HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1959 Council Meeting Minutes i! 5 r
Canton City Council. met on Feb. 3, 1;'59 at 7:00 13. 1 4. in the City Council Room.
In the absence of .°,ayor Woods, the Cit,; Clerk called the meeting to order and
stated that a motion was in order for the Council to elect a Mayor pro tem.
Alderman Lester Tull moved that Alderman Lundr;r, Chairman of t'Ze Finance Com-
mittee, be named as Ma,,or pro tern, secondec_. by Alderman Viartin. Oral vote.
A`_'L: Unanimous.
Roll call: Present: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, 1,Iiller, Jones, Turner,
Shelby Wright, Hoy ?Ii11_, Lester Hill, and Bender. Alderman Wm. Wright re-
porting at 7:35 r, 1''-1. Absent: 1.layor Woods.
Alderman Shelby Wright read the ')ills for the finance Committee and moved that
all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman
11 11er. R011 call vote. A7=- : Alderman ' e-nder, Lester Mill, Roy Hill,
Shelby Wright, Turner, Jones, Puller, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion
Alderman Martin read the bills for the Traffic Coinnittee and moved that all
balls properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Jones.
Roll call. vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Miller, Jones, Turner,
-� Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Fender. NAY: '.`lone. PTotion
Alderman Miller read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and made
a motion that all bills properly annroved b allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Piartir. Roll call_ vote. Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy
Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Jones, Miller, llartin, and Sebree. NAY: hone.
"lotion. carried.
Alderman Turner read the bills for the Street and Alley Committee and made
a motion that all. bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin,
Miller, Jones, Turner, Shelby- l,Jright, R,oy Hill, Lester ?dill, and Render. ?;AY:
None. Motion carried.
Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for the Fire, Water "x. Sewer Committee
and made a motion that all bills properly approved b� allowed for payment,
seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Fender, Lester
Hill, Roy 1111'.11, Shelby Wright, Turner, Jones, Miller, "Mart-in, and Sebree.
NAY: None. Potion carried.
Alderman Shelby Wright _read the bills for -the Printing Committee and moved
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman
Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Miller, Jones, Turner,
Shelby Wright, Roy TTill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. "lotion carried.
Alderman Bender read the bills for the '3uilding and Grounds Committee and.
made a motion that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Rq; Hill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lender, Lester Hill,
Roy `Iil_l, Shelby Wright, Turner, Jones, P.Iiller, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree.
NAY: None. 1"Iot'..on carried.
Alderman Roy Hill read the bills for the Garbage Disposal. Com mittee and made
a motion that all bills properly annroved be a lowed for pa ment, seconded
b�; Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin,
Lundry, Miller, Jones, Turner, Shelby- Wright, 1�oy' Hill, Lester Hill, and
Bender. NAY: None. 11,11otion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights :o: c,iittee and made a motion that
all bills properly ap-Droved be allowed for na;mient, seconded by Alderman
]tiller. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby
Wright, 'turner, Jones, Puller, =drSr, "artin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion
Alderman Bender made a motion that the "bids for redecorating V-le old Library=
building" be opened and read, seconded. b;r Alderman 111'_ller. Oral vote. AYE:
Unanimous. Bids read: R. B, Rutherford, 4611.58 and Maynard Kohout, $4518.00.
Alderman Turner moved that the bids be referred to the 3uilding and Grounds
Committee for consideration and report to neat Council. meeting, seconded by
Alderman tender. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
A Resolution for the Transfer of Funds -- $10,000.00 from the Parking
Meter Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund was read. Alderman Lester ?Mill
moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll
call vote. AYE. Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Turner,
Shelby Wright, Roy dill, Lester Hill., and Sender. NAY: None. Motion
carried. This being Resolution #239.
t.1-d6 o`#n BW
A Resolution for placing a Street Light at the corner of Pine and Second
Avenue was read. Alderman Jones moved for the adoption of this Resolution,
seconded by Alderman ,Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender,
Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby !^fright, Turner, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin.,
and Sebree. NAY: '':one. Motion carried. This being Resolution #240.
