Bender. ITAT': Alderman Iartin, . iller, Idm. 1,1ri,.ht, and Lester Bill.
(7 A T`:S and �. :'AY")� or Woods cast a -,,TAY vote, thus causin- the motion
lost. Alderm n Miller moved that the Council reconsider the bids again
and take the bid of Ma�riard ':ohout as the lowest responsible bidder and i) -
struct t',-)e Tabor and Cit- Clerk to sin the contract. Mayor Woods declar d the
motion out of� or .:er. City Attorney, McI unn, recommended that IIr. Gibbons,
City 'Encinesr, assist with drawin- un rerluests for bids for redecorate::`-' the
old library.
Alderman Jones moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Bender. Oral_ vote:
(10 AYES, 1 U'll (Alderman I'Tiller) . Canton City C ,;nc .l adjourned at 9:10
A?'r,on advice of the City Attorney, Mr. I-IcMunn