A Resolution for the acceptance of a Federal Grant for Sewage Treatment
Works was read. Alderman Lester Hill moved for the adoption of this Resolution,
seconded b-,, Alderman "lender. 1Coll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, iartin,
Lundry, Biller, Jones, Turner, Shelby fright, Roy Bill, Lester Hill, and
Sender. ^dAY: done. Motion carried. This being Resolution #241.
Alderman Wm. Wright rePortin( for the meet_n
A letter addressed to Mayor W. Pa,.l Woods from the Canton Kiwanis Club --
thanking the Citr officials and employees for their fine cooperation in
cleaning snow from streets during a recent storm -- was read. Alderman.
'lender made a motion that the letter be accepted and Placed on file, secon-
ded by Alderman Jones. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Turner re-
ported he had received letters from the Sherwin-Williams Co., First Christian
Church, I. H. C. Co., Kiwanis Club, Andrews Furniture Co. and the Canton
School District commending the efficient manner of removing snow. These
letters were given to the Clerk to place on file.
Alderman Sebree inquired about the "one-way" street Ordinance passed
recently. Mayor nro tem Lundr,.r stated that Mayor Woods wished to postpone
this project until the streets were cleare.i of the snow. Alderman Sender
requested a report from Chief of Police Lindzey -- and was told that the
"one-way" Ordinance caused some congestion on adjoining streets and that
the matter needed further study. Alderman lliiller moved for a delay in
carrying out the action of the Ordinance, as determined by the Council and
legal notice given, seconded b�, Alderman Turner. 'doll call vote. AYE':
Alderman '3ender, Lester Hill, Rohr Mill, Shelb;r Wright, Turner, L°1~n. Z-^right,
Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Lester "ill moved that the Council adjourn until Feb. 10, 1959 at
7:00 P. �•1., seconded by Alderman Turner. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Canton City Council adjourned at 7:50 P. M.
General: Lights:
C.I.P.S.Co. X833_.83 Lock's �`otor Co. 1_x.00
-Z,anton Clean Towel T Loc':{'s 1,uto Co. 200.00
Canton Daily Ledger 33.20 Macomb Com-nunications50.33
C.I.P.S.Co. 102.26 PZason Hardware Co. 11.75
Continental Oil Co. 137.79 TTiller *Ieters, Inc. 1.53
Martin n: Martin 11.14 Police JePt. 72.00
Mason TIardware Co. 8.53 David Settles 27.00
Nat'l. Laboratories 31.45 R. W. Wallace Serv. 15.05
Reichert Wall Paper ;tore 7.00 Whites ook Store 2.74
-349_:0LT- 57. 7-
Police Dept. :
Garbage D`,.snosal 147.89
I]_l. Fell Tel e-nhone 10.20
Hi.n.g Auto Electric 9.6j1
(=e b. 3, 159, Continued)
GE'''ERI I,: WA=R ': SL J-LR DEPT. :
General .' cct. I1_::1- '.3ell Telephone Co. 22.70
Babcock Job PrInter�r 36.00 C.I.P.S.Co. 873.44
Canton wily Ledt er 17.00 ;Mason Lardware Co. 29.47
Lee Coop 43.00 Garba�--e Disposal Dept. 40.02
Francelle Larson 30.00 S. G. Ada.is Co. 42.0
Ill. 'dell Telephone Co. 16.59 1,1hite's Book Store 11.65
Petty Cash 34.77 Petty Cash 58.95
Ernest Vernon 14.20 0. `r. Biersdorf 4.45
L. F. 1,4eller 27.00 Fullerton Lum)er Co. 20.86
White 's Oook Store (C Flirt; 2.90 I;. W. Clark Co. 248.64
White's Book Store 2 .3o James 3. Clow `- Sons 482.27
223.76-- Industrial Towel Service 6.00
Litilit�., Sales Co. 1125.18
_2u n^°� 9.55
i' r � �'�- � • • Klaus Radio F: Electric
Getz Fire Control Equip. 3.52 3i11_'s Cabinet Shop 12.00
E. D. Glazebrook 465.00 Shell Oil Co. 8.88
Ill. e]_1 Telephone Co. 7.40 Melvin Trllcking Co. 129.60
K ng ..uto L]_ectric 12.50 Chriss Chemical Co. 275.63
Macomb Communicat`ons 10.00 "'Lenke Stone I Lime Co. 270.00
Swart ba ugh .° _``elson 45.59 Cummings Emerson 3.54
R. W. ?^,'a].lace Serv. Sta. 12.4 'avy Brand nlfg. Co. 22.20
•`�'' at'l. Disinfectant Co. 174.66
GA23ACE DISPOSAL DE''T. s Garbage Disnosal Dent. 139.23
Canton Tire ': ''ulc. 15.00 �t,?7I1:39
Conti-enta]_ Oi 1 Co. 2()iL.56
D-X Sunray Oil Co. 217.00
Ill. C.11 Telenhone Co. 9.2n
Industrial Towel. Co. 9.64
:Ling Auto Electric 40.00
Peoria achine °. Parts Co. 27.77
Philli-os .Petroleum Co. 65.45
Livi o Poi--,-;ol.i lk cf 0n
Shell_ Oil Co. 343.35
A. C U. Steeple - Son ,.60
Truck Irq,,:-i_,-)ment Co. _ 15?.00
1495.59 Total '5102981.82
r r,r?m ?, F F V
"-R �� A DEIT.:
0. I?. Biersdorf 25.00
3rigg's & Idatson Ins. 197.22
Canton Supnl t r r
.. J Vo• 39.28
Canton Tire Vul.c. Co. P27.50
Cummings Emerson 3.31-1
Deck Island Sand Gravel 16.73
Elgin Sweener Co. 290.42
Ell-i otts I.achi.n.e Shop 9.41
Garbage Di_snosal_ Dent. 177.10
Higgins Oil Co. 93.58 Ge o. '-1 Iloffmar - Sons, !nC.74.80 ��C Ilolbrook Chevrolet 45.87 it,T Clerk.
International Salt Co. 318.75 /
Industrial. Towel. Service 3.24
Jarvis Weldin,7 Co. 90.62
Rol)ert h'. Jen dngs 233.65
King huto Electric
McElroy-Rol-and Iachi nery 9o.35
,Mason Hardware Co. 34.6b
Peoria "Machine Parts Co. 28.87
I Pschirrer Coal Co. 21.00
'ears, Roebuck Co. 21.95
Swartzbaugh Jelso� ,fF.10
._., i'..., u.� .a.'a.�...
Canton Dai l;.r Ledger 20.80
Duncan Parking 'Meter 478.37
Wayne r'all Sign & Posh 217.00
Ill. State Penitentiary 160.)_ 2
Jarvis Welding Co. 9.63
Mason Hardware Co. 1.1.65
Canton City C -uncil met Feb. 10, 1959, 7:13 2. I"I. in the City Council_ Room.
Roll call. Present: Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundny, :Tiller,
Wm. 1r__ °ht, Turner, Shelby :1right, y Hill-, and Lester Dill. ,1. sent:
Alderman Jones and Bender.
January cenorts of the Cite Officers were read. Alderman Lester ?gill moved
that thay be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Martin. Oral
vote. Aar : Unanimous.
11lavor 1•aoods called for reports of Standing Com mittees:
'14a,-or Woods called for reports of Special Committees:
Mayor Woods called for communications;
A letter from W. C. Klassen, Chief Sanitary Engineer and Roland R. Cross,
Director of P: bli c health regarding, the satisfactory condition of the City's
four Trailer Parks was read. Alderman Turner moved that the letter be
accented ai.ci placed on file, seconded b Alderman Shelby °Iri,;ht. Oral vote.
A`'S: Unanimous.
;aids on the old librar,,: building was the next order of business. Alderman Lester
TIM moved to accept the low bid as read at the previous council meeting and
that the FZa-\ or and City Clerk be instructed to enter into a contract with the
bidder, Maynard Flohout., seconded b-r, Alderman I.artin. Roll call vote. AYE:
Alderman Lester mill, Shelb,, Wright., Wm. ?^Irignt, !.Tiller, Lundry, and